Welcome to MOS, MegalaDong


Double Long Daddy, The Guru
Staff member
Super Moderator
Welcome to the Brotherhood, @MegalaDong, I am @DLD. I encourage you to get involved and start making gains by reading through these two important threads, The Newbie Routine and the SRT Routine. The goal is to create a routine, If you need help in writing a routine let me know.

Once you decide upon a routine, start a Routine and Process Log stating all your beginning measurements, your goals, your routine and any other information. This is what we encourage new members to do.

How big are you now and how big do you wanna get? We’re here to help make it happen. If you need help with anything, just ask.
“Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one’s ideas, to take a calculated risk – and to act.”
Thanks for the warm welcome guys!

You’re welcome my brother and thank you for coming out and introducing yourself. If you need any help whatsoever please just ask that’s why were here. I wish you the best in this journey!
So time for some back story. Found out about PE in January of 2017. After a ton of reading, I started my own journey. Here’s a rough summary of how it’s gone so far;

Started with JP90 routine on low and added intensity as I progressed
90 days, got a little better EQ (it was already pretty good)
Bought a size genetics, ran that and a manual routine
Increasing time/ intensity and manual
Eventually gained around 1/4” in length
Kept at it and nothing for months, changed up tried multiple different routines and gained very little.
Bought a pump and started adding it in to no avail
By years end I had netted about 3/8” total length and and picked up around an 1/8th girth.
Enter the BIB hanger
After a grueling learning curve getting it to work, Started gaining again ??
Around an 1/8” in the first month
Quickly grew tired of choking my dick for 20 minutes at a time.
Bought an autoextender hanger, well 3 actually but who’s counting.
Gained another 1/4” in length over the next 4 months or so and then it stopped. Nothing in months.
Somewhere around 12.5 lbs I max out my glans comfort and not slipping.
So I’ve been trying all sorts of different things (including searching for new forums ?)
Did a 2 month break from hanging and did a pump based girth routine with
Clamping with no results.
Total gains after 2 years solid was almost 3/4” in length and 1/4” in girth.
Which brings us to current. I recently started a bundled hanging routine after a short re- break in period. I have worked my way up to;
7.5 lbs 25 minutes bundled each way
swinging for 4 minutes left/right circles and front to back
And 25 more BTC
I then extend in the SG for 1 hour then
Strap in to a cap/ silicone sleeve stretched down the leg for 2 more hours
Then silicone sleeve
Evening SG for 1-2 hours
Sleep in a sleeve
HOPEFULLY this will start producing again! I have gained back and 1/8” BPEFL in the last few weeks. ??

With every routine I have religiously done;
A progressive approach, adding time/reps/or intensity (or combination of) with every workout
Edge after every session from 10 to 30 minutes
Taken days off 1-2 days a week (using morning EQ as my main indicator)
Ran 5-6 week routines w/ a 4-5 day break between
Kegels, revers kegels, Hindi squats

Things I’ve learned about me and extra credit from PE;
Less isn’t more, more is. I have a stubborn dick
Pumping sucks. Kills my EQ and I get edema easily
I can last a lot longer thanks to my training. Next is MMO for me.

What I have changed/ added since joining MOS;
SRT BABY! That’s where the ads is coming from and sleeping in a sleeve
Reverse kegels while stretching/hanging (makes perfect sense to me!)
I’m also trying 7 days a week (10 in a row so far, feeling fine and optimistic)
Testical Heralth Massage, so far so good, taking that one slowly
Slow Squash Jelqs

My goals are;
To have some left when she says “ just a little bit deeper” !! Guessing around 9” BPEL will be ideal for the wife.
Even out my shaft (have a reverse baseball bat) and gain some overall girth in the process.
Get a larger glans
Overall sexual health

A little about me. I’m busy like busy. I run a medium size business, married, and have 3 young kids so please don’t give me your “I don’t have time BS” I get up at 4 am to run my routine
I workout (the rest of my body ?) 5 days a week. I eat healthy but drink a little too much.

I am pumped to be a part of the brotherhood and very optimistic about what I can learn from everyone. And who knows maybe have a gem or two I can share with one of you.
Any and all ideas or suggestions are welcome, so bring it on! And thanks for the welcome.
With all your experience I’m so glad that you finally found the worlds best routine ever, SRT. It has been the answer to so many brothers prayers who have had problems gaining. It really changes the entire game and you’ll start seeing gains from places you never imagined they would happen and with the healing techniques and methodology SRT will take you to the top. Please start a routine thread so we can watch your progress.