Well-known member
We all know the benefits of NIR + RED light for PE, amazing and god sent. This is hopefully something we do in PE that will kill multiple birds with one stone. Improve PE and (unproven theory) lowering the fat pad and belly fat which means more NBPEL & BPEL and more of wifey touching your abs during sex.
One theory I have been playing with is that there are multiple studies about NIR + RED for weight loss, please research a lot to confirm this and place links! The basics are that although it is not 100% proven that it can do spot weight reduction there are multiple reports that it does do weight reduction, also they say it could target Subcutaneous fat.
So, I believe that I have reduced my fat pad by working out, healthy diet, stomach ulcer ( this was by chance, basically I had to eat very healthy for 3 months and I had crazy diarrhea), and NIR + RED. With my fat pad and the Subcutaneous fat ( what I can grab) I know there has been a reduction. Unfortunately for everyone here, this all happened in my life at the same time, so I can't pinpoint the NIR + RED effect with data. I also started water pumping at the same time so it is hard to pinpoint my growth during this time.
With NIR + RED I have targeted my belly and Cock during stretches, hanging, and warm-ups now for 4 months. My NBPEL has grown and I do believe I gained 1/8 of free dick length. I believe I went from 20% to 15% body fat during my 4 months. Although it may seem little, I already had a very low-fat pad to start. But I'm sure anyone will take any gains no matter how little.
So there you have it! I'm sorry I did it all at the same time but I have more cock to give wifey tonight so, not sorry. If you find yourself adding this and can measure a difference, please report it. I hope this thread goes on for a long time and adds to the wealth of PE knowledge.
I leave you with one report:
In one study, twice-weekly 30-minute red light therapy was given to 40 healthy men and women for four weeks. This was for a total of eight light therapy treatments. The test subjects did not make any changes to their diet or exercise routines. By the end of the trial, subjects reported a 1-inch reduction in waist measurements.
One theory I have been playing with is that there are multiple studies about NIR + RED for weight loss, please research a lot to confirm this and place links! The basics are that although it is not 100% proven that it can do spot weight reduction there are multiple reports that it does do weight reduction, also they say it could target Subcutaneous fat.
So, I believe that I have reduced my fat pad by working out, healthy diet, stomach ulcer ( this was by chance, basically I had to eat very healthy for 3 months and I had crazy diarrhea), and NIR + RED. With my fat pad and the Subcutaneous fat ( what I can grab) I know there has been a reduction. Unfortunately for everyone here, this all happened in my life at the same time, so I can't pinpoint the NIR + RED effect with data. I also started water pumping at the same time so it is hard to pinpoint my growth during this time.
With NIR + RED I have targeted my belly and Cock during stretches, hanging, and warm-ups now for 4 months. My NBPEL has grown and I do believe I gained 1/8 of free dick length. I believe I went from 20% to 15% body fat during my 4 months. Although it may seem little, I already had a very low-fat pad to start. But I'm sure anyone will take any gains no matter how little.
So there you have it! I'm sorry I did it all at the same time but I have more cock to give wifey tonight so, not sorry. If you find yourself adding this and can measure a difference, please report it. I hope this thread goes on for a long time and adds to the wealth of PE knowledge.
I leave you with one report:
In one study, twice-weekly 30-minute red light therapy was given to 40 healthy men and women for four weeks. This was for a total of eight light therapy treatments. The test subjects did not make any changes to their diet or exercise routines. By the end of the trial, subjects reported a 1-inch reduction in waist measurements.