Routine Schedule Question (Lengthmaster and SiliStretcher)

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

As with all routines start with 5 minutes of Bundled Stretches to prestretch the Tunica.

Reverse Pyramid Hanging Sets
Beginers User Three 30 Minute Sets
Set one: 1 1/2 pounds
Set two: 3 pounds
Set three: 5 pounds

Advanced User Four 30 Minute Sets
Set one: 5 pounds
Set two: 10 pounds
Set three: 15 pounds
Set four: 20 pound

By the time you hit full fatigue (around the 10 pound mark) sets become heavier taking full advantage of the increased fatigue by increasing weight. By the time you hit the last set your ligs will be screaming!

Where SiliStretcher at moderate setting for remainder of day.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

LengthMaster PowerAssist Stretches:
Bundles: 5 minutes before starting. Go 2.5 minutes to the left and 2.5 minutes to the right.

Length Master Rolls: 4 sets of sixty seconds.

LengthMaster multi angle stretches
Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds x 2
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds x 2

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds x 2
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds x 2
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds x 2

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds x 2
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds x 2
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds x 2

Where SiliStretcher at moderate stretch for remainder of day.

Girth Portion
SRT 5x5x3
Monday through Friday

5 minutes SSJ
5 Minutes MityVac

5 minutes SSJ
5 Minutes MityVac

5 minutes SSJ
5 Minutes MityVac

Wear SiliRing for as long as possible.

You can do this Routine all at once but I suggest you break up length and girth by at least 4 hours.

If this Routine ends up being too much you can opt for a similar routine with exclusivity to length and girth. I suggest this schedule:

Monday Length A.
Tuesday Girth 5×5×3
Wednesday Length B.
Thursday Girth 5×5×3
Friday Length A.
Saturday Girth 5×5×3
Sunday Length B.

