Good morning, MOS here is something that I've have found which might be useful for the brotherhood.
Here is a top performers to have an idea of what is working.
- Username (Forum where you can find them) - techniques/routine - (gains) - pe duration to get the gains
Length top performers
- doublelongdaddy (Mattersofsize) - stretching, jelqing, uli - (5 inches) -several years
- Bib (Thundersplace) -
hanging 17lbs 13x 20 min - (4.5 inches) - 2 years
- R (Peforum) - dry jelq - (4+ inches) - several years
- JonPop (Pegym) - kegel, stretch, v jelq - (4 inches) - 9 years
- Samzman (Mattersofsize) - streching 5 min, wet jelqing 50 min, horse, squeeze - (3.63 inches) - 2.5 years
- RB (Thundersplace) - stretch 30 min, jelq 10 min - (3.5 inches) - 15 months
- YGuy (Thundersplace) - stretching 30 min, jelqing 10 min, squeezing & kegeling 15 mins,
hanging 2 hrs - (3.5 inches) - 3 years
- jelktoid (Thundersplace) - jelqing 40 min, stretching 40 min,
hanging 4 hrs - (3 inches) - 16 months
- Dustpan (Thundersplace) - ADS 2 lbs 3-4 hrs, manual stretch, jelq : wet x600 & dry x400, hang 3-4x 20 min - (2.75 inches) - 28 months
- kingpole (Thundersplace) - stretch, slow wet jelq 30 min - (2.75 inches) - 3 years
- going411by7 (Pegym) - edging, stretching, jelqing 90 min - (2.75 inches) - 6 Years
- MCTFB (Mattersofsize) -
hanging, manual stretching, clamping - (2.5 inches) - 6 months
- Total_Honesty (Pegym) - jelqing 35 min 3-4s - (2.5 inches) - 6 months
- Stesmalltool (Pegym) - jelq 5-10 min x4-5, stretching 5-10 min x3-4 - (2.5 inches) - 11 months
- GashKing (Mattersofsize) - stretching, jelqing - (2.5 inches) - 18 months
- rednuht (Thundersplace) - stretching - (2.5 inches) - 2 years
- 7of9 (Thundersplace) - jelq, stretch, clamp - (2.5 inches) - 3 years
- mlolongo (Thundersplace) - dry jelqing squeezes, manual stretches, uli's, horse squeezes, erect bending - (2.4 inches) - 2 years
- ModestoMan (Thundersplace) - stretching, jelqing - (2.375 inches) - 16 months
- xtremegamer (Thundersplace) - stretching, jelqing - (2.375 inches) - 16 months
- Dustpan (Thundersplace) - ADS, jelqing, stretching,
hanging - (2.375 inches) - 18 months
- Twofister (Thundersplace) - jelqing & stretching several hours, clamping (2.25 inches) - 7 months
- Dino9X7 (Thundersplace) -
hanging (2.25 inches) - 12 months
- peforeal (Thundersplace) -
hanging, dry jelq (2.25 inches) - 3 years
- daboogies (Thundersplace) - v-stretch, wet jelq, pumping (2.21 inches) - 18 months
- pe_ZEN (Pegym) -
hanging, pumping, clamping, jelqing, ADS - (2.2 inches) - 1.5 year
- A69 (Thundersplace) -
hanging- (2.18 inches) - 18 months
- Astrix (Thundersplace) - stretching, ADS (2.165 inches) - 4 years
- PESG (Pegym) - Stretching, flaccid bends, ULIs, various jelqs - (2.15 inches) - 2 years, 1 month, and 12 days
- C Guy (Thundersplace) -
hanging (2.125 inches) - 4 months
- Okish6er (Thundersplace) -
hanging, jelqing, clamping, stretching (2.05 inches) - 1 year
- score03 (Mattersofsize) - hard jelqing x100 - (2 inches) - 2 months
- martin2010 (Thundersplace) - 2x stretch 5 min + jelq 5 min + no masturbating - (2 inches) - 4 months
- Scarto (Thundersplace) - jelqing 20 min, ADS 1 hr, manual stretching 30 min - (2 inches) - 8 months
- ItsElectric (Thundersplace) - kegel, stretch, v-strecth - (2 inches) - 9 months
- LOOSE (Peforum) - stretching,
hanging, jelqing - (2 inches) - 11 months
fattire (Thundersplace) - pumping,
hanging - (2 inches) - 15 months
- xenolith (Thundersplace) -
hanging - (2 inches) - 15 months
- goal8*6nick (Mattersofsize) - ADS, stretching, jelqing - (2 inches) - 17 months
- peterc111 (Thundersplace) - manual stretches, squeezes & jelq, total 45 min - (2 inches) - 1.5 years
- fedora (Mattersofsize) - ADS, stretching - (2 inches) - 4 years
- BigDog433 (Thundersplace) - jelqing, stretching - (2 inches) - 5 years
- theskyisthelimit (Thundersplace) - wet jelq, hard strecth - (2 inches) - 5 years
- stretchedout (Thundersplace) - stretch, jelq - (2 inches) - 13 years
- irishjim (Thundersplace) - pumping, jelqing - (2 inches) - 25 years
- man-of-10 (Thundersplace) - stretching, jelqing - (1.9 inches) - 2 years
- braindrain (Thundersplace) - 20 min stretch, 20 min jelq - (1.9 inches) - 5 years
- Rizlo (Thundersplace) - stretch - (1.88 inches) - 7 months
- Biggernow (Thundersplace) -
hanging 22lbs x20 min x3 - (1.88 inches) - 2 years
- newbeast99 (Mattersofsize) - ADS, stretching - (1.875 inches) - 6 months
- UYN (Pegym) - clamping, edging - (1.75 inches) - 14 months
- Priapos (Thundersplace) - 10 min stretch, 20-30 min wet/power jelq, 10 min glans shaping - (1.75 inches) - 18 months
- goingfor11x7 (Mattersofsize) - jelq & stretch 2 hrs - (1.75 inches) - 6 years
- jackxxx (Pegym) - jelqing, stretching, clamping,
hanging - (1.75 inches) - 10 years
- holl2007 (Thundersplace) - stretching, jelqing - (1.7 inches) - 22 months
- wadzilla (Thundersplace) - clamping, slow stretch - (1.68 inches) - 26 months
- aduk (Pegym) - jelq, stretch - (1.625 inches) - 11 months
- icecam (Mattersofsize) - ADS, stretching, jelqing - (1.6 inches) - 16 months
- kong1971 (Mattersofsize) - uli (1.5 inches) - few months
- somebodyelse (Pegym) - kegel, jelq, stretch - (1.5 inches) - 3 months
- Grootpiel (Thundersplace) - warm stretching - (1.5 inches) - 9 months
- Double Down (Pegym) - stretching, jelqing - (1.5 inches) - 10 months
- BigPunn65 (Pegym) -
hanging, uli, horse squeeze - (1.5 inches) - 13 months
- joe_smith (Mattersofsize) - ADS, stretch, jelq - (1.5 inches) - 1 year
- ulistretch (Thundersplace) - stretch, jelq, squeeze - (1.5 inches) - 2 years
- DownLow (Pegym) - stretching, jelqing,
hanging - (1.5 inches) - 31 months
- Supra (Betterman) - stretch, clamp - (1.5 inches) - 5 years
- Audacia (Thundersplace) - stretching, jelqing, belt
hanging - (1.4 inches) - 14 months
- Burzum (Thundersplace) - jelq, dld blast - (1.35 inches) - 2 years
UPDATE : The average time to reach 2+ inches is 34 months.
72% stretching
61% jelqing
12% clamping
10% ADS
7% squeezing
6% kegeling
6% uli
4% horse
1% erect bending
1% surgery
From what I have read, to get significant gains, you need to spend a minimum of time per day
ADS > 4 hrs
hanging > 2 hrs
jelqing > 40-90 min
squeeze/kegel/uli > 30-40 min
manual stretching > 30-40 min
Girth top performers
In progress...
- Kabous (Thundersplace) - clamping - (2 inches) - 8 months
- holl2007 (Thundersplace) - stretching, jelqing - (2 inches) - 22 months
- peforeal (Thundersplace) -
hanging, dry jelq (2 inches) - 3 years
- wurst (Thundersplace) - bundled stretch (2 inches) - 4 years
- Aristocane (Thundersplace) - clamping (2 inches) - 4 years
- Big Girtha (Thundersplace) - clamping,
hanging - (2 inches) - 7 years
- doublelongdaddy (Mattersofsize) - stretching, jelqing, uli - (2 inches) -several years
- braindrain (Thundersplace) - 20 min stretch, 20 min jelq - (1.625 inches) - 5 years
- RB (Thundersplace) - stretch 30 min, jelq 10 min - (1.5 inches) - 15 months
- jelktoid (Thundersplace) - jelqing 40 min, stretching 40 min,
hanging 4 hrs - (1.5 inches) - 16 months
- Bib (Thundersplace) -
hanging 17lbs 13x 20 min - (1.5 inches) - 2 years
- PESG (Pegym) - Stretching, flaccid bends, ULIs, various jelqs - (1.5 inches) - 2 years, 1 month, and 12 days
- kingpole (Thundersplace) - stretch, slow wet jelq 30 min - (1.5 inches) - 3 years
- going411by7 (Pegym) - edging, stretching, jelqing 90 min - (1.5 inches) - 6 Years
- Priapos (Thundersplace) - 10 min stretch, 20-30 min wet/power jelq, 10 min glans shaping - (1.25 inches) - 18 months
54% jelqing
54% stretching
27% clamping
Curve top performers (curvature correction)
- Herballist (Thundersplace) - erection bends - (as straight as an arrow) - ?
- HungLikeHolmes (Thundersplace) - manual stretching - (straightened) - ?
- Bone.Head (Thundersplace) - straight jelq - (don't have it any longer) - ?
- RandomGiant (Thundersplace) - fulcrum stretches against the curve - (100% straight) - ?
- goingtobebig (Thundersplace) - bending against the curve - (worked for me) - ?
- rockotaco (Thundersplace) - jelqing against the curve - (effective for me) - ?
- groa (Thundersplace) - regular jelqing, stretch, fulcrum stretching - (definitely reduced) - ?
- Astrix (Thundersplace) - ADS - (very close to straight) - ?
- seanjacobs (Thundersplace) - pulling/pushing on opposite side while jelqing - (almost completely corrected) - ?
- twentyFifteen (Thundersplace) - ADS and E Vitamin - (correct about 90% of my curve) - ?
- superstrat (Thundersplace) - jelq against the curve - (almost straight now) - ?
- s101 (Thundersplace) -
hanging - (practically straight) - ?
- Mike6466 (Thundersplace) - Jameison 100% Vitamin E cream, Cetaphil moisturizer - (mostly been fixed) - ?
- BigDreams09 (Thundersplace) - jelqs, ADS, manual, elastic cords against the curve - (corrected about 70% of the curve) - ?
- cdarro (Thundersplace) - stretching, jelqing - (-20 degree) - ?
- mike548 (Thundersplace) - stretching against the curve - (-10 degree) - ?
- a-unit (Thundersplace) - v-stretch (straightened out substantially) - ?
- BigHead007 (Thundersplace) - ADS (practically unnoticable) - ?
- woody (Thundersplace) - bend against the curve while clamping (not as noticable as before) - ?
- lightninrod (Thundersplace) - kegel, stretching - (angle isn't as noticeable) - ?
- Kaiowas (Thundersplace) - jelqing against the curve - (slight improvement) - ?
- Mr. Happy (Thundersplace) - pumping - (it's less than it was) - ?
- jbilla (Thundersplace) - jelqing and stretching against the curve - (has shown some results) - ?
- ICM (Thundersplace) -
hanging straight down - (worked the best) - ?
- gnibber10 (Thundersplace) - stretching, jelqing, vitamin E - (slightly improvements to my curve) - ?
40% jelqing
32% stretching
16% ADS
12% vitamin E
12% erect bending
4% pumping
4% clamping
4% kegel
According to my experience the best techniques are
hanging and ulis. Of course it can vary a lot between the PEers.
Hanging for length
Hanging is a 2000 years old practice according to
wikipedia; it can be a real torture when you are uncut and if you have a curvature (it is my case), it can aggravate/create it if you let the
weights hang freely (I have got +3.5°
whereas I mostly do PE to kill my f#&@!g curve
), the
hanger has to be straight. I have found that I get much more gains when I do more sets with less lbs.
Ulis for girth and some length
Ulis can make the dick very very large (I tear an artery once
, I have got a lot of blood on my hands! fortunately the dick has healed); it can be a problem if you do
I have only got the newbie gains with stretching (the first month, the second month I have got nothing) and some girth with jelqing (I have done 9 months of jelq without any results in length
); I was only doing 15-20 min per day. I don't believe in ADS, if there is no pression on ligaments it will be essentially skin stretch (or maybe some tunica/shaft!?). Pumping is only good to maintain girth. Erect bending can help to reduce curvature (I am experiencing it for few weeks, it seems to work well, however it is quite dangerous).
I hope that one day, PE will be teached at school, it could enhance something like billions of lives!!! especially with the f#&@!g hell growing adult entertainment world's pressure!