Well, first, welcome brother. Didn't see you posted before, but I may be wrong.
So like many others I feel like I'm smaller than most but when I look at the averages I'm not? I am extremely in shape, muscular etc, but I can't get over that my size feels like it doesnt match my body. I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone or I have that body Dysmorphia. Growing up in the locker room I always felt like mine was below avg flaccid but when I measure now at 6in NBPEL and 6.4in BPEL and 5in EG, that puts me solid avg or better??? I feel like maybe I'm a grower or something, maybe its the smaller flaccid size that messes with my head. To me my blood filled flaccid looks like everyone elses normal every day flaccid.
Let me stop you there for a moment. Let me described myself during my primal days. 5'11", 230lbs of pure raw muscles, and my wife now can testified to what I looked like back then. I flipped her up-side-down to eat her until she was raw and do vertical cowgirl all day long without breaking a sweat. But you have to understand, I was only 4.75in BPEL and 4.25in of girth at best before any PE game. I showered with the boys in the lockers and among them, I was the smallest, and I do I was the smallest of all the penises. I was the Vienna sausage to the Franks and jumbo sized dogs. Imagine me during flaccid. Pff..a freaking raisin when it was cold and a mini pickle when it was warm. What you have brother is considered a luxury.
Also I feel like length is ok-ish but I'd love to gain 1in in length and 1in in girth but I feel like girth is the hardest and most risky gainer. If I could get .5in and .5in in a year I'd be so happy, and also bigger flaccid.
Is this goal really possible? I read people who started at my size and made it to 8in and 6in girth, which would be my ultimate goal but is that realistic?
If I can go from the raisin and Vienna sausage of the old days to near the 8x6 of today, you can too. But don't do it out of worries that you're not standing up to the rest of the world. Do it because you have someone to satisfy and make her legs quake so much that she will pass out. That's what you're doing for. It's for you and the special someone. It's more than realistic. It's the truth.
What sort of flaccid gains are you guys seeing?
If you have dedicated PE, you can have the same flaccid as your erected size. Most of the time, it's 80% of the erected size.
That doesnt seem to be talked about as much. My worry also is that if I am a grower and smaller flaccid that my gains will be harder, or maybe I'm wrong?
You're dead wrong on that. If you're a grower, your flaccid will catch up with you erected size. At minimum, 50%. At maximum, 100% of the erected size.
We have pretty much the same dick. I am also 6 NPEL and a grower. I think there are growers and showers for sure,
@oldandlively correct me if I'm wrong.
Read here on the forum that taking cold showers while wearing your extender can train your dick and reduce turtling (my guess is that this would also help elongate flaccid size). I am yet to try it out but I will give it a go.
You are not wrong. When you train your tissues to remain at flaccid size no matter what happen, the tissues will be reprogrammed to remain at the same flaccid size. When your tissues are densed enough, good luck in making the penis shrink again.
@DLD what's your flaccid now even when it's close to 0F over there?
You have come to the right place my friend. Your goal is definately reachable and I am on that journey myself. The expertise at MOS is not found anywhere else. You'll reach your goal with dedication and hard work.
Amen to that brother. We'll discuss everything with scientific, medical, and data to back up what you want to know. We'll leave the shaming to the ones that feel insecured. We'll gladly make fun of ourselves to prove a point. Life is too short to be taking little things (pun intended) seriously.