What are the greatest ways to encourage penile cell and tissue growth?

Stay healthy.
Eat proper dietary meals.
Keep good hydration all day long.
Keep well loaded with supplements and bioavailable and sustainable materials inside the body at all time. There are many posts about this. Our brother @Haursen posts are awesome at it.
Exercise, focus mainly from the obliques and abs to the feet. Lower blood flow is critical. Get rid of fat as well. Fat eats up essential sugars to fuel the cells. Strange isn't it? Fats is stored from sugars. But in reality, the body uses quite a bit of energy to convert sugars into fats. The fats are the 3rd thing the system burn on the list. Muscles is first, available sugars is second, then fats.
Keep the blood flowing.
Hey friend , could u please allaborate on what foods I should eat and what supplements I should take and what specific exercises should I do
Hey friend , could u please allaborate on what foods I should eat and what supplements I should take and what specific exercises should I do
Foods rich in iron, lycopene, proteins, amino acids, and the balance loading of vitamins. This is a load sentence, but the trick is to eat a healthy diet. Burgers, fries, pizzas, and heavily processed foods are not healthy. Fresh fruits, veggies, cooked foods from fresh ingredients, stay away from canned and box items, ease up on the sugars, and eat foods that are not rich in estrogenic ingredients.

We try to grow natural foods at home in our backyard. Tons of work, but rewarding. When I say I work in my backyard and do horticulture by jumping from tree to tree, I mean I'm doing gardening and growing trees providing edible materials, naturally. It's not about how fancy the foods look as fresh ingredients. The scarred, damaged, and weird looking plants are the ones that contain the best fresh ingredients you can get your hands on. We use these ingredients to keep ourselves healthy and promote massive cellular repairs, preventing damages, and regrowth.