I would block all advertisement and ���� with a DNS filter through a
Pi hole. You can set it up on a Respberry pi or preferably a Respberry Zero (Cheaper and less powerful). You can even set it up with a VPN (Virtual Private Network) so you can block it on cellular networks as well.
Having full control on your networks are preferred. I recommend a router from Teltonika Networks, but they can be hard to setup. They are not just plug and play. But the benefits are that you have full contol of everything. And your router will not overheat from heat exposure

These routers are extremely stable.
But youtube creators do not like this pi hole, since they loose money from advertisements.
I will set up this in the future.
I can only block specific sites currently within my router, and that is not good enough for me. I keep out but I would prefer to not allow some things into my network. It can be good for security as well. Social media are included in the category I want to keep out of my network.