LengthMaster Slippage solutions


Active member
Hi brothers. A bit of a dilemma, I’ve started to experience slippage to the point that the LM pushes against the glans. Which of course restricts how intense I can stretch. I’m not sure what I’ve started doing wrong?
I wrap properly and firmly but still experience the slippage and the foreskin coming forward to partially cover the glans. It’s so annoying.
Do I need more layers of wrapping or less? Or is there another technique I can use to address this? I’ve noticed that when I tighten the LM there is not an even press onto the shaft. It’s more at an angle, but that could be due to the wrapping.
Suggestions and guidance are welcome.
Hi brothers. A bit of a dilemma, I’ve started to experience slippage to the point that the LM pushes against the glans. Which of course restricts how intense I can stretch. I’m not sure what I’ve started doing wrong?
I wrap properly and firmly but still experience the slippage and the foreskin coming forward to partially cover the glans. It’s so annoying.
Do I need more layers of wrapping or less? Or is there another technique I can use to address this? I’ve noticed that when I tighten the LM there is not an even press onto the shaft. It’s more at an angle, but that could be due to the wrapping.
Suggestions and guidance are welcome.
I can help. Look at my video thread first.
Note: The thickness of the fabric, on top of the bottom part of the chamber are ~ 1.5 mm thick.

Try putting; TheraBand® over the pads inside the chamber. This will increase the friction and reduce slippage. It's important that your wrap is thin. Also the clamp down point on your shaft is also important. Often I have discovered that I need to clamp down lower, to get the clamp down point behind the glans.

You can also put a piece of fabric (see picure above) over the lower part of the chamber. This will reduce the pinching when you clamp down all the way.

Here are a video instruction of a good wrap:
🔗 Wrapping version 3, for the lengthmaster.

Also to solve the problem of the upper chamber tilting forward as you clamp down;
You can take a short broomstick and sand it down on the bottom and the top (make them flat). This will make it easier to clamp down, make the tilt of the upper chamber less, and you will get a more even clamp down. The clamp down will also be harder and more secure.

It would probably be better if you took an already flat piece of wood to do this.

Here's a picure of this setup:

You see in this picture above that the broomstick are preventing the chamber from tilting forward. It still tilts forward but not as much.

At the two holes in the upper chamber, I have put silicone washers, since there are a rivet in the middle of the chamber.

But you need a thin wrap for this. Otherwise you will put to much stress on the upper chamber.
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That’s so helpful @squirt_inducer_man you are a legend buddy. I will definitely try wrapping some sort of cloth or Thera and on the pads and making sure my wrap around the penis shaft is not too thick. I will look at an extra piece of wood for the top of the LM to even out the tilt. 🙌
Look at my video instruction about my wrap. This is the wrap I'm currently are using. I can stretch really hard with it.

Do you stretch like this?
penis-stretcher-lengthmaster-3-penis-bundle-stretcher-weight-hanging-25_2048x2048 (1).jpg
This stretching technique will reduce the pressure on the glans, so you can stretch harder.
One safety question, is it safe to clamp down hard without causing serious injury?
Yes! Stay clamped down max 13 minutes at the time. Detach and remove the wrap after 13 minutes inside the chamber. Take a rest of 10 minutes to restore blood flow. Then you can wrap again and do 13 minutes more of stretching. I use 3 minutes for warm up.
View attachment 1833531
Try putting; TheraBand® over the pads inside the chamber. This will increase the friction and reduce slippage. It's important that your wrap is thin. Also the clamp down point on your shaft is also important. Often I have discovered that I need to clamp down lower, to get the clamp down point behind the glans.

You can also put a piece of fabric (see picure above) over the lower part of the chamber. This will reduce the pinching when you clamp down all the way.

Here are a video instruction of a good wrap:
🔗 Wrapping version 3, for the lengthmaster.

Also to solve the problem of the upper chamber tilting forward as you clamp down;
You can take a short broomstick and sand it down on the bottom and the top (make them flat). This will make it easier to clamp down, make the tilt of the upper chamber less, and you will get a more even clamp down. The clamp down will also be harder and more secure.

It would probably be better if you took an already flat piece of wood to do this.

Here's a picure of this setup:
View attachment 1833532
View attachment 1833533

You see in this picture above that the broomstick are preventing the chamber from tilting forward. It still tilts forward but not as much.

At the two holes in the upper chamber, I have put silicone washers, since there are a rivet in the middle of the chamber.

But you need a thin wrap for this. Otherwise you will put to much stress on the upper chamber.

Excellent explanation!
Just a follow up, the last two stretching sessions with the LM have been awesome. Minimal slippage and an amazing stretch. I think I’ve found the sweet spot for my training. But I have to thank @squirt_inducer_man your help has been invaluable. Without it I may have thrown the towel in. Thanks buddy and I now hope to report some amazing gains in the coming months
I'm happy to help.
You will gain so much with the lengthmaster.
@squirt_inducer_man thank you so much for the tips! I’ve been looking for this!how do you lessen edema when using an ads with foreskin? I always get water retention after an hour. Also this is probably a dumb questions but if the broom is still parallel to the LM how does it stop it from being less clamped towards the base of penis?
@squirt_inducer_man thank you so much for the tips! I’ve been looking for this!
You're welcome.

how do you lessen edema when using an ads with foreskin?
I don't know, I have never used an ADS.

Also this is probably a dumb questions but if the broom is still parallel to the LM how does it stop it from being less clamped towards the base of penis?
Didn't you see my picure?

The broomstick are flat on the side towards the upper chamber. You want maximum clamp down pressure, to be able to stretch with intensity and dig deep into your inner tissue in your stretches.

In my opinion you don't want what you're asking:
how does it stop it from being less clamped towards the base of penis?
You want the chamber to be clamped down as much as possible, and tilt as little as possible forward. This will create more clamp down pressure towards the base of your penis. This is what you want.
In my opinion you don't want what you're asking:

yeah I’m sorry it was late after a few drinks and I was trying to make it at night before my session LOL. I definitely worded it wrong I guess I was looking for the reason as to why that would get rid of some of the forward tilt

*Edit: Because of using BB CODE incorrectly, kind regards @squirt_inducer_man
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yeah I’m sorry it was late after a few drinks and I was trying to make it at night before my session LOL. I definitely worded it wrong I guess I was looking for the reason as to why that would get rid of some of the forward tilt

Thank you for the response @squirt_inducer_man
It has to do with physics and forces. I'm sorry: I can't explain it, it was a long time I read about forces and momentum.
On which device?
I believe the brother indicated the two black pads on the PowerHanger plates. When you over use the pads for traction without adding any extra mod pads like SIM and I, the pads wear out fast. This is why we use that extra wrap as cheap measure to protect the PowerHanger plates padding and increase traction even further. I boost comforts as well.
I believe the brother indicated the two black pads on the PowerHanger plates. When you over use the pads for traction without adding any extra mod pads like SIM and I, the pads wear out fast. This is why we use that extra wrap as cheap measure to protect the PowerHanger plates padding and increase traction even further. I boost comforts as well.
The lengthmaster
Anybody got any suggestions for getting a good enough grip to stop with slipping forward.

I have done a good wrap after watching the wrapping videos but I still feel that when I stretch forward the lengthmaster is just pushing my skin towards the glans so much so that I cant stretch with any decent intensity. Should I always pull my foreskin right back before wrapping (as I have been doing so far) or should I just allow my foreskin to stay over the glans?? It just feels to me no matter how much I clamp on the skin moves more than anything.

I hope to God I can solve this as I really want to get going with my Lengthmaster..

Anybody else had this experience?
Anybody got any suggestions for getting a good enough grip to stop with slipping forward.

I have done a good wrap after watching the wrapping videos but I still feel that when I stretch forward the lengthmaster is just pushing my skin towards the glans so much so that I cant stretch with any decent intensity. Should I always pull my foreskin right back before wrapping (as I have been doing so far) or should I just allow my foreskin to stay over the glans?? It just feels to me no matter how much I clamp on the skin moves more than anything.

I hope to God I can solve this as I really want to get going with my Lengthmaster..

Anybody else had this experience?
If you're preventing the skin from sliding forward, don't wrap from the base to the glans, but wrap from the base of the glans back down to the base. I know exactly the pain you're going through when you have too much foreskin.

The trick is to create a good amount of wrapping around the base of the glans, which stops the foreskin from sliding forward. From there, pull the foreskin back as much as you can to the base of the penis while wrapping. This creates constant traction like if you're circumcised.
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If you're preventing the skin from sliding forward, don't wrap from the base to the glans, but wrap from the base of the glans back down to the base. I know exactly the pain you're going through when you have too much foreskin.

The trick is to create a good amount of wrapping around the base of the glans, which stops the foreskin from sliding forward. From there, pull the foreskin back as much as you can to the base of the penis while wrapping. This creates constant traction like if you're circumcised.

Thanks I will try doing a better wrap and as you said do a decent wrap at the base of the glans I get what you mean in order to stop the skin pushing forward.
Thanks I will try doing a better wrap and as you said do a decent wrap at the base of the glans I get what you mean in order to stop the skin pushing forward.
The most important things when wrapping with no folds or creases because these two things will completely wreck your your wrap unless made as smooth as possible. Once you have wrapped perfectly then take on whatever exercise you are engaged in. I remember when I first wrapped for hangingI did not check for smoothness or wrinkles or creases and I could barely hang 5 pounds without feeling extreme pinching. This is when I took note of the issue, smoothness. After I mastered the wrap I could hang upwards of 50 pounds. This was right before LengthMaster came out and when it did everything I referred to earlier applies just as much.
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Thanks I will try doing a better wrap and as you said do a decent wrap at the base of the glans I get what you mean in order to stop the skin pushing forward.
I have a lot of foreskin as well. My method to solve this is: Pull your foreskin down as much as possible with one hand and hold it in place. Use a short wrap (something that goes about 1.5 rounds around the penis) and wrap half of the glans and half of the penis shaft (50% of the wrap should wrap around the glans and the other 50% wraps the shaft), wrap it rather tightly.

Then use another wrap, much longer for your normal wrapping. While you are still pulling the foreskin down you are wrapping rather tightly from the upper part of penis and downward, whilst continuously pulling the foreskin down (Think of it as a spiral that you are wrapping downwards).
Wrap an extra round at the bottom.

This works very well for me.
I have a lot of foreskin as well. My method to solve this is: Pull your foreskin down as much as possible with one hand and hold it in place. Use a short wrap (something that goes about 1.5 rounds around the penis) and wrap half of the glans and half of the penis shaft (50% of the wrap should wrap around the glans and the other 50% wraps the shaft), wrap it rather tightly.

Then use another wrap, much longer for your normal wrapping. While you are still pulling the foreskin down you are wrapping rather tightly from the upper part of penis and downward, whilst continuously pulling the foreskin down (Think of it as a spiral that you are wrapping downwards).
Wrap an extra round at the bottom.

This works very well for me.
I have never heard of this type of wrapping but I am glad you came up with it as any new method is always welcome by the Brotherhood. Have you seen gains using this method and what is the comfort difference?
I have never heard of this type of wrapping but I am glad you came up with it as any new method is always welcome by the Brotherhood. Have you seen gains using this method and what is the comfort difference?
I've started to notice some gains in my training, it's awesome! Although I haven't gained a lot which is my own fault as I have been inconsistent with training due to travel.
In my opinion this wrapping is very comfortable and I can really feel the LM grabbing that inner tissue when i clamp al the way down. Slippage is very minimal and I can stretch hard for 25 minutes without getting out of the chamber and re-wrapping.
I'm having an issue when clamping down tight I am getting urethra bleeding from the compression. But, the compression is the only thing preventing foreskin slippage. The few times I was able to achieve an actual work out the lengthmaster did provide one of the best stretches I have ever felt. Its just the continuous damage then recovery time is making me question using it when there are other tools out there, that provide slower results, but have never caused injury.
I'm having an issue when clamping down tight I am getting urethra bleeding from the compression. But, the compression is the only thing preventing foreskin slippage. The few times I was able to achieve an actual work out the lengthmaster did provide one of the best stretches I have ever felt. Its just the continuous damage then recovery time is making me question using it when there are other tools out there, that provide slower results, but have never caused injury.
The compression is way too high if that's the case. My suggestion is to add an extra padding, or a bulk wrap. Rather than just doing a 3 to 4 layers of wrapping, add jus ta bit more, start with a TheraBand layer at the bottom for extra traction control. Use flexible bandage like Uncle Jim's wrap.

Never ever think that any bleeding is normal. It's not. Find ways to counter it. We're here to assist. Let us know your progression on the wrapping methods and we'll help out.
Never ever think that any bleeding is normal. It's not. Find ways to counter it. We're here to assist. Let us know your progression on the wrapping methods and we'll help out.
Bleeding usually happens when we are stretching. Sometimes we accidentally go too fast which causes a small nick in the urethra and that is when we usually see blood. Take 3 to 5 days to clear up. I have seen this happen with many brothers including myself, it never happens again.
I have a lot of foreskin as well. My method to solve this is: Pull your foreskin down as much as possible with one hand and hold it in place. Use a short wrap (something that goes about 1.5 rounds around the penis) and wrap half of the glans and half of the penis shaft (50% of the wrap should wrap around the glans and the other 50% wraps the shaft), wrap it rather tightly.

Then use another wrap, much longer for your normal wrapping. While you are still pulling the foreskin down you are wrapping rather tightly from the upper part of penis and downward, whilst continuously pulling the foreskin down (Think of it as a spiral that you are wrapping downwards).
Wrap an extra round at the bottom.

This works very well for me.

Nice Post brother. I will give this a try.

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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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