What is best after length routine: wrapping or edging


New member
First, I want to give praise and appreciation to @DLD and his team for this amazing vault of knowledge and resources here at matterofsize.com. The brotherly support here is amazing! I have learned so much from you guys. Thank you.

I have questions regarding post length workout routines and days off.
The last couple of weeks I have experienced that after stretching and wearing an extender my dick tends to be heavy and veiny almost the whole time from post-stretching till bedtime, if I don't wrap.

I do however wrap most of the days, and here is my first question:

When I wrap, I feel like I am restricting the natural blood flow and healing process, and I am wondering if this is counterproductive in terms of growth — if it's better to leave me dick unwrapped when it tends to be veiny and heavy? When I wrap I notice that it keeps my dick elongated, but it loses the blood flow and heaviness.

If I edge 2 - 3 times daily after stretching, I will most of the time stay 10 - 25 % hard the rest of the day — is it better to stay unwrapped in this case? Or is a combo the best solution: edging and wrapping?

My routine is : 5 min warmup - 10 min manual stretching - 4 hours in extender, now at around 1100 - 1200g pulling force. 5 days per week. I have consistently stretched since June 1 2024.

On days off from length work, what is more effective: wrapping, light extension, edging, or 100% pause? I recognize that this might be an individual thing, and I might have to experiment to find out what works best for me, however, I know there are brothers here with years of experience, and I would appreciate to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

Thanks in advance!
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I have questions regarding post length workout routines and days off.
The last couple of weeks I have experienced that after stretching and wearing an extender my dick tends to be heavy and veiny almost the whole time from post-stretching till bedtime, if I don't wrap.

I do however wrap most of the days, and here is my first question:

When I wrap, I feel like I am restricting the natural blood flow and healing process, and I am wondering if this is counterproductive in terms of growth — if it's better to leave me dick unwrapped when it tends to be veiny and heavy? When I wrap I notice that it keeps my dick elongated, but it loses the blood flow and heaviness.
When wrapping, the key ticket is to have it in a restrictive form. That means the blood flowing back into the body is around 20% to 40%. This allows the blood slow down enough to prevent the loss of valuable delivery materials from being lost, but at the same time, not allow the blood to remain stagnant and lose the valuable oxygen level from the blood, essentially starving the tissue cells and the blood cells.

This is where the wrapping must be adjusted according to your needs to slow the blood down from escaping within 5 minutes, mainly for blood clot prevention. Some like to go as long as 10 minutes. But that will also cause penile numbness and increase blood clotting factor even further. Thrombosis is a main concern.

If I edge 2 - 3 times daily after stretching, I will most of the time stay 10 - 25 % hard the rest of the day — is it better to stay unwrapped in this case? Or is a combo the best solution: edging and wrapping?
When you have time, combo is the key. The edging in between the wrapping also promotes essential blood to cycling to maximize girth and length from edging while retaining the maximized work during wrapping.