New to penis enlargement, well, kind of


Firstly hope im on he right topic side of the forum.
Now i been about 2 yours now just doing stretched down mostly. Cant really say if were really stretches ive a skin problem, kinda turkey neck that makes balls and all follow the supposed stretching applied. Last week made a change and try add upper stretches with a catch, to avoid all the skin come within i use other hand to pull both balls down, still some skins is able to escape somehow when stretching that way. Maybe i should try record such sometime to showcase better the issue.
But back to such 2 years of this supposed strechin downwards the penis now lost big time the angle of erection, i had it a bit up before start this, now is almost like flaccid angle but erect. Also im a grower that in my opinion was the kids sized underwear that i used until my 17s, then i got some boxer briefs what seem help with the turtling, but not much, ended trying this method of the glands out everytime when flacid, such helped but not really (helped with sensitivity level of glands tho, made it less sensitive), this 2 years stretch tho did help indeed with my flaccid turtle, still turtles but not to a lets say girl clitoris on steroids size. In terms of erect size, maybe same size as before, yes my dick would increase 5 inches before, from flaccid to erect, now less is less ofc, but erect i might had lost half a inch tbh, not exactly sure because seems such skin increased so kinda hides penis in a way, never measured my dick to the bone thing, and used stuff as phone to measure rather than a ruler so yeah.
So now ive some questions that is if such skin can be reduced by some exercises, how i should hold it if i do any enhancement exercise on the penis, also is possible to recover and maybe even make better its erected angle with lets say kegels (increase blood flow) and corpus sponsiogum focus stretches, about sponsiogum i think but might be wrong targeting it can increase its size over cavernosa making it angle upwards, because in my mind ligaments just maintain the base right, the rest need be sponsiogum, i can indeed be wrong. Sorry for me english aswell, not my natives. Any guidance is appreciated.
Oh yeah and is erected stretches that i did. Now not much erected, since lost some blow flow, depends on the day tho, but always points down erected now.
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Turkey neck can be converted to shaft ot scrotum. If you hold back the skin and stretch the skin will become part of your scrotum no longer Turkey neck exposing all your penis with a heavier scrotum
interesting, i had such in mind. but that being the case, wouldnt be more beneficial stretch penis a way that such loose skin per say would convert into shaft? since its already stretched per say should help on the dick itself size increase.
i think i really need to start recording and post, start with some plan too and keep with, just hands at beggining, and share what would work or not, would get some guidances and help others too with more data in this. as a grower i think i might need more of a routine of which i keep penis erected, not exercising always because repair is needed for grow, but keep blood flow going, edging would do the trick problem is edging is hard to control long, will end eventually in climax, and then penis would retract more, so i guess i need kegel master to hold edging more. but idk. any begginer guide you would reccomend me follow? one with barehands initially.
For turkey neck prevention exercises, Ball & Lig Stretches are superior. They are a part of the Testicles Health Massage Routine.

Look in the 🔗 MOS DVD (view the exercises here on the forum for free).

I did some video instructions as well.
🔗 Ball & Lig Stretch (Video 01).
🔗 Ball & Lig Stretch (Video 02).
🔗 Ball & Lig Stretches: The 4 stretching positions.

I have done these for, 10 minutes x 2 times per day consistently for some time now and the results are really amazing.
Also you will be able to gain faster because you are making more skin available for the shaf, with no restrictions.

You had questions about erection angle.
There is a tool that is called LengthMaster 3.0. The method of stretching is important to change this, I can explain more if you're interested. Kegels are also important in order for your pelvic floor muscles to be able to push in blood into your penis.

Hope this help brother.
thank you for the info, i will try start some routine going on, adapted to my turkey condition. About such a tool, i gave it a look, so if we stretch upwards with it and combined with kegels we can growth the sponsiogum in order to manipulte the angle? im assuming such ends by creating kind of a curve as the image i got from the website that im ponsting in this reply. Also kegels wise, reverse combined with stretch gives it a more range of stretch, now what normal kegels can do with u lets say get at max stretch with reverse then try apply kegels while holding penis on such range of stretch, would it flex in a way that creates micro tears? if we with arm muscles try overcome such kegels flex per say. 1699086862619.png
For turkey neck prevention exercises, Ball & Lig Stretches are superior. They are a part of the Testicles Health Massage Routine.

Look in the 🔗 MOS DVD (view the exercises here on the forum for free).

I did some video instructions as well.
🔗 Ball & Lig Stretch (Video 01).
🔗 Ball & Lig Stretch (Video 02).
🔗 Ball & Lig Stretches: The 4 stretching positions.

I have done these for, 10 minutes x 2 times per day consistently for some time now and the results are really amazing.
Also you will be able to gain faster because you are making more skin available for the shaf, with no restrictions.

You had questions about erection angle.
There is a tool that is called LengthMaster 3.0. The method of stretching is important to change this, I can explain more if you're interested. Kegels are also important in order for your pelvic floor muscles to be able to push in blood into your penis.

Hope this help brother.
Amazing videos, indeed help a lot, i started doing last week only balls down stretch with dick stretch up at same time but i do a bit different, but indeed if balls can go up as such, which i was unaware, thats best grip for sure. Thanks for such recorded videos, indeed come handy to understand better how to grip and perform.
Amazing videos, indeed help a lot, i started doing last week only balls down stretch with dick stretch up at same time but i do a bit different, but indeed if balls can go up as such, which i was unaware, thats best grip for sure. Thanks for such recorded videos, indeed come handy to understand better how to grip and perform.
No problem. You're welcome.
Happy the videos where helpful for you.
thank you for the info, i will try start some routine going on, adapted to my turkey condition. About such a tool, i gave it a look, so if we stretch upwards with it and combined with kegels we can growth the sponsiogum in order to manipulte the angle? im assuming such ends by creating kind of a curve as the image i got from the website that im ponsting in this reply. Also kegels wise, reverse combined with stretch gives it a more range of stretch, now what normal kegels can do with u lets say get at max stretch with reverse then try apply kegels while holding penis on such range of stretch, would it flex in a way that creates micro tears? if we with arm muscles try overcome such kegels flex per say. View attachment 1834080
I have been stretching like this picture but in BTC and bundled position for a really long time, and I have a lot upward curve now. Only do reverse Kegels when stretching, do not to kegels.
I have been stretching like this picture but in BTC and bundled position for a really long time, and I have a lot upward curve now. Only do reverse Kegels when stretching, do not to kegels.
what BTC and SD stands for? about the kegels in stretch, in my mind but i can be wrong, pelvic floor muscles when contracted fully and well do scrotal lift and penile retraction (ik 3 at least in there, the one that closes the asshole, other between scrotum and anus and one more like near dick, near dick one i only feel when hard, and tbh i cant fully isolate them, but did heard some can, also when im layed down i can contracted balls isolated for some reason). But such penis retraction was what i had if mind, if my hand pulls one side and pelvic other with such contraction of penis would result in a double stretch. Idk if such can end in pelvic muscles injuries tho, or itself stregth. We guys cant train them much besides flexing with lets a wet towel above penis, girls can have sum inside and create a better developments by crushing stuff. Would be nice if this that ive in mind would in fact work. My anatomy knowledge isnt the greatest so might indeed be wrong, just a theory i had, but also never put it in pratice.
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Pelvic floor left, hand right, after fully stretch with help of reverse kegels beforehand to give the best an farther from body position for the hand starting point.
what BTC and SD stands for? about the kegels in stretch, in my mind but i can be wrong, pelvic floor muscles when contracted fully and well do scrotal lift and penile retraction (ik 3 at least in there, the one that closes the asshole, other between scrotum and anus and one more like near dick, near dick one i only feel when hard, and tbh i cant fully isolate them, but did heard some can, also whem im layed down i can contracted balls isolated for some reason). But such penis retraction was what i had if mind, if my hand pulls one side and pelvic other with such contaction of penis would result in a double stretch. Idk if such can end in pelvic muscles injuries tho, or itself stregth. We guys cant train them much besides flexing with lets a wet towel above penis, girls can have sum inside and create a better develpment by crushing stuff. Would be nice if this that ive in mind would in fact work. My anatomy knowledge isnt the greatest so might indeed be wrong, just a theory i had, but alo never out in pratice.
Reverse Kegels is what you should do in a stretch because you will be able to stretch inner penis and ligaments as well (Fundiform and Suspensory) simultaneously, as you stretch the shaft/outer penis.

What you can do is to do plyometric Stretch, you find out how to do these in the MOS DVD.

BTC is an abbreviation of: Behind The Cheeks. You stretch behind your body like this:
🔗 Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches (BTC-BS), view from the backside.

There is also a behind the cheeks stretch in the newbie routine, but that stretch is behind you to the right or left side (not behind your ass).

Behind your cheeks.
interesting, now behind cheeks i wounder if bridge position can give it other kind of stretch aswell would be more up ur ass tho, and not the most conformable position to maintain
Reverse Kegels is what you should do in a stretch because you will be able to stretch inner penis and ligaments as well (Fundiform and Suspensory) simultaneously, as you stretch the shaft/outer penis.

What you can do is to do plyometric Stretch, you find out how to do these in the MOS DVD.

BTC is an abbreviation of: Behind The Cheeks. You stretch behind your body like this:
🔗 Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches (BTC-BS), view from the backside.

There is also a behind the cheeks stretch in the newbie routine, but that stretch is behind you to the right or left side (not behind your ass).

View attachment 1834086
Behind your cheeks.
thanks for all the useful info and ur own content share :)
For turkey neck prevention exercises, Ball & Lig Stretches are superior. They are a part of the Testicles Health Massage Routine.

Look in the 🔗 MOS DVD (view the exercises here on the forum for free).

I did some video instructions as well.
🔗 Ball & Lig Stretch (Video 01).
🔗 Ball & Lig Stretch (Video 02).
🔗 Ball & Lig Stretches: The 4 stretching positions.

I have done these for, 10 minutes x 2 times per day consistently for some time now and the results are really amazing.
Also you will be able to gain faster because you are making more skin available for the shaf, with no restrictions.

You had questions about erection angle.
There is a tool that is called LengthMaster 3.0. The method of stretching is important to change this, I can explain more if you're interested. Kegels are also important in order for your pelvic floor muscles to be able to push in blood into your penis.

Hope this help brother.
What powder is that you using? During lig exercises
im thinking record what i usually do as stretches and such, but idk if can post here, since i need kinda stroke penis to make it erect o perform, i need increse my blood flow down there indeed
im back, had bad luck in life, ex breaks up with me, fathers death, then pc broken so couldnt keep myself updated over here. grandfather died too, but got new pc now, so im back, see if i can record videos of the nonsense stretches that i do and post here, they only seem stretching more testicular skin to penis.
im back, had bad luck in life, ex breaks up with me, fathers death, then pc broken so couldnt keep myself updated over here. grandfather died too, but got new pc now, so im back, see if i can record videos of the nonsense stretches that i do and post here, they only seem stretching more testicular skin to penis.
I'm so sorry my Brother you are in my prayers ♥️
im back, had bad luck in life, ex breaks up with me, fathers death, then pc broken so couldnt keep myself updated over here. grandfather died too, but got new pc now, so im back, see if i can record videos of the nonsense stretches that i do and post here, they only seem stretching more testicular skin to penis.
Life is hard...and I'm sorry for your hurt.
Use the pain in your life to get a big penis.
This was my strategy and it worked for me.

We will always be here to support you. <3
Life is hard...and I'm sorry for your hurt.
Use the pain in your life to get a big penis.
This was my strategy and it worked for me.

We will always be here to support you. <3
will try, already recorded videos of what i been up to occasionally during this last years. now need just edit and see how post videos over here. also need buy myself a ruler, meanwhile tried measure with a energy monster can, might post that too
will try, already recorded videos of what i been up to occasionally during this last years. now need just edit and see how post videos over here. also need buy myself a ruler, meanwhile tried measure with a energy monster can, might post that too
It is really important that you upload videos here.

*Edit: @TheJunk you can then link to your videos in this thread by following these guides.
🔗 How to link to a video from the ALBUM SECTION.
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Everyone who can make videos should contribute to this forum
Yes! This is my viewpoint. If you are helped by the brotherhood to make incredible gains, you should give back as much as you can.
This is how we grow and evolve. There are so many lurkers (Someone waiting in concealment), I hope they come forth soon.
I would personally not have grew this fast as I did, If I didn't was active and posting on the forums daily.

We help each other with everything we do. There are even new equipment developed by being active in the brotherhood.
With active I mean, you post and discuss and contribute with your own information as you grow yourself.

We are always here to help.
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Yes! This is my viewpoint. If you are helped by the brotherhood to make incredible gains, you should give back as much as you can.
This is how we grow and evolve. There are so many lurkers (Someone waiting in concealment), I hope they come forth soon.
I would personally not have grew this fast as I did, If I didn't was active and posting on the forums daily.

We help each other with everything we do. There are even new equipment developed by being active in the brotherhood.
With active I mean, you post and discuss and contribute with your own information as you grow yourself.

We are always here to help.
Amen my brother
I posted wrong about the album thingy? editing other parts rn, next will be 10 minutes, because added sum x4 speed parts doing what i explained in it before hand. says was processing video but nothing yet, idk if failed, uploaded tho.
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Is this your progress thread? If so post here and I will move this thread to the correct forum.
yeah i would make it about progress, since started it by saying what i been up to so far, so such videos and future routines i think would fit all together, kinda as a log thing for me in a way, once i get myself a plan in specific. so basically for progress and ask for guidance on all of it, and share all i can within to help community data
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yeah i would make it about progress, since started it by saying what i been up to so far, so such videos and future routines i think would fit all together, kinda as a log thing for me in a way, once i get myself a plan in specific. so basically for progress and ask for guidance on all of it, and share all i can within to help community data
Good. Then I move ot to the correct forum.
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Videos of what i used do over this years occasioanlly and also new recent stuff i that been trying: (will add a size comparation in it later then when ive ruler measure better)
View album 129
My initial measurements compared with a monster can, will update once get ruler better: View album 130 Maybe 5.5 inches length? girth to thin imo. Flaccid wise is that bad, but i prevent much of it for years now by keeping head out of foreskin. Imo such turtling was caused because i used until my 17s or 18s, same small panties since i was like 6-8 years old, so was to tight and had adapt. My parents didnt knew better neither do i unfortunately.
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Most ladies should be satisfied with that girth. Length wise, push for 8in. Girth wise, push hard for 6.3in and stay. But overall, your girth is more than sufficient for now, and go for broke on length.
Most ladies should be satisfied with that girth. Length wise, push for 8in. Girth wise, push hard for 6.3in and stay. But overall, your girth is more than sufficient for now, and go for broke on length.
Yes yes. Important to not become obsessed with girth. If we could have a useful penis at 8 Inches erected girth we would get it.

Be happy with that girth a little bit over 6. Even at 5.5" is really thick.

Girth gains are "easy", and length growth are harder (my opinions).
Yes yes. Important to not become obsessed with girth. If we could have a useful penis at 8 Inches erected girth we would get it.

Be happy with that girth a little bit over 6. Even at 5.5" is really thick.

Girth gains are "easy", and length growth are harder (my opinions).
Yep. Length is the hardest due to too many components need to elongate. It takes nearly 4 times the efforts to get length over girth.
Yes the effort for length was like a fitness program.
I was shaking like a leaf in the beginning of 5D-BTC-BS 😂 My hand and finger strength was out of this world (lost alot of that).
Funny how you mod the handle a bit more. I noticed my length from stretches during my 15th minute become harder to push since I'm lacking that 3in extra reach. I may have to add an extra mod with curved handles to max my reaches where my arms can comfortably push at 35 degree angle. Man, so much more mods to do as you grow.
Funny how you mod the handle a bit more. I noticed my length from stretches during my 15th minute become harder to push since I'm lacking that 3in extra reach. I may have to add an extra mod with curved handles to max my reaches where my arms can comfortably push at 35 degree angle. Man, so much more mods to do as you grow.
Yes! I don't like to be confined to what everyone else are doing. I was previously told as well that 5 minute stretches was to much. I proved everyone wrong. 5 minute stretches/holds, was the golden ticket to fast gains.

Yes I have realized this, I think I have the perfect dimension of my body to perform BTC-BS in this position (on the knees). If my arms where shorter it would definitely not have been possible.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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