Yes, I hear you! I must had been a teenager when I first experimented with peppermint (or spearmint) essential oil, non-diluted to my nether regions!

Needless to say, I didn't sleep too well that night, had to wash it off several times and the residue remained. Lesson learned indeed.
@Lookn4girth Yeah, coconut oil and shea butter are pretty great, I favor the latter. Haven't tried the combination as I've had issues related to coconut oil. Maybe in a mixture like you described the comedogenic properties of coconut oil are lesser.
I have received straight up non-diluted or whitened Shea butter from Africa, I have to say that it's best to get the non-bleached stuff. I've read that the cleared Shea butter doesn't have much of the healing properties that might be in the slightly "dirtier" shea butter.
I've used the clearer stuff in success though, but that has been more in hair care and deodorant form.
On "another" note, I bought some Aloe Vera gel; also a very good skin conditioner.
I do also have Xyliderm gel that has Xylitol as one of the ingredients, supposed to be good for dry, atopic or broken skin.
With so many products in my life it's sometimes overwhelming to use just one thing to the last drop and to have a valid opinion of a certain product.
But so far Shea Butter and Black Seed oil have been pretty much on the top of my skin care regimen list.
There are a lot of solutions for different issues out there. Just like there are different skin types, there are more suitable solutions for different people.
Some benefit largely from Coconut Oil, others get pimples from it. It's about certain balance and finding it.
For me it has been an on-going journey for probably more than 15 years ... During the last two years or so I think I've found out what works for me. Live and learn!