Thanks for the welcome guys! I really am impressed of how friendly and involved everyone here is. Certainly is a nice change from most of the internet.
I've known about and dabbled with PE for quite some time, but have never really stuck to it on a regular basis. The plan is to stick with it this time with the mindset that this is a marathon, and not a sprint. Consistency really does seem to be king when it comes to making progress.
I'm currently at about 7.5" BPEL, and about 6.5" NBPEL, with around 5.5" MEG. I say about because it fluctuates a little bit depending on my EQ. If I'm at 10/10 on EQ, both of my EL's can go up by about 1/2".
My goals are to increase both of my EL's by two inches. Would like to be ~9.5 - 10" BPEL, and ~8.5 - 9" NBPEL. I'm not too worried about my girth, as right now I'm pretty happy with it, and I'm sure I will gain a little through the jelqing exercises I plan on doing. I'd be ok with that going up to 6".
And truth be told, I could care less about my flaccid measurements. I am happily married and have no need to impress anyone. I think I'm at 3-4" now, which is ok by me, so any gains here would just be icing on the cake. Just looking to gain a bigger erect penis to make more positions available. We love trying new things. (like)
The other goals I have besides being bigger would be to have a stronger erection WITHOUT adult entertainment. I can get decently hard now without, maybe an 8/10, but would love to hit that 10/10 during sex.
I'm pretty much a one and done guy, so I would also love to learn how to dry orgasm, so I can start having multiple orgasms during sex. Why should my wife have all the fun, right?
I also need to get in better shape in general. Looking to start a keto diet here soon, as I've read its good for people with epilepsy. I also need to start working out, even a basic sit-up/push-up/cardio routine would work. It would be nice to not get so winded after going really hard for a few minutes. When I do that now, I feel like I'm gonna pass out LOL. It also makes my erection go to a 5 or 6, another reason I would like to make my penis bigger
I will go over the routine I plan on following and some starting off pics when I create a journal page, which I plan on doing now.
Sorry this is so long winded, but I'm looking forward to this awesome adventure!