I was nearly killed.

Yesterday, after dropping off a friend, from a club, we sat and had along chat in the car. As i pulled off i was aggitated about things we had spoken about. I was angry at myself about things about myself. As i got onto the main road i put foot, and the engine roared. I tore off down the road doing in excess of 160kph. The speed felt good, the faster i went the better i felt, it cured those things i was feeling. It was exlirating seeing the road come up so fast. Later a very easy bend came up that i knew very well. The road was a little wet at this time, i noticed that i was going slightly off and corrected the car a little too quickly.

My car imitiatly spun across the road sideways, i knew there was nothing i could do to stop or correct it now. I heard the bang as the car hit the grassly nole off the road, and felt it flip up over into a fast sideways roll. I pinned myself into my seat, by pushing onto the roof with my right arm and holding on to the door with my left as the car did cartwheels. With a last huge bang the car eventually came too a stop, upside down. I was hanging, from my seat, still strapped in by the seat belt. I was a little confused because the drivers cabin had become tiny. I found my belt buckle and pressed the button, it released and quickly crawled out. The car had rolled for about 50 meters down an embankment, and was in peices. Totally fucked, my sound system fucked. I was wearing my seat belt, and i was alone. I had'nt killed anyone.

I was alive! I was alright. No broken bones! I was bruised, and I just needed some stiches in my neck and head. The paramedics and tow drivers were amazed i was alive and walking around and totally coherant. I am lucky to be alive to share this with you all.
I have to take some time off pe cause my arms and body are bruised and ache all over. I'll start up again as soon as i can.

My message:
We as guys tend to express our feelings in actions, when we have no other outlet. Be safe be careful as you progress through life, cause once you fuck up, you cant go back. If i was paralyzed, that would be it for me and my pe career, and none of you would ever have heard from me again.
I have now had to rethink my standpoint on things. I just wanted to say again, if it makes any difference at all or saves a few lives.


Wishing all my brothers here a happy easter season, and a wonderful life. Make the best of it, cause there is still so much here for you all to do.
wow man, that's some experience - I'm glad you're ok. I'm often tempted to just boot it when I'm driving and pissed off, and plenty of times I have, just nothing ridiculous.

reminds me of something Will Smith rapped in 'No More':

Some brothers yeah we huff and we puff
Cause when we hurtin inside we gots to front like we tough
But that's dangerous, to cover hurt with hard
Cause you still get scarred through that feeble facade
Then the bonds of your ego and the shackles of man hood
Make you lose something that's damn (damn) good (good)

A hell of an experience man. Real nice post and an excellent message. We often think we are indestructible and give little thought to our carelessness. Sadly, the rash actions of one person often spells tradgedy for another or group. Our decisions affect others no doubt about it. I'm glad you're okay. My opinion, for what it's worth, God wanted to give you a wake up call. You pissed him off but he has a soft spot for you. He still has some unfinished businees lined up for you as well. ;)
Thanks for the responses guys, it means lots to me. Im just dealing with my hurt ego now. Insurance should pay out. I really hope that in some way maybe this might help someone when its needed. There are guys here whose posts i really enjoy reading eg: icecam, ggogeta, goldmember, cool_as_fcuk, evo, newguy311, bulc9 to mention a few, i would hate for any of them to die in something as stupid as a car accident, cause its usually guys about my age that can really be rekless.
that must have been damn scary man! glad your ok though, it makes you put things into perspective - you could be dead now, live every moment from now better than you ever have done.

a little truth also hit me the other day too, was walking home with my girl friend when two guys started harrassing us, i told them to fuck off and kept walking. next thing i know i was fighting both of them (which didnt really work since id had a few drinks). included a nice pic of my face afterwards. its kinda made me a bit wary about people (some just want to make them selves feel good when they take a guy on 2 on 1) b*stards!! >:(

sorry O'RileyColt, didnt mean to hijack your thread...
Not a prob at all man. Looks pretty bad, least your nose isn't broken. I hate shit happening like that. I would have told you to get a baseball bat or run them over next time you see them, but fuk, now i think it just continues a cycle of violence thats not needed. Ive also been beaten up, and KO'd recently. Split nose, broken teeth, dents in my fukin skull. Seems so much bad shit has been happening to me recently... But it doesn't matter because I am geting better and better at the the game of life. lol Hope you get better soon dude.
Colt; Congratulations on both your luck in the crash and your realizations that came from your good fortune. If you ever stop and really contemplate everything that could go wrong, from the time of each of our own conceptions, through events like you've just experienced on into old age (hopefully); then the life we've been given would truly appear to be even that much more a miracle, in every instance. As a guy who's gotten his fair share of ass-whoopin's throughout the years I can tell ya, after reading your posts, that you're well on your way.
Take a deep breath and enjoy the life and future you've just taken in. And if you can get just one more person on Earth to share that same feeling, then you'll know just why you might have been given the gift you've been given.
Enjoy it, and; congratulations again.
EVO- nice battle scars, don't worry, girls dig that shit,
my advice, take up boxing for a year,
and Mr. colt man, good shit, 55 stay alive:P I to had wreaked my car, I don't remember who was more twisted afterwords, me or the car, seatbelts are definetly a life saver, glad to hear your not out of the race, Penis Enlargement will be waiting for you with open arms :)

I fell you 100% man. It is a huge wake up call.

2 weekends ago I was coming home from a club. I should have never been driving. I had been up for 24 hours, and I had stopped drinking at 3 in the morning. This was like at 5am or so. I was on the highway on my way home, I was driving my Moms car of all cars. I have my own truck. Anyway, I fell asleep behind the wheel, no seat belt. I have no idea how fast I was going, at least 60 or so, maybe more. I left the road, shot down an embankment, and finished in a big ass pile of big ass branches.

All I remember is waking up to some seorious pressure on my face ( air bag) and butterflies in my stomach. Then I remember a loud ass grinding sound. Last the car came to a stop. I looked around, and all I saw was fucking trees and shit. I was freaked out. I jumped out of the car, I was fine, no bruises or cuts, no blood. I was fuckin lucky. I ran up the embankment, then I saw the highway, there was a black dude in a Caddy Esclade parked on the side of the road. I walk up to his car, he rolled down the window and asked if I was Alright. I said yeah I'm fine, the air bags saved me man. Then he said cool and drove off.

Then I took off on foot to try to get home, to only relize that I was like 15 miles away from home.

But this was a huge wake up call for me man. I could have died as well, or I could have killed someone. And on top of it all, I have fucked up my moms car.
Thanks for the kind words and advice, means alot.

Crazed, Thanks too. Sounds you were luckier than me, good to have you around dude.

Heres to sober driving! :)
I had a similar "close to death" situation. 6 years ago while I was still a young buck I got shot in the leg with a 357. Ha, obviously they wasn't aiming for my leg. Got pretty muthafuckin lucky. Too bad I can't discuss it, I love war stories. All this legal bullshit. Was on crutches for weeks!
It wasn't your time, man!!! I had my close encounters too--I'd like to think I'm older and wiser. But sometimes I wonder!!! I've been known to do some pretty stupid things.
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