Modest improvement

Hi to those to those who read this. I'm not proud or even comfortable with myself. I've been diagnosed dy 3 seperate physiologists with Body dysmorphic disorder, directly realting to the appearance to my penis. I dont look at mine eather directly or in mirrors because I don't like the look of it when flaccid & even less when erect at 5 1/2" because I have a curve to the left starting 1/2 way along the shaft.
My goal is to reduce the curve & hopfully be as realistically stright, when I manualy strighten it gives me an extra 1/2" of erect Length. Any more will be a bonus.

I'm not new to trying to improve myself. Spent quite a bit of money in the past between nodded streachers with a nose behind the glans & a Penimaster Pro set up. I'm not here to bag them out, if they work for you than all power to you. For me they did not, for me they were uncomfortable, painfully & quite frankly unless I worked outside the recommended tensions I couldn't feel any streach what so ever.

I'm not the youngest of people & to be fair if I found the length master 14 or 15 years ago I may have achieved my goals by now.

I brought a second hand Length Master(LM) due to a Body dysmorphic forum & this man was only two blocks away from me. He claimed the LM helped make a 2" gain & he gave me quite a demo & helped me put it on (that's bit of a weird experence in its own)
He used a set of cheap luggage scales (the ones you hang luggage from) to make sure the tension is where he wants it.
Any way he used to work up to 2kg's & he said it was just starting to be unfortable for him. For me however I didn't feel any tension until 5kg's & felt I could go further. (Never felt a streach like that using any other streacher.

Today I picked up the LM & used it on my own for the first time. I used the luggage scales to make sure I wasn't trying too hard. I only got a 180 twist both ways.
For an all day streacher I'm going to use a silicone sleeve, I've read wrapping is more effective but a sleeve will be easer for me. A soft one lasts me 3 weeks & once I have two of them I double them up. To put more rigidity to them again. I'd like to go a stuffer one but to put it behind the edge of the glans I have trouble getting it over said glans. They will add an extra 1 1/2" to the flaccid Length for 20 > 22 hours every day.

Any way that's me. I'm happy to receive any help / suggestions you can pass my way thank you very much

All the best with your progress, l know you'll get to where you want to be. Your Reward will equal your sacrifice & effort.

Non Bone Pressed Penis Erect Length
Hi to those to those who read this. I'm not proud or even comfortable with myself.
We pursue PE because we want something more. We are here to help you to resume.

I've been diagnosed dy 3 seperate physiologists with Body dysmorphic disorder, directly realting to the appearance to my penis.
Noted. We will focus around the condition and attempt to help.

I dont look at mine eather directly or in mirrors because I don't like the look of it when flaccid & even less when erect at 5 1/2" because I have a curve to the left starting 1/2 way along the shaft.
My goal is to reduce the curve & hopfully be as realistically stright, when I manualy strighten it gives me an extra 1/2" of erect Length. Any more will be a bonus.
We will center in getting it back straight and add more length in the process. You have to be consistent on the regiment.

I'm not new to trying to improve myself. Spent quite a bit of money in the past between nodded streachers with a nose behind the glans & a Penimaster Pro set up. I'm not here to bag them out, if they work for you than all power to you. For me they did not, for me they were uncomfortable, painfully & quite frankly unless I worked outside the recommended tensions I couldn't feel any streach what so ever.
We will find a different approach. Noose type is truly a pain. Never system with vacuum cups are much more enjoyable. You might think about that. I have both. I leave my noose type to collect dust and use it once in a while to train the skin around the glans for conditioning. Overall, I stay with my vacuum system. Which system? This is where you need to do your own research to compare comforts, prices, and durability.

I'm not the youngest of people & to be fair if I found the length master 14 or 15 years ago I may have achieved my goals by now.
Most of us are old chickens. I'm way past my 50s, and will continue with my PE until both feet are in the grave.

I brought a second hand Length Master(LM) due to a Body dysmorphic forum & this man was only two blocks away from me. He claimed the LM helped make a 2" gain & he gave me quite a demo & helped me put it on (that's bit of a weird experence in its own)
He used a set of cheap luggage scales (the ones you hang luggage from) to make sure the tension is where he wants it.
Any way he used to work up to 2kg's & he said it was just starting to be unfortable for him. For me however I didn't feel any tension until 5kg's & felt I could go further. (Never felt a streach like that using any other streacher.
Not sure which design model you have. Mind providing us the photo of the LM you have? This allows us to suggest for optimization through light mods.

Today I picked up the LM & used it on my own for the first time. I used the luggage scales to make sure I wasn't trying too hard. I only got a 180 twist both ways.
For an all day streacher I'm going to use a silicone sleeve, I've read wrapping is more effective but a sleeve will be easer for me. A soft one lasts me 3 weeks & once I have two of them I double them up. To put more rigidity to them again. I'd like to go a stuffer one but to put it behind the edge of the glans I have trouble getting it over said glans. They will add an extra 1 1/2" to the flaccid Length for 20 > 22 hours every day.
Wow. You're going for Spartan mode. Just me, I suggest do perform a 30 minutes LM routines focus on tissue priming. Priming is essential to soften up the plague or scarring tissues into a malleable form for secondary growth. The question is, can you place the plates at the base of the glans but still allow bend to be outside of the plates for the LM? I'm assuming the LM is closer to the newer model with the plates. If not, we can centralize the routine using the Power Assist ring.

Any way that's me. I'm happy to receive any help / suggestions you can pass my way thank you very much

All the best with your progress, l know you'll get to where you want to be. Your Reward will equal your sacrifice & effort.

Non Bone Pressed Penis Erect Length
We are here for you brother. Once a brother, always a brother of the brotherhood.
We pursue PE because we want something more. We are here to help you to resume.

Noted. We will focus around the condition and attempt to help.

We will center in getting it back straight and add more length in the process. You have to be consistent on the regiment.

We will find a different approach. Noose type is truly a pain. Never system with vacuum cups are much more enjoyable. You might think about that. I have both. I leave my noose type to collect dust and use it once in a while to train the skin around the glans for conditioning. Overall, I stay with my vacuum system. Which system? This is where you need to do your own research to compare comforts, prices, and durability.

Most of us are old chickens. I'm way past my 50s, and will continue with my PE until both feet are in the grave.

Not sure which design model you have. Mind providing us the photo of the LM you have? This allows us to suggest for optimization through light mods.

Wow. You're going for Spartan mode. Just me, I suggest do perform a 30 minutes LM routines focus on tissue priming. Priming is essential to soften up the plague or scarring tissues into a malleable form for secondary growth. The question is, can you place the plates at the base of the glans but still allow bend to be outside of the plates for the LM? I'm assuming the LM is closer to the newer model with the plates. If not, we can centralize the routine using the Power Assist ring.

We are here for you brother. Once a brother, always a brother of the brotherhood.
Hi guys sorry I haven't been around for a bit. Works been getting in the way of me having a life.
No thats a dit os BS I need to change my priorities.
I'm not sure of the models of the LM so I added a photo.
The curve sits bang in the middle of the clamp & I think that's why I hav pinching & nerve twinges some times.
I use a sillisleeve instead of a wrap it works well for me & dosnt slip.
Quick question, if you have a bit of a curve, I'm sure you have heard that water pumping is the best solution for that plus the added benefit of EQ. There are some real reports of improved curve with water pumping.

Why have you not jumped onto that bandwagon? I'm talking mittyvac with water and not bathmate.
Quick question, if you have a bit of a curve, I'm sure you have heard that water pumping is the best solution for that plus the added benefit of EQ. There are some real reports of improved curve with water pumping.

Why have you not jumped onto that bandwagon? I'm talking mittyvac with water and not bathmate.
To correct that statement, pumping alone will not correct the bend. It does assist with the bend corection by breaking and soften the tissues down. The additional step is to either use traction, bracing, wrapping, or extending device to keep the penile shaft straight. By doing so, the tissues heal and the cellular longitudinal formation will straighten out the bend.

So, water pump + elongated hold + time = straight penis. As many brothers stated, a light curve can provide great penetration on certain spots during specific positions can enhance orgasms and climaxes. But bad curves, like side to side or odd S pattern can cause issues down the road.
Quick question, if you have a bit of a curve, I'm sure you have heard that water pumping is the best solution for that plus the added benefit of EQ. There are some real reports of improved curve with water pumping.

Why have you not jumped onto that bandwagon? I'm talking mittyvac with water and not bathmate.
Firstly, thank you for your input. For me all input is greatly accepted & taken on board. To answer your question with respect, I work away from home & live in a company share house for there weeks out of four, there for taking up time I'm a bathroom pumping would not be socially fair. When I am home I don't want the family to know I'm trying to improve myself.
To correct that statement, pumping alone will not correct the bend. It does assist with the bend corection by breaking and soften the tissues down. The additional step is to either use traction, bracing, wrapping, or extending device to keep the penile shaft straight. By doing so, the tissues heal and the cellular longitudinal formation will straighten out the bend.

So, water pump + elongated hold + time = straight penis. As many brothers stated, a light curve can provide great penetration on certain spots during specific positions can enhance orgasms and climaxes. But bad curves, like side to side or odd S pattern can cause issues down the road.
Thank you for your input. I an now in a position where I may be able to use a pump & would like all the input from others to help me decide what pump is the best to use. Should it be air vacuum or water vacuum.
It is a good point you bring up inrelation to a curve being an advantage some times, & yes I've used it in that way but, as the curve is to the left when not penertrating with women on the side for the curve to be an advantage, when in missionary & doggy the recipient can be aggravated, hence why I'd like to improve.
I'm not sure if my efforts are every going to be enough as I can only mate an effort there weeks out of four, and when I am at work I need to wear a working at heights safety harness so my "twig & berries" need to be in underwear nice & safe in case I fall, so it can't hang loosely with an always streacher in place.
Thank you for your input. I an now in a position where I may be able to use a pump & would like all the input from others to help me decide what pump is the best to use. Should it be air vacuum or water vacuum.
It is a good point you bring up inrelation to a curve being an advantage some times, & yes I've used it in that way but, as the curve is to the left when not penertrating with women on the side for the curve to be an advantage, when in missionary & doggy the recipient can be aggravated, hence why I'd like to improve.
I'm not sure if my efforts are every going to be enough as I can only mate an effort there weeks out of four, and when I am at work I need to wear a working at heights safety harness so my "twig & berries" need to be in underwear nice & safe in case I fall, so it can't hang loosely with an always streacher in place.
I understand completely. For pumping, go with water whenever you can. There's a pros vs cons between the two and scattered throughout many discussions.

As for wrap, a 1 foot long wrap is more than enough to keep things loose, elongated, and flexible enough to keep things from kinking or kinky under or around the harness. I wrap my penis in my harboring harness as well.
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This is my recommendation to come out of Stealth to your partner at home. If you are over 24 you are doing it for EQ and avoiding the pills. Women are respecting of that choice if you present it that way. Still in Stealth mode with wifey? tips to stop hiding PE
Yes I'm over 24, but I'm not doing it to avoid the pills as I don't have any issues getting it up. My wife is a nurse, it's not tht she dosnt support me but a matter of with all the mastrubating a guy does, if all men could grow it we'd all be 16"s. That's her thoughts & I respect her for it however the curve, size & self awareness/ doubt to the point of shame is still with me. Providing I'm trying to improve myself with out others been awear or inflicting any sort of harm to others why not try to do it. 55 years I've had this fecking thing & not been happy with it for all the time I can remember including having to shower with out privacy ship board in the navy in the space you may have the privacy of closing a door, there could be up to 3 guys, one getting wet while another sopes up & the third rinsing off possibly drying off. Working in heavy industry there after in old refineries there was still no privacy as the policy was clean in clean out.
Thank you for your story, I think especially if your wife is a nurse she would have empathy if you said you were doing this for EQ. Again, if you haven't water pump'd lately you may not even know you could get harder. I went from 85% to 100% with water pumping for EQ at 43. So I didn't know I could even get that hard until I started, then I did a little lie (but True) statement that I do this for EQ and she let me be. By water pump I mean mittyvac with water and not bathmate.
Thank you for your story, I think especially if your wife is a nurse she would have empathy if you said you were doing this for EQ. Again, if you haven't water pump'd lately you may not even know you could get harder. I went from 85% to 100% with water pumping for EQ at 43. So I didn't know I could even get that hard until I started, then I did a little lie (but True) statement that I do this for EQ and she let me be. By water pump I mean mittyvac with water and not bathmate.
Thank you. Not knowing the difference between mittyvac & Bathmate.
May I ask why you sugest a 'Mittyvac' with water & not a Bathmate please?
We always suggest between the two, but the safer and more options you can have is the MityVac. If you are going to invest, go straight to the MityVac.

Since MOS Shop is still undergoing research and development on its own 1 liter or 2 liter water trap system, it's best to find yourself an upgrade version of the 1/4in barb type vacuum bottles for usage as well. I have a 2.2 liters DIY mod and man, all I can say is, it's a game changer.

And yes, I have both the Bathmate with a pressure gauge and the MityVac. My Bathmate is resting in the closet, collecting dust at the moment.
We always suggest between the two, but the safer and more options you can have is the MityVac. If you are going to invest, go straight to the MityVac.

Since MoS Shop is still undergoing research and development on its own 1 liter or 2 liter water trap system, it's best to find yourself an upgrade version of the 1/4in barb type vacuum bottles for usage as well. I have a 2.2 liters DIY mod and man, all I can say is, it's a game changer.

And yes, I have both the Bathmate with a pressure gauge and the MityVac. My Bathmate is resting in the closet, collecting dust at the moment.
Right, I only have 1/2 an idea of what your talking about, 1/4" barb vacuum bottle & alike, this is going to take more research.
Right, I only have 1/2 an idea of what your talking about, 1/4" barb vacuum bottle & alike, this is going to take more research.
Screenshot_20240721_000337_Amazon Shopping.jpg

Something like this 2 liter size bottle. The MityVac currently has only a 4oz bottle. The 1 to 2 liters will allow you more pumping sessions without having to constantly emptying out the water until you are done. 1 litter is more than enough. I got lazy and use 2 liters because there's more storage.

The larger water trap prevents water intrusion into your pump cylinder and cause twist and malfunctions. If you use lubrication, it's critical to have a larger water trap to prevent cleaning headaches.
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Something like this 2 liter size bottle. The MityVac currently has only a 4oz bottle. The 1 to 2 liters will allow you more pumping sessions without having to constantly emptying out the water until you are done. 1 litter is more than enough. I got lazy and use 2 liters because there's more storage.

The larger water trap prevents water intrusion into your pump cylinder and cause twist and malfunctions. If you use lubrication, it's critical to have a larger water trap to prevent cleaning headaches.
I understand the concept of a water trap but I don't know why there is a need for one. It would be nice to actually see videos of using it both with & with out water..
Some of you are probably used to me asking stupid questions but here we go again.
From my understanding most things like pump cylinders & sleeves are measured in diameter but to measure a penis its in circumference.
Now I get the idea why You can't measure a penis diameter, firstly wouldn't be as accurate secondly it might be detrimental to cut it to get a cross section. But wouldn't it be more accurate to develop a formula to make it easier. Circumference of widest part of penis + whatever it works out to for 1/2" or to 3/4" of clearance depending on the application or may be put it in table form.
I understand the concept of a water trap but I don't know why there is a need for one. It would be nice to actually see videos of using it both with & with out water..
If you're looking for videos, it's under the Media section of this forum. Both instructional and videos provided by the brothers got nested in there. Here's brother SIM's videos:

For air, you can see it anywhere. Just type up "MityVac video" and you'll get tons of shared videos.

Some of you are probably used to me asking stupid questions but here we go again.
Stupid questions tend to lead to unique answers that others tend to not ask, believing they are "stupid". But you never know what you can get as answers.

From my understanding most things like pump cylinders & sleeves are measured in diameter but to measure a penis its in circumference.
Circumference and diameters are correlated. Tons of cylinders provided measurements for both diameter and circumference. Most sleeves are only provided as diameter and not circumference. MOS Shop provides both info, including in metric and imperial.

Now I get the idea why You can't measure a penis diameter, firstly wouldn't be as accurate secondly it might be detrimental to cut it to get a cross section. But wouldn't it be more accurate to develop a formula to make it easier.
You are correct. Most penises are not "round". Cross sections tend to be oblong. It varies from the base all the way to the glans. It's never "round". Close to round, yes. However, the cylinders are indeed "round". There's no way around that. That's why sleeves are provided in diameter as the sleeves are flexible to form to the penile's oblong shape.

As for the formula, you can only create a general volume displacement and not variable oblong shape. It's possible, but you'll be breaking out calculus and advanced mathematic formulas to account the differential shapes from the base to the tip of the glans. I don't think anyone want to go there.

Circumference of widest part of penis + whatever it works out to for 1/2" or to 3/4" of clearance depending on the application or may be put it in table form.
That can be done, but at the same time, you have to add multiple factors for proper expansion and growth. Penis sleeves cannot accomodate this.
  • Cylinders must account for air vs water setup.
  • Cylinders must account for head space to optimize for water and side buffer space for expansion for girth and sufficient buffer pressure to prevent edemas for higher pressures.
  • Cylinder must ensure pressure equalization from bottom to top for penile expansion on equal level to prevent penile misshaping under expanding pressure. That means the cylinder must remain equal from the bottom to the top or you'll get a baseball bat, pyramind, or reverse baseball bat shape from pumping.
  • Cylinder must account for current penile size to prevent vacuum pressure sucking up base skin, which can cause bad discomforts. Imagine your penile base is 1.5in diameter. If you go up 2in, it's perfect as expansion of the skin will prevent other skin from being pulled in. If you jump straight to 2.5in, you have 0.5in of free space that will allow excessive skin being pulled up. Can you say, "OUCHYYY!!"
Your question is actually got asked quite a bit in the past. But the table form is a good idea. @DLD Do you want to incorporate this into the pumping questions and answer focusing on MityVac?
If you're looking for videos, it's under the Media section of this forum. Both instructional and videos provided by the brothers got nested in there. Here's brother SIM's videos:

For air, you can see it anywhere. Just type up "MityVac video" and you'll get tons of shared videos.

Stupid questions tend to lead to unique answers that others tend to not ask, believing they are "stupid". But you never know what you can get as answers.

Circumference and diameters are correlated. Tons of cylinders provided measurements for both diameter and circumference. Most sleeves are only provided as diameter and not circumference. MoS Shop provides both info, including in metric and imperial.

You are correct. Most penises are not "round". Cross sections tend to be oblong. It varies from the base all the way to the glans. It's never "round". Close to round, yes. However, the cylinders are indeed "round". There's no way around that. That's why sleeves are provided in diameter as the sleeves are flexible to form to the penile's oblong shape.

As for the formula, you can only create a general volume displacement and not variable oblong shape. It's possible, but you'll be breaking out calculus and advanced mathematic formulas to account the differential shapes from the base to the tip of the glans. I don't think anyone want to go there.

That can be done, but at the same time, you have to add multiple factors for proper expansion and growth. Penis sleeves cannot accomodate this.
  • Cylinders must account for air vs water setup.
  • Cylinders must account for head space to optimize for water and side buffer space for expansion for girth and sufficient buffer pressure to prevent edemas for higher pressures.
  • Cylinder must ensure pressure equalization from bottom to top for penile expansion on equal level to prevent penile misshaping under expanding pressure. That means the cylinder must remain equal from the bottom to the top or you'll get a baseball bat, pyramind, or reverse baseball bat shape from pumping.
  • Cylinder must account for current penile size to prevent vacuum pressure sucking up base skin, which can cause bad discomforts. Imagine your penile base is 1.5in diameter. If you go up 2in, it's perfect as expansion of the skin will prevent other skin from being pulled in. If you jump straight to 2.5in, you have 0.5in of free space that will allow excessive skin being pulled up. Can you say, "OUCHYYY!!"
Your question is actually got asked quite a bit in the past. But the table form is a good idea. @DLD Do you want to incorporate this into the pumping questions and answer focusing on MityVac?
I'm very sorry for asking a question that's been repetitively in the past.. I got the right size silisleeve for my shaft, I got the wrong size because I couldnt get the head through it & I hate the thought of others having the same experence.
I'm very sorry for asking a question that's been repetitively in the past.. I got the right size silisleeve for my shaft, I got the wrong size because I couldnt get the head through it & I hate the thought of others having the same experence.
Always ask, and we will answer even if it's a millionth time. Repetition enhances new insights.

I know what you mean about the wrong sizes. It happens to all of us. Always make sure check either it's a diameter vs a circumference measurements. MOS Shop is diligent in identifying that by providing both info in the selection option. A table wise, that will be up to @DLD and his service team.

@DLD I think it's best to provide a tabular (table type) for the sizing in both diameter and circumference calculations (in imperial and metric) for the products to prevent confusion. The info should be clear to the brothers before they purchase. Just something to think about to prevent shipping and replacement costs in the long run.
Have you tried stretching your sleeve by stretching it over a bottle. This has worked for so many men.
No I didn't stretch it over a bottle, I couldn't fit the tip of the head I so I thought I had no chance to fitting the rest if the head in. I'm using the softest sleeve now & almost due to order some more. I want order the middle hardness to push back into the body with out creasing & de-forming so it gives more stretch. The soft sleeves fit quite snuggle along the complete shaft, to compensate I'm going to go up one diameter.
I've been proving the LM against the lounge & twisting into the chair to create tension for a stretch both as a bundle & not for about 10 minutes each stretch side ways as a normal stretch against the curve & the other way as a 180°. I figure if I don't feel mild discomfort I'm not stretching the tussue to the point where it needs to repair the tear.
Not sure it I'm thinking the right way ot not. When I'm finished for the session I could probable go back & do 1/2 the stretch times again for each..
I hope yoall making gains on your journey.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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