Sciences behind PE

We always wonder:
"Where in the world do these PE routines got their information from?"
"What crackpot sciences, medical, and empirical evidence do they obtain to their info for their PE?"

Over the decades of constant researches, PE actually is backed up with science, medical, and clinical studies based on millenia practices from diverse cultures. To prevent this from becoming a massive boredom of reading, this post is to summarize all finding into quick blurps on the findings so far. Attached are the most relevant findings for your needs on the biological sciences and medical studies behind the PE journey for your reading pleasure. We will add more if needed.

Mechanical vs chemical:

Why don't we use simple methods, like injections, external chemical applications, or even magical gases over mechanical applications such as pumps, traction and extender devices? Easy. Controlled mechanical cellular stresses and breakdown with regeneration over uncontrollable cell death through chemical cocktails. Manmade chemical cocktails tend to be harsh, over formulated that exceed the body to assimulate, breakdown for usage, and worst of, bioaccumulative with unindended consequences. There are benefits, but the unknown consequences are even higher. Mechanical can be set for constant and repeatable process without the unforeseen/unknown consequences, adjusting from low levels to progressive high levels.

Everyone's penile, body, and mental health is different. However, our biological makeups are the same. We need to find ways to proach the limits to grow.

Mechanical limits for traction/weight force:

For over two decades, we studied the cultural practices with tandem modern clinical trials to replicate the proven methods for growth. We'll break the subject down even more for length and girth.

The clinical results for the lower and upper traction force/weight range between 400g (0.88lbs) to 1,500g (3.31lbs), with the most optimal cellular growth between 1,000g (2.20lbs) to 1,200g (2.65lbs). The application of time ranges between 4 hours (bare minimum) without upper time limits. Cellular membrane damages and repairs occur within this traction force.

Extreme pressure doesn't mean faster growth. Cell membranes start breaking down around 3.5 inHg (89 mmHg) and 6.5 inHg (165 mmHg). A healthy erection range is between 3.35 inHg (85 mmHg) and 4.92 inHg (125 mmHg). Notice how our brotherhood routine adviced the baseline at 5 inHg for pumping? You are entering into growth territory. You wonder why the penile growth accellerated during teenage year, and at time well into the initial primal years? Constant erections that exceed cellular membrane containment has part to play during the growth phases during teenagehood unintentional jelqing in forms of intense masterturbation. Something to ponder about. But why is the brotherhood pushed into the 10 inHg and into 15 inHg? This is to focus on multi-cellular layers rupturing for greater success.

Cellular membrane break down and repair:

At a cellular level, it does not take that much to break down the cell membranes. Direct blunt damage to cell membrane for rupture is around 8 kPa (0.002 inHg). What's way, way, way below the 5 inHg baseline. But do remember that's direct blunt pressure application to expose cell membrane. We're focusing on protected internal cell membranes. This is where the standard 5x5x3 routine comes into play, going from low warm up intensity at baseline of 5 inHg to more intense pressure into the 10 inHg. We're forcing the cell membranes to break, and break, and break within that time.

When a single cell membrane breaks, the body response from within 10 seconds to hours (based on your body potential to dedicate to cellular regeneration). To be assured your body has time to respond to cellular regeneration, the brotherhood suggests a 60 to 90 minutes balooned (expanded) state after pumping or 4 hours of elongation wrapping. As cells are repairing the damage membranes, the additional gaps where the cell membranes cannot cover cause the body responses to produce new cells to fill in the gaps. Just think about your open cuts being filled in by new cells as a protective mesh, while the damaged cells repair themselves. We try to mirror the process inside the penile body through similar micro traumas, day in and day out throughout the long dedicated hours. Ligamental and muscle tissue stresses can be covered in a different post. This is getting way too long already. Yes, yes, cellular duplication don't occur until 24 hours later. But, do you know that cell division can occur between 1 hour to as long as 24 hours? However, PE is about causing the creation of gaps, delay the gaps from collapses, and for the new cells to be produced to fill in those gaps.

Length Master 3 (LM3) and All Day Stretcher/Penile Tension-Traction Device (ADS/PTD or PTTD) , with MOS red light therapy (MOSRED):

LM3 uses the advantage of variable traction force for all angles, ranging from latteral (side to side), vertical (up and down), and contorsion (twists) to cause various cellular membrane to break along the penile shaft and the internal muscle tissues. With the baseline of 20 to 40 minutes routines, you're covering wide area of micro traumas to cause cellular regrowth. @DLD and the other veteran brothers covered this area extensively for length growth. Unlike chemical injection that forces irregular cellular regrowth, LM3 enforces mechanical force regrowth according to your demands for growth. To promote cellular gap filling, the brotherhood reminds you to keep the stressed penile shaft using wraps, penis sleeves (DuroSleeves), and ADS/PTD from turtling. Turtling is the body response to prevent further stresses/trauma from occuring and allow cellular repair at minimal energy costs. We want to enforce cellular regrowth and gap filling for expanded growth by preventing that turtling, which will result additional energy cost. Ligamental and surrouding tissue stresses will be discussed later since it's as long as this initial discussion.

This is where MOSRED comes into play. Rather than forcing your body to come up with energy deficiency, MOSRED supercharges your mitochondrial powerhouses to assist with cellular membrane repairs and cellular replication to fill in the gaps.

Comparing the ADS/PTD by itself to the LM3, it's like cutting a living hotdog one tiny slice at a time (vertical/latteral cell membrane breakage from long hours of wearing), or hacking and slashing the hotdog all over to promote healing and new growth everywhere (from the selected routines). Of course, it's still good to have ADS/PTD/wrap/sleeve to assist with the healing after stretching.


This is based your call. Bathmate, MityVac, water vs air, what you want to achieve in internal pressure strong enough to break the cell membranes, safely and effectively. In truth, you should worry less about that you can see at the base and focus on where you must be observing, which is the mid shaft toward the glans. This is where the formation of edema, blisters, thrombosis, lymphangiosclerosis, and sensitive soft tissue issues when you exceed your penile capacity to handle. Slowly and steady. Start with 3 to 4 inHg, the common erection pressure, toward 5 inHg minimal baseline pressure to begin the growth.

Post summary:

This post is not an end all post. It's a starting point for scientific, medical, and clinical info for brothers like like to dvele deeper into the rationale behind the PE and the growth. This is just the starting point of deep-dive mechanics to the PE routines from developed theories. @DLD and other brothers' theories are no longer theories. They are now established factual and supported methods.


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We always wonder:
"Where in the world do these PE routines got their information from?"
"What crackpot sciences, medical, and empirical evidence do they obtain to their info for their PE?"

Over the decades of constant researches, PE actually is backed up with science, medical, and clinical studies based on millenia practices from diverse cultures. To prevent this from becoming a massive boredom of reading, this post is to summarize all finding into quick blurps on the findings so far. Attached are the most relevant findings for your needs on the biological sciences and medical studies behind the PE journey for your reading pleasure. We will add more if needed.

Mechanical vs chemical:

Why don't we use simple methods, like injections, external chemical applications, or even magical gases over mechanical applications such as pumps, traction and extender devices? Easy. Controlled mechanical cellular stresses and breakdown with regeneration over uncontrollable cell death through chemical cocktails. Manmade chemical cocktails tend to be harsh, over formulated that exceed the body to assimulate, breakdown for usage, and worst of, bioaccumulative with unindended consequences. There are benefits, but the unknown consequences are even higher. Mechanical can be set for constant and repeatable process without the unforeseen/unknown consequences, adjusting from low levels to progressive high levels.

Everyone's penile, body, and mental health is different. However, our biological makeups are the same. We need to find ways to proach the limits to grow.

Mechanical limits for traction/weight force:

For over two decades, we studied the cultural practices with tandem modern clinical trials to replicate the proven methods for growth. We'll break the subject down even more for length and girth.

The clinical results for the lower and upper traction force/weight range between 400g (0.88lbs) to 1,500g (3.31lbs), with the most optimal cellular growth between 1,000g (2.20lbs) to 1,200g (2.65lbs). The application of time ranges between 4 hours (bare minimum) without upper time limits. Cellular membrane damages and repairs occur within this traction force.

Extreme pressure doesn't mean faster growth. Cell membranes start breaking down around 3.5 inHg (89 mmHg) and 6.5 inHg (165 mmHg). A healthy erection range is between 3.35 inHg (85 mmHg) and 4.92 inHg (125 mmHg). Notice how our brotherhood routine adviced the baseline at 5 inHg for pumping? You are entering into growth territory. You wonder why the penile growth accellerated during teenage year, and at time well into the initial primal years? Constant erections that exceed cellular membrane containment has part to play during the growth phases during teenagehood unintentional jelqing in forms of intense masterturbation. Something to ponder about. But why is the brotherhood pushed into the 10 inHg and into 15 inHg? This is to focus on multi-cellular layers rupturing for greater success.

Cellular membrane break down and repair:

At a cellular level, it does not take that much to break down the cell membranes. Direct blunt damage to cell membrane for rupture is around 8 kPa (0.002 inHg). What's way, way, way below the 5 inHg baseline. But do remember that's direct blunt pressure application to expose cell membrane. We're focusing on protected internal cell membranes. This is where the standard 5x5x3 routine comes into play, going from low warm up intensity at baseline of 5 inHg to more intense pressure into the 10 inHg. We're forcing the cell membranes to break, and break, and break within that time.

When a single cell membrane breaks, the body response from within 10 seconds to hours (based on your body potential to dedicate to cellular regeneration). To be assured your body has time to respond to cellular regeneration, the brotherhood suggests a 60 to 90 minutes balooned (expanded) state after pumping or 4 hours of elongation wrapping. As cells are repairing the damage membranes, the additional gaps where the cell membranes cannot cover cause the body responses to produce new cells to fill in the gaps. Just think about your open cuts being filled in by new cells as a protective mesh, while the damaged cells repair themselves. We try to mirror the process inside the penile body through similar micro traumas, day in and day out throughout the long dedicated hours. Ligamental and muscle tissue stresses can be covered in a different post. This is getting way too long already. Yes, yes, cellular duplication don't occur until 24 hours later. But, do you know that cell division can occur between 1 hour to as long as 24 hours? However, PE is about causing the creation of gaps, delay the gaps from collapses, and for the new cells to be produced to fill in those gaps.

Length Master 3 (LM3) and All Day Stretcher/Penile Tension-Traction Device (ADS/PTD or PTTD) , with MOS red light therapy (MOSRED):

LM3 uses the advantage of variable traction force for all angles, ranging from latteral (side to side), vertical (up and down), and contorsion (twists) to cause various cellular membrane to break along the penile shaft and the internal muscle tissues. With the baseline of 20 to 40 minutes routines, you're covering wide area of micro traumas to cause cellular regrowth. @DLD and the other veteran brothers covered this area extensively for length growth. Unlike chemical injection that forces irregular cellular regrowth, LM3 enforces mechanical force regrowth according to your demands for growth. To promote cellular gap filling, the brotherhood reminds you to keep the stressed penile shaft using wraps, penis sleeves (DuroSleeves), and ADS/PTD from turtling. Turtling is the body response to prevent further stresses/trauma from occuring and allow cellular repair at minimal energy costs. We want to enforce cellular regrowth and gap filling for expanded growth by preventing that turtling, which will result additional energy cost. Ligamental and surrouding tissue stresses will be discussed later since it's as long as this initial discussion.

This is where MOSRED comes into play. Rather than forcing your body to come up with energy deficiency, MOSRED supercharges your mitochondrial powerhouses to assist with cellular membrane repairs and cellular replication to fill in the gaps.

Comparing the ADS/PTD by itself to the LM3, it's like cutting a living hotdog one tiny slice at a time (vertical/latteral cell membrane breakage from long hours of wearing), or hacking and slashing the hotdog all over to promote healing and new growth everywhere (from the selected routines). Of course, it's still good to have ADS/PTD/wrap/sleeve to assist with the healing after stretching.


This is based your call. Bathmate, MityVac, water vs air, what you want to achieve in internal pressure strong enough to break the cell membranes, safely and effectively. In truth, you should worry less about that you can see at the base and focus on where you must be observing, which is the mid shaft toward the glans. This is where the formation of edema, blisters, thrombosis, lymphangiosclerosis, and sensitive soft tissue issues when you exceed your penile capacity to handle. Slowly and steady. Start with 3 to 4 inHg, the common erection pressure, toward 5 inHg minimal baseline pressure to begin the growth.

Post summary:

This post is not an end all post. It's a starting point for scientific, medical, and clinical info for brothers like like to dvele deeper into the rationale behind the PE and the growth. This is just the starting point of deep-dive mechanics to the PE routines from developed theories. @DLD and other brothers' theories are no longer theories. They are now established factual and supported methods.
Excellent work for the brotherhood. I thank you 😊
For those who don't believe me that your erection is around 3inHg, here's an old article that confirmed the penis's pressure under full blood pressure tention around 90mmHg, or around 3.5inHg. This is a heavy warning for newbies to go crazy with pumping without first knowing the baseline of a healthy body.

Clamping can be deadly on many different level, but the worst one is the unknown pressure developed under trapped pressure. There is no way to monitor clamped pressure. Pumping pressure using a good and reliable pressure system, such as the MityVac, is heavily emphasized. I go one step further and add a more sensitive gauage that monitors between 0 and 20 or 30 inHg, in the incrementation of 0.75inHg or 1inHg with large viewing window.
At 5inHg, you are already above the normal penile's veins pressure capacity. This is already the magic zone for growth. Those who already conditioned themselves and creeped slowly up toward 10inHg know the danger. At 10inHg, that's 254mmHg. This is at 2.8 times the pressure of penile veins. If your blood vessels are conditioned to take on the higher pressure, this is magic growth zone as you are forcing your tissues and blood vessels to expand and adopt at much much much higher pressure. Most don't understand concepts of conditioning for more strenuous environment, such as deep sea free diving, high altitude climbing, HALO/HAHO skydiving, or simply extreme heavy weight lifting. Your blood vessels and tissues undergo crazy stress loading for optimal growth and adapation. Crazy optimized and improved erection quality from pumping and PE routines are due to the preconditioning of the penis to handle extreme stresses. This is where the pumps play critical roles in PE. Use them correctly, and you'll benefit the major rewards.

I have more articles on this, and I'm reviewing them little by little to add. But this is sciences validating the normal conditions of the penis in PE, and the optimal conditions to prep for growth.
For those who don't believe me that your erection is around 3inHg, here's an old article that confirmed the penis's pressure under full blood pressure tention around 90mmHg, or around 3.5inHg. This is a heavy warning for newbies to go crazy with pumping without first knowing the baseline of a healthy body.

Clamping can be deadly on many different level, but the worst one is the unknown pressure developed under trapped pressure. There is no way to monitor clamped pressure. Pumping pressure using a good and reliable pressure system, such as the MityVac, is heavily emphasized. I go one step further and add a more sensitive gauage that monitors between 0 and 20 or 30 inHg, in the incrementation of 0.75inHg or 1inHg with large viewing window.
View attachment 1836194
At 5inHg, you are already above the normal penile's veins pressure capacity. This is already the magic zone for growth. Those who already conditioned themselves and creeped slowly up toward 10inHg know the danger. At 10inHg, that's 254mmHg. This is at 2.8 times the pressure of penile veins. If your blood vessels are conditioned to take on the higher pressure, this is magic growth zone as you are forcing your tissues and blood vessels to expand and adopt at much much much higher pressure. Most don't understand concepts of conditioning for more strenuous environment, such as deep sea free diving, high altitude climbing, HALO/HAHO skydiving, or simply extreme heavy weight lifting. Your blood vessels and tissues undergo crazy stress loading for optimal growth and adapation. Crazy optimized and improved erection quality from pumping and PE routines are due to the preconditioning of the penis to handle extreme stresses. This is where the pumps play critical roles in PE. Use them correctly, and you'll benefit the major rewards.

I have more articles on this, and I'm reviewing them little by little to add. But this is sciences validating the normal conditions of the penis in PE, and the optimal conditions to prep for growth.
Excellent post
I have noticed when I stretch lightly with the Sizegenetics my flaccid is better and more floppy or soft. When I do stretch harder it wants to shrink more after taking it off and becomes more hard feeling.

I have always heard to cement your stretching session you need to keep the elongation period the length of your erect length. But my question is, to stretch with 1,000 to 1,200 traction what if that tension is not at your erect length but below the erect length, are you losing ground by not stretching at your erect length?

I’ve read the post but why is above the 1,200 mark losing ground on adding length? You would think going as hard as you can or at that 2,000 plus mark would gain the most but it sounds like that will hinder your gains?

Hopefully, that makes sense.
I have noticed when I stretch lightly with the Sizegenetics my flaccid is better and more floppy or soft. When I do stretch harder it wants to shrink more after taking it off and becomes more hard feeling.
This is a common phenomenon as your penis attempts to preserve itself from tissue tactile stresses. When long term tension placed on the tissues, the tissues become fatigued, triggering preservation mode. When the penis switches to preservation mode, the penis reteacts even harder. When you pull only, you penis is only stressed at a lower level than the traction devices. Length Master causes similar traction trauma fatigues after 20 minutes of hard pulling. This is why we put on our wraps or stretcher to preserve the length we've force the penis to stretch out to. Short term tissue trauma doesn't kick the preservation mode, but rather relaxed the tissues to prevent damages instead.

I have always heard to cement your stretching session you need to keep the elongation period the length of your erect length. But my question is, to stretch with 1,000 to 1,200 traction what if that tension is not at your erect length but below the erect length, are you losing ground by not stretching at your erect length?
By wrapping, we elongate the length to as close to the stretched length as possible. If your erected length is 6in, your stretched length is around 6.5 to 7in wrapping past 6in is sufficient enough to keep an elongated gain one micro meter at a time. If you wrap it below the normal erected length, that's not good.

At 1kg to 1.2kg, that is quite a bit of extra traction force to keep your penis elongated. If you are using 1kg to 1.2kg and your stretching does not go beyond your erected length, something is wrong. Either the device is faulty or the application of the penis on your penis is not correct.

I’ve read the post but why is above the 1,200 mark losing ground on adding length? You would think going as hard as you can or at that 2,000 plus mark would gain the most but it sounds like that will hinder your gains?
Read carefully on one of the clinical publish of traction force at 1kg. This is where safe cellular expansions and duplication occurs. At 1.2kg to 1.3g, your cells optimize between stretching, breaking, and rebuilding at the most optimal lebel. At 1.5kg, there's a declination of cellular regeneration because the cells are too stressed at a constant level after 2 hours.

It's like you're forcing yourself to sprint, not high or run, a marathon constantly day in and day out for 4 to 8 hours non-stop, and expect your body to recover optimally. It doesn't work. This is why pumping limits at 15 minutes at high pressure zone above 5inHg (like traction force at 1.2kg to 1.3kg). The stretching hard limit for Length Master is also around 20 minutes, where some of us go into an hour then gentle wrap to exceed our erected state and push to the new elongated state. Keywords are "gentle wrapping."

Hope that gives you a better answer. Most companies will not give you this info. Why? Because they want to sell and not explain.
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This is a common phenomenon as your penis attempts to preserve itself from tissue tactile stresses. When long term tension placed on the tissues, the tissues become fatigued, triggering preservation mode. When the penis switches to preservation mode, the penis reteacts even harder. When you pull only, you penis is only stressed at a lower level than the traction devices. Length Master causes similar traction trauma fatigues after 20 minutes of hard pulling. This is why we put on our wraps or stretcher to preserve the length we've force the penis to stretch out to. Short term tissue trauma doesn't kick the preservation mode, but rather relaxed the tissues to prevent damages instead.

By wrapping, we elongate the length to as close to the stretched length as possible. If your erected length is 6in, your stretched length is around 6.5 to 7in wrapping past 6in is sufficient enough to keep an elongated gain one micro meter at a time. If you wrap it below the normal erected length, that's not good.

At 1kg to 1.2kg, that is quite a bit of extra traction force to keep your penis elongated. If you are using 1kg to 1.2kg and your stretching does not go beyond your erected length, something is wrong. Either the device is faulty or the application of the penis on your penis is not correct.

Read carefully on one of the clinical publish of traction force at 1kg. This is where safe cellular expansions and duplication occurs. At 1.2kg to 1.3g, your cells optimize between stretching, breaking, and rebuilding at the most optimal lebel. At 1.5kg, there's a declination of cellular regeneration because the cells are too stressed at a constant level after 2 hours.

It's like you're forcing yourself to sprint, not high or run, a marathon constantly day in and day out for 4 to 8 hours non-stop, and expect your body to recover optimally. It doesn't work. This is why pumping limits at 15 minutes at high pressure zone above 5inHg (like traction force at 1.2kg to 1.3kg). The stretching hard limit for Length Master is also around 20 minutes, where some of us go into an hour then gentle wrap to exceed our erected state and push to the new elongated state. Keywords are "gentle wrapping."

Hope that gives you a better answer. Most companies will not give you this info. Why? Because they want to sell and not explain.
Thank you for your response.

I’m sorry I am just now responding but I wanted to respond after using my sizegenetics again so I can report accurately.

I am 6 3/4 BPEL and my BPFSL is 7 3/4. So, when I’m stretching in my sizegenetics and keeping the tension at the first mark (1,200) I’m at my 6 3/4 BPEL. I think from what you said that would be sufficient to maintain my stretching session? Or should I up the tension a little?
I am 6 3/4 BPEL and my BPFSL is 7 3/4. So, when I’m stretching in my sizegenetics and keeping the tension at the first mark (1,200) I’m at my 6 3/4 BPEL. I think from what you said that would be sufficient to maintain my stretching session?
Based on the new info, nope. Do pay attention after an hour at 1200g. Your 6-3/4 should be at 7. In 2 hours, it should be 7-3/4. In 3 hours, it should be more than 7-3/4. If anything less after 2 hours, something is not right. When I used my extended, taking your measurement into account, in 3 hours, I would have reached 8 and even 8-1/4 and remain there for 4 additional hours.

So, PBFSL is your baseline to meet and beat within 2 hours, even at 1200g. If it does not, that first mark is not 1200g. You might want to remeasure the traction force by using the kitchen scale to press down on it. Do report back what you found out.

Or should I up the tension a little?
Test the first mark tension force first. Something is not right. Determine all marks and the traction force base on the weight scale.
What happens if you have a little bit tolerance ? Do you push more hg? When do you know you need to go higher ? When there is no growth ? How can someone tell if there is no growth? He has to wait months to check if he has gains ?
What happens if you have a little bit tolerance ? Do you push more hg? When do you know you need to go higher ? When there is no growth ? How can someone tell if there is no growth? He has to wait months to check if he has gains ?
Based on the new info, nope. Do pay attention after an hour at 1200g. Your 6-3/4 should be at 7. In 2 hours, it should be 7-3/4. In 3 hours, it should be more than 7-3/4. If anything less after 2 hours, something is not right. When I used my extended, taking your measurement into account, in 3 hours, I would have reached 8 and even 8-1/4 and remain there for 4 additional hours.

So, PBFSL is your baseline to meet and beat within 2 hours, even at 1200g. If it does not, that first mark is not 1200g. You might want to remeasure the traction force by using the kitchen scale to press down on it. Do report back what you found out.

Test the first mark tension force first. Something is not right. Determine all marks and the traction force base on the weight scale.
Interesting. I guess I don’t understand as much as I thought I did.

I checked on a scale and my first notch is 800 to 900 grams and my second notch is 1,110 to 1,200. I think because I have had my sizegenetics for many years now the springs have loosened up a little. So, based on that new info I wasn’t adding as much tension as I thought.

I will redo a session tonight and see what I can do about in 3 hours getting past 7 3/4. I just don’t know for comfort if I can do that much and for more than 4 hours. I will try though.

Now, is this way just to add more length without doing manual stretching or is this for cementing your temporary gains after your manual session? I was trying to cement my workout but maybe I’m not thinking of it right either?

I will report back. Thank you so much for your help! You are a wealth of knowledge.
Interesting. I guess I don’t understand as much as I thought I did.

I checked on a scale and my first notch is 800 to 900 grams and my second notch is 1,110 to 1,200. I think because I have had my sizegenetics for many years now the springs have loosened up a little. So, based on that new info I wasn’t adding as much tension as I thought.

I will redo a session tonight and see what I can do about in 3 hours getting past 7 3/4. I just don’t know for comfort if I can do that much and for more than 4 hours. I will try though.

I have and old spring sets as well. Over time, the spring do wear out. My original spring sets were between 600 to 1300g. Once the spring sets worn out, new spring sets must be replaced. You can upgrade your spring sets to 2000g if you like, giving you that first few hours intense stretch out. Remember, optimal growth is around 1200 to 1250g of traction force, but the elongation stretch must exceed the BPFSL, which is your indicator of the max growth. We tend to base it on BPFL, but that's not true. Traction goes under the BPFSL. BPFL is simply the normal relax state of the normal penis condition. Erection state is an indicator of the current cemented length.

The upgraded spring sets went past 7,000g. Yep, 7kg. But those upgraded spring sets mirror the Length Master for just the first hour, and I have secondary spring sets to simply use at 1200g. When the Length Master released the traction plates, that's when I tossed my traction devices and went with the Length Master instead. 20 to 40 minutes vs 1 to 2 hours. The only thing is inconvenience of the Length Master. You can't just strap and go like extenders. But spending that 20 minutes of stretching quality time and use the remaining 2 to 4 hours on lower tension kicks the gaining game up quite a notch.

Now, is this way just to add more length without doing manual stretching or is this for cementing your temporary gains after your manual session? I was trying to cement my workout but maybe I’m not thinking of it right either?
There's no way to add length without that additional manual stretches. You must go further and beyond the needed length. This is to induce pliability and malleability of the tissues, cranking the gaps wide open and allow cells to fill into the gaps. The traction devices are doing just that. Length Master is the forceful crowbar to do just that. We wrap or use traction and extender devices to keep the gaps wide open for as many hours as we can just for that purpose. If you feel like your extender device is too rough, Length Master for 20 minutes and gentle wraps for the duration of the day. Me, I like to use the SiliStretcher for more comfort using suction cup type. Easier on the glans than the traction type devices. Since it's getting hotter, I have to use light breathable wraps instead. Too much sweating on the legs and heat blisters-abrassions can form around the legs.
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What happens if you have a little bit tolerance ? Do you push more hg?
In biological and molecular sciences, a bit of tolerance can provide you the benefits you need. However, there are upper limits you cannot cross, and there are limits you must be very cautious as you cross. I'll explain as I answer your questions below.

When do you know you need to go higher ?
When can you go higher? As long as you don't exceed the body's upper limits, you can keep going. So far, medical and cellular sciences all confirmed that we should not exceed 10inHg. Why? 10inHg already far exceed our internal tissue tolerable limits. BUT, this is a warning not to exceed when your tissues are young or not conditioned. That means once you allow your body to condition enough, you can go higher. However, going higher than 10inHg must proceed with extreme caution. Why? As you go higher, your external tissue, your skin (epidermal) is under extreme stresses. Most external layer of your skin, especially your glans, are very sensitive to intense vacuum conditions. Blisters (edema), blood bumps, and malforms can start as little as 8inHg within 30 seconds. Going up to 10inhg and higher means you're taking high risk in causing traumas to both internal and external tissues. Going past 12inHg, you are now 4 times the pressure of your safety zone during a strong normal erections. Going to 15inHg, you are now 5 times the normal healthy erection. Once again, it's based on normal healthy erection.

Based on medical and pathology studies, your penis has an upper limit where tissues explode and implodes. Under pressure, your penis has a time limit going up as high as 47inHg. Yep. That's 1,200mmHg. This is a normal healthy erection of a stallion. After 40 seconds, you have tissue breakage, snapping, and leakage. Your penis undergoes heavy damages. Blisters instantly form. Internal damages can't even be calculated. It's practically a bomb going off inside your penis.

When there is no growth ? How can someone tell if there is no growth? He has to wait months to check if he has gains ?
Pumping and placing your penis under vacuum pressure takes time to see growth. It's not overnight. It's not within a month, but some do see it immediately within 2 to 3 weeks. SOME! Most will take between a month to 3 months to see some results. This is a programming phase where the tissues are being conditioned for optimal growth. Most will see greater results around the 6 month mark as your body is placed into a reprogramming phase, where your tissues are ready for optimal growth.

I can say that most desperate PE journey brothers give up after a couple of months and most around 4 months when they see only a little to no growth. They have sporadic workout routines and expect optimal growth. It doesn't work like that. You have to place your penis into good growth conditioning before you can see good growth. It takes patience and dedication.

In your case, your new lower baseline is 8inHg, which is great after 3 to 6 months of pumping and various other routines! This is due to your tolerance. Your new upper baseline is around 10inHg or 10.5inHg. Creeping up to 11inHg is good. But don't be desperate and keep pumping higher and higher. My suggestion is to CREEP up. Don't allow your penis to adapt to too high of a vacuum pressure. If you can get a great workout and expansion at the lower pressure, stay low as you can. This prevents your body from adapting and forcing you to go too high. But if you need to go higher in vacuum pressure because you can't feel the growth, slowly creep up in pressure.

I can tell you this. I do know a pumper that already at 22inHg as his lower baseline. We, as his supporting friends, are fearful for him of the pumping pressure he's at. He's currently using a dynamic pressure approach only using 1inHg above for 40 seconds, and drop back to 12inHg. He goes up to expand, and drop back down to 12inHg to remain expanding. He's alternating 40 seconds of higher upper limit, and drop to 2 minutes 20 seconds at the lower limit for himself. It's currently working for him. We're very scared for his penile health right now. If you wonder what's his current girth, it's around 8.7in. His internal tissues are extremely dense.

He has to wait months to check if he has gains ?
Commonly, we only check by observing. Don't measure it every week, or every month. Just measure it by sight as you pump. Measure it around the 3rd and 6th month. PE is a long journey. Don't be desperate and measure like your life depends on it.
Any thoughts on using a pump all day at low pressure?
Depending on the vacuum pressure and on which part. For example, if you want to expand your glans, maintain at 4.5 to 5inHg is good. Pressure needs to be released every 2 hours. Pressure cannot exceed 6inHg while under long term pressure. Why? Blistering will occur because of high moisture that causes the glans's skin to weaken.

Long term low pressure for the entire penis, around 3.5 to 5inHg. That's restrictive blood flow using cock rings. No need for pumps. But long term low pressure between 5 and 6inHg, that will cause edemas, slowly and surely. Even wearing cock rings under the pressure to 5 to 6inHg for long hours will also cause edemas. To maintain at that pressure level, that is entering into constrictive pressure method of weak clamping. Not recommended.
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
      P (Guest) pedguin: ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master...