Sorry we couldn't answer your question a bit faster on this matter brother. I was out and about and the ambient noises just killed any kind of dictation to proper text. The text came out all garbage like, "Collagen in line please!" or "composition of subdermal requires..your chicken order is up!"
Since you've done your homework, let's break things down even further for you and the other brothers to understand as well. It's like a whole cake full of goodness in there, but the flavors are all mixed up like a densely packed flavor bomb.
Let's stop right here. Yes. The tunica albuginea and the ligaments are a very different composition of collagen materials all together than the rest of the other tissues. If anyone did their homework on biochemistry and biodiversity of the penile molecular structures, the suspensory and the tunica albuginea collagen compositions are comprised of 80% collagen Type I, the hard and rigid type, around 15% of collagen Types II and III, the slightly more flexible collagen type that allows shrinking and flexing during preservation shrinkage state, and the 5% Type III with the combination of other androgens where the most elastin that responsible for restoration and coating of the damaged Types I and II. Unlike the rest of the penile tissues with the Type II (the fascias, skin layers) and the softer tissues (Type III elastin), the Type I is quite rigid, with a uniform structural shape, compared to a honeycomb structure.
This statement is truly a loaded statement. Why? This statement is very true for fascial and breast tissues with lower Type I collagen and higher Types II and III, where collagen is easily assimilated for faster repairs and reproduction due to the higher mobility and counter-gravitational activities in proximity to the denser structural/skeletal muscle tissues. In other words, the penis is not like the face or the breasts in terms of its supporting movements as an upper supportive layer for the highly mobile dense skeletal muscles. The penis tissues are either hard when erected with supported blood volume, or soft when it's in flaccid or rested phases. It doesn't move with the limbs, supports the limbs, nor it acts like a limb. However, we wish it could be like the third arm or the tongue to truly do some fascinating things. That's going off-topic.
I need to cut you off on this portion just a tiny bit. Yes, it does require deformation of the collagen structures, which we discuss constantly at length all the time here. Yes, we need to upshift (influence the chemical demands during a routine) or downshift (change the hormone influence during rest phases) to induce the growth rate. We are influencing growth rate by breaking down the various levels of cellular degradation and cellular regeneration. We are not influencing biochemical and biomechanical changes. We use both biochemical and biomechanical changes to trick the body to send biodiversified materials from other parts of the body, such as vitamins, minerals, oxygen, hormones, collagen production, and much much more to refocus on the penis. Biochemical triggers are caused by creating stresses along the tissues, maintaining those stress loads, generating alternative and dynamic biomechanical manipulation using different traction forces, and gravitational forces, and sustaining stress loads on the tissues at a constant state for a long period of time. This results in an influx of biological demands on the mind, requesting more resources to refocus on the penis, the last functional unit on the biological list of the human body besides waste evacuation and short-term procreation.
If you think reducing the collagen quantity to induce collagen quality, you're going completely backward. I'll explain further down.
Let's bring in all the aforementioned and incorporate your answer. I know we have a few biochemical engineers and biologists in our midst. The same for a few professors and doctors of various fields. Chime in if you like. Your identities are still well protected.
Depending on the chemicals you use for PE, any chemical you use to degrade a collagen peptide will denature the quality of the collagen overall. If you denature the collagen, the body will reject the collagen and use any complex collagen peptide to break down the chain to the proper collagen fragmentation suitable for usage. You can have 100mL of collagen peptides available, but if only 1mL among the 100mL is usable, the 99mL is pure waste. When you use chemicals to break down the collagen peptides, you are turning that 100mL of that collagen peptides to 1mL of that usable peptides. If you're using quality chemicals to enhance collagen peptide formation, you are now fortifying the 100mL of uncertainty peptides to 100mL of available peptides for immediate usage. Quality vs quantity.
Let's bring in another perspective you may consider instead. Say you're a bodybuilder, or a woman searching for a skin-perfect beauty product, do you go to a store and purchase some off-the-shelf protein drink with promised crappy collagen or a lotion with some unknown chemically induced degrader with low-quality factors to use in and on the body? It will take 10x to 1000x time more collagen induction into the rituals to get the same quality collagen materials to buildup the muscles or generate the best Types I to III collagen for optimal growth and support that will cost you an arm, a leg, and possibly your penis to get.
To sum it all up, quality collagen is required to rebuild, and not degrade existing strong collagen and dump cheap collagen to repair. It's like breaking down a sturdy fortified stone fortress and using construction foam to build up a larger less sturdy fortress.
If you take a few steps back, nicotine and the compounds used for vapes and cigarettes, including secondary burnt-off compounds (second hand smoking), not only destroy your vascular system, but also degrade key hormones that support your entire body function. Just cutting out vaping/cigarettes already gives you a better fighting chance with PE. However, the lingering of the various compounds from the period you've vaped/smoked required to be reduced from your system in order for your PE to be successful. When you mention pentoxifylline, yes, it will expedite the assistance by migration the compounds out of your bloodstream a bit faster, but at this point, how much is in your system for the drug to assist with the detoxification? This is where the phrase, "Only time can tell" comes into play.
Yes, Peroynie's disease is proven, and it's also proven that PE can help. But it requires you to have good clean health to bring PE into success. You can't eat, drink, and smoke craps and call PE good. PE, like any other lifestyle, requires a good and wholesome approach. You can't expect a marathon runner to be in peak condition with nothing but energy drinks and processed foods.
@DLD excluded. That guy is a case of miracle on its own that we are all still scratching our heads on how he survived to this very point in life. If he donated his body to sciences when he moved on to the heavenly realm decades from now, we probably discover miracle drugs from his body.
I'm sorry to say, but this is putting the cart before the horse. There were many discussions like this in the past, and many have tried your methods of thinking even to this very day, but none of those came back and claimed that they were successful. Why? Because it's counter-logic, counter-intuitive, and counter-biological.
This is a whole different kind of game together brother. We can go into further details about collagen concentration to combat fibrosis and fibromyalgia, but the reverse statement is true where an increase of specific collagen assists with the recovery of nerves, renewal, and redevelopment of nerves, as well as new quality tissue growth to replace overabundant of useless low-quality tissue concentration. Fibrosis is like a massive arm with super strong muscle tissues that can't even move a few inches. This is where the reduction of collagen plays in your favor. The same is true with fibromyalgia, where there are weakened muscle tissues that do not support the nerves and blood vessels. In both cases, quality collagen to rebuild the tissues at a proper concentration is required. But that can be discussed in a different topic as it can get very intensive.