Politics and PC


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The reason why Political correctness was invented is to protect mentally deranged humans called liberals. There was a time in which there was a republican party and a democratic party. Both very similar only with differences on how to approach different principles.

Fast forward to today, we still have the republican party but there is no democratic party anymore. The left today represent everything that was against the foundation of this nation, while at the same time representing all the evil the world has seen throughout history.

We can see perfectly this phenomenon these days when it comes to attacking out constitution. The first amendment. Freedom of speech. The liberal, always fight to impose his view and side over everybody. Rolling over everybody else rights, with no regard nor care. If you have a different opinion from a liberal, they insult you, humiliate you, they physically attack you, and they push for censorship and ban. They are anarchists, fascists, resemble the NAZI regime.

In fact, we can also see a HUGE resemblance of the NAZI regime in the way the media behaves today. The job of a journalist is to report. "the president said this", "the president did that" Today, that doesn't exist anymore. Todays, these outlets have panels of discussion to talk how and why the president is the most evil human in the world. That makes them propaganda outlets, not news journalists anymore. They are pseudo journalists and all they do is spread propaganda that suits their agenda.

To make things worse, absolutely every single talking point they discuss, has been proven to be FAKE. False information, baseless, or twisted versions of reality. That makes them Fake propaganda outlets, just exactly like the NAZE regime did it to brainwhash people.

The level of suppression doesn't even have a discretion anymore. Before, it was done very discreetly covered with some other valid reason. Today, is open. Liberals refused to accept the election of our Supreme Leader President Trump. Theyre reaction was "IMPEACH HIM!!!!" in a totalitarian anarchist way. Of course, under the law they need a reason and a base for impeachment, which they never had, only in their delusion. Therefore they created FAKE propaganda in an attempt to find a legal way for impeachment which backfired on them because the real guilty are coming up now.

Same principle of evil applies on social media. These marxist organizations on a daily basis ban and censorship patriot american voices. Why? because they say so. Because they dont like it. They refuse to respect the constitution and enforce freedom of speech. Any time a conservative view is exposed, immediately these groups of mentally ill people push for ban and censorship, but when the views of liberals is exposed, is perfectly accepted and tolerated.

Same mentally ill behavior applies in real life. One of the most significant events in the last few years was Charlottesville. What happened there? a group of self proclaimed neo nazi and white supremacists were authorized to hold a peaceful protest in front of a monument. Now, under normal circumstances, an average intelligent person would look at them and laugh. To each their own. If you dont agree with their views, ignore them. They have the right to peacefully protest in an authorized protest.

However, what happened that day? A large group of savages showed up to incite violence and create chaos. Illegally, in an unauthorized way, causing public disruption. That is the behavior of the left. Pure Anarchy, fascism. imposing their side over the rest with force and violence. That day, THEY were the bad people. THEY were the criminals, not the other side. THE LIBERALS (democrats) was at fault, and when the president said that there was bad people on both sides, when in reality the bad side was only one, the liberal savages, the media immediately proceeded to label the president as NAZI, RACIST. The same media with an agenda, that most probably has involvement in funding these domestic terrorist organizations such as Antifa.

Same phenomenon we see in college campuses. Every time a conservative speaker will be giving a speech, these repugnant savages create chaos and violence.

Now, why is the reason for that? the reason is very simple. Their views are wrong, and unable to be justified, proven, applied. So in their own desperation inside a brain that is lower in IQ and has biochemical imbalances, their last resort is violence.

I have personally had countless attempts to have a civic discussion with a libtard in order to exchange ideas and perhaps reach agreements, it is impossible. Is like trying to make a dog understand something. I mean, when we elected our Supreme Leader, there were mentally retarded people kneeling on the street and screaming to the sky. That tells you everything.

Nevertheless, the determination of the American People and its Supreme Leader has never been stronger and bold, and it WILL NOT be questioned. I truly believe that these 4 years of his presidency has been a monumental devine work to restore the economy of our great nation, the second term will perhaps consist in cleaning our nation from terrorist organizations like Antifa and the media including CNN. It will be a honorable task in which every single American should participate. A decree should be passed by congress to keep our Supreme Leader in power for as long as The Gods allow to keep him with us.

A new crusade should start in our great nation against the evil forces of the liberal democrats, a cruzade that should expand to the world and erase them from the face of the earth. It already started in South America with the election of Brazil's Supreme Leader Jair Bolsonaro, which with the rapid fall of Venezuela democratic system and Cubas already devastating Democrats in power, will create a radical shift in the continent towards Nationalism and sovereignty. Same in Europe. Change already started with Italy, our great ancestry of civilization, has elected their own Supreme Leader to restore their nation torn apart economically by democrats.

Lately, since The Gods are with us, the future of Great Britain looks bright once again with Brexit, the end of Theresa May, a democrat and one of thew most repugnant dangerous criminals Great Britain has even had, and as a next step Britons will elect their new Supreme Leader Boris Johnson who will together with our Supreme Leader, will renew the supremacy of the free western world. A world of prosperity and equal oportinities for everybody. A world of laws and safety, freedom and liberty.
Yup. Then backpedalled on the whole thing. Like seriously grow some balls and own ur shit. Now with the results of this new election and the fucktard got in with a minority government, half the country, the west, wants to leave. The country is more divided then it ever was. Similar with how oboma left the US so divided. I wish the regular populace would see how the libtards do more to polarize a country than bring it together.
The left, democrats, have a brilliant ability to brainwash the masses and manipulate the ignorant. The left portrait a face of "heart" and "humanitarian", "warm", "love" with a message of "help", "equality", "care" But in reality all they do is too train those who believe in them to be like dogs.

You know, if you see a stray dog on the street and call him to give him some food, he will come to you and eat. Next day buy instinct, the dog will pass by there same place remembering there was free food over there. After 3-4 consecutive times, that dog will be waiting there every single day. At that point, you own him. Now you own his life. You determine how much he eats, how many times. You have acquired control, power.

Thats the way the left manipulate the ignorant masses. They make them fall for the narrative that thanks to them, they will reach prosperity which is a proven false promise. Fake news. Look at the inner cities of the black communities that for over half a century have been voting democrat believing in these fairy tales. They are poorer than ever before. The left not only lie to them, but also make sure they stay with lower education that way they cannot wake up and take their own initiative.

Democrats are disgusting, and the mainstream media is the enemy number one of the people.
The left, democrats, have a brilliant ability to brainwash the masses and manipulate the ignorant. The left portrait a face of "heart" and "humanitarian", "warm", "love" with a message of "help", "equality", "care" But in reality all they do is too train those who believe in them to be like dogs.

You know, if you see a stray dog on the street and call him to give him some food, he will come to you and eat. Next day buy instinct, the dog will pass by there same place remembering there was free food over there. After 3-4 consecutive times, that dog will be waiting there every single day. At that point, you own him. Now you own his life. You determine how much he eats, how many times. You have acquired control, power.

Thats the way the left manipulate the ignorant masses. They make them fall for the narrative that thanks to them, they will reach prosperity which is a proven false promise. Fake news. Look at the inner cities of the black communities that for over half a century have been voting democrat believing in these fairy tales. They are poorer than ever before. The left not only lie to them, but also make sure they stay with lower education that way they cannot wake up and take their own initiative.

Democrats are disgusting, and the mainstream media is the enemy number one of the people.

They are destroying their own party.
They are destroying their own party.

That is exactly correct. The Radical extremist democratic mob is committing political suicide. In their desperation of hating our Supreme Leader, plus knowing that they do not have candidates, they have NOBODY that could win over President Trump, they are going all in inventing any kind of bullshit in a desperate attempt to cause some damage to the image of President Trump. But the people is not stupid. All those traditional democrats that are still out there, will NEVER tolerate all this radical leftist extremists broadcasting garbage everywhere. All those traditional democrats, based on results and actions, will vote Trump this time, and our Supreme Leader will be reelected in a gigantic landslide the likes we have never seen before in the history of human kind.
That is exactly correct. The Radical extremist democratic mob is committing political suicide. In their desperation of hating our Supreme Leader, plus knowing that they do not have candidates, they have NOBODY that could win over President Trump, they are going all in inventing any kind of bullshit in a desperate attempt to cause some damage to the image of President Trump. But the people is not stupid. All those traditional democrats that are still out there, will NEVER tolerate all this radical leftist extremists broadcasting garbage everywhere. All those traditional democrats, based on results and actions, will vote Trump this time, and our Supreme Leader will be reelected in a gigantic landslide the likes we have never seen before in the history of human kind.
View attachment 1826405
A racist, bigot, stupid, and hate old people and little kids.
(I also get the dumb redneck comment... but that doesn’t apply to all ya’ll).
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