Welcome to MOS, Kumar from5"-5.8"


Double Long Daddy, The Guru
Staff member
Super Moderator
Welcome to the Brotherhood, @Kumar from5"-5.8", I am @DLD. I encourage you to get involved and start making gains by reading through these two important threads, The Newbie Routine and the SRT Routine. The goal is to create a routine, If you need help in writing a routine let me know.

Once you decide upon a routine, start a Routine and Process Log stating all your beginning measurements, your goals, your routine and any other information. This is what we encourage new members to do.

How big are you now and how big do you wanna get? We’re here to help make it happen. If you need help with anything, just ask.
Hi bros, I started pe before two years, did only basic jelqs and stretches for about 8 weeks and gained 0.5" in length. My initial state was 5.00"*4.5. As I used to be a chain smoker with poor diet, I couldn't continue anymore. Did it again after several months and gained. 3" in length in a couple of months. Quit again bcoz of my bad life style. Finally I have quit smoking completely before 45 days and doing PE very seriously for a week. My current stats are 5.8"-6" nbpl *4.5"girth. My goals are to reach 6.5-7" in length and 5-5.25" girth. Is it possible to achieve in a year? Atleast extra.0.5 in both length and girth?
I have done pe twice for two months and gained 0.8-0.9" in length(12 cm - 14.5cm) with very poor diet and too much of smoking. Never did consistently for more than 2 months.
Welcome aboard! A half inch gain in length or girth with consistency in training and on a guided program is not that hard to accomplish.
Thank you for your motivation. Currently I am taking l arginine 1000mg, horny goat weed with maca root 1000mg, zinc 30mg, Tribulus exact 500mg everyday and feeling great erection through the day and my libido at its peak for a week and the penis feels heavier than before. Is it OK or am I doing something too much?
Remember to cycle Maca. I can recall right now if Tribulus should be taken in cycles.
Overall I see your supplementation stack to be good!
L-Arginine I might have switched with L-Citrulline and some people might not get results from 1000mg of L-Arginine. But as you take Horny Goat weed and Maca, I think those two combined give a lot of benefits.

So, as said, Maca should be cycled, something like 3 weeks on, 1 week off. When taken constantly the energy boost and all other effects diminish.

Welcome to MoS! I suggest a progress log to make it "easier" to follow a routine.
Is it OK if I add 1000more mg of l arginine?

I wouldn't see a problem with that, dosing is always more or less personal thing.
But from what I recall, people had been doing 3000-5000mg of L-Arginine without ill effects.
It's best to increase dosage in small increments and find out the best "medium" to stay at.

I'm waiting on my Tribulus, should be good stuff.
I did write about my experience about certain supplements:
Supplements I've tried

I haven't stuck through with using Maca for enough time to really notice benefits people talk about.
I'll likely run a course of it during next year, I'm undergoing some health check ups for the moment and I'm trying to be very "natural", without much supplementation if any, a multivitamin perhaps.

As I "often" say, it's easier to add something than to substract, keep that in mind when increasing dosage of certain supplements.
Sometimes (often!) more isn't better when it comes to supplements.
Even something like Vitamin C in larger doses causes diarrhea. :geek:
the second best personal decision I've made was joining MOS...the first was quitting smoking :)

I’ve been smoke-free for two years now and I’m so happy and I do not miss it too much. LOL I still have smoking dreams where you wake up the next morning thinking I had smoked a whole pack of Pall Mall’s ? The other thing that I have been free from for five years there’s alcohol, another place in my life where I lack discipline. But being part of the brotherhood gave me the discipline I needed to quit drinking and smoking. Let me make myself clear I still drink red wine once a day and I still smoke cannabis. I keep these things in check in with great respect so I never lose the privilege of being able to partake.
I started my new routine just before a week. (did inconsistent PE now and then and gained 0.8" in length but no girth yet). This is my new routine.
Morning : (length workout)
Warm up - 10 mins
Bundled stretches - 5 mins
Tunica tugs. - 5 mins
Basic stretches(all directions as per dld's advise) - 20-30 mins
Dld blasters. - 1 set.
Slow Jelqs - 50
Warm down - 5 mins
Total time. - 90 mins

Throughout the day : (maintainance)
JAI stretches and mild dry jelqs every 1 hour or whenever I get chance. Its to keep the expansion active.

Evening : (Girth workout)

Warm up. - 5 mins
Bundled stretches - 5 mins
Tunica tugs. - 5 mins
Slow Wet jelqs. - 150
Very slow dry jelqs - 100
Edging, squeezes, ULI, SSJ, - 30 mins
Plenty of kegels throughout the session.
Going to buy a cock ring this week to maintain the girth expansion as I already see a very good expansion while semi erect.
I don't leave off days but slightly adjust or reduce the intensity based on the penis condition of that time. Am I in right path? I am aiming to gain atleast 0.3" in both length and girth in 120 days. Can I expect it or its too much?
Good looking routine to my eyes at least!

With Kegels and Reverse Kegels it's good to have a break once in a while, those muscles need their rest along with your penis.
Other than that note on my behalf you're looking golden! With no off days it's important to keep monitoring Erection Quality.
Remember, you can always add more intensity but substracting it is much harder.

Cock ring wise I suggest silicone as the main material. The selection available is huge, but several members have bought the Tantus Super Soft C ring. I actually have one too, but then again I have a bunch of cock rings ...

Best of success and happy gaining! 120 days, might be pushing it, don't get discouraged if you won't get 0.3", the gains will come. Just keep at your routine and stay focused, you can make it!
Hi seniors, help, it has been a week since I am doing the routine based on dld's advice, but only thing I did wrong was, often I missed warmup sessions bcoz of lack of privacy. What I am seeing is the expansion of girth for about 0.25 while flaccid and semi erect which goes back to its regular size when fully erected. The skin too seems to be thicker than before, I don't notice any serious pain or dots in my penis but this expansion makes me happy. What I want to know is, whether it's a positive sign or negative sign? Can anybody say whether you experienced like me, is it the sign of growth? Does it happen like this before the permanent erect girth gains? Or am I hurting my penis?
Doesn't sound like you're hurting your unit if there isn't serious pains or dots.
For growth certain discomfort can be expected.

If you're EQ is good and sessions go well, carry on, in my opinion. I'm sure you'll get more assurance soon from other members!
Seriously try to get in your warm ups in the sessions though, without warm ups damages can come easily.
I don't know which method you use, but if for some reason you can get warm up, then start slow.
"Just like" with massaging, it's essential to warm up the muscles easily before using more force.

Happy gaining!
Hi seniors, help, it has been a week since I am doing the routine based on dld's advice, but only thing I did wrong was, often I missed warmup sessions bcoz of lack of privacy. What I am seeing is the expansion of girth for about 0.25 while flaccid and semi erect which goes back to its regular size when fully erected. The skin too seems to be thicker than before, I don't notice any serious pain or dots in my penis but this expansion makes me happy. What I want to know is, whether it's a positive sign or negative sign? Can anybody say whether you experienced like me, is it the sign of growth? Does it happen like this before the permanent erect girth gains? Or am I hurting my penis?

It is hard to gauge if a routine is good based on spotting as this happens to some people with a very light routine. What I do like is seeing that you’re making temporary gains this is a very good sign and a future size that you will have if you remain consistent. In the beginning you’ll need to reach that temporary gain with each routine and eventually that will become permanent and you will be working on a new temporary gain and the process goes on. Get your progress and routine thread up and this will be a good place to start. You can base your routines on the SRT routine and the Newbie Routine.