How big is colin farrell?

bwahahahaha, I saw that, and pissed myself laughing, sounds like such a stooge, he's not a bad size, I wouldnt say huge
Yeah I thought it was funny how everytime she comes up for air she's picking more pubes out of her mouth. I'd say he's 6.5x5.25 but no larger then that.
jkisineffect said:
Yeah I thought it was funny how everytime she comes up for air she's picking more pubes out of her mouth. I'd say he's 6.5x5.25 but no larger then that.

Where is this tape? Any screen shots or links to download?

download emule its a P2P application and you can get just about anything on there. Hope that helps!

also try torrents, if you need help how to do this let me no i will guide anyone through it
Looking at the pics on there, he defo needs a shave!

Not a bad size! But we will all be bigger! if not already lol
Id say hes 6.5-6.7 by 5-5.2, above average definitly but not huge, just big. Huge would be something like 8X6, he has a big dick, nothing more, nothing less. That chic he fucked was hot as shit to.
I downloaded it off Limewire. The one I got is 13 minutes long. Haven't watched all of it yet but from what I have looks good. I love celebrity adult entertainment. I've seen just about all of them. I get so excited when a new one is found. I agree with the other guys, Colin looks a bit above average. He swears an awful lot. I was quite shocked by this. He says fuck twice in almost every sentence. The bitch hes fucking has one fine body. Maybe I should work on my acting skills instead of my cock :-P
Old thread but I'll contribute :) . I'd say "big dick Collin" is average or only slightly above. I've heard many stories about how huge he is. I've never had the curiosity to check it out until now. (ETA: from my experiences of seeing weiners {locker rooms, comparisons, etc... I have seen a more than my fair share of flaccid penises that were 6in or above, unfortunately} he seems quite average, evidently my neck of the woods grows big penes) I hate to be honest but honesty is the best policy.
Now, I've heard that Mathew McConaughey has a big wenis. I'd like to check out some pics on that, after all it could ease some of our concerns on what a woman thinks is "huge" or not because, evidently Collin is not huge.
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kimish;486826 said:
Old thread but I'll contribute :) . I'd say "big dick Collin" is average or only slightly above. I've heard many stories about how huge he is. I've never had the curiosity to check it out until now. (ETA: from my experiences of seeing weiners {locker rooms, comparisons, etc... I have seen a more than my fair share of flaccid penises that were 6in or above, unfortunately} he seems quite average, evidently my neck of the woods grows big penes) I hate to be honest but honesty is the best policy.
Now, I've heard that Mathew McConaughey has a big wenis. I'd like to check out some pics on that, after all it could ease some of our concerns on what a woman thinks is "huge" or not because, evidently Collin is not huge.

This goes to shops and prove that society considers someone who is slightly above average as huge. I remember when the movie "Any Given Sunday" came out. The locker room seen caused a HUGE todo about size. The anxiety men felt over this seen was crazy and the guy was not that huge, but in comparison to average he looked immense. I truly wonder what would be said about Mandingo if he stared in a main stream movie:)
i mind hearing about this film she;s well fit she would get it right in the bum hole lol shes a super model cant mind her name but lucky lucky boy