NonBonePressed is ridiculous


Active member
Bone pressed vs non bone.

When you have sex and you are 6 inches (sex with a woman is bone to bone) then she feels 7 inches.

Have you ever heard about a statement:

" I am 6 inches but when I have sex I'm 7"

Me neither, so why measure this way?

And second, when you 6 inches non bone, and you loose weight in a couple of months (los of pubic bone fat pad) then you suddenly 7inches without any PE?

Maybe you did PE and lost weight at the same time and now you think it's because of PE? And sharing this with the brotherhood so they follow you're routine for a couple of months despite the routine apparently didn't work at all?

What about someone who has a sixpack and measures 6inches and couple months later he gain weight and now measures only 5?

Don't set yourself in a difficult position doing non bone pressed measurements
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What a great thread and I completely agree with you. A bone pressed measurement is the only true measurement for length. Non-bone pressed will only show you how much weight you’ve gained or lost but it will never determine the length of your penis because it’s not pressed against the bone. So if you’re 12 inches long and you have a 5 inch fat pad you’re still 12 inches Even though only 7 inches is showing. So how do you make up the difference for this? Continue to lengthen your penis while you get yourself on a good diet to reduce the fat pad. When I made it to 9 inches I had a 3 inch fat pad which means only 6 inches showed due to the fa when I made it to 9 inches I had a 3 inch fat pad which means only 6 inches showed due to the fat pad. When I was able lose that 140 pounds that I was overweight I was finally able to see just how long I was. So my advice is to never measure never non-bone pressed Unless it’s for your ego. The best thing to do is to start a very good PE work out like SRT and take up a good dieting and exercise routine to lose the fat pad.
NBP is good for those attempting a fat loss regimen. Some use it for apparent visual feedback.

That being said, for assessing actual gains the bone pressed method should be used.
NBP is good for those attempting a fat loss regimen. Some use it for apparent visual feedback.

That being said, for assessing actual gains the bone pressed method should be used.

I'm not pubic bone slammer when I have sex. Never enjoyed that myself. To each their own though.
I'm not pubic bone slammer when I have sex. Never enjoyed that myself. To each their own though.
If we do our job right, pubic bone slamming will not be an option. We're trying to enjoy the poor girl's company, not kill her. ;)

NBP is good for those attempting a fat loss regimen. Some use it for apparent visual feedback.
I'm gonna have to piggy back on Big Al's nuance here. It depends on why you're measuring. What are you using the data for? You're absolutely right about someone using NBP to determine the effectiveness of their PE routine. If that's your goal, then BP is the way to do it. (As you pointed out, BP tells you whether the penis is growing independently of factors like body composition). That's why Big Al switched me to BP measurements and I complied.

At the same time, many have aesthetic goals. I certainly do. I have about 6 visible inches and I want 9. I don't care that I can push in to get about another inch, that doesn't matter to me. As you mentioned, nobody says "I'm 6 inches but when I have sex I'm 7." From an aesthetic standpoint, only the first number matters. From an aesthetic standpoint, if it's hidden it doesn't count. So in terms of pursuing my goal, BP length only gives me part of the story! I can tell whether or not the PE is working, but I can't tell if that new growth has been offset by other factors.

For example, if I manage to grow my dick 3 inches with PE, but then I put on so much weight that 6 inches of it is buried, I have not reached my goal. I went from 6 visible inches to 3 visible inches. I've lost ground! Alternatively, if I started out with 6 visible inches AND a 3 inch hippy bush, it doesn't matter that I suddenly have 9 visible inches because-I-shaved and not because my dick-actually-got-bigger. It only matters that my dick now looks 50% longer.

My point is NBP has its place. I'm using BP right now because the point of those measurements is to determine how effective my routine is. And you're right, that's what most of us should be paying attention to most of the time, because we GET the greater visible size in large part by increasing the actual size and that's the challenge. But the only way I'll ever know if I've reached my ultimate goal is with a NBP measure!
Non-bone pressed the erect size is the silliest measurement to take. It will vary day today and that variation is destined to cause you discouragement. If your dick is buried in fat pad get on a diet, start exercising and let your cock shine through!
Non-bone pressed the erect size... will vary day today and that variation is destined to cause you discouragement.
Huh. I did not know that. Do we have an idea how much it varies? Could we be seeing something like 1/4" to 1/2" swings day to day? I'd have to take that into account later on...
Huh. I did not know that. Do we have an idea how much it varies? Could we be seeing something like 1/4" to 1/2" swings day to day? I'd have to take that into account later on...

It can vary up to an inch or more. When I gained 4 inches in length I had a 3 inch fat pad so only 7.5 inches was visible even though I had two more inches in the fat pad. So as you gain weight it lose weight this number changes. Back when I get the film “the perfect penis“ I had a quarter inch fat pad which means almost all of my penis was visible. This is when I truly realized my games. Up to this point I gained but it didn’t show so it’s frustrating. So losing weight if you have a fat pad is vital to how much penis your expressing. Another thing that can change day by day is the fatigue and erection quality, If these are involved you will also measure shorter than usual. The weather or even stress can determine how much penis there is to measure. So the only real way to charge your games is by bone pressed measurements. When you measure this way it will never change unless you have gained size and since you’re measuring against the bone weight and fat does not matter. So my suggestion to anyone getting involved with PE is to also take up a diet and exercise routine to reduce the fat pad.
Don't exaggerate guys with the bone to bone sex. It's not like you slamming the hell out of the bone and smashing your skin and veins and destroying al the tissue.

Professionally exaggeraters right here

Keep with the content of the thread
Don't exaggerate guys with the bone to bone sex. It's not like you slamming the hell out of the bone and smashing your skin and veins and destroying al the tissue.

Professionally exaggeraters right here

Keep with the content of the thread

I was not celibate at the time when I had a 3 inch fat pad but I can tell you my girl got every inch of my penis because I would pull that fat pad all the way back to the bone and then I would slip it in. I’ve actually never been with a woman since I’ve made such amazing weight-loss.

It can never just be simple. "...and all this wiggliness is too complicated!"

It’s so simple it just seems complicated. People just need to start from the center of their pubic bone and push that ruler against that bone and then stretch that penis as far up that ruler as they can and there’s the measurement. Doesn’t matter if your erection quality is good it doesn’t matter if you gained or lost weight, it’s going to give you a solid answer every time
It’s so simple it just seems complicated. People just need to start from the center of their pubic bone and push that ruler against that bone and then stretch that penis as far up that ruler as they can and there’s the measurement. Doesn’t matter if your erection quality is good it doesn’t matter if you gained or lost weight, it’s going to give you a solid answer every time
I mean the fat pad variation is too wiggly and complicated. An inch or more?? That's huge!

All my measurements are BP right now, and will be until I suspect I've reached my goal. ;)
I'm not pubic bone slammer when I have sex. Never enjoyed that myself. To each their own though.
If using a condom the girl is getting nowhere near my pubic bone. I dont want her diseases against my skin thats why use a condom for protection! Always use protection!
BP is highly accurate, I always use it. I say guys, dont get stressed out with NBP and BP. Just gain extra to get more NBP, and if its so much an issue, lose weight or something.

Best way to track progress though is using BP measurements, and because I had only a .25 inch fat pad, I could use nearly all my BP size.
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And if you’re really nervous when measuring simply measure bone pressed flaccid stretched as this does not require an erection and the results will be solid every time as you will be measuring from the same place every time. As Red said above, measure against the bone from exactly the same place every single measurement for your measurements will be inconsistent