Is it just me?

Thanks DLD. SRT broken down to days and hours. Like what to do on a Monday with a minimum of 2 hours. What would I do with four hours open that same Monday? Possibly six hours perhaps. Like a regular schedule that includes blocks of hours for additional work also but for a week. It will be a few weeks till I complete my PE collection. Silistretcher hardcore belt, scale, and Penilizer is already on its way and next week getting a power J gym and BM Hydroextreme 7. It's difficult to formulate such a routine when everything is new and a learning experience at this time but I'm in a position where I can put in a lot of PE work hours and money is not a limitation.

it sounds confusing and complicated but once you have everything and I break it down for you it’ll make a lot more sense and it will seem so much more simple. We will utilize everything you have to the best of its ability.
❤?? Always keep yourself in a positive place and never look back on past failures. Stay in the moment where things happen and you will never fall by the wayside.

This is so true. Not until recently, I started telling myself that, I need to stop worrying about the future and just work on making the moment better. A lot of people are depress today because they worry about the future instead of staying in the moment.
This is so true. Not until recently, I started telling myself that, I need to stop worrying about the future and just work on making the moment better. A lot of people are depress today because they worry about the future instead of staying in the moment.

You are at the age where time is starting to matter