The weak link is the sleeves, at present the sleeves cannot handle much
Those sleeves were not designed to handle heavy poundage, and indeed the
silistretcher is primarily ADS, but has evolved amazingly into other areas of PE.
New stronger, much stronger sleeves are in the mix, they will handle heavy poundage's.
Dont know what the maximum amount of force it can handle as an ADS, do you mean while walking around wearing it? you wouldn't use allot I assume.
At the moment I would guess as a
hanger, it can handle 8-15lbs but the weak link is the sleevs, not the
silistretcher. This isnt bad of MOS, of the sleeves, they were originally created for keeping the penis in the enlarged state, but evolved for other purposes, and work fine with the silistrether operating as ADS, but
hanging is currently iffy with the pounds.
Some of these tears guys are seeing are from them over tightening the piston pump, some men never listen and do what they want anyway, and
hanging stupid amounts of
weight, which is also a dickheads way to enlarge the penis .. you really do not need to hang large amounts of
weight to gain, but .............