Last night I hit the sac and put on a original blue long SiliSleeve to give an overnight a go for the first time. I have been wearing them always after hanging in the daytime for 3-4 hrs a pop and they have been working excellent to keep Willie elongated. Last night was the longest I ever wore one continuously for 8 hrs. When I got up in the morning to take a shower I removed the Silisleeve and noticed 3-4 spots around the size of a dime about a inch or two below the glans on the top of the shaft and on the sides a bit that were Puffy. "Is it normal to get these puffy spots from wearing a sleeve overnight?" I sleep on my stomach sometimes and thought maybe this caused the spots. No big deal as the spots faded away in a couple hrs. Just a curious since I have never seen these spots form before in the daytime when wearing a sleeve. Just for the hell of it today I am wearing my Silisleeve for an 8 hr test during the day to see if the spots form again. Going on 6 hrs now and all fine so far.I think it’s the way I slept last night. Any thoughts…….