I could not do this as hard as I can do it now, compered to when I started penis enlargement. Kegels and edging is really important for penile health and cementing gains.
View attachment YouCut_20230711_174411763.mp4
If I don't Kegel, edging and masturbate (from time to time/often) my erection quality will not be the best. Not a full erection after a day of stress, but after some Kegel and edging and masturbation (lastly ejaculation) and my erection quality is at it's best, and I will max out my BPEL. I need to use it, to keep it at it's full potential. NoFap would never work for me.
View attachment YouCut_20230711_174411763.mp4
If I don't Kegel, edging and masturbate (from time to time/often) my erection quality will not be the best. Not a full erection after a day of stress, but after some Kegel and edging and masturbation (lastly ejaculation) and my erection quality is at it's best, and I will max out my BPEL. I need to use it, to keep it at it's full potential. NoFap would never work for me.
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