Joinin The Military!!

Yeah,Just dont know what branch yet!!!

I am leaning toward either Air Force or Coast Guard!But maybe air force or army!!Dunno though,lookin for advice!!Want to make it a career and retire with the military thats why i think the Coast guard would be better then all cause they dont deploy as long when they do and u stay somewhere longer......the only branch i wont join is the marines.
Well...I joined the National Guard (reserve component of the Army)....its not too bad...I don't know if I am going to go full time or not. They pay for my college tuition and I made enough money in training to buy a car and other things. Its good money, as well as other things. The only bad thing is that NG get deployed a lot like the marines. Deployment could be good depending where you go because you can make a lot of money and other benefits like more tuition. It may be for you.
yeah my cousin is in munitions infantry in the active army hes in iraq,i have a kid on the way thats why iam leanin towards coast guard,more time home,thanks for the opinion,iam open to hear everything from everyone....
Here's a few observations from a retiree:
1. If you absolutely, positively want to get shot at; join the Army.
2. If you want to get shot at and join one of the most closely knit, self-sufficient, cohesive and "military" branches; the Corps is the only way to go.
3. If you want a damn good education, world travel, the opportunity to experience life like nothing you've ever expected as well as living that life above, below or on the surface of the sea; join the good ol' U.S. Navy.
Airplanes, helos, hovercraft, nuclear anything you want.
Seal teams, Seabees, suBathmatearines, EOD and a college education while deployed...PLUS ! When's the last time you heard of a Navy ship sinking?
( Can ya tell I'm a Navy puke!? )
4. If ya want a smaller version of the above, (all except the nuke and sub stuff) plus the opportunity to blow up beached whales, catch drug runners, deport Cuban refugees and just about anything else no other service wants to do; it's USCG for you.
5. And if ya wanna wear crossing guard uniforms and get made fun of by the Brownie Scouts while retiring as an E-5...then...go Air Force. Although, I do have to admit that USAF life is pretty cushy...and they got the best looking women.

There's my quick take, facetious though some of it may be.
But seriously; if you are serious remember two things;

First, do as much research as possible about the branch and job field you want to get into. There's a shitload of military stuff that's so specialized it just can't translate into civilian life. I flew many of those do ya see on any given day?

Second, don't believe a fukkin thing your recruiter tells you unless it's in writing...if it ain't in your contract: it never, ever happened. And good ol' Uncle Sugar ain't goin' a nickel outta his way to make you happy, believe me!
Good advice!!! Listen up!!!! Personally, I'd join the Coast Guard. Who knows? You may even end up serving between wars. We go to war every ten years or so.
5. And if ya wanna wear crossing guard uniforms and get made fun of by the Brownie Scouts while retiring as an E-5...then...go Air Force. Although, I do have to admit that USAF life is pretty cushy...and they got the best looking women.

I'm in the Air National Guard here. Too much truth with that statement to argue

Another thing to keep in mind is that the face of the military has changed tremendously in the past few years. If you do join one of the reserve components be prepared to do a lot of deployments. You'll do shorter stints in the Air Reserves or Air Guard. 6 months plus seems to be standard for my Army counterparts. But don't let that be the sole deterent if it's what you really want to do. God bless whatever you decide man.:)
Yeah, in my experience the Guard and Reservists get fukked; high, dry and hard. Before I retired I was over at Personnel Support updating my ID card and started shootin' the shit with a bunch of reservists who'd been activated. Each and every one of them that had orders were going to Afghanistan, each and every one of them had orders for an "indefinite" amount of time and each and every one had less than two weeks notice !

This was on a Friday and one guy had only gotten his notice on check-in and deploy on Saturday !!!


Two weeks, or even worse; two days, is really no damn time at all to pack up your entire life and go to war for an indefinite amount of time.

One last thing I forgot to mention: No matter what branch, what field, active or reserve, everybody...EVERYBODY is signed up for eight years. No ifs, ands, or buts.
Your contract will call it "inactive reserve" time but you'll be subject to recall at a moments notice until that eight years is up. You'll also be subject to the UCMJ during that eight like I said: read that contract !

PS: Yes pacifist would be ideal....we just need to convince the rest of the world. Until then SOMEBODY'S gotta go put their asses on the line for the greater benefit of loved ones and strangers both.
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Yup i think coast guard is what imma go into.Still thinking though but coast guard seems the best for what i want so far.
Cool !
I just hope that some of my semi-coherent ramblings proved useful in any small way.
Best of luck to ya, whatever ya choose.
Yeah, in my experience the Guard and Reservists get fukked; high, dry and hard. Before I retired I was over at Personnel Support updating my ID card and started shootin' the shit with a bunch of reservists who'd been activated. Each and every one of them that had orders were going to Afghanistan, each and every one of them had orders for an "indefinite" amount of time and each and every one had less than two weeks notice !

This was on a Friday and one guy had only gotten his notice on check-in and deploy on Saturday !!!


Two weeks, or even worse; two days, is really no damn time at all to pack up your entire life and go to war for an indefinite amount of time.

One last thing I forgot to mention: No matter what branch, what field, active or reserve, everybody...EVERYBODY is signed up for eight years. No ifs, ands, or buts.
Your contract will call it "inactive reserve" time but you'll be subject to recall at a moments notice until that eight years is up. You'll also be subject to the UCMJ during that eight like I said: read that contract !

PS: Yes pacifist would be ideal....we just need to convince the rest of the world. Until then SOMEBODY'S gotta go put their asses on the line for the greater benefit of loved ones and strangers both.

>:( Yeah, I used to hate seeing that. I'm a personellist so I used to do the processing line a lot at my old unit. I used to see the same guys rotating through the line every few months or so. Sometimes I wish I could have gone in their place, but I just tried to make as easy as possible on them.

Hey Max you're in VA too huh. I'm up here by the P-Gon. Only been here since February though. Take care man.:)
Good luck to ya, up at the five-sided nut-house !
I've only ever "visited"...never wanted to be stationed in DC. Place drives me nuts; I hate cities. Funny thing is, I remember the "Old P-Gon" and I was up there attending a retirement not too long ago and the fukkin' place looks like a G-D shopping mall now...guess ya gotta fund the war somehow.
Take care brother.
I took my ASVAB over 20 years ago but much has probably not changed, (knowing de Gub'ment), so here's a coupla hints:
1. If you have a question that you have no fukkin' clue about, read the next 2,3 or 4 questions; sometimes, because of the way these tests are written, the later test questions provide the answers for the earlier ones.
2.DON'T lose track of what stoopid little answer dot matches which question; miss or skip one and EVERYTHING after it will be in the wrong place.
3. If you've got two answers that look damn good and it's just a coin toss for you; the LONGER answer will generally be the right, (or: "most correct") answer. They don't put much energy into writing "wrong" answers.

4. THIS ONE MAY HAVE CHANGED, so pay attention to the pre-test instructions: You get graded on total number of questions answered, so any unanswered question is automatically wrong. If that's still the case then guessing can have the potential to payoff if you're right and carries no penalty for being wrong.

5. "All of the above" or "None of the above" can be sooo seductive, make sure you read the choices carefully.

6. Some answers are so simple they seem too obvious; don't "nuke" out the answers. Sometimes simple works best.

Good luck bro