Found out theres a small hole in the sleeve tthiat it came with. I literally just got it 2 days ago. Ughh ts shit sucks man
which ones because the thicker one is stretched out and slips off as well, there are two longer ones how would i use those on the silistretcher, and thank you i will email you right nowEmail your name and order number to and we will get a new sleeve out to you right away.
Remember, there are extra sleeves that were included to use in the meantime
Heavier weight needs more preparation and We are working on a sleeve that will handle heavier weight.and also i tried to hang with 6 pounds and it literally fell off and hit the ground I used the grip powder and all, im guessing its because of the tiny hole
So put yourself in this configuration first, then apply the Silistretcher as normal.Maybe try this. I experience great grip with this configuration.
Wear 2 sleeves with Silistretcher and the grip is tremendous.
I first put on Silicap then a Silisleeve over my penis.
Then I apply the Silistretcher as normal with a second sleeve.
I have used both the short small sleeve then the short wider sleeve over it or the short wide sleeve and the short wide sleeve over that.
The grip of these two sleeves is powerful.
When you tug on the Silistretcher ring you can feel the pull.
Minimal fluid using the contoured Silipad .
I noticed a line across my glans, but I think it is just the pressure of the sleeve over the top of it.
I wear it only for an hour then check things out before reapplying.
Oh and when you try this the sleeves will stick to each other, so to take them off pull Silisleeve a bit to remove Silistretcher and roll the top sleeve off first.
Then roll the second sleeve towards your body, so you can take off the Silicap first.
Last roll off the bottom Silisleeve .
Let me know what you think.
Were you able to get a good seal and fix the issue you were having?If i use it it as a ads will i get length gains, i feel a stretch but not a good stretch
The silicap came in the mail so i put that on then put the regular sleeve over it then twisted the knob halfway. Got a hood hanging session like 25 minutes but my glans were kind of puffy. Hopefully nothing too serious..Were you able to get a good seal and fix the issue you were having?
If so, how did you fix it?
That sounds like a incredible improvement! The Will continue to give you excellent comfort just keep an eye out for retention. I will shoot for 20 minutes sets and then take a five-minute break before going on to the next set.
Can u give me a good routine for length, im doing 10 or 15 minutes set hangs then what do i do after that
I totally liked the word lockstep, just reminds me to ensure I don’t skip healing in a routine as this is advantageous to the active work one does.
I totally liked the word lockstep, just reminds me to ensure I don’t skip healing in a routine as this is advantageous to the active work one does.
Smarty Pants ! (xd)
So put yourself in this configuration first, then apply the Silistretcher as normal.
You should not need more than 1/2 turn on the knob. I use 1/4 to 1/2 turn.
I took a screenshot from Lightning.
View attachment 1821657
Try this put powder on ur glans then the cap, then the sleeve. I use the hard silipad so I turn the stretcher so it's fully retracted. Now push ur penis forcefully into the silistretcher, if u do it correctly air should force out through the sleeve and u should get a excellent vacuum without even turning the knob. I've found this to be the best way to use the silistretcherThat might be the solution of the problem that I am having. I don't own the silistretcher but I bought a silisleeve kit that I retrofit on my VacHanger 3 vacuum bell. AFAIK, I get something pretty close to the real thing. The hanging pulling force performed by the sleeve attached to the vacuum bell is slowly making the cap slid out from my glans. After some time, it makes my stretcher uncomfortable to wear and few minutes later it becomes simply painful...
I was thinking overcoming my problem by inserting my glans all the way in the bell so that when I unroll the sleeve, its grip is only below the cap... It could be worth trying but I feel that the double sleeve setup is superior...
Try this put powder on ur glans then the cap, then the sleeve. I use the hard silipad so I turn the stretcher so it's fully retracted. Now push ur penis forcefully into the silistretcher, if u do it correctly air should force out through the sleeve and u should get a excellent vacuum without even turning the knob. I've found this to be the best way to use the silistretcher
I agree the double sleeve makes it comfortable and the grip is amazing.That might be the solution of the problem that I am having. I don't own the silistretcher but I bought a silisleeve kit that I retrofit on my VacHanger 3 vacuum bell. AFAIK, I get something pretty close to the real thing. The hanging pulling force performed by the sleeve attached to the vacuum bell is slowly making the cap slid out from my glans. After some time, it makes my stretcher uncomfortable to wear and few minutes later it becomes simply painful...
I was thinking overcoming my problem by inserting my glans all the way in the bell so that when I unroll the sleeve, its grip is only below the cap... It could be worth trying but I feel that the double sleeve setup is superior...
I haven’t tried this, but it sounds like another useful way of putting on the Silistretcher.Try this put powder on ur glans then the cap, then the sleeve. I use the hard silipad so I turn the stretcher so it's fully retracted. Now push ur penis forcefully into the silistretcher, if u do it correctly air should force out through the sleeve and u should get a excellent vacuum without even turning the knob. I've found this to be the best way to use the silistretcher
I haven’t tried this, but it sounds like another useful way of putting on the Silistretcher.
Ok... So I did try the double sleeves setup and it did not do it for me. The problem is that stress on my frenulum that I was trying to eliminate by going with a sleeve based hanging setup did came back (but the cap didn't move for the time that my test lasted!).
I did order some MOSGrip. I think that I'll return to the original setup and apply some before installing the cap... I should get the best of both worlds that way...
I posted some on the MOSRed thread. My frenulum was the #1 reason why I wanted to acquire the device...Your patience has been excellent all through this. I hope this new method because I can feel the frustration. Keep experimenting to see if you can find a better method. As far is your Frenulum does goes can you get me a picture of a look at it?
I posted some on the MOSRed thread. My frenulum was the #1 reason why I wanted to acquire the device...
Ironically, when I posted those, I was on my second PE break week and it healed by itself after ordering the MOSRed and before I receive it
but by doing the reverse pyramid hanging set... and I did tear my frenulum again Monday. I think that I felt overconfident with the MOSRed on my side...
I was planning to take another 2 weeks break but I feel that the MOSRed is REALLY making a difference in the healing speed... I felt like I could give hanging a try by today... I did some LM stretches for 20 mins and everything went fine... My cue is that as soon as I feel the slightest pain at the frenulum area, I stop everything ASAP and take the rest of the day off... So far so good...
Here is a new frenulum pic as of today... You can see the new tear but you can also see how much better it looks compared to the 'before' MOSRED ones...
View attachment 1821731
This also happens to me sometimes, but it is usually when there is a lot of glans are swelling up everytime i hang or use the ads, how can i avoid this also it goes away no pain, but im concerned i may not be good in the long run because when i take off the sili cap theres some pre-cum or some kind of liquid coming out just a little.
DurosleeveI tried the grip amd everyrhing its still slipping. Am i doing something wrong? I didnt receive the sili cap as it was said to be shipped a week later. The video doesn't help it just goes over the basics. Need help feel like i wasted money for no reason
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend