It's fucked up. In Sweden. Even Viagra a man needs to pay for everything, since they are not covered by subsidies. And Viagra is not cheap in Sweden. Women get contraceptive medications, so they doesn't get pregnent, and these are covered by subsidies. Why do they make this difference? I don't understand this.
Yes indeed I think a private clinic is the way to go if you have problems with testosterone production. But would you even know? Since the public healthcare think it's okay to lose testosterone production when you get older, even to the point that you can not build thick muscle mass. I can imagine that you need to discover this for yourself, by feeling like garbage for a while.
@Abdiel Bull Berg it's not okay it took 10 years for you to get on TRT. That's insanity. You can get deep into depression if your levels are not good, and the worst thing: Loose muscles mass.
I don't even know if they checked this on me. But I think I have good values, since I have taken care of my body my entire life, and have no problem to build muscle mass, and my erection quality have not subsided. I know my erection quality is through the roof if I have a naked woman in front of me.
But I don't understand this point of view of our healthcare system. You can always optimize. Just because everything seems fine, doesn't mean everything is okay.
For example. Many people in Nordic Countries have low levels of Vitamin D. And the recommended levels are to low. They put vitamin D in butter. But if you have low levels, this will not compensate low levels. When you dig deep there is much optimization you can do. Most people do not even take a MV and Omega-3 every day. You need good balance of fats, in your body in order for your cells to work optimally.
I love Brian Johnson (Search on: brian johnson blueprint) he's going all in on this stuff, but he have the resources to do so as well. He's trying to reverse his aging, and I think he have succeeded in some way.
But only for this, I think I need to move so I get closer to a private clinic.