Tried 20:4 diet?

I'm starting to get more fat om my belly now, I believe it's because mentally I now want to lift heavy weights again.
But in a way it's good because it's getting colder outside now, I was so cold before (not me at all) now my body temperature is much better (feeling of not being cold). To have like 15% body fat is so hard to do, for me it feels like I'm running on low energy. But I do not like it either to have to much fat inside my body, that is not healthy at all. I should measure myself with, InBody270 before I make a to big change in my body composition.

But I will do my best to keep this diet in check. My goal now, is to get stronger on this diet. Before I drank Whey-80 (3 shakes per day) and milk (like 3 liters per day), I do not want to do this now, even when I know that milk are making me strong. But the risk of looking like a strongman is to great....but I do not think I have a choice. 😆
If you lift heavy weight you will start to look like a strongman.

But it's just that, it's so wonderful to be extremely flexible in your mid section. When you have thick abdominal obliques it's much harder to be flexible, but you will be strong like a Gorilla, and clothing will not fit you. A shirt of 3XL will even be to small, because the buttons will not hold themselves together.

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LengthMaster 3.0, Eggs and meat are so amazing of keeping you strong. I think I ate 18 eggs on Sunday. That was to much.
I suppose I just wanted to share my experience on this diet. We call this the meat and egg diet, with a 20:4 component (fasting 20 hours and eating 4 hours). Oh man I'm sick and tired on this food, but I have to admit this diet are keeping me relatively lean and strong at the same time. I can have like 3 weeks rest from the gym, and In some strange way I'm still strong.

My diet is almost like yours now. Just yesterday, I reduced the carbs and upped the eggs from 7 to 14. I've been going to the gym 5 days a week. I train my muscles 3 days a week. I use the remaining 2 days to train my legs and then I rest Saturday and Sunday. Is this good?
Are you still very active with this practice? I've managed to increase my egg consumption to 14 daily like @squirt_inducer_man but I still don't know how to really calculate the calories
Still active with it. It's nice to not eat anything during the day. Most days I eat, 7 to 10 eggs, I do not calculate anything.

My diet is almost like yours now. Just yesterday, I reduced the carbs and upped the eggs from 7 to 14. I've been going to the gym 5 days a week. I train my muscles 3 days a week. I use the remaining 2 days to train my legs and then I rest Saturday and Sunday. Is this good?
The most important aspect of loosing fat is diet. It's 90% of the process.

Depending on what you do at the gym this can be to much. It feels like you are keeping a bodybuilding schedule.

Personally that do not work for me, I need at least 48 hours between my heavy weight lifting days. But I use my entire body in every lift I do (or at least lift really heavy). If you do this you will maximize development of muscle mass growth. It's no reason trying to keep up with drugged up lifters, doing 7 days a week and 4 hours every day. Your body will not be able to get stronger from that being 100% natural. When I was at my strongest I was lifting weights 1-2 times per week.

It all depends on your goals an purpose from going to the gym.

I'm doing the Mike Mentzer approach. Lifting weights is as important as the rest time to build everything up.

Are you doing any cardio? Even if this will not be a determined factor to loses weight, and build muscles. With a stronger heart our muscles and our entire body becomes stronger. With a stronger heart you can lift heavier weights.
I broke as a joke so I just can't afford it 😔
Still active with it. It's nice to not eat anything during the day. Most days I eat, 7 to 10 eggs, I do not calculate anything.

The most important aspect of loosing fat is diet. It's 90% of the process.

Depending on what you do at the gym this can be to much. It feels like you are keeping a bodybuilding schedule.

Personally that do not work for me, I need at least 48 hours between my heavy weight lifting days. But I use my entire body in every lift I do (or at least lift really heavy). If you do this you will maximize development of muscle mass growth. It's no reason trying to keep up with drugged up lifters, doing 7 days a week and 4 hours every day. Your body will not be able to get stronger from that being 100% natural. When I was at my strongest I was lifting weights 1-2 times per week.

It all depends on your goals an purpose from going to the gym.

I'm doing the Mike Mentzer approach. Lifting weights is as important as the rest time to build everything up.

Are you doing any cardio? Even if this will not be a determined factor to loses weight, and build muscles. With a stronger heart our muscles and our entire body becomes stronger. With a stronger heart you can lift heavier weights.
There are a couple things I would like to talk about here.

The first thing is the idea of overtraining. Most beginners they get told not to overtrain, they get told to prioritise recovery and all this and to not do too much, when in reality the truth is that almost no beginner is doing enough training with the proper form in order to get anywhere close to overtraining.

I've heard you talk about the Mike Mentzer approach to lifting and I'm going to be honest and tell you that this is not a great way of training for hypertrophy OR strength gains. I'll explain why.
  • Research has concluded that total volume is important when it comes to muscle growth, when you train the Mike Mentzer style you are limiting the amount of total volume you can achieve by only having as little as 2 days to train it for each muscle group.
  • Another thing is that training to failure in the way that Mike preaches will accumulate a massive amount of systemic fatigue that will then make it even more difficult to recover from the training that you are doing, training to failure often/all the time will wear out your CNS and make things even more difficult.
  • Another point is that muscle recovery take nowhere near as long as people in the old school era preached. Yes different people can recover in different time periods, for example I can train legs every 2 days and be fine, others can't. But do you have to wait as long as a week to be recovered before training them again? Absolutely not, even though the legs are very big, especially the quads, they do not take this long to recover from. It's been shown actually in some studies that it takes 48-72 hours to recover no matter how much volume way used in any given session.
  • Research has shown that greater frequency equated to greater muscle growth in the long run, frequency is key. One guy might train back once per week, the guy training it twice is gonna see better results.

@huge-girth said that he's training 5 days a week, he can make even more gains if he trains 6 even as a natural so long as he is on a good program with the right total volume and recovery periodization that I can help him with if he ever wants me to.
He could do:

Repeat and rest or

Chest Arms
Shoulders Back
Repeat and rest

Both of these are 6 day programs that MILLIONS of natural lifters(including myself) have been using for years and are seeing tremendous results with. If volume and intensity are accounted for then training more often can be better for growth.

That's not to say that you can't train as little as twice per week and make gains. The accepted number of sets per week that any muscle group can handle is around 15-20 sets per week, some muscle groups can take more, for example the delts. Because the delts have so many androgen receptors they can recover at a rapid pace compered to other muscle groups like the quads which are just so damn big.

I could drone on forever with this but you get the idea. Hope this helps.
There are a couple things I would like to talk about here.

The first thing is the idea of overtraining. Most beginners they get told not to overtrain, they get told to prioritise recovery and all this and to not do too much, when in reality the truth is that almost no beginner is doing enough training with the proper form in order to get anywhere close to overtraining.

I've heard you talk about the Mike Mentzer approach to lifting and I'm going to be honest and tell you that this is not a great way of training for hypertrophy OR strength gains. I'll explain why.
  • Research has concluded that total volume is important when it comes to muscle growth, when you train the Mike Mentzer style you are limiting the amount of total volume you can achieve by only having as little as 2 days to train it for each muscle group.
  • Another thing is that training to failure in the way that Mike preaches will accumulate a massive amount of systemic fatigue that will then make it even more difficult to recover from the training that you are doing, training to failure often/all the time will wear out your CNS and make things even more difficult.
  • Another point is that muscle recovery take nowhere near as long as people in the old school era preached. Yes different people can recover in different time periods, for example I can train legs every 2 days and be fine, others can't. But do you have to wait as long as a week to be recovered before training them again? Absolutely not, even though the legs are very big, especially the quads, they do not take this long to recover from. It's been shown actually in some studies that it takes 48-72 hours to recover no matter how much volume way used in any given session.
  • Research has shown that greater frequency equated to greater muscle growth in the long run, frequency is key. One guy might train back once per week, the guy training it twice is gonna see better results.

@huge-girth said that he's training 5 days a week, he can make even more gains if he trains 6 even as a natural so long as he is on a good program with the right total volume and recovery periodization that I can help him with if he ever wants me to.
He could do:

Repeat and rest or

Chest Arms
Shoulders Back
Repeat and rest

Both of these are 6 day programs that MILLIONS of natural lifters(including myself) have been using for years and are seeing tremendous results with. If volume and intensity are accounted for then training more often can be better for growth.

That's not to say that you can't train as little as twice per week and make gains. The accepted number of sets per week that any muscle group can handle is around 15-20 sets per week, some muscle groups can take more, for example the delts. Because the delts have so many androgen receptors they can recover at a rapid pace compered to other muscle groups like the quads which are just so damn big.

I could drone on forever with this but you get the idea. Hope this helps.
I just want to say that I agree with most of what you wrote. I just have a different system that works for me. It's not exactly like Mike Mentzer. I will try to explain it in details sometimes later on. It's a extremely structured system where I write every exercise and set down in a notebook. I go to failure, but not the typical kind of failure that's most common in bodybuilding.
I work with different kind of weights and intensity in order to become stronger. For example, walking around with a 60 kg slam-ball (no belt), doing 80 kg one armed dumbbell pulls (no belt), pulling 190 kg in deadlift without a belt (can go up to 200 kg without a belt)...this are the kind of structure I'm talking about. Doing 5 sets of for example dumbbell row of heavy weights really put stress on your body (your entire body), and in a sense this is my definition of going to failure. It's a combination of strongman, power lifting and bodybuilding... so I do not care so much about working one and one muscle group...everything gets stronger with time.

I lost like 30 kg during this year after finding MOS and starting on my length it's tough to lose so much mass and become weaker...but I'm still strong. But one thing is at least clear. My penis is much bigger now.
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I am still doing this diet. But due to work It has been hard to be 100% strict. There are cakes and gingerbread. But no worries.

It's a big change from one year ago. Running is easy now when my muscle mass is lower, and my fat % is lower. I'm more flexible as well without those bulky muscles. Due to my big external obliques I was really inflexible as well, and I walked around like a gorilla.

I would not have been able to do Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches on my knees, as easy if my external obliques was as big as they where, when I started penis enlargement here at MOS.
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Diet looks good. Eggs are one of the main sources of protein. Very good for you. Only thing I could say to add would be some fruits. Maybe some honey pre workout.
Diet looks good. Eggs are one of the main sources of protein. Very good for you. Only thing I could say to add would be some fruits. Maybe some honey pre workout.
I don't want excess sugar. I do not believe fruits are good for you in the regard, that consumption will boost the secretion of insulin. Can't be good for you? Isn't it better to have a stable level of secretion of insulin? There are research on this. And to much sugar intake is not good.

Diabetes and sugar intake: What is the link?
Tips for consuming sugar
The American Heart Association (AHA) recommendsTrusted Source the following maximum daily intakes of any type of added sugar:

For males 9 teaspoons or 36 g or 150 calories
For females 6 teaspoons or 25 g or 100 calories
One gram of sugar provides 4 caloriesTrusted Source. If a product contains 15 grams of sugar, it will provide 60 calories.

The World Health Organization recommends aiming for sugar to provide less than 10% Trusted Source of daily total calories.

For example in one medium size banana there is 14 grams of fructose sugar. If you eat 3 banana you will be at 42 grams of sugar.
I don't want excess sugar. I do not believe fruits are good for you in the regard, that consumption will boost the secretion of insulin. Can't be good for you? Isn't it better to have a stable level of secretion of insulin? There are research on this. And to much sugar intake is not good.

Diabetes and sugar intake: What is the link?

For example in one medium size banana there is 14 grams of fructose sugar. If you eat 3 banana you will be at 42 grams of sugar.

Too much of anything can be bad. You have to have it in moderation. Sugar from fruit is natural and not refined. Natural sugar from fruit is digested slower and keeps the metabolism stable. Most fruits have low to medium glycaemic index, so they do not lead to a sharp rise in your blood glucose levels compared to other carbohydrate-containing foods.
I don't want excess sugar. I do not believe fruits are good for you in the regard, that consumption will boost the secretion of insulin. Can't be good for you? Isn't it better to have a stable level of secretion of insulin? There are research on this. And to much sugar intake is not good.

Diabetes and sugar intake: What is the link?

For example in one medium size banana there is 14 grams of fructose sugar. If you eat 3 banana you will be at 42 grams of sugar.
Very incorrect point. Ask yourself this question "do people get ill, fat and die young because of fruit consumption?".

First things first, sugar is not the enemy, you can eat high carb diet easily without ever having risk of diabetes so long as you aren't in exc3ess with your calories and are active and have muscle tissue to use as a glucose disposal site.

Second, sugar is glucose, every carbohydrate in the world will eventually be broken down into glucose and will cause the secretion of insulin. So to say that you don't want sugar would mean that you would cut out all carbohydrates completely and eat a 0 carb ketogenic diet which itself is not good for health.

Third, fruit contain a lot of fibre which has been shown in research to reduce glucose spike following eating, fibre also has been shown to reduce all cause mortality.

Sugar isn't bad. This is not true and I feel very angry at the people on the internet(primarily Instagram) that have been spreading this false information about sugar.
I’m about to get back into it after 4 months eating whatever I want, when I want.
My view is calories are calories at the end of the day and the way in which you consume them is all goal dependent.

I am a big fan of fasting, high protein low carb diet, it’s worked well for me for 25 odd yrs.
I’m 45 now and know I can be ripped, not big, but lean, in 3 months easy.

Zero processed foods be it take out, jars tins or packets.

All natural just keep it clean!

Talking macro’s though is a step too far for me😂
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I'm on a beefaroni diet. Can't afford good food. I really hate what Biden has done. I can't afford anything!
Coincidentally I am on Day 4 of a 5 day fast. My last meal was Sunday evening. Tuesday was rough but now the hunger is pretty much gone. I am doing a detox regiment too, and am taking in 100 calories a day from bone broth. (I know it is not a "pure" fast if anyone out there wants to complain), but I want to have a minor amount of protein and fat consumption to not lose too much muscle.

This time was much easier vs just a water fast. I used to do those once a year but have not done one in about 8 years. I am down 8 lbs. as of this morning. Strange thing is the herbal detox makes me want to rip my desk apart. Haha! Dang cellcore.

I am already prepping my bone broth veggie soup for tomorrow evening! Should be down 10 lbs. to 190 or less by Saturday morning.
Very incorrect point. Ask yourself this question "do people get ill, fat and die young because of fruit consumption?".

First things first, sugar is not the enemy, you can eat high carb diet easily without ever having risk of diabetes so long as you aren't in exc3ess with your calories and are active and have muscle tissue to use as a glucose disposal site.

Second, sugar is glucose, every carbohydrate in the world will eventually be broken down into glucose and will cause the secretion of insulin. So to say that you don't want sugar would mean that you would cut out all carbohydrates completely and eat a 0 carb ketogenic diet which itself is not good for health.

Third, fruit contain a lot of fibre which has been shown in research to reduce glucose spike following eating, fibre also has been shown to reduce all cause mortality.

Sugar isn't bad. This is not true and I feel very angry at the people on the internet(primarily Instagram) that have been spreading this false information about sugar.
Just relax. I just tell what have been working for me.
20:4 diet have been wonderful for me. Meat, eggs no bread, greens and tubers. I know all about what you are saying. I'm not here to argue. Getting angry doesn't solve anything.
Just relax. I just tell what have been working for me.
20:4 diet have been wonderful for me. Meat, eggs no bread, greens and tubers. I know all about what you are saying. I'm not here to argue. Getting angry doesn't solve anything.
My apologise SIM, I didn't mean to sound so abrasive. Will work on my wording next time round, hope I didn't offend anyone.
I don't know how's everyone here going through this diet method for ultra long fasting rather intermittent fasting. My wife and her friends tried this and various other and their weights rebounded and exceeded their old weights by a mile.

Critical keys to know:
Too long of a fast and forcing your body into ketosis from not enough carbs will slowly wear your liver, kidneys, and colon away. Take it from a person that logs medical journals from doers for decades.

Too little carbs to ensure proper brain functions can induce faster onset of Alzheimer's diseases. This is proven.

Too much fats and proteins in the diets long terms can significantly reduce your lifestyles and life functions. If you want to discuss based on medical journal publishing, we can go into details. Same for too much carbs.

It's about a balance diet and the self discipline of an active lifestyle. You body will thank you for it.
I don't know how's everyone here going through this diet method for ultra long fasting rather intermittent fasting. My wife and her friends tried this and various other and their weights rebounded and exceeded their old weights by a mile.

Critical keys to know:
Too long of a fast and forcing your body into ketosis from not enough carbs will slowly wear your liver, kidneys, and colon away. Take it from a person that logs medical journals from doers for decades.

Too little carbs to ensure proper brain functions can induce faster onset of Alzheimer's diseases. This is proven.

Too much fats and proteins in the diets long terms can significantly reduce your lifestyles and life functions. If you want to discuss based on medical journal publishing, we can go into details. Same for too much carbs.

It's about a balance diet and the self discipline of an active lifestyle. You body will thank you for it.
Good shit!
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This thread are supposed to be about intermittent fasting, and not about starving your body to death. 💀

I created this thread in order to share what is working (and have been working) for me in regards to changing my body composition. If you look at my first broomstick video, you will see a big strongman belly, you can't see that belly in my newest videos.
I do not react that good to consuming bread. When I eat bread my belly grow. Eating potatoes are much better for my body. I feel better if I reduce my bread intake. But I eat bread sometimes.

I grew over 3 Inches in length (BPEL) with this 20:4 diet. So it's not garbage. I have kept my body in an optimal state for penis growth for over a year now. I have also been able to keep my strength with this diet. But I have to confess that I have lost hand strength now, when I do not use my LengthMaster 3. This diet is still working...I have already grew some substantial amount in girth as well. I do not consume alcohol.

The key is to eat good nutritious food when you are eating, do not eat garbage. This diet is not about starving your body from carbohydrates or
nutrients, you need carbohydrates for your brain power. Neurons ("brain cells") can't store glucose and they need a stable supply of it to work optimally. But there are also other systems in the body that work in order to stabilize the blood sugar. I can go without food for a long time, without becoming tired. I feel more focused when I eat less food during the day.

I eat a lot of carbohydrates, but I do my best to restrict them from not being highly processed.
I probably was not clear about this in the beginning of this thread. When you write it is hard sometimes to cover all angles of a topic, in order to lay it all out so it will not be misinterpreted from others.
When you write it is hard sometimes to cover all angles of a topic, in order to lay it all out so it will not be misinterpreted from others.

Exactly just that. When we discuss a topic, it's hard to cover all angles to ensure everyone's comprehension of the methodology, interactions, and results to establish and fulfill a set goal. We have many objectives and milestones along the way, and explain them all can be a pain in the rear. This is why I always use the "If you want to discuss XX, we can go into further details."

Overall, I'm impressed you can carry the method for so long without any internal adverses. My wife and her friends tried the same method for a good 4 months, reached ketosis at multiple points, causing them to go a bit crazy at times, and their cheat days were not helping the entire process as well. They then switched to a 16:8 with practically 2g of carbs, and in less than 2 months, went back to "See foods diet" mode. SMH. If it's working for you and other brothers, I truly encourage it. Why? It mirorrs the hunters' diet back in the ancient days. They eat when they rest after long battles or hunting trips. They gorged on fat-dense foods and sufficient carbs to get them to the next days.
Exactly just that. When we discuss a topic, it's hard to cover all angles to ensure everyone's comprehension of the methodology, interactions, and results to establish and fulfill a set goal. We have many objectives and milestones along the way, and explain them all can be a pain in the rear. This is why I always use the "If you want to discuss XX, we can go into further details."

Overall, I'm impressed you can carry the method for so long without any internal adverses. My wife and her friends tried the same method for a good 4 months, reached ketosis at multiple points, causing them to go a bit crazy at times, and their cheat days were not helping the entire process as well. They then switched to a 16:8 with practically 2g of carbs, and in less than 2 months, went back to "See foods diet" mode. SMH. If it's working for you and other brothers, I truly encourage it. Why? It mirorrs the hunters' diet back in the ancient days. They eat when they rest after long battles or hunting trips. They gorged on fat-dense foods and sufficient carbs to get them to the next days.
Thanks for posting this, you validated everything I was saying about discussions, and the problem in describing everything perfectly. We have all our own perception of reality, so it's hard to cover all angles so everything will be interpreted as you intended it to.

Maybe I can do this because of my strict mindset. When I was at my biggest, I only ate to fuel my body (to grow muscles), I didn't eat because it tasted good. The simplest food taste so good to me. My favorite meal are "Blodpudding". But due to the high iron content I do not eat it a lot. But when I do eat it, it's a feast.

Picure: Blodpudding.

For me, eating meat and animal protein have been important for this diet. I wouldn't be able to survive If I didn't get meat on this diet.
The hunters diet was a good analogy. I also think it helps that I have a occupation where I constantly are on my feet.
We also now only have only 30 minutes of break during work. So time is limited.
Ah, blood cake/sausage (aka blodpudding). Used to eat that with soups and stuffed French baguettes. It is very nutritious and definitely an acquired taste. I hear you about shoving down just the nutrients sufficiently for the body to grow. You're following the method used by Momofuku Ando, who practically owned 60% of the world's instant noodles and ate only 1 to 2 meals a day. Each meal consists of 3 tablespoons of ultra-dense, ultra-rich proteins, amino acids, and complex carbs to keep him going for the entire day. To him, it was not about taste. It was about the essentiality of livelihood. He was a few years shy of being a centenarian.

Just like you, I also tried this method, which was achieved and sustainable when I was in survival mode training for 3 decades. I leaned my body way too much, reduced my fat content down to 8%, and packed full of muscles for survival mode functions, causing my body to ache like mad. I eased out now. I am very proud of you for using this method for PE. It's practically Spartan mode. I'm not sure how things function at the molecular and biochemical levels in terms of PE. You also use the MOS Red light therapy, which also sparks various cellular and molecular functions that normal diets and exercises don't work. For those who want to truly test this Spartan process while focusing on PE, we can form an experimental group for MOS. You have the longest experience in PE, while I have a similar experience in survival mode. I hope we can assist others to in achieving their goals while creating a new health-wise revelation method.

My wife is currently testing the full body red light therapy right now using high doses of collagen supplements (like what I normally use) with red light therapy while pulling her away from Botox and poisonous injections. Too many journeys to travel and not enough time and cloned bodies to experience the journey with.
Ah, blood cake/sausage (aka blodpudding). Used to eat that with soups and stuffed French baguettes. It is very nutritious and definitely an acquired taste. I hear you about shoving down just the nutrients sufficiently for the body to grow. You're following the method used by Momofuku Ando, who practically owned 60% of the world's instant noodles and ate only 1 to 2 meals a day. Each meal consists of 3 tablespoons of ultra-dense, ultra-rich proteins, amino acids, and complex carbs to keep him going for the entire day. To him, it was not about taste. It was about the essentiality of livelihood. He was a few years shy of being a centenarian.

Just like you, I also tried this method, which was achieved and sustainable when I was in survival mode training for 3 decades. I leaned my body way too much, reduced my fat content down to 8%, and packed full of muscles for survival mode functions, causing my body to ache like mad. I eased out now. I am very proud of you for using this method for PE. It's practically Spartan mode. I'm not sure how things function at the molecular and biochemical levels in terms of PE. You also use the MOS Red light therapy, which also sparks various cellular and molecular functions that normal diets and exercises don't work. For those who want to truly test this Spartan process while focusing on PE, we can form an experimental group for MOS. You have the longest experience in PE, while I have a similar experience in survival mode. I hope we can assist others to in achieving their goals while creating a new health-wise revelation method.

My wife is currently testing the full body red light therapy right now using high doses of collagen supplements (like what I normally use) with red light therapy while pulling her away from Botox and poisonous injections. Too many journeys to travel and not enough time and cloned bodies to experience the journey with.
Very interesting.
But I do not believe collagen supplements will work. If I'm not incorrect the only way to boost the collagen production as we get older (and get less production) is with light therapy like the one you can find in MOS RED. So collagen supplements may be a waste of money. Like putting money into the dark deep money pit 🕳

I do not think I would have gowned as fast as I did without MOS RED. I was able to keep the discoloration at bay in my glans with MOS RED (Stretching with LengthMaster 3). If I would not have been using it, I would have been forced to more rest days and probably slower length gains. I could not really afford It, but I knew if I got rid of the discoloration faster I would be able to grow faster. I only had 1 year to do it, so I had no choice.
Red light therapy is indeed a splendid approach to keeping the skin beautiful. It's been a hot topic since 2009 after a string of bad reviews on UV therapies for specific treatments and skin cancers. Too much of any good thing can screw you, regardless of the intention. By the way, the MOS Red specs has irradiance at >100mW/cm2 at 6-inch away. Has it been measured at 12-inch and 24-inch away with a solar meter or photospectrometer?

The reason I ask is the specific requirements for stimulating collagen production or cellular regeneration at the optimum level with specific doses. We've studied and tested the collagen production in specific areas and the red light therapy has an odd requirement for each area based on what you're planning to achieve. I saw some posts indicating you've sat between 6 to 12 inches away. Just out of curiosity, how much exposure time did you use for the power density?
Red light therapy is indeed a splendid approach to keeping the skin beautiful. It's been a hot topic since 2009 after a string of bad reviews on UV therapies for specific treatments and skin cancers. Too much of any good thing can screw you, regardless of the intention. By the way, the MOS Red specs has irradiance at >100mW/cm2 at 6-inch away. Has it been measured at 12-inch and 24-inch away with a solar meter or photospectrometer?

The reason I ask is the specific requirements for stimulating collagen production or cellular regeneration at the optimum level with specific doses. We've studied and tested the collagen production in specific areas and the red light therapy has an odd requirement for each area based on what you're planning to achieve. I saw some posts indicating you've sat between 6 to 12 inches away. Just out of curiosity, how much exposure time did you use for the power density?
15 min after each session (2 times per day max).
Sometimes I only did one 30 min treatment.

I sit close to it. For me it works.
Interesting. We use the BioMax 900 full body panel, full spectrums, roughly around 55mW/cm2, for 8 minutes to achieve full body wellness while switching it to 81mW/cm2 in burst mode for 5 minutes for optimal collagen production for facial and head follicles. Works so far for females and for my son's facial abrasions from his accident. You know, this might a great discussion for those who have MOS Red since I couldn't find the full How-To for the unit.
Interesting. We use the BioMax 900 full body panel, full spectrums, roughly around 55mW/cm2, for 8 minutes to achieve full body wellness while switching it to 81mW/cm2 in burst mode for 5 minutes for optimal collagen production for facial and head follicles. Works so far for females and for my son's facial abrasions from his accident. You know, this might a great discussion for those who have MOS Red since I couldn't find the full How-To for the unit.
Okay! A guide in how to use MOSRED. I thought the information on MOS SHOP was enough.
But I can write something up.

A full body panel would be awesome, but I do not have the space or the budget to put money on that.
The reason why is we want to mirror your growth rate to see if it's individual-base or if it can be optimally used by anyone through verification processes. Sciences are fickle mistresses.

Oh, by the way, I believe someone may need to perform a bit of an edit on the instruction for MOSRed. Why? Conflicting info. This is why I want a vet in MOS writes an effective How-To from experience to optimize the entire process.

Wait at least 6 hours and use one more time in RED & NIR mode for 10-15 minutes.Do not use more than two times in a 24 hour period.
For Problematic areas, you can use MOSRED for 12 minutes every 4 hours.
Do not use more than three times in a 24 hour period or longer than the recommended time or it will counteract the healing process.

The reason why pointed out these figures and measurement is because red light has been extensively studied and tried upon. The amount of exposure times and power density tend to cause me to flag statements left and right to protect the health of the users. Any in-depth info will benefit all of us greatly.
The reason why is we want to mirror your growth rate to see if it's individual-base or if it can be optimally used by anyone through verification processes. Sciences are fickle mistresses.
@TWIST&PULL are growing at a high rate as well, so I do not believe people that are growing their penis fast are super-humans.
I believe it's about the programming (active and passive Penis Enlargement). @TWIST&PULL are mirroring what I did.

@DLD came up with, Behind The Cheeks Stretches, Bundled stretches and Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches years ago, these are the reasons for fast growth (all according to SRT).

I believe MOS RED are just a tool that speed up the gains even further.
It would never have been possible to grow at this rate without LengthMaster 3.

You also need:


Picure: Blodpudding.

Just kidding!
@TWIST&PULL are growing at a high rate as well, so I do not believe people that are growing their penis fast are super-humans.
I believe it's about the programming (active and passive Penis Enlargement). @TWIST&PULL are mirroring what I did.

@DLD came up with, Behind The Cheeks Stretches, Bundled stretches and Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches years ago, these are the reasons for fast growth (all according to SRT).

Yep, I followed DLD original method back in the early 2009 to 2012 to gain my first inch in length and 0.5in in girth within 5 months and cementing the gains while continually gaining a tad here and there during the cementing processes. Loving-girl-friend-back-then-now-wife loved the growth but was horrified at the amount of penile workout ("torture") I was doing. She loved the results. Now, she just smiles, knowing I'm doing it for her. Before the LM was produced for the populus to buy, I did follow the original schematic to make one out of hard wood. Not sure what happened to my early wooden version of LM-wannabe. LM may be the next too to use after my medical experimentation process combos for collagen peptides, red light, standard pump-hang-stretch, SRT, and finally LM for the extra push to get beyond 7+ (NPBEL). Time to push harder this time.
This thread are supposed to be about intermittent fasting, and not about starving your body to death. 💀

I created this thread in order to share what is working (and have been working) for me in regards to changing my body composition. If you look at my first broomstick video, you will see a big strongman belly, you can't see that belly in my newest videos.
I do not react that good to consuming bread. When I eat bread my belly grow. Eating potatoes are much better for my body. I feel better if I reduce my bread intake. But I eat bread sometimes.

I grew over 3 Inches in length (BPEL) with this 20:4 diet. So it's not garbage. I have kept my body in an optimal state for penis growth for over a year now. I have also been able to keep my strength with this diet. But I have to confess that I have lost hand strength now, when I do not use my LengthMaster 3. This diet is still working...I have already grew some substantial amount in girth as well. I do not consume alcohol.

The key is to eat good nutritious food when you are eating, do not eat garbage. This diet is not about starving your body from carbohydrates or
nutrients, you need carbohydrates for your brain power. Neurons ("brain cells") can't store glucose and they need a stable supply of it to work optimally. But there are also other systems in the body that work in order to stabilize the blood sugar. I can go without food for a long time, without becoming tired. I feel more focused when I eat less food during the day.

I eat a lot of carbohydrates, but I do my best to restrict them from not being highly processed.
I probably was not clear about this in the beginning of this thread. When you write it is hard sometimes to cover all angles of a topic, in order to lay it all out so it will not be misinterpreted from others.
I love your discipline you're so practiced and everything you do
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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