New BPFSL Milestone.

What's your routine?
My routine is :
(this is today's workout, sometimes there is variations in intensity and weight hanging at the end of the workout)


Manual Newbie routine as a warmup

Manual BS + Tunica blasters

DBS with LM ~ 10 min hard+extreme intensity

BTC BS with LM ~ 10 min hard+extreme intensity

Hard Manual Expressive stretching 6 to 10 mins

Sometimes at the end i hang weights if i see that there is more temporary gains after the workout.

Sili stretcher for at least 7 hours at 1/ 1.5 lbs traction

I take rest now more often, as it turned out that it helped me make gains with no regression.

Also i took and old silisleeve and cut about 6 cm, and i wear it around my scrotum to keep it elongated as well, for 1 hour only, after that it gets painful. I found this by accident when
one day i wrapped instead of wearing the silisleeve, one hour in and i had to remove the wrap because of the scrotum pain. Next day my scrotum hung lower and the next sessions i was able to leave the stagnancy i was in.

This sums it up, cheers