New MoS Point System


The Legendary Mistress with the Whips
Staff member
New MoS Point System

Here is how the point system works...
  • Every message posted - 1 Point
  • Somebody likes you - 2 Points
  • Keeps coming back Points - 5 Points
  • Can't stop! - 10 Points
  • I like it a lot - 10 Points
  • Seriously likeable! - 15 Points
  • Addicted - 20 Points
  • Can't get enough of your stuff - 20 Points
  • I LOVE IT! - 30 Points
What Don't get points
One word or short posts.
Posting Giphys..
Using just a smiley to reply to a post.

You must post valuable content and replies.
Do not spam or you will be banned permanently!

You can see everyones points here
Most points
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Thanks for this, MoS!

Quick question: are you guys taking time frame into account?

For example, DLD has 113 points, because he has all the trophies, because this is his sandbox and he's been here since the beginning. It takes time to get those trophies, and if a member's entire history is taken into account, then newbies have no way of competing with senior members. I can see why you might do that, in order to reward people who have actually stuck around for a while and proven themselves as members of the community.

On the other hand, if you guys are counting week by week, then a total newbie could come in and be more active than senior members in that week and have a shot at prizes. I can see why you might do that, too, since you want to encourage everyone to be more active and contribute meaningful content.

So it makes sense either way. I just want to know how it works because right now I'm holding off from investing in a Phallosan in the hopes that I might win one for free. If, in reality, I don't have a chance because my new account is up against real veterans, I'd be better off saving time and coughing up the dough right away. :)
I wouldn't mind a crack at those prizes. ;)

Either way is cool, though. So much free value on this forum as it is, I can hardly complain!

We base this off weekly/monthly posting, not longevity. So if a new member posts more frequently than a veteran member in a current week, that is how prizes are determined. Posts also have to have value meaning quality posts are what counts
We base this off weekly/monthly posting, not longevity. So if a new member posts more frequently than a veteran member in a current week, that is how prizes are determined. Posts also have to have value meaning quality posts are what counts
Awesome, thanks for clarifying! If I can be helpful enough/luck out and drop one of them prizes, I'd have cash to snag a Lengthmaster, too, and start getting way more serious with these workouts!
Awesome, thanks for clarifying! If I can be helpful enough/luck out and drop one of them prizes, I'd have cash to snag a Lengthmaster, too, and start getting way more serious with these workouts!

Just post a progress thread and talk about what your doing daily, it inspires other members as well as helps keep you motivated.
I wonder if I can join in this contest LOL