Guys, if you seen some of my posts, you’ll know I’ve recently got back into PE pretty hard. Bought the entire SRT kit pretty much and have been consistent for the last 6-7 weeks. Though only breaks on the wknds as my partner is with me all wknd. (maybe this is the reason my progress is slowing)
I know I’ve gotta push through this mental barrier, but I’m starting to really get over how life consuming PE is. Anyone who has had a go at it properly realises pretty quick how much effort it requires.
I think when life gets in the way; events, or big days at work, working double shifts or overtime ect start preventing you from PEing you can get frustrated really easy. I’m literally at my All time high with consistency, effort and gains I’d say, but as mentioned I’m getting too busy to keep up routine.
legit, sometimes I’ll get home at 6:30pm shower, eat, hang 2x 20min sets extend for maybe 2-3hrs whatever I can do while getting to bed. Up again at 4am.
When I do have free afternoons straight after work, instead of getting outside for some sun, or gym, I’ll shower, eat, hang and extend, and while I try to build a side business on the side I’m constantly losing focus adjusting the extender every hr.
I’m really aiming for the 1inch in 12 weeks, but also trying to find something as close to that SRT routine that is sustainable.
Maybe I’m just burnt out at the moment. Has anyone got any tips?
My last resort if this really becomes too much to do, I will just use the mitivac morning and evening before bed for 20mins and chuck a sleeve on all day and while I sleep. This seems extremely easy to do and very time efficient.
love the input guys
I know I’ve gotta push through this mental barrier, but I’m starting to really get over how life consuming PE is. Anyone who has had a go at it properly realises pretty quick how much effort it requires.
I think when life gets in the way; events, or big days at work, working double shifts or overtime ect start preventing you from PEing you can get frustrated really easy. I’m literally at my All time high with consistency, effort and gains I’d say, but as mentioned I’m getting too busy to keep up routine.
legit, sometimes I’ll get home at 6:30pm shower, eat, hang 2x 20min sets extend for maybe 2-3hrs whatever I can do while getting to bed. Up again at 4am.
When I do have free afternoons straight after work, instead of getting outside for some sun, or gym, I’ll shower, eat, hang and extend, and while I try to build a side business on the side I’m constantly losing focus adjusting the extender every hr.
I’m really aiming for the 1inch in 12 weeks, but also trying to find something as close to that SRT routine that is sustainable.
Maybe I’m just burnt out at the moment. Has anyone got any tips?
My last resort if this really becomes too much to do, I will just use the mitivac morning and evening before bed for 20mins and chuck a sleeve on all day and while I sleep. This seems extremely easy to do and very time efficient.
love the input guys