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Hello everyone, I'd like to introduce myself here, I'm extremely new to PE, some time ago I found another forum, I've even been reading but at the time I didn't put PE as a priority, today finding this new forum and seeing all the brotherhood that has been built here, very active and super welcoming members, encouraged me to implement a new routine in my life.

I apologize for my English, I'm Brazilian and I definitely need the translator to understand and to write as well.

There's a lot of information here on the forum, I don't think it's ideal to dissect it all at once, I'm trying to take it easy and understand the languages and routines little by little.

Well, my current statistics are:

BPEL: 6.6" - 16.8cm
EG: 6.4" - 16.5cm

I'd even like your help to know if my way of taking measurements is the right way, because most of the people I see out there with similar measurements seem to be 2x bigger than me. Maybe it's a question of proportion, I'm a bit wide from head to toe, maybe the 28" quadriceps make my dick look smaller or maybe I'm just measuring wrong.

My goal is to reach 8.8" in length.
as far as thickness is concerned, I can't believe that my measurement is right, but if it is, I'm not satisfied so I'm also planning to make it bigger second-hand, especially the head.

I don't have any equipment at the moment, but the LG3 is already on my shopping list, although for me here in Brazil the delivery issue is a bit difficult.

But to get started, I'm going to do the manual routine for beginners as described on the forum.


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Welcome to the brotherhood. This brotherhood here is all about helping each other and we'll stay far away from the dramas that already saturated the internet. Be confident that we'll be here with you, not only to assist, but to also encourage you.

Based on the images you provided for the measurements, you are doing exactly the correct way. Let us say that you already hit the golden standard for the girth, and you're not too far away from the golden standard for the length. It appears that you've done your researches ahead of time already.

Many of the veteran brothers here will give you trips and tricks on the routines for what you're chasing after. Brothe @huge-girth also has a coaching corner where you can obtain the information for specific training as well:

If you have questions, do ask away. You indicated you are starting up the newbie routine for length, which is great. But don't just do the length alone. Do add a bit of girth routines into the mix, such as a few sets of Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ). When you chase afte length, as your penis elongates, you will lose a bit of girth during the elongations. However, adding a bit of SSJ into the mix, your elongation for length and expansion will maintain your girth as well.

You also indicate that mailing the equipment into the country can be a problem. I believe I understand the reasoning, as other items of medical, metal, or design types cannot enter into certain countries from other countries due to restrictions. I know it too well. Do your best to obtain the Length Master (LM) as part of the toolkit for your PE journey. Meanwhile, you can use manual methods to lengthen your work. Worst case, you can attempt to make a mock version of the LM3 using the available local hardware you have. A brother in the Malaysian country could not get the equipment delivered over to his region due to extremely strict restriction, so he used the local wood and metal smiths over ther to assist in creating something similar to the LM3, although it was not as effective as the real thing from over a decade of revisions and improvements. Do work with brother @DLD and his sale team to get you the equipment you need. I'm not sure which country can deliver the goods to you, and what restrictions being imposed for your region or country. Leave it to the politics to kill what we truly need.

When it comes to routines and insights, we'll work with you do the best that we can to assist you. Do make sure to create a log page for yourself, post your routines and progress, and we'll walk side by side with you to provide inputs. Create one mainly for yourself here:
Welcome to the brotherhood you will now find the best advice ever. One for all and all for one!
Oh man you are already big @Nightmagic23, but being bigger is always good.

I recommend LengthMaster 3, and if you can't get it. Start doing bundled stretches with a broomstick.
View media item 1325
With LengthMaster 3 it's possible to get to your desired length within 1 year if you go hard.

For girth I recommend MityVac Hydro-Vac Penis Pump by MOS. It's better then Bathmate. I recommend pumping with water.

This is the girth program you need.
Girth Program: 5x5x3
5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity
Welcome to the brotherhood. This brotherhood here is all about helping each other and we'll stay far away from the dramas that already saturated the internet. Be confident that we'll be here with you, not only to assist, but to also encourage you.

Based on the images you provided for the measurements, you are doing exactly the correct way. Let us say that you already hit the golden standard for the girth, and you're not too far away from the golden standard for the length. It appears that you've done your researches ahead of time already.

Many of the veteran brothers here will give you trips and tricks on the routines for what you're chasing after. Brothe @huge-girth also has a coaching corner where you can obtain the information for specific training as well:

If you have questions, do ask away. You indicated you are starting up the newbie routine for length, which is great. But don't just do the length alone. Do add a bit of girth routines into the mix, such as a few sets of Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ). When you chase afte length, as your penis elongates, you will lose a bit of girth during the elongations. However, adding a bit of SSJ into the mix, your elongation for length and expansion will maintain your girth as well.

You also indicate that mailing the equipment into the country can be a problem. I believe I understand the reasoning, as other items of medical, metal, or design types cannot enter into certain countries from other countries due to restrictions. I know it too well. Do your best to obtain the Length Master (LM) as part of the toolkit for your PE journey. Meanwhile, you can use manual methods to lengthen your work. Worst case, you can attempt to make a mock version of the LM3 using the available local hardware you have. A brother in the Malaysian country could not get the equipment delivered over to his region due to extremely strict restriction, so he used the local wood and metal smiths over ther to assist in creating something similar to the LM3, although it was not as effective as the real thing from over a decade of revisions and improvements. Do work with brother @DLD and his sale team to get you the equipment you need. I'm not sure which country can deliver the goods to you, and what restrictions being imposed for your region or country. Leave it to the politics to kill what we truly need.

When it comes to routines and insights, we'll work with you do the best that we can to assist you. Do make sure to create a log page for yourself, post your routines and progress, and we'll walk side by side with you to provide inputs. Create one mainly for yourself here:

thank you very much for your message, for the time being I'm really only going to use the manual routine, but as for joining the two length and circumference jobs, I'll have to do it at separate times, right?
Oh man you are already big @Nightmagic23, but being bigger is always good.

I recommend LengthMaster 3, and if you can't get it. Start doing bundled stretches with a broomstick.
View media item 1325
With LengthMaster 3 it's possible to get to your desired length within 1 year if you go hard.

For girth I recommend MityVac Hydro-Vac Penis Pump by MOS. It's better then Bathmate. I recommend pumping with water.

This is the girth program you need.
thank you my friend, as far as I can tell you are a great ally to beginners on the forum, thanks for the guidance.
I'm having a few doubts at the start, especially when stretching, should the foreskin be gripped together or should we pull the foreskin apart and stretch it without the skin? I've looked at the instructional videos a few times and haven't been able to define.

it seems that when I pull the foreskin together it becomes the delimiter of how far you can stretch, but at the same time without the foreskin the uncomfortable squeezing is very uncomfortable.
thank you very much for your message, for the time being I'm really only going to use the manual routine, but as for joining the two length and circumference jobs, I'll have to do it at separate times, right?
Yes, in a sense that's it involves in two different routines. No, both can grow together, but not as fast.

If you focus mainly on length, that's 90% focused on length growth, and your 10% girth growth comes along with it. If you focus 90% on girth growth, 10% length growth comes with it. This is why my posts focus on a flip flop approaches to prevent sudden plateau for either girth or length and continues to grow in a steady trend for both. I'm the middle ground person and use myself as an experimental subject for brothers that like to do both at the same time. I do have around a dozen other brothers doing similar experiment for data collection purposes.

I'm having a few doubts at the start, especially when stretching, should the foreskin be gripped together or should we pull the foreskin apart and stretch it without the skin? I've looked at the instructional videos a few times and haven't been able to define.
First, are you circumcised for uncircumcised? If you are uncircumcised, has your foreskin completely pulled back from the corona, fully exposing the corona? It's hard to move forward in providing proper directions if the info is not accurate.

it seems that when I pull the foreskin together it becomes the delimiter of how far you can stretch, but at the same time without the foreskin the uncomfortable squeezing is very uncomfortable.
yes. If you place the foreskin below the gripping materials, you'll get slippage. This is the most painful, if not uncomfortable, scenario. Most of the uncircumcised brothers have two main issues:
  • Too much foreskin: this can cause slippage even when the foreskin is fully pulled back for wrapping or for mounting the sleeves for all day stretchers.
  • Frenulum not cut/removed: Frenulum tends to be the greatest limiter due to the sensitivity. I have mine removed surgically. Took 2 months to fully heal before PE routines. Those who do it using a tying method to slowly kill it or cut it over the course of two months. For me, I like mine to be nice and neat, telling the urologist what to do. LOL Me, telling the doctor what to do. The nurse also chuckled at the info I provided to the urologist on how far back, how tight, and the knots needed for minimal scarring and maximize my PE needs. The nurse was quite amazed that I cut my frenulum for the purpose of PE since her husband also was pursuing PE.
There's plenty of knowledge to scavenge here. Let us know what other questions you may have, whether be wrapping, dealing with foreskin, or strangest questions you may have.
thank you very much for your message, for the time being I'm really only going to use the manual routine, but as for joining the two length and circumference jobs, I'll have to do it at separate times, right?
Forgot the latter portion of the question. It's best to perform the length work routine before the girth worth routine. Once you perform the girth work before the length work, the glans can be very sensitive due to the expansion. Save the girth worth routine at the end. You also have extra benefits as the expansion can gain an additional 20% due to the malleability of the tissues through the length routine.
Frenulum not cut/removed: Frenulum tends to be the greatest limiter due to the sensitivity. I have mine removed surgically. Took 2 months to fully heal before PE routines. Those who do it using a tying method to slowly kill it or cut it over the course of two months. For me, I like mine to be nice and neat, telling the urologist what to do. LOL Me, telling the doctor what to do. The nurse also chuckled at the info I provided to the urologist on how far back, how tight, and the knots needed for minimal scarring and maximize my PE needs. The nurse was quite amazed that I cut my frenulum for the purpose of PE since her husband also was pursuing PE.
You don't need to destroy your penis just to do penis enlargement. I grew from 5 Inch to over 8 Inch without any surgeries done on my penis.

We should not promote this.
yes. If you place the foreskin below the gripping materials, you'll get slippage. This is the most painful, if not uncomfortable, scenario. Most of the uncircumcised brothers have two main issues:
  • Too much foreskin: this can cause slippage even when the foreskin is fully pulled back for wrapping or for mounting the sleeves for all day stretchers.
  • Frenulum not cut/removed: Frenulum tends to be the greatest limiter due to the sensitivity. I have mine removed surgically. Took 2 months to fully heal before PE routines. Those who do it using a tying method to slowly kill it or cut it over the course of two months. For me, I like mine to be nice and neat, telling the urologist what to do. LOL Me, telling the doctor what to do. The nurse also chuckled at the info I provided to the urologist on how far back, how tight, and the knots needed for minimal scarring and maximize my PE needs. The nurse was quite amazed that I cut my frenulum for the purpose of PE since her husband also was pursuing PE.
These "problems" are no issue.
Don't believe foreskin will reduce your speed of gains.
You don't need to destroy your penis just to do penis enlargement. I grew from 5 Inch to over 8 Inch without any surgeries done on my penis.

We should not promote this.
No. I'm not promoting the surgery to remove the frenulum. I'm simply indicating the frenulum is one of the restricted factor to prevent how hard you can push the PE. Wearing the ADS or the traction device with a frenulum intact can be very painful after 3 hours. Using the LM and stretching the frenulum out can also be very painful as well. For some, a frenulum cause no pain whatsoever since not all frenulum are long or tight. Mine was quite long and very tight.
No. I'm not promoting the surgery to remove the frenulum. I'm simply indicating the frenulum is one of the restricted factor to prevent how hard you can push the PE. Wearing the ADS or the traction device with a frenulum intact can be very painful after 3 hours. Using the LM and stretching the frenulum out can also be very painful as well. For some, a frenulum cause no pain whatsoever since not all frenulum are long or tight. Mine was quite long and very tight.
Okay I understand.
I can understand this can be a problem, but do you really need to remove the fulcrum to make it work? It sounds so extreme. But I may be wrong.
Also do not the fulcrum have a function?

When It comes to LengthMaster 3 I believe I can help brothers even if their fulcrum is tight. There is a thread with the name, 🔗 Slippage solutions where there are some tips in order to clamp down hard so no slippage will happen.

I had a lot of problems with my foreskin but even with this, I got it to work with LengthMaster 3 (the reason I made many videos and instructions).

I also understand it can be problematic with an ADS (ALL DAY STRETCHER).
I tried the SiliStretcher, and I have to agree it was hard with the sleeves, I needed the sleeves to be very loose, in order for them to not bundle up my foreskin and pinch it. I will discover the world of ADS later, and report back to the brotherhood (but girth work need to be done).

I was able to combine the StealthStretcher (did not fit inside the plastic "ring" at the base) with the water trick, with the leg holster from the SiliStretcher and this worked comfortably for me. I did a test and 3 hours was no problem, could probably go longer without any problems.

I understand the problem but it sounds scary to remove the fulcrum. Maybe it's just me.
Okay I understand.
I can understand this can be a problem, but do you really need to remove the fulcrum to make it work? It sounds so extreme. But I may be wrong.
Also do not the fulcrum have a function?
No, you don't have to remove the frenulum to make it work. I made it work for the first year of PE in 2001, and the pain I had to endure was like a needle being constantly pressed onto the bottom of the glans's base. The frenulum does contain quite a bit of sensitivity, including two dorsal nerve branches' endings. That's why the frenulum feels so nice during a blowjob. The restriction is the pain. If you can push through the pain, you can leave the frenulum be. Most PE brothers either got it removed or at least cut to some degree to prevent the pain from shooting up the brain.

When It comes to LengthMaster 3 I believe I can help brothers even if their fulcrum is tight. There is a thread with the name, 🔗 Slippage solutions where there are some tips in order to clamp down hard so no slippage will happen.
Yes, the frenulum can be stretched over time, and dull the pain as well. It may take a bit longer than those who don't. I had the same mindset as you were, where no surgery is need to cut that frenulum for that one year. I feel behind the brothers that lived closeby on our PE journeys, but they lept far ahead of me because they already have their frenulum cut for other reasons. Once I talked to my urologist and had it cut, PE sped up like a sport car.

I had a lot of problems with my foreskin but even with this, I got it to work with LengthMaster 3 (the reason I made many videos and instructions).
I believe you're one of the lucky one that has a short frenulum at the base of the glans. This poses very little pain or no pain at all under compressive pressures. The longer the length of the frenulum, the more pain you will experience. This is why I always cover my base and ask questions and provide insights.

I was able to combine the StealthStretcher (did not fit inside the plastic "ring" at the base) with the water trick, with the leg holster from the SiliStretcher and this worked comfortably for me. I did a test and 3 hours was no problem, could probably go longer without any problems.
I'm thinking of the water trick too. Just a bit messy if I'm not home. Too active to have leakage of water wetting my pants on the go.
I understand the problem but it sounds scary to remove the fulcrum. Maybe it's just me.
Frenulum cutting sounds weird and dangerous, but accidental cut of frenulum happens all the time. I caught my frenulum between the pants zipper one time, but it healed up. Some just suddenly have the frenulum snapped off naturally due to the thinning of the skin. So, it's quite normal to lose frenulum. My was very thick.
No, you don't have to remove the frenulum to make it work. I made it work for the first year of PE in 2001, and the pain I had to endure was like a needle being constantly pressed onto the bottom of the glans's base. The frenulum does contain quite a bit of sensitivity, including two dorsal nerve branches' endings. That's why the frenulum feels so nice during a blowjob. The restriction is the pain. If you can push through the pain, you can leave the frenulum be. Most PE brothers either got it removed or at least cut to some degree to prevent the pain from shooting up the brain.

Yes, the frenulum can be stretched over time, and dull the pain as well. It may take a bit longer than those who don't. I had the same mindset as you were, where no surgery is need to cut that frenulum for that one year. I feel behind the brothers that lived closeby on our PE journeys, but they lept far ahead of me because they already have their frenulum cut for other reasons. Once I talked to my urologist and had it cut, PE sped up like a sport car.

I believe you're one of the lucky one that has a short frenulum at the base of the glans. This poses very little pain or no pain at all under compressive pressures. The longer the length of the frenulum, the more pain you will experience. This is why I always cover my base and ask questions and provide insights.

I'm thinking of the water trick too. Just a bit messy if I'm not home. Too active to have leakage of water wetting my pants on the go.

Frenulum cutting sounds weird and dangerous, but accidental cut of frenulum happens all the time. I caught my frenulum between the pants zipper one time, but it healed up. Some just suddenly have the frenulum snapped off naturally due to the thinning of the skin. So, it's quite normal to lose frenulum. My was very thick.
Thank you for your response, very interesting. Haven't thought about this before.
No. I'm not promoting the surgery to remove the frenulum. I'm simply indicating the frenulum is one of the restricted factor to prevent how hard you can push the PE. Wearing the ADS or the traction device with a frenulum intact can be very painful after 3 hours. Using the LM and stretching the frenulum out can also be very painful as well. For some, a frenulum cause no pain whatsoever since not all frenulum are long or tight. Mine was quite long and very tight.
Look up frenulum tying to safely remove you frenulum but you need to be careful 🧐
Yep. One of the brothers did that while I was contemplating to get it snipped. He got it tied off an done in 2 months.
It is tedious but definitely safe if you take your time. I have no frenulum if you look at my videos.
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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