My SilliSleev 5 just came in the mail, but I have no clue how to put it on. It seems like I would need three hands in order to do it:lol2: Does anyone have advice or a tutorial video? Thanks!
Look near the middle of the page. There are tabs. Look for Instructions and Videos.
There are tricks for them. One is the rolling method, the other is the folding method. I use both based on the thickness of the sleeves. The SiliSleev2, I use the rolling method where the sleeves looks like a ring to stretch wide to place over your penis. The #5 is a bit thicker. I fold it inot 1/3 band size, stretch, and place over my penis before unravel it. The band is quite strong, and to roll it into a ring, you better have some good arm strength.
The videos wouldn't work for me, but I found out that the folding/ring method works well for me. I got the #5
Any advice about smell? The lil guy sweats in there all day and mixed with the silicone, it smells... interesting. And I mean the smell on my pecker, not for the sleeve. I'll clean the sleeve daily with a gentle wire brush and dish soap. But the sweat and silicone stay on my penis until I shower. So, if I'm wearing it all day and am about to have sex but can't shower first, I'm in a bit of a predicament because the smell is pretty noticeable
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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