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my situation is pretty rare i guess, i am a non responder to basically every known treatment for PE, here is a list of everything i tried without success:

The times i managed to have sex for a long time (30+ minutes) i mixed a very high dose of clomipramine with 50/100mg of tramadol and alcohol (i know it's very bad/dangerous).


- paroxetine daily and on demand up to 80mgs per day with no effects.​
- sertraline daily and on demand up to 250mgs per day with no effect.
- dapoxetine on demand up to 120mgs with almost no effect.​


- clomipramine daily and on demand up to 300mgs per day with very little results
Tramadol: On demand up to 200mg, it helps in my nuclear cocktail, not wffective as monoterapy


- xanax on demand up to 10mgs lottle help​
- diazepam on demand (it was in liquid form) high dose very little help
Therapy: Did not help at all

- i followed a routine of kegels, reverse kegels etc with no effect

If i don't add alcohol to my cocktail the combo 300mgs clomipramine plus 150/200mgs of tramadol makes me last 5/10 minutes max, adding alcohol makes me go for 30+ minutes

my PE always happen before penetration.

am I a lost cause? should i just give up? is there something I can try if everything listed failed?
Welcome to MOS brother. If I understand your thread correctly, you are complaining about premature ejaculation.

If all you mentioned up there failed, have you tried delay spray?
Sounds like hyper active nervous stimulation. The cocktails you've taken won't help with easing up the nerve response if up also try localized lidocaine. However, there are many versions of localized anesthetics that are much stronger. And by the way, no more dangerous cocktails.

Marcaine is a good OTC. However, if you befriend with clinics and clinicians for other services, you can get the higher clinical versions that will completely numb your penis to the point of not feeling anything, even if you chop it off.

You can also get OTC tetracaine and procaine, but the more effective ones that goes to work in 5 minutes and last past 4 hours, you have to work with the doctors and clinicians on this.

The exteme end are injectable diphenhydramine, topical and injectable articane, carbocaine, and RX grade benzocaine.

Any clinical grade gel, cream, and injectable, it will cause your penis to be numb to the world.
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yeah i know mi cocktails are dangerous af... i do not have any problem getting my hands on any prescription drugs, what do you think is best for my "hyper active nervous stimulation"?
as i said, i tried localized anesthetics but i don't like the idea at all, aren't localized anesthetics just going to remove all the sensation? what's the point in having sex if you don't feel anything?
I don't mind the idea of taking a pill everyday for the rest of my life if it works, i just think that nothing is going to help me honestly...
yeah i know mi cocktails are dangerous af... i do not have any problem getting my hands on any prescription drugs, what do you think is best for my "hyper active nervous stimulation"?
as i said, i tried localized anesthetics but i don't like the idea at all, aren't localized anesthetics just going to remove all the sensation? what's the point in having sex if you don't feel anything?
I don't mind the idea of taking a pill everyday for the rest of my life if it works, i just think that nothing is going to help me honestly...
I wouldn't suggest using any pill either. Hyper active nervous stimulation, or plain old "over stimulated nervous system" being grouped together with everything else, has way too many causes. They tend to prescribe you medication related to psychological disorders, which will destroy you from the inside out.

There is a way to preprogram and reprogram to deal with this. The ancient Asian and Byzantine cultures came up with solutions to delay ejaculation over 2 millennia ago, and we're still using it now. The trick to train the minds (your brain and your penile glans) to last longer is to first numb the penile body without removing the sensation completely, simply to dull it off to manageable level, while stimulate yourself to the point of near ejaculation. Ease up, calm down, and resume. It will take a few months to get used to the method, but before you know it, you'll be pumping pussies without any medication or ointment. I happened to me in the past too. I could only handle around 10 minutes max at any given time. My wife can vouch for it. I came way too quickly for her, but I can get my penis up within 5 minutes for multiple sessions right after. Once I pursued PE, my sessions got longer and longer within the year. The longest she could handle was 4 hours straight of pounding before collapsing from over stimulation.

The ancient cultures were quite horny back then, and to satisfy themselves and take advantage of the full paid sessions, they all did this. I used their techniques for myself. There were records in ancient Japan and China that the males could handle a dozen females and went at it for more than 20 hours straight. Most females would collapse from too much stimulation by their one male client. I know it's frivolous facts, but it's something to place in the back of your mind that you can be that one male who went at it for 20+ hours without ejaculating. Energizer Bunny, anyone?
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I have had Lifelong premature ejaculation for as long as I know myself dear friend. I know how it feels and listen to this, after 25 years of searching I found out the root cause of it. I solve my problem and I can now hold as much as i want. You can harness the sexual powers if you read my post and not give up since I know how rought this is to you but based on the evidence you provided, it is more a character issue (you want to magically solve the problem with a pill at once) rather than actual problem.

What does that means ? It means that you are eager to cum more than to fuck. Now, take your time reading again this statement. You want to cum, not to fuck, that's why this is happening. And this answer comes (as I said above) from a guy that was at your shoes, took all pills and did all kinds of dark magic to not cum during sex.

You have to rewire your brain and how you think.
You have to mastrubate 3 times per week for half an hour for more than 6 months without cumming.
You have to abstain from mastrubating like for ever. Or at least for 6 months.
You must fix your metabolic syndrome. Based on your details on drugs how do I know you are not diabetic and you have these things sorted out ?
You have to do an MRI to the hypothalamus to see what's causing this hyper active brain thread. You might be hypogonadic wtf ? Taking only pills is not an answer.

If you can't do the above trust me, you want to cum and not to fuck. You just want to cum. You have put an X axis in Cumming and pleasure creating dopamine out of that instead of sex and pleasure.

Also you have unrealistic expectations ? I read above "10 mins max sex". Are you serious dear ? We all have our days. 5 mins sex, 20 mins, 30 mins, 3 hours, 2 minutes. Everything.

I see your problem - as with all who have lifelong PE - lies in your own image and how you see your self and how you judge yourself like me ofc. "You gave up" , "no solution". This is what's creating this Premature ejaculation. Your harsh judgment that is not based on real data but 95% of fantasies and 5% reality.
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I have had Lifelong premature ejaculation for as long as I know myself dear friend. I know how it feels and listen to this, after 25 years of searching I found out the root cause of it. I solve my problem and I can now hold as much as i want. You can harness the sexual powers if you read my post and not give up since I know how rought this is to you but based on the evidence you provided, it is more a character issue (you want to magically solve the problem with a pill at once) rather than actual problem.

What does that means ? It means that you are eager to cum more than to fuck. Now, take your time reading again this statement. You want to cum, not to fuck, that's why this is happening. And this answer comes (as I said above) from a guy that was at your shoes, took all pills and did all kinds of dark magic to not cum during sex.

You have to rewire your brain and how you think.
You have to mastrubate 3 times per week for half an hour for more than 6 months without cumming.
You have to abstain from mastrubating like for ever. Or at least for 6 months.
You must fix your metabolic syndrome. Based on your details on drugs how do I know you are not diabetic and you have these things sorted out ?
You have to do an MRI to the hypothalamus to see what's causing this hyper active brain thread. You might be hypogonadic wtf ? Taking only pills is not an answer.

If you can't do the above trust me, you want to cum and not to fuck. You just want to cum. You have put an X axis in Cumming and pleasure creating dopamine out of that instead of sex and pleasure.

Also you have unrealistic expectations ? I read above "10 mins max sex". Are you serious dear ? We all have our days. 5 mins sex, 20 mins, 30 mins, 3 hours, 2 minutes. Everything.

I see your problem - as with all who have lifelong PE - lies in your own image and how you see your self and how you judge yourself like me ofc. "You gave up" , "no solution". This is what's creating this Premature ejaculation. Your harsh judgment that is not based on real data but 95% of fantasies and 5% reality.
You have learned alot thanks to the brotherhood who loves you
I wouldn't suggest using any pill either. Hyper active nervous stimulation, or plain old "over stimulated nervous system" being grouped together with everything else, has way too many causes. They tend to prescribe you medication related to psychological disorders, which will destroy you from the inside out.

There is a way to preprogram and reprogram to deal with this. The ancient Asian and Byzantine cultures came up with solutions to delay ejaculation over 2 millennia ago, and we're still using it now. The trick to train the minds (your brain and your penile glans) to last longer is to first numb the penile body without removing the sensation completely, simply to dull it off to manageable level, while stimulate yourself to the point of near ejaculation. Ease up, calm down, and resume. It will take a few months to get used to the method, but before you know it, you'll be pumping pussies without any medication or ointment. I happened to me in the past too. I could only handle around 10 minutes max at any given time. My wife can vouch for it. I came way too quickly for her, but I can get my penis up within 5 minutes for multiple sessions right after. Once I pursued PE, my sessions got longer and longer within the year. The longest she could handle was 4 hours straight of pounding before collapsing from over stimulation.

The ancient cultures were quite horny back then, and to satisfy themselves and take advantage of the full paid sessions, they all did this. I used their techniques for myself. There were records in ancient Japan and China that the males could handle a dozen females and went at it for more than 20 hours straight. Most females would collapse from too much stimulation by their one male client. I know it's frivolous facts, but it's something to place in the back of your mind that you can be that one male who went at it for 20+ hours without ejaculating. Energizer Bunny, anyone?
Dam 4 hours straight, let me know how you did this. I do a lot of Kegels and I still can't go as long as this.
Dam 4 hours straight, let me know how you did this. I do a lot of Kegels and I still can't go as long as this.
She freaked out too. After 2 hours, she thought I was done. Nope. After two years of 4-hour funfests, her constant horniness got tamed. 2-hour fests for 3 years, and now, it's down to around 20 to 40 minutes, depending on her moods. She's overstimulated easily now with the larger penis in her.

So, how can you get there?
  • Train your stamina and endurance. You know you will be the one doing 90% of the work. Brother @bemorethanbig is not too far off when he keeps reminding us to train our arms, which also reinforce our chest muscles to hold onto your lady from any positions. I used to run, a lot. Now, I cycle, a lot. But my cycling is off-road, commuting, and through very high elevation.
  • Which brings you to high oxygen loading. When you train in low oxygen environment or for long hours, you body pushes to obtain as much oxygen as possible. This super charges your stamina when it calls for it, and reduce your drain during the endurance run, especially when your arms and legs reach close to fatigue.
  • Long and steady strokes. Wish I have 8in to 9in back then. I could have last a lot longer. The longer the penis, the slow steady pace of penetration will reduce the amount of energy you spend. The funny thing is, the long strokes that rub the clit and the G-spot, finally touching the very far A-spot, will cause the vagina to tighten up on you. It may take 5 to 10 strokes, but the moment that tight sensation graps hold of your penis, your penis will be hard a rock again by pure instinct.
  • Ejaculation control through dry orgasm training. Took me a full year on this. Can't imagine how fast and how many times I came in that young tight pussy of hers because it was too tight. Now, I can have as many dry orgasms as she has climaxes, and when I want it, the full loads come out. She will tell me when she wants to tap out because she's overloaded with stimulation.
  • Stay hydrate at all time. I mean all the time. I drink around 1 to 2 gallons of water a day, with hydration supplements containing magnesium and potassium, but never exceed the max loads that your body can handle. If I sweat plenty, I consume to rehydrate. If I don't, I reduce.
There are many more, but I'll leave it here. 5 years with my lady to come up with tons of routines to satisfy her, and now, I have my personal bible of PE from experiences.
She freaked out too. After 2 hours, she thought I was done. Nope. After two years of 4-hour funfests, her constant horniness got tamed. 2-hour fests for 3 years, and now, it's down to around 20 to 40 minutes, depending on her moods. She's overstimulated easily now with the larger penis in her.

So, how can you get there?
  • Train your stamina and endurance. You know you will be the one doing 90% of the work. Brother @bemorethanbig is not too far off when he keeps reminding us to train our arms, which also reinforce our chest muscles to hold onto your lady from any positions. I used to run, a lot. Now, I cycle, a lot. But my cycling is off-road, commuting, and through very high elevation.
  • Which brings you to high oxygen loading. When you train in low oxygen environment or for long hours, you body pushes to obtain as much oxygen as possible. This super charges your stamina when it calls for it, and reduce your drain during the endurance run, especially when your arms and legs reach close to fatigue.
  • Long and steady strokes. Wish I have 8in to 9in back then. I could have last a lot longer. The longer the penis, the slow steady pace of penetration will reduce the amount of energy you spend. The funny thing is, the long strokes that rub the clit and the G-spot, finally touching the very far A-spot, will cause the vagina to tighten up on you. It may take 5 to 10 strokes, but the moment that tight sensation graps hold of your penis, your penis will be hard a rock again by pure instinct.
  • Ejaculation control through dry orgasm training. Took me a full year on this. Can't imagine how fast and how many times I came in that young tight pussy of hers because it was too tight. Now, I can have as many dry orgasms as she has climaxes, and when I want it, the full loads come out. She will tell me when she wants to tap out because she's overloaded with stimulation.
  • Stay hydrate at all time. I mean all the time. I drink around 1 to 2 gallons of water a day, with hydration supplements containing magnesium and potassium, but never exceed the max loads that your body can handle. If I sweat plenty, I consume to rehydrate. If I don't, I reduce.
There are many more, but I'll leave it here. 5 years with my lady to come up with tons of routines to satisfy her, and now, I have my personal bible of PE from experiences.
Love ya brother, no homo.Thanks for the info. I was listening to David Goggins and ran a 1/2 mile, the furthest i ran in years. I was in the army.
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She freaked out too. After 2 hours, she thought I was done. Nope. After two years of 4-hour funfests, her constant horniness got tamed. 2-hour fests for 3 years, and now, it's down to around 20 to 40 minutes, depending on her moods. She's overstimulated easily now with the larger penis in her.

So, how can you get there?
  • Train your stamina and endurance. You know you will be the one doing 90% of the work. Brother @bemorethanbig is not too far off when he keeps reminding us to train our arms, which also reinforce our chest muscles to hold onto your lady from any positions. I used to run, a lot. Now, I cycle, a lot. But my cycling is off-road, commuting, and through very high elevation.
  • Which brings you to high oxygen loading. When you train in low oxygen environment or for long hours, you body pushes to obtain as much oxygen as possible. This super charges your stamina when it calls for it, and reduce your drain during the endurance run, especially when your arms and legs reach close to fatigue.
  • Long and steady strokes. Wish I have 8in to 9in back then. I could have last a lot longer. The longer the penis, the slow steady pace of penetration will reduce the amount of energy you spend. The funny thing is, the long strokes that rub the clit and the G-spot, finally touching the very far A-spot, will cause the vagina to tighten up on you. It may take 5 to 10 strokes, but the moment that tight sensation graps hold of your penis, your penis will be hard a rock again by pure instinct.
  • Ejaculation control through dry orgasm training. Took me a full year on this. Can't imagine how fast and how many times I came in that young tight pussy of hers because it was too tight. Now, I can have as many dry orgasms as she has climaxes, and when I want it, the full loads come out. She will tell me when she wants to tap out because she's overloaded with stimulation.
  • Stay hydrate at all time. I mean all the time. I drink around 1 to 2 gallons of water a day, with hydration supplements containing magnesium and potassium, but never exceed the max loads that your body can handle. If I sweat plenty, I consume to rehydrate. If I don't, I reduce.
There are many more, but I'll leave it here. 5 years with my lady to come up with tons of routines to satisfy her, and now, I have my personal bible of PE from experiences.
Excellent response
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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