My story...worst phase of my life.


New member
Hey all,
First of all, I would like to apologise for my english as it may not be that clear. Sometimes I also struggle to understand some words and abreviations when reading on this forum.
I've already posted in this forum asking some questions but I never told my recent story, so here we go.

39 years old now and I can tell that this is the worst phase of my life and with a crazy recent story. Have a sit.
I've have been together and lived with an amazing woman for 12 years and we are not together anymore but we remain great and honest friends.
Meanwhile, last year November, a woman that I've met for 2 years in my university started to aproach me.....attractive, very kind, etc, and we started our intimacy. I knew I struggled for a hard 100% erection (don't even know if I reached one), and also struggled in keeping any erection at all.
What I found out last month is that she is a psycho...and not only she was also fucking with at least 2 other guy, saying exactly the same things like "I love you", "I need you", "We need to live together and have children", etc, but worst than that, one of the other guys lives with her for 8 years and knows she is fucking others. Dude doesn't like it but he can't leave her...he is attached to her and says he is afraid of her because she is a complete psycho and she is like a perfect actress in society. She is worst than Amber Heard.
Anyway, I got to know a lot of stuff because someone in this story....probably contracted a private detective, that also reached me with tons of information.

She also takes photos and does videos from the dudes that she gets along with so that she probably can use it as blackmail in a future.
Fortunately the detective said she had no videos or photos from me but I also came to know that she offered a bracelet to one of the dudes and I was thinking....wait, she also offered me a bracelet before that. So I got to the drawer in my house and it wasnt there anymore. She offered me, than she stole it a couple of days after and offered to the other guy. But now i know she is a thief and I checked the house to find out she also stole a hard drive.
You don't understand, she is like a very kind person in real life and in the university. We talked without any problems for 2 years as colleagues. And she is very attractive, kind and calm, so no one in the university, or life, or at work, as a finger to point to her. Because they just don't even imagine.

I confronted her with everything and she DOESN'T ADMIT. NEVER. She starts yelling like someone is assaulting her.
She never admits because she knows that at any momento someone could be recording or something like that. She even cries saying she doesnt deserve this and that. Just CRAZYYYY.

The other guy blocked her and said to her to never see her again or he would call the police. Unfortunately I do have to see her in the university, at least for the next months but the only reason why she doesnt block me and leaves the place is because she know she has to see me. All the other dudes, as soon as she does what she has to do, she leaves without trace.
I honestly don't care about her and I would love to smack her but that could become even worst for me but here's what did hit me.
I also came to know in audios that she felt no pleasure when having sex with me (except for preliminary and oral sex etc), but she did love to fuc% with others.
Well....I know I've been having problems in having an hard erection and keep it but she didn't felt any pleasure when I was fuc%ing her?

That hit me hard because my self esteem has been very low for many years and my partner for 12 years knew that. So I reached her and told the story and asked her honestly her opinion. She also said that the reason why she reached her clitoris when fuc%ing with me was due to the fact that she felt no pleasure with my dick. And that she never told me because she really loved me more than anyone in her life and she knew my self esteem could become worst if she told me.

So now my world fell apart.
I also developed vitiligo 15 years ago and due to all this shitty life it became worst. I don't have many white spots but I do have them mainly in my genitals and hands.
My self esteem is lower than anything and I don't see any purpose in life, either its in the university, at work, with friends etc.
Also I started to think that I may suffer from adult entertainment Induction Erectily Disfunction from many many years, because I was born in an era where I saw the beginnings of the internet and the share of photos and videos from girls in mIRC and Messenger. Also the easy availability of adult entertainment etc.
And I know that for many years I masturbated to adult entertainment and to photos from grils on instagram etc etc. Like my brain is probably really destroyed on this matter and thats probably why I also have so many problems with life and with self esteem and with sex and confidence etc etc.
And I also know that I started to masturbate a lot as a teenager because I had to much need of sex...too much libido I guess. And I remember that I fuc%ed a lot with my first girlfriend for 2 years (from my 15 to 17 years old). And back then I didn't have any problem with my erections etc but I don't even remember anymore about the rest.
I also didn't gave a fuc% to that because I was emotionaly stable as a man.

I bought Mighty Vac to start my 553 routine although I'm kind of scared because I read on some posts that pumping made erections even softer for some dudes.
So with my ED or PIED.....I don't want it to get worst.
I've measured my biggest flat size....although my penis has a lot of different flat sizes depending on temperature and type of underwear I use. He is kind of elastic...or something like that.

Lenght - 10cm (3.9 in)
Girth near testicles - 11cm (4.3 in)

Lenght - 15cm (5.9 in)
Girth near glande - 13cm (5.1 in)
Girth near testicles - 14cm (5.5 in)

Should I do the 553 routine every day? Or should I rest in between?
What real honest results should I expect in lenght and girth?

What pressure should I apply on slow squash jelk? Is there a video of someone doing it without an erection?

Should I keep the vacuum pressure on 5? And when do I know if I should increase?
I already feel kind of a good pressure on him so maybe I shouldn't raise it more than that. Maybe max pressure at 7.

I don't have much time during the day so the 40 min 553 routine is already a lot for someone that as to work during day and study during nights.
Still I managed to also introduce some kegel exercises with this routine in the video below (10 sec x 10 + 1 sec x 10 / 3 to 6 times a day, 3 days per week).
Would you advice another routine?

I'm also going to star seeing a sexual psychologist but I would also like to know you HONEST opinion and stories on how to surpass all of these problems.
What should I honestly expect? Anyone in the same position?
What advices should I have from you that struggle or have struggled with the same or that have enough experience with this type of stories.

Thank you so much for all of you that read this with patience and once again, apologies for my english.
Welcome to the forum brother. Really sorry to hear about those events that took place, I hate seeing guys broken down by this shit.

Looking at your starting measurements I can clearly see you are above average in both length and girth, meaning that this "lack of pleasure" those girls were experiencing was most likely due to them not being warmed up enough before you penetrated them. Foreplay is the decider of pleasurable sex and your dick is the icing on top(no pun intended) so it is highly unlikely that it has anything to do with the size of your dick.

As for your erections, PIED is an erection killer, I suffered from it myself in my teens and when I quit adult entertainment completely they became much harder and intense, I suggest you do the same, stay away from dirty movies, Instagram models, all that shit, it ruins your brain.
So long as you do not use too high of a pressure in the MityVac for too long, I would stay in the realms of 10-12hg and only go higher for short durations, if you do this then your erections won't become softer as a result.
It's normal for EQ to be weaker sometimes when doing PE but that is just due to tissue fatigue, if you find that one day after a couple days of continuous PE that your erections feel softer then just take a day or 2 off and they should return to normal.

I hope this post helps you, and I hope you find happiness and heal from this shit this girl did to you.
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@ntx Unless you're trying to make older women scream like banshees, I believe you're already above the normal for most men in the world. You far exceeded me when back then. You have one long term partner that you could not satisfied. Let me tell you something, 80% of the women in the world CANNOT attain orgasms through penile penetration alone. It requires various stimuli, ranging from metal, to emotion, AND THEN physical. You are not alone. It requires techniques on your part to find the proper stimulation for your partner. So:

1. Stop watching adult entertainment. Reset your mind. Since you're single, let your mind wanders and be imaginative. Observe your surrounding, lock in on the girls you fancy, and use those girls' images to fantasize. adult entertainment is nothing more than someone's fantasy expressed in reality. Use your fantasy to reactivate your libido for your PE.
2. You must find your self confidence. As we all said, self confidence is the key point of your forward strides in life.
3. PE is your golden opportunity to start new.
4. Take one step at a time and find your balance during PE. You want to be safe, make sure to monitor yourself.

With your existing length, why not focus on girth only for the next year to obtain bewteen 15 to 17cm, prepping for your length work? You got the perfect length now, and if you're not confident with your girth to induce orgasms, focus on that. At 14cm, you will cause orgasms to string along during passionate sexual pleasure. At 15cm, the ladies might pass out on both pain and pleasure. However, having a large girth will set you up perfectly for the length work next year. Elongation of length will reduce the girth by a bit, which is common. However, once you cemented your girth growth, it will remain at 95% to 97% even with elongation.

5x5x3 is a great start. Do that in the morning. Since your base girth at 14cm, find a cock ring with a 1cm width and a 12cm diameter. It's a great constrictor gentle to your base to prevent pressure pain. Grab one at 13cm as well just in case if the 12cm is too tight beyond 2 hours. Wear that ring all day, and keep cycling new blood into the penis and keep it semi erected. Perform one more 5x5x3 at night, 90-minute before going to sleep. The remaining 90-minutes will be the same routine as your morning. Once done, go to sleep at the relax state without anything on. If you feel comfortable wearing a loose penis sleeve to keep your elongated state, go for it. Faster flaccid and erected gain length as a result. You will gain a small amount of length, but the girth will be fast gain. Take advantage of that initial year of your body potential to grow, in spite of vitiligo. It will not affect your PE.

Your question of "What pressure should I apply on slow squash jelk?", the erection must be close to 100%, if not 100%. Blood volume required is 100% and beyond. If erection quality is an issue, you might want to allow your mind to reset from PIED before you pursue PE. Worst case scenario, Viagra and Ciales may be an option if you can't wait.

During pumping, start slow and steady. 5 inHg is the standard pressure. First session of the 5x5x3, 5 inHg in slightly warmer than warm water to get the blood flowing. Get the penis to gain an erection close to 100% or even higher while under vacuum pressure. After the SSJ, increase vacuum pressure to 6 inHg, or even 7 inHg. Follow up with another SSJ at 100% or high erection level when possible. Last set of pumping, lower back down to 5 inHG with full erection and another SSJ at full erection level.

You only need 1 session of 5 minutes of higher-than-baseline pressure (which is 5 inHg at the moment) to induce stress loading. 7 inHg is your limit, so stay at that pressure as your second session for the next 3 weeks. I can guaranty you that your new pressure baseline will go from 5 to 7inHg in 3 weeks. However, only go up to 6 inHg as your baseline, and 8 inHg as your above the baseline. Stay there for another 3 weeks. If you feel comfortable, raise it to 7 inHg as the new baseline, and 9 inHg as above the baseline. Stay here for another 6 weeks. Why? You're entering into high pressure zone. You have to be careful as you progress. After 6 weeks, set your new baseline at 8 inHg, and creep to 10 inHg above baseline for the next 4 weeks. If you fee comfortable, remain here for another 6 weeks. If not, drop back down into the 9 or even 8 inHg.

Kegel exercise wise, don't go overboard. 120 short twitch muscle for the entire day. DO NOT EXCEED THIS. It will hurt you more than it benefits you. Long hold between 5 to 10 seconds, total of 60 repetitions only. You're still young. You don't need more than this, unless you're suffering urinary leakage. Short twitches will make that ejaculation fires like a cannon.
Hey all,
First of all, I would like to apologise for my english as it may not be that clear. Sometimes I also struggle to understand some words and abreviations when reading on this forum.
I've already posted in this forum asking some questions but I never told my recent story, so here we go.

39 years old now and I can tell that this is the worst phase of my life and with a crazy recent story. Have a sit.
I've have been together and lived with an amazing woman for 12 years and we are not together anymore but we remain great and honest friends.
Meanwhile, last year November, a woman that I've met for 2 years in my university started to aproach me.....attractive, very kind, etc, and we started our intimacy. I knew I struggled for a hard 100% erection (don't even know if I reached one), and also struggled in keeping any erection at all.
What I found out last month is that she is a psycho...and not only she was also fucking with at least 2 other guy, saying exactly the same things like "I love you", "I need you", "We need to live together and have children", etc, but worst than that, one of the other guys lives with her for 8 years and knows she is fucking others. Dude doesn't like it but he can't leave her...he is attached to her and says he is afraid of her because she is a complete psycho and she is like a perfect actress in society. She is worst than Amber Heard.
Anyway, I got to know a lot of stuff because someone in this story....probably contracted a private detective, that also reached me with tons of information.

She also takes photos and does videos from the dudes that she gets along with so that she probably can use it as blackmail in a future.
Fortunately the detective said she had no videos or photos from me but I also came to know that she offered a bracelet to one of the dudes and I was thinking....wait, she also offered me a bracelet before that. So I got to the drawer in my house and it wasnt there anymore. She offered me, than she stole it a couple of days after and offered to the other guy. But now i know she is a thief and I checked the house to find out she also stole a hard drive.
You don't understand, she is like a very kind person in real life and in the university. We talked without any problems for 2 years as colleagues. And she is very attractive, kind and calm, so no one in the university, or life, or at work, as a finger to point to her. Because they just don't even imagine.

I confronted her with everything and she DOESN'T ADMIT. NEVER. She starts yelling like someone is assaulting her.
She never admits because she knows that at any momento someone could be recording or something like that. She even cries saying she doesnt deserve this and that. Just CRAZYYYY.

The other guy blocked her and said to her to never see her again or he would call the police. Unfortunately I do have to see her in the university, at least for the next months but the only reason why she doesnt block me and leaves the place is because she know she has to see me. All the other dudes, as soon as she does what she has to do, she leaves without trace.
I honestly don't care about her and I would love to smack her but that could become even worst for me but here's what did hit me.
I also came to know in audios that she felt no pleasure when having sex with me (except for preliminary and oral sex etc), but she did love to fuc% with others.
Well....I know I've been having problems in having an hard erection and keep it but she didn't felt any pleasure when I was fuc%ing her?

That hit me hard because my self esteem has been very low for many years and my partner for 12 years knew that. So I reached her and told the story and asked her honestly her opinion. She also said that the reason why she reached her clitoris when fuc%ing with me was due to the fact that she felt no pleasure with my dick. And that she never told me because she really loved me more than anyone in her life and she knew my self esteem could become worst if she told me.

So now my world fell apart.
I also developed vitiligo 15 years ago and due to all this shitty life it became worst. I don't have many white spots but I do have them mainly in my genitals and hands.
My self esteem is lower than anything and I don't see any purpose in life, either its in the university, at work, with friends etc.
Also I started to think that I may suffer from adult entertainment Induction Erectily Disfunction from many many years, because I was born in an era where I saw the beginnings of the internet and the share of photos and videos from girls in mIRC and Messenger. Also the easy availability of adult entertainment etc.
And I know that for many years I masturbated to adult entertainment and to photos from grils on instagram etc etc. Like my brain is probably really destroyed on this matter and thats probably why I also have so many problems with life and with self esteem and with sex and confidence etc etc.
And I also know that I started to masturbate a lot as a teenager because I had to much need of sex...too much libido I guess. And I remember that I fuc%ed a lot with my first girlfriend for 2 years (from my 15 to 17 years old). And back then I didn't have any problem with my erections etc but I don't even remember anymore about the rest.
I also didn't gave a fuc% to that because I was emotionaly stable as a man.

I bought Mighty Vac to start my 553 routine although I'm kind of scared because I read on some posts that pumping made erections even softer for some dudes.
So with my ED or PIED.....I don't want it to get worst.
I've measured my biggest flat size....although my penis has a lot of different flat sizes depending on temperature and type of underwear I use. He is kind of elastic...or something like that.

Lenght - 10cm (3.9 in)
Girth near testicles - 11cm (4.3 in)

Lenght - 15cm (5.9 in)
Girth near glande - 13cm (5.1 in)
Girth near testicles - 14cm (5.5 in)

Should I do the 553 routine every day? Or should I rest in between?
What real honest results should I expect in lenght and girth?

What pressure should I apply on slow squash jelk? Is there a video of someone doing it without an erection?

Should I keep the vacuum pressure on 5? And when do I know if I should increase?
I already feel kind of a good pressure on him so maybe I shouldn't raise it more than that. Maybe max pressure at 7.

I don't have much time during the day so the 40 min 553 routine is already a lot for someone that as to work during day and study during nights.
Still I managed to also introduce some kegel exercises with this routine in the video below (10 sec x 10 + 1 sec x 10 / 3 to 6 times a day, 3 days per week).
Would you advice another routine?

I'm also going to star seeing a sexual psychologist but I would also like to know you HONEST opinion and stories on how to surpass all of these problems.
What should I honestly expect? Anyone in the same position?
What advices should I have from you that struggle or have struggled with the same or that have enough experience with this type of stories.

Thank you so much for all of you that read this with patience and once again, apologies for my english.
I recommend for you to check out from youtube: Sam Vaknin. His lectures about borderlines and narcissists helped me to get out of toxic relationship. There is actually a mental reason why getting erection with new women is hard after long relationship, and really hard after relationship with borderline. Healing takes time. But after these relationships, men tend to look Red flags better, and it helps you to get into relationship that will be good. Big problem comes with the fact that you tend to be afraid on emotional pain, and it may affect your ability to fall in love. Heal, and consentrate on yourself. Build Hammer, and when you pleasure your next female that you have feelings for, her oxitosin levels become higher and she will fall in love with you. Take your time, and don't Rush things, because when man consentrates on himself and his own value, you will attract right person in your life. Remember to love yourself! ❤️ Take care bro.
@ntx Unless you're trying to make older women scream like banshees, I believe you're already above the normal for most men in the world. You far exceeded me when back then. You have one long term partner that you could not satisfied. Let me tell you something, 80% of the women in the world CANNOT attain orgasms through penile penetration alone. It requires various stimuli, ranging from metal, to emotion, AND THEN physical. You are not alone. It requires techniques on your part to find the proper stimulation for your partner. So:

1. Stop watching ����. Reset your mind. Since you're single, let your mind wanders and be imaginative. Observe your surrounding, lock in on the girls you fancy, and use those girls' images to fantasize. ���� is nothing more than someone's fantasy expressed in reality. Use your fantasy to reactivate your libido for your PE.
2. You must find your self confidence. As we all said, self confidence is the key point of your forward strides in life.
3. PE is your golden opportunity to start new.
4. Take one step at a time and find your balance during PE. You want to be safe, make sure to monitor yourself.

With your existing length, why not focus on girth only for the next year to obtain bewteen 15 to 17cm, prepping for your length work? You got the perfect length now, and if you're not confident with your girth to induce orgasms, focus on that. At 14cm, you will cause orgasms to string along during passionate sexual pleasure. At 15cm, the ladies might pass out on both pain and pleasure. However, having a large girth will set you up perfectly for the length work next year. Elongation of length will reduce the girth by a bit, which is common. However, once you cemented your girth growth, it will remain at 95% to 97% even with elongation.

5x5x3 is a great start. Do that in the morning. Since your base girth at 14cm, find a cock ring with a 1cm width and a 12cm diameter. It's a great constrictor gentle to your base to prevent pressure pain. Grab one at 13cm as well just in case if the 12cm is too tight beyond 2 hours. Wear that ring all day, and keep cycling new blood into the penis and keep it semi erected. Perform one more 5x5x3 at night, 90-minute before going to sleep. The remaining 90-minutes will be the same routine as your morning. Once done, go to sleep at the relax state without anything on. If you feel comfortable wearing a loose penis sleeve to keep your elongated state, go for it. Faster flaccid and erected gain length as a result. You will gain a small amount of length, but the girth will be fast gain. Take advantage of that initial year of your body potential to grow, in spite of vitiligo. It will not affect your PE.

Your question of "What pressure should I apply on slow squash jelk?", the erection must be close to 100%, if not 100%. Blood volume required is 100% and beyond. If erection quality is an issue, you might want to allow your mind to reset from PIED before you pursue PE. Worst case scenario, Viagra and Ciales may be an option if you can't wait.

During pumping, start slow and steady. 5 inHg is the standard pressure. First session of the 5x5x3, 5 inHg in slightly warmer than warm water to get the blood flowing. Get the penis to gain an erection close to 100% or even higher while under vacuum pressure. After the SSJ, increase vacuum pressure to 6 inHg, or even 7 inHg. Follow up with another SSJ at 100% or high erection level when possible. Last set of pumping, lower back down to 5 inHG with full erection and another SSJ at full erection level.

You only need 1 session of 5 minutes of higher-than-baseline pressure (which is 5 inHg at the moment) to induce stress loading. 7 inHg is your limit, so stay at that pressure as your second session for the next 3 weeks. I can guaranty you that your new pressure baseline will go from 5 to 7inHg in 3 weeks. However, only go up to 6 inHg as your baseline, and 8 inHg as your above the baseline. Stay there for another 3 weeks. If you feel comfortable, raise it to 7 inHg as the new baseline, and 9 inHg as above the baseline. Stay here for another 6 weeks. Why? You're entering into high pressure zone. You have to be careful as you progress. After 6 weeks, set your new baseline at 8 inHg, and creep to 10 inHg above baseline for the next 4 weeks. If you fee comfortable, remain here for another 6 weeks. If not, drop back down into the 9 or even 8 inHg.

Kegel exercise wise, don't go overboard. 120 short twitch muscle for the entire day. DO NOT EXCEED THIS. It will hurt you more than it benefits you. Long hold between 5 to 10 seconds, total of 60 repetitions only. You're still young. You don't need more than this, unless you're suffering urinary leakage. Short twitches will make that ejaculation fires like a cannon.
Thank you for your detailed answer m8 and i will follow your steps.

Regarding your advices:
"5x5x3 is a great start. Do that in the morning. Since your base girth at 14cm, find a cock ring with a 1cm width and a 12cm diameter. It's a great constrictor gentle to your base to prevent pressure pain. Grab one at 13cm as well just in case if the 12cm is too tight beyond 2 hours. Wear that ring all day, and keep cycling new blood into the penis and keep it semi erected. Perform one more 5x5x3 at night, 90-minute before going to sleep. The remaining 90-minutes will be the same routine as your morning. Once done, go to sleep at the relax state without anything on. If you feel comfortable wearing a loose penis sleeve to keep your elongated state, go for it. Faster flaccid and erected gain length as a result. You will gain a small amount of length, but the girth will be fast gain. Take advantage of that initial year of your body potential to grow, in spite of vitiligo. It will not affect your PE."

"Your question of "What pressure should I apply on slow squash jelk?", the erection must be close to 100%, if not 100%. Blood volume required is 100% and beyond. If erection quality is an issue, you might want to allow your mind to reset from PIED before you pursue PE. Worst case scenario, Viagra and Ciales may be an option if you can't wait."

Some questions I have.
I've talked with a doctor previously of talking with you guys. I already take cialis but it only responds to stimulation (with women in this case). Also taking low dosages due to side effects and viagra has more severe side effects.
Either way its really difficult for me to have an erection or semi erection without any stimulation.
So my PIED is not making things easy but I will focus also on that.
My doctor said I could use a pump (boutght the MitghyVac kit) but not to use any ring on the base of the penis to retain the blood as it will eventually make my erections even worst etc, so I'm kind of afraid of that.
The pressure I feel at 7inHg is more on the front of the penis (glande/head) and not so much on the base.

If I only keep the routine of the 553 (using jelk with a flat penis or a semi erected at max) and do the kegel, will I gain girth?
Or its just not enough.

And what's the purpose of the loose penis sleeve? Gain lenght? and are they to use all day?

That is: I have personal experiences with narcissists.
I even had a narcissist, but I highly pinned her as having Psychopathy (I know it is not a medical term).

But it was horrible. She was feeding on making other people feel bad, and we was working in the medical field, and helping older people so not a good combination.

Her eyes was empty as well. Those staring empty eyes...really creepy.

Others saw what she did, but I believe I was the only one that connected the dots and saw who she really was there under.
@Infected Mushroom

If you want guidance. I have personal experience about this. I have also read a lot of book in order to protect myself and understand for the future.

If you want to talk personally with me I can enable that for my account.
Thanks bro! But I think I have done most of mental work on the subject already. Last year was the major eye opener, as I was working I was also able to listen nearly 200 audiobooks, lectures, podcasts etc. Sam Vaknins channel was most helpful, as he has studied b-cluster since 1995. So atm. I am just concentrating on myself and healing. Gets easier day by day. 💪
That is: I have personal experiences with narcissists.
I even had a narcissist, but I highly pinned her as having Psychopathy (I know it is not a medical term).

But it was horrible. She was feeding on making other people feel bad, and we was working in the medical field, and helping older people so not a good combination.

Her eyes was empty as well. Those staring empty eyes...really creepy.

Others saw what she did, but I believe I was the only one that connected the dots and saw who she really was there under.
Narcissists tend to shift towards psychopathy. I recommend Sam Vaknin, but remember... When you gaze into abyss... It will gaze back at you. Bit of warning.
Let's break things down so we can cover things equally. Remember that medical sciences still have not catch up in the arena of ED yet. There are still many shady and hidden facts we have yet to uncover as the whim of the wind blow.
Some questions I have.
I've talked with a doctor previously of talking with you guys. I already take cialis but it only responds to stimulation (with women in this case). Also taking low dosages due to side effects and viagra has more severe side effects.
Either way its really difficult for me to have an erection or semi erection without any stimulation.
So my PIED is not making things easy but I will focus also on that.
My doctor said I could use a pump (boutght the MitghyVac kit) but not to use any ring on the base of the penis to retain the blood as it will eventually make my erections even worst etc, so I'm kind of afraid of that.
The pressure I feel at 7inHg is more on the front of the penis (glande/head) and not so much on the base.

If I only keep the routine of the 553 (using jelk with a flat penis or a semi erected at max) and do the kegel, will I gain girth?
Or its just not enough.

And what's the purpose of the loose penis sleeve? Gain lenght? and are they to use all day?
The doctor is correct to indicate that the ring at the base is correct at high vacuum pressure, but there is to say using a small penis ring. The constriction is too high and tight, numbing the nerves that needs to get the stimuli through. Once pumped, measure the expanded size, and purchase wide width cock rings that is 80% and 90% of the expanded penis size. For the glans, an 80% is enough. Why this method? Easy.

Do not use the rings until after the first session of the 5x5x3. This is to loosen the tissues to use the rings properly, and not causing any nerve pinching along the way. Entering into 7 inHg is indeed high, but manageable to get the blood to flow in when little to no stimulation can induce an erection. By pumping alone, using warm water or slightly hotter than warm, this will help with blood flow activity. Since you are using MityVac tube, there are donuts about there that also mirror a vaginal canal for stimulation, while creating a partial constriction at 90% after pumping vacuum pressure is achieved and base comfort against the our skin. This is something to think about to induce an erection. PIED is not an easy thing to get over, but, there are ways to reset. Your mind's psychology is unique, and using mental imagery instead of visual tend to counterbalance visual fatigues. This is true for PTSD patients affected by visual and auditory traumas. Training them to use mental visualization break their PTSD and secondary touch stimuli tandem with the mental visualization. They use the "think of a happy place" and petting fluffy things. In your case, visualization of your ideal woman while stimulate yourself.

After the first pumping session, strap on the 90% base ring. This is to get high pressure while achieving partial blood retention without nerve pinching, providing expansion, and blood cycling still happens during pumping as long as you perform LIGHT kegel exercises. If you use a donut, no need for a base ring. Strap on the glans ring. You may have to play with the glans ring size as you may need to get a smaller one or larger one based on your finding at the current condition.

Third set, switch down to 80% base ring or smaller inner diameter donut during pumping. Why? Fatigue build up. People think you don't suffer fatigue after 3 sessions. Yes, it's true for healthy erection. Not do for problematic erection. Smaller diameter will help to retain blood but not overly constricting the blood vessels kor numbing the nerves during the last session.

Now wearing a loose base ring or penis sleeve at the base at 80% of the pre pump girth size all day. The reasoning is quite simple. You are exercising micro erection all day, while performing expansion. This is great when you don't do length work (ADS device) wearing an ADS does hinder the glans expansion, but not the shaft. They say, "keep your mind out of the gutter", but unfortunately, resetting your PIED requires you to be in the gutter. The base constriction is to trap whatever blood you can while still allowing blood to exit if you're not stimulated. I use 50% and 60% base girth constriction, but I release my trapped blood withing 5 minutes by easing out my erection. I space my erected state every 60 minutes. We can get into the scientific and medical aspects of it later if you like.
Thanks bro! But I think I have done most of mental work on the subject already. Last year was the major eye opener, as I was working I was also able to listen nearly 200 audiobooks, lectures, podcasts etc. Sam Vaknins channel was most helpful, as he has studied b-cluster since 1995. So atm. I am just concentrating on myself and healing. Gets easier day by day. 💪
Good! You're welcome.
It is important to focus on our-self after psychological terror.
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Let's break things down so we can cover things equally. Remember that medical sciences still have not catch up in the arena of ED yet. There are still many shady and hidden facts we have yet to uncover as the whim of the wind blow.

The doctor is correct to indicate that the ring at the base is correct at high vacuum pressure, but there is to say using a small penis ring. The constriction is too high and tight, numbing the nerves that needs to get the stimuli through. Once pumped, measure the expanded size, and purchase wide width cock rings that is 80% and 90% of the expanded penis size. For the glans, an 80% is enough. Why this method? Easy.

Do not use the rings until after the first session of the 5x5x3. This is to loosen the tissues to use the rings properly, and not causing any nerve pinching along the way. Entering into 7 inHg is indeed high, but manageable to get the blood to flow in when little to no stimulation can induce an erection. By pumping alone, using warm water or slightly hotter than warm, this will help with blood flow activity. Since you are using MityVac tube, there are donuts about there that also mirror a vaginal canal for stimulation, while creating a partial constriction at 90% after pumping vacuum pressure is achieved and base comfort against the our skin. This is something to think about to induce an erection. PIED is not an easy thing to get over, but, there are ways to reset. Your mind's psychology is unique, and using mental imagery instead of visual tend to counterbalance visual fatigues. This is true for PTSD patients affected by visual and auditory traumas. Training them to use mental visualization break their PTSD and secondary touch stimuli tandem with the mental visualization. They use the "think of a happy place" and petting fluffy things. In your case, visualization of your ideal woman while stimulate yourself.

After the first pumping session, strap on the 90% base ring. This is to get high pressure while achieving partial blood retention without nerve pinching, providing expansion, and blood cycling still happens during pumping as long as you perform LIGHT kegel exercises. If you use a donut, no need for a base ring. Strap on the glans ring. You may have to play with the glans ring size as you may need to get a smaller one or larger one based on your finding at the current condition.

Third set, switch down to 80% base ring or smaller inner diameter donut during pumping. Why? Fatigue build up. People think you don't suffer fatigue after 3 sessions. Yes, it's true for healthy erection. Not do for problematic erection. Smaller diameter will help to retain blood but not overly constricting the blood vessels kor numbing the nerves during the last session.

Now wearing a loose base ring or penis sleeve at the base at 80% of the pre pump girth size all day. The reasoning is quite simple. You are exercising micro erection all day, while performing expansion. This is great when you don't do length work (ADS device) wearing an ADS does hinder the glans expansion, but not the shaft. They say, "keep your mind out of the gutter", but unfortunately, resetting your PIED requires you to be in the gutter. The base constriction is to trap whatever blood you can while still allowing blood to exit if you're not stimulated. I use 50% and 60% base girth constriction, but I release my trapped blood withing 5 minutes by easing out my erection. I space my erected state every 60 minutes. We can get into the scientific and medical aspects of it later if you like.
Thank you brother.
And do you know any cream or hydratant or product that could help on acelerating the grow during jelqs for example?
With collagen or magnesium or any other "ingredient"?
Thank you brother.
And do you know any cream or hydratant or product that could help on acelerating the grow during jelqs for example?
With collagen or magnesium or any other "ingredient"?
Unfortunately, there is no magic cream. If there is such a magical gift, women would be having size C cups and above and men would be waking around with 8in+ penises. Don't fall for those.

However, internal healing is something to think about. Magnesium glycinate or even biglicinate for maintenance on blood pressure and strengthen bones. However, do take equally on other supplements like calcium, iron, essential trace elements, and the most lacking iodine in their diets.

Allow collagen to be produced naturally from the bioavailability of amino acids and proteins you consume daily. Boost your mitochondrial powerhouses using red light therapy to break down the bioavailability to produce collagen. Don't be suckered in buying pharma grade topical collagen application meant to focus on the epidermal layers down to 2mm. What you want is below 4mm, while the 2mm deep is appearances only.

I'm currently testing Vital Proteins Collagen peptides with my wife (using up her leftover loads) compared to the cheaper protein shakes my boys are using for bodybuilding. They are practically the same. Save yourself money and eat right, exercise, and red light therapy application. Supplements are meant to boost your bioavailable resources only when needed, or when your dietary intake can't provide the exact resources needed.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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