Promotion of the protein biosynthesis that are responsible for the highly anabolic characteristics of testosterone is another important function of Testosterone. This Testosterone accelerates muscle buildup, increases the formation of red blood cells, speeds up regeneration, and speeds up recovery time after injuries or illness. This Testosterone also stimulates the entire metabolism which results in the burning of bodyfat.
Inhibition of the gonad regulating cycle, including the hypothalamohypophysial testicular axis, which regulates the amount of testosterone produced in the organism. If the testosterone level in the blood is high, the testes will signal the hypothalymus to release less LHRH (leutenizing hormone releasing hormone). Thus the hypophysis releases less gonadotropin LH Testosterone (leutenizing hormone) and FSH Testosterone (folic stimulating hormone). Consequently, the Leydig's cells in the testes reduces the production of testosterone. In other words, if you have to much testosterone, your body will tell itself to reduce or even stop production of Testosterone until it is back down to its normal levels.
During puberty, testosterone levels are at their lifetime peak. Testosterone begins to decline around the age of 23. This is where testosterone therapy comes into play. Many men suffer from the lack of important hormones and Testosterone replacement therapy is simply the most effective way to combat the signs of aging. Sex Testosterone hormones like "Estrogen and progesterone profoundly affect the brain. The increasing memory loss and mild mental confusion emerging in middle age are largely due to declining levels of estrogen and progesterone in women. In men, these same problems are caused by decreasing testosterone and increasing estrogen levels beginning in the late thirties or early forties.