>>> My Naughty Girlfreind Left Me For Some Rich Guy:( :(

Damn you are really from Haverhill, I know this. I am sorry bro...you know I went through this too. Keep the faith and try to believe it is for a better reason.
you thought i was lying?:( ..... its ok mike , i met her when she was fucking guys for $100 dollars JUST to buy some snow:blush:

i took this girl in my house got her clean , and she decided to do full service for big money..... i had no problem with it , cause im a freak . and i really thought she loved me

but i guess money means more to her than me ... ill try to move on , but it fucken hurts
Damn you cats gotta learn not to trust a bitch like that. Ive seen this shit happen 1000s of time man. Dudes gotta get they priorities right. One more thread like this and ima have to school yall in "Ithiel's - how not to get played 101" :)
she needs to learn how to spell and keep those close on. you're handeling this better than me, i'd make her life a living hell. but i'm spiteful like that
I don't know SAMZ her life can't be all that great if she's selling her services. No offense mate but I'd say you're 10000X better off without her. No woman like that could ever be trusted. She's all $$$$$ signs and that's it. Don't let it get you down for too long.
News flash: Play with fire and eventually you're gonna get burnt. Play with knives and eventually you're gonna get cut. Play with fucked up bitches and eventually you're gonna get hurt.
you thought i was lying?:( ..... its ok mike , i met her when she was fucking guys for $100 dollars JUST to buy some snow:blush:

i took this girl in my house got her clean , and she decided to do full service for big money..... i had no problem with it , cause im a freak . and i really thought she loved me

but i guess money means more to her than me ... ill try to move on , but it fucken hurts
Just move on Joke, there are so many beautifull women in this world that any second you waist with this one is a second you loose with the next one.

Get someone who really loves you and respects you dude...This one does NOT measure up to you so find a better person for you dawg...


Why would you want to be with someone like that anyway? She sounds like a stupid piece of human garbage. Those photos don't do her any favours either. She looks like a 40 year old anorexic. Too much coke and not enough sandwiches! I've yet to understand why women think that malnutrition+rib cages+the morals of a cockroach+stupidity = sexy.
Hey JK,
As a guy who's seen his fair share (and more) of ups and downs...as well as bein' fucked over by a few people I never, ever woulda thought would fuck me over, I've learned to try and look at things kinda philosophically.
Between STD's, crazy "boyfriends", greedy pimps, lealous hookers and the inevitable heat; in a few years you'll realize you're much better off growing from here without her.

I always remember what Bertrand Russell said: "The best revenge is living well."
So maybe the best she can hope for is that you'll shed one single tear when you read her obituary.
Put it behind ya, move on, you're worth more.
goldmember said:
:D Anyone else see the irony? It's too funny...

Just kiddin' Samz, you know I'm just teasin' :cool:

Lol i always heard that masturbation could do damage to your eyes so maybe...... i don't masturbate myself of course cause that would also affect my ... ehhh what the fuck was it ?... my ehhh errr hummm oh oh i got it i got it...it's my memory... or is it ?! i don't know ... i get confused from time to time and my eyesight isn't what it used to be anymore... damn



skirmish said:
... Those photos don't do her any favours either. She looks like a 40 year old anorexic. Too much coke and not enough sandwiches!...
She looks pretty hot to me... that said, JK i think you will see this as a blessing a few months down the road.
thanks guys . well im not going to chase her OR call her , i have a thing for hookers , im not going to lie ....... the sex was fucken great with this chic , plus we had alot in common

not to mention my clamping sessions were fucken amazing , NOTHING like clamping to a live hot girlfreind ...... we actually made a video on her apple lap top ........ but she took her lap top with her<:(
This might be late, but hell bro it sounds like you're better off without. You want some Hookers go Vegas then leave the city and its all legal there... least thats what I heard.
you thought i was lying?:( ..... its ok mike , i met her when she was fucking guys for $100 dollars JUST to buy some snow:blush:

i took this girl in my house got her clean , and she decided to do full service for big money..... i had no problem with it , cause im a freak . and i really thought she loved me

but i guess money means more to her than me ... ill try to move on , but it fucken hurts

No I did not think you were lying, I just wanted people to know that you were really from Haverhill as we know one another.
doublelongdaddy said:
No I did not think you were lying, I just wanted people to know that you were really from Haverhill as we know one another.

its all love mike . any updates on AB? is your new site up? . ive been so busy with the whole CL ad . I dont have time to post on your forum

still have your apple computer? we made some videos that were hard corerofl .. maybe i can talk to her into posting them here? im not enemy's with her .... she just called me right now bragging about his car and house:s
thanks guys . well im not going to chase her OR call her , i have a thing for hookers , im not going to lie ....... the sex was fucken great with this chic , plus we had alot in common

not to mention my clamping sessions were fucken amazing , NOTHING like clamping to a live hot girlfreind ...... we actually made a video on her apple lap top ........ but she took her lap top with her<:(

you got some wild ass stories b.
ithiel said:
you got some wild ass stories b.

my man you dont even know the 1/2 of it , i used to hide in the closet while she was fucking all these guysrofl ...... im going to miss that ... ive been clamping to her pussy for the past month

any ways i would love to share some videos . i fucked her while i was clamping , blew a ILL load on her , she was my fuk toy , and i really liked her ...... now she's gone ...... girls like this are hard to find:blush:
Boston - Gold Digging Bitch
IM PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she was everthing to me , plus she made me money , and now she met this rich guy , and packed her stuff and moved in with him<:( <:( <:(
... I'm devastated

I had the same with a Stripper I dated for awhile. Everything was fine until a guy came along with Mo' Money. This chick is just a Platimun whore, always looking for EZ-Money. That won't change until her looks are gone.
Does she do anal, if she does I piss in her ass and let all the air out in her overly inflated Tits.
JK, I'm sorry that you're hurt. It's never easy to lose someone that you care about. That being said...COME THE FUCK ON, DUDE!!! She was a gold-diggin'-coke-whore when you met her. Did you think any of that would change? It's not like Pretty Woman and you met her on her first day on the stroll. Not to mention, she's a female of the species and like all other species, they will go w/the one that will provide MORE for them. Stop being CAPTAIN SAVE-A-HO. There are plenty of non-pros that would be just as freaky as you want em to be that will provide you w/more stability. A good place to look is, in fact, craigslist. Fuck that cunt! Ho's are a dime a dozen and I believe you already know that. Just consider what and who you're getting involved with so as not to make the same mistakes.
No offence, but you need some Willie D wisdom

There seems to be alot of mother fuckers blind to the fact
That a ho is gonna be just that
And this type of ignorance is the very
Reason why so many niggas in the goddamned cemetary
Inteligence is on call
You dont treat a ho like a queen who behaves like a dog
Are you the type who wont put a ho in front of a trigger
Then you're a ho assed nigga
Goddamned hound
Pound for pound
You knew the ho when she was fucking the whole town
She fucked you and gave your buddies a blow
But your trick ass fell in love with the ho
Tried to change her make her be an angel
You keep putting your damn life in danger
Fronting niggas about that slutty ass trifling crow
You gotta let a ho be a ho
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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