Progress thread WannaGet's Progress/Accountability Log


Well-known member
Starting stats:
BPEL - 6.5"
NBPEL - 5.5"
FL - ~3.5"
BPFSL - 7"
MSFG - 4.125"
MSEG - ~4.8"

NBPEL - 7" to 7.5"
EG - 5.5"

I'm going to be using bone pressed measurements to track progress but I really only care about usable length after all is said and done. I've gained about 20lbs in the last year but I'm working on that now, so hopefully that cuts the fat pad back down because I was over 6" non bone pressed a little over a year ago and that would only make my goal easier to achieve. As it stands right now I'm looking at a final BPEL in the 8"-8.5" range as long as I don't pack on any more pounds.

My girth gets smaller the closer I measure to the tip, so I'm hoping to make it uniform down the whole shaft.

My life is pretty busy at the moment so I'm just focusing on length for now because I've read that it's harder to gain length if you go for girth first, and I don't have time to hit both at this point.

I'm basically just doing the newbie routine minus the girth section, but I'll throw in a 5x5x3 session with the bathmate every now and then to keep things interesting.

So far this week I did the routine on 2/19 and 2/20 but I doubled the bundled stretches to 10 minutes on the 20th and it seems like it did some good, I took my starting measurements Tuesday night and measured again afterward and saw my BPFSL went from 7" to 7.25" but when I did the same thing Wednesday night after the extended bundled stretch my BPFSL jumped all the way to 7.625"! Its crazy to see over a half inch difference in just the span of an hour or so! BPEL went from 6.5" to 6.75" Wednesday night too!

I know it's not advised but I think I might do post workout measurements fairly frequently because seeing that difference is a good feeling and I also want to see how much of a gap I can make between my original starting measurements and my post workout measurements. Baseline measurements will still be on a monthly basis or less, though.

I'm still inexperienced at this whole thing so if anyone has any advice to give I'm more than willing to listen! Thanks for reading and look forward to more from me.
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What a wonderful progress log, thank you for making one as this is the best introduction you can make here. A progress log helps us help you and also serves to help other people so when I see somebody do a good progress log I like to encourage them.

Bundled stretches I came out with in 2001 and they laid dormant for years until I started to do some experimenting with the tunica. I noticed what you noticed, very good temporary games. The only thing that could account for this was me adding bundled stretches before my workouts. Now bundled stretches are a major part of the SRT routine and the Newbie Routine. What are used to take months now takes weeks and things to bundle stretching.

It’s good you’re using bone pressed flaccid stretched measurements as these are the only accurate measurements you can make that will always show true gains. Non bone pressed size is all about fitness.

Nothing wrong with being inexperienced we are here to help you in every way and if you just look through the SRT thread you can learn quite a bit in a single read.
I did a length session on 2/20. I've been doing them right before bed as that's the time I'm least likely to be disturbed, but it backfired on me this time. After I got done with the stretches I laid down to kegel and do the testicle health massage, but I passed out. I ended up waking up around 4 a.m. with the lights still on and my dick in my hands LMAO. I'm sure glad I woke up before somebody walked in and saw that!

No time to do anything on 2/21 but luckily I've got the house to myself for a few hours today so I'm gonna try to squeeze in a solid length and girth session while I've got the chance. I don't want to do too much too soon but I'm thinking of adding some erect stretches in there too. I might have misunderstood but I believe that will help to close the gap between my BPEL and BPFSL. I'm also going to order some Silisleeves to wear while I sleep to get some of that sweet sweet elongated healing (like).

Thanks for reading and helping me keep at it!
LOL that would’ve been pretty embarrassing if somebody walked in on you! I’ve had it happen to me a couple times and it’s not that fun. You’re correct on the erect stretches, their sole purpose is to close that gap. Some people will also make games doing erect stretches but they usually are used for closing the gap between BPEL and BPFS.
Well, the last week has basically been a wash. Between work, spending nights with my girl, and some unexpected guests taking up the majority of my time I've only been able to get a session in three times since my last post. On the plus side I got my silisleeve order a couple days ago and I've been wearing one since I got home from work, and I'll be able to get a session in tonight before bed. I've also started trying to tackle losing some weight so I'll be on a calorie restricted diet and exercise routine for the next couple months. It's been tough trying to fit PE into my daily life but I'm hoping these silisleeves work well enough for me that I'll be able to wear them while I sleep.
I guess today is one week for me. My Son just moved back into the house with me so I will not have privacy so the temptation will not be there, praise the Lord.
Does that mean you've gone hands off (haha) with PE for the time being? I hope having him back in the house works out well for the two of you!
Does that mean you've gone hands off (haha) with PE for the time being? I hope having him back in the house works out well for the two of you!

I do not believe on hands off, my believes follows what the Bible tells me to do. I want to avoid sexual deviation or perversion. I don’t wanna lust but when I say lust it needs to be understood that looking at a woman and thinking she’s beautiful or thinking she’s hot does not mean you’re lusting, It means you’re being a normal man. We’re lust starts to become a problem is when you take it to the next level. Understand the meaning of lust before making a judgment. I do not have issues with masturbation either my issue with masturbation is the fact that you need pornography in most cases. So I would be doing something wrong by looking at pornographic material. To me what I’m trying to accomplish here is to avoid watching pornography, to avoid subjugating women and to avoid masturbation.
Okay, it's been a while since I've posted here because life got in the way and I've had practically zero privacy for quite a while so PE has been little more than a thought in the back of my mind. However, I'm on the road for work for about the next 6 months so I should have plenty of time to dedicate to PE until I'm done with this project, and in that time I'm hoping to maintain a consistent routine.

My goals and plan of attack are pretty much the same as when I started this thread, the only difference being I've since purchased a Lengthmaster. I'm really hoping it'll help with performing those manual stretches because I was having issues with getting a good grip and having my hands cramp up. I've spent the last couple weeks trying to figure out a good wrapping method so I can use the LM which has been VERY frustrating, but I think I made a breakthrough tonight so I decided to start up this log again in hope of keeping track of the work I put in and keeping myself accountable to you all as a form of motivation, haha!

I had a decent newbie routine length session tonight along with doing some pelvic floor exercises throughout the day and other bells and whistles too. Warm up, some good bundled stretches, warm down, testicle health massage and some post routine chilling in the silisleeve and cap to keep myself in a slightly extended state. I doubt my stats have changed much but I'm going to throw up some new baseline measurements tomorrow after work to know where I stand. I'd do them tonight but I have to be up in about 4 hours so it's gonna have to wait :sleep:.
Wrapping can be very frustrating but it is so worth the effort. When I first started to LM I could not handle weight of more than 5 pounds hanging without excruciating pinching. I tried so many different methods and everything cause pain. Eventually I figured out that the pain came from not wrapping smoothly enough. If there was the smallest crease or fold in the wrap the pain would be unbelievable. Once I learned to wrap with perfection I was able to handle 70 pounds of weight for sets!
Well I'm not sure if I got it right by sheer luck or I just don't remember how I did it but I haven't gotten myself wrapped comfortably since the other day. I've still been doing the newbie routine just probably not with as much force as I should be able to manage because of the wrap issue.

I didn't do any PE today because I've got some subtle discoloration on about half my glans from stretching yesterday. I think my LM was slipping but I'd already had to stop to rewrap once or twice and I just wanted to keep going. It was mildly uncomfortable and after I finished up and took everything off I noticed some swelling in tip of my hog and just under the glans what I imagine are a couple of blood vessels had swelled like crazy. I tried working the affected area into the testicle health massage but I ended up passing out before I could work on it for very long. It's been about 24 hours and the swelling is gone but the discoloration is still there. I'm not super worried about it but my girl is coming to visit in a few days and I don't want my dick to look like I've been trying to get the money it owes me by force when she shows up.

I'll try to work on getting a good wrap again tomorrow I guess and try to figure out how I can avoid any more cosmetic defects.

Oh yeah, I did say I'd take some more measurements:

BPEL: 6.875"
NBPEL: 5.625"
Base: 5.125"
Mid: 4.875"
Tip: 4.75"
BPFSL: 7.56"
What do you think is causing the discoloration? If we could narrow that down we could eliminate most of this issue. Preventative maintenance is a very smart thing as far as discoloration goes. You can treat it in 3 definitive ways, one is using the Apple cider vinegar next using @filmfreak method and the last is the MOSRed. The MOS Red is the best way to go as it plays many roles in what you’re doing. First it will prevent any new discoloration and eliminate and existing discoloring, it will build Collagen giving a more plump and healthy look, when using the lamp while you’re training it makes the work out much better in the sense that loosens up the tissue and makes everything much more malleable.
The only think I can think is maybe I trapped some blood in when I strapped in to the LM and it caused some extra pressure in the head. I don't know if that would've caused it but it's the only thing I can think of. I didn't masturbate before that session like I normally do so it wasn't quite as malleable as usual.

I'll probably pick up some apple cider vinegar and some hydrocortisone cream today to treat the discoloration and a small spot on the underside of my penis which feels like a tear or just a raw spot. That spot, or at least ones like it have been a recurring problem that I've noticed for the last few months so I'd like to fix that issue too.

No work done last night but I'll have time to get some in today for sure.
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That’s a good plan I would also pick up a tube of bacitracin which would be for any sores or cuts you may incur.
Good call, I did end up grabbing a tube of that too.

Got another session in last night. I still haven't been able to get a wrap going where I can pull full force on the LM but I'm getting better at it slowly but surely. I ended up doing the first two sets bundled. One set to the right and one to the left, then I did my last set normally. Not sure how that'll work out but I figure the more time spent stretching the tunica the better.

I've keep forgetting to do the kegeling throughout the day so I need to focus more on that but I think overall I'm doing pretty well.
Good call, I did end up grabbing a tube of that too.

Got another session in last night. I still haven't been able to get a wrap going where I can pull full force on the LM but I'm getting better at it slowly but surely. I ended up doing the first two sets bundled. One set to the right and one to the left, then I did my last set normally. Not sure how that'll work out but I figure the more time spent stretching the tunica the better.

I've keep forgetting to do the kegeling throughout the day so I need to focus more on that but I think overall I'm doing pretty well.

That’s great and keep working on your raft until you get it perfect. And it’s smart to take it slow and steady until you completely master the LM. Just remember that if you kegel enough, eventually you’ll be doing it all day long subconsciously.
Haven't been keeping up with thing the last couple weeks. I moved on the 17th and had my girlfriend in town for a few days and since then I've been working twelve hour shifts overnight so I don't have much free time outside of work where I'm not asleep but I woke up early today and got some good stretching in. I'm going to keep trying to squeeze some more work in with the little time I have until work goes back to normal so wish me luck!
Haven't been keeping up with thing the last couple weeks. I moved on the 17th and had my girlfriend in town for a few days and since then I've been working twelve hour shifts overnight so I don't have much free time outside of work where I'm not asleep but I woke up early today and got some good stretching in. I'm going to keep trying to squeeze some more work in with the little time I have until work goes back to normal so wish me luck!

Are you only interested in length right now or both length and girth? Let me know and I can put a routine together for you that’s very stealth and very quick but will give you good results
I managed to find my old progress log and it's interesting to look back and read about what I was doing during those times. Looking at the couple sets of measurements I posted here is surprising, because I took some more the other day and all my numbers have gone up despite the fact that I've never been consistent with PE for longer than a few weeks as far as I remember and I haven't done any in over a year.

I did have a length/girth routine going for a while last winter which I think was the newbie length routine using the lengthmaster, and adding some bundled stretches. I know I tried doing some hanging too along with basically tying off the LM to my computer desk while I was using the computer, kinda like hanging but without a weight, just to keep a constant stretch going. For girth I think it was just the 5x5x3 routine with the bathmate x30. I feel like I always got bad fluid retention with that routine, and unlike seemingly everyone else's experience, the SSJ seemed to be causing the majority of it, worse than pumping alone.

I'm hoping that bumping this and getting on here as often as I have been will keep me motivated and engaged until life settles down and I can start a routine again.

New measurements (as of two or three weeks ago):

BPEL - 17.9cm (7.05")
NBPEL - 14.6cm (5.75")
FL - 9.5cm (3.74")
BPFSL - 19.4cm (7.64")
MSFG - 11.8cm (4.65")
MSEG - 12.5cm (4.92")
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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