Progress thread SIM's penis enlargement journey

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Thank you brother.
Your words made me actually happy. I will follow your suggestion. I think I need some changes in my routine as well.

8x6 by January 2024 that sounds so amazing.
DO NOT make any changes as long as you're gaining at this rate!

"If it ain't broke don't fix it!"

Milk the living hell out of it and only change up when you're not gaining as fast as you do now! I'd imagine people here would kill for your kind of progress.
DO NOT make any changes as long as you're gaining at this rate!

"If it ain't broke don't fix it!"

Milk the living hell out of it and only change up when you're not gaining as fast as you do now! I'd imagine people here would kill for your kind of progress.

We all gain differently. You can pull with same level of intensity and still not gain as quick as he did.
DO NOT make any changes as long as you're gaining at this rate!

"If it ain't broke don't fix it!"

Milk the living hell out of it and only change up when you're not gaining as fast as you do now! I'd imagine people here would kill for your kind of progress.
So 9" inches BPEL won't be to long for most women?
If I know it's safe to get there I will get there in time. But If I have second thoughts about becoming to long, then I won't get there. Had the same dilemma mentally when I hit 7" bpel. But then I just thought fuck it, a woman need a long penis.

I'm somewhat worried that my banana bend will become to aggressive but I suppose I can fix this later If it becomes a problem.
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Very interesting! You have to display this to us sometime soon with photos and descriptions!
I want to share everything! I previously uploaded a short video of my LENGTHMASTER 3, but you may have missed it. I have used a broomstick once again 😊 on the underside of it to make it stronger. I noticed that it flexed some when I was stretching, the added support of this broomstick makes it not flex. In this way I can stretch as hard as I want to.

The broomstick also make it so that I get a bigger and more secure grip for my hands. I put Phallosan forte sleave's over each handle, then I winded Vulcanising tape on the handles to make the grip better.

I first attached the broomstick on the underside of the LENGTHMASTER 3 with cable ties. There is one hole at each side of the broomstick and the LENGTHMASTER 3 (at the handles). I used these holes as my main attachment point with the cable ties. Then some more cable ties near the chamber.
Without this modification I don't believe I would have ever gained this fast.

But I don't want to undermine the importance of the lengthmaster. Lengthmaster is a legendary tool for PE. Without it I would be so depressed. No other PE site have anything close to this device, this tells us that MOS is the pioneer in PE and the only brotherhood you need to gain fast, we all know it. That's why we are here.

I have not made any permanent changes of LENGTHMASTER 3, I just made it stronger in one direction where I previously saw some flexing in the device. But I'm stretching extremely hard so that's maybe why I saw some flexing before.
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Yes! I feel I'm soon there at 20 cm permanent.
I'm going on a rest as well, it will be a little longer one. I know it will be beneficial.

I will never judge you brother.
I'm also taking ADHD medication but it's nice now when I'm not at work, then I don't need to take it. My blood pressure is perfect now. But it will go up a bit when I take the medication. I feel like if my life situation and work situation would be different I would be able to quit them. Because these are not something you want to take. But it's nessary for me in my life right now. But I must say it have changed my Iife forever.

With the help of this medication and with neuroplasticity I have been able to stear my life in a completely diffrent direction. It was sad for me a while back. It's good now. Feels like I can do anything in life now.

Nice to have your own place. That is my dream for the future. I like quiet, but my neighbors are crazy, so it's not quiet here. They are lucky we live in a civilized society. 😂 Just kidding. I'm not a violent man.

Feel like I share to much about myself now. But you deserve to know who I am a little deeper.
Have a nice weekend you as well.
I'm going to eat now after 20 hours of fasting.

Thanks for the response, and sorry for the delayed answer. Might have gotten just that bit too drunk last weekend, haha.

Feels like I’m getting to know you a bit better as well, much appreciated. Personally I can barely function without my ADHD meds so I prefer taking them everyday.
Thanks for the response, and sorry for the delayed answer. Might have gotten just that bit too drunk last weekend, haha.

Feels like I’m getting to know you a bit better as well, much appreciated. Personally I can barely function without my ADHD meds so I prefer taking them everyday.
You're welcome.
No worries. Getting drunk is not easy.

Do you experience hyperfocus? Isn't that wonderful sometimes. I was surprised when people said they couldn't focus on something without a break for 3 hours. 😂

It's so nice to talk to someone, that is experiencing the world similar to oneself.
You're welcome.
No worries. Getting drunk is not easy.

Do you experience hyperfocus? Isn't that wonderful sometimes. I was surprised when people said they couldn't focus on something without a break for 3 hours. 😂

It's so nice to talk to someone, that is experiencing the world similar to oneself.
Haha, yes, getting drunk ain’t easy, no.

And yes I do experience hyperfocus, can just get lost into one thing for hours. Times a waisted.

May I ask what ADHD meds you are on, and the strength? Personally I’m on 80mg Vyvanse/Aduvanz taken 1-2 times per day as only one serving a day lasts for maybe 9-10 hours so I take 50mg upon awakening and then 30mg 5-6 hours later.

I STILL drink waaay too much coffee and even takepre-workout before my fitness regiment. Still I got a resting heart rate ranging from 61-68bpm. Which is not bad considering all the central nervous enhancers, so to speak, that I put into my body.
DO NOT make any changes as long as you're gaining at this rate!

"If it ain't broke don't fix it!"

Milk the living hell out of it and only change up when you're not gaining as fast as you do now! I'd imagine people here would kill for your kind of progress.
Yes, he does have very good progress, kinda envious, haha. Need to get my money for buying the lengthmaster.

My routines are too long now need to make them shorter but more intense.
Haha, yes, getting drunk ain’t easy, no.

And yes I do experience hyperfocus, can just get lost into one thing for hours. Times a waisted.

May I ask what ADHD meds you are on, and the strength? Personally I’m on 80mg Vyvanse/Aduvanz taken 1-2 times per day as only one serving a day lasts for maybe 9-10 hours so I take 50mg upon awakening and then 30mg 5-6 hours later.

I STILL drink waaay too much coffee and even takepre-workout before my fitness regiment. Still I got a resting heart rate ranging from 61-68bpm. Which is not bad considering all the central nervous enhancers, so to speak, that I put into my body.
It's a CS, low dose once per day.
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This is probably my issue. I’m trying to up the pull but it’s nerve racking for me
But as you heard doublelongdaddy (@DLD) say in that video, GENETICS has NOTHING to do with it.


It's about your program structure.
Not just the active stretching part, but also the rest and all the other parameters in your program.

But I know it's hard brother 😔
I am NO know it all. We all need to support each other to make our gains happen. I would still have a short penis without this brotherhood. I'm forever thankful.

I will try to put out a video 📽️📹 of my routine soon, but a better tripod is needed for this. I don't want to film my asshole.
I want to share everything! I previously uploaded a short video of my LENGTHMASTER 3, but you may have missed it. I have used a broomstick once again 😊 on the underside of it to make it stronger. I noticed that it flexed some when I was stretching, the added support of this broomstick makes it not flex. In this way I can stretch as hard as I want to.

The broomstick also make it so that I get a bigger and more secure grip for my hands. I put Phallosan forte sleave's over each handle, then I winded Vulcanising tape on the handles to make the grip better.
Please link to this video where you display this!
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But as you heard doublelongdaddy (@DLD) say in that video, GENETICS has NOTHING to do with it.

View attachment 1833421

It's about your program structure.
Not just the active stretching part, but also the rest and all the other parameters in your program.

But I know it's hard brother 😔
I am NO know it all. We all need to support each other to make our gains happen. I would still have a short penis without this brotherhood. I'm forever thankful.

I will try to put out a video 📽📹 of my routine soon, but a better tripod is needed for this. I don't want to film my asshole.

This makes me more motivated than ever. I really want to stretch every day, but damn soreness.
Thank you. 😊
I found your face pic!
“I will try to put out a video 📽📹 of my routine soon, but a better tripod is needed for this. I don't want to film my asshole.”

@CRay2323, I just want to teach you something cool. 😄

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This is just some information to teach all of you, the fantastic possibilities of this forum.
Program 5: (We are scrapping, Program 4).
Continuing to focus on length work with, LENGTHMASTER 3.
After really hard thinking about this for some time, I'm changing my end goal. We will see how I will fit inside a woman after this.
But I'm told there are size queens out there, so I should be fine.
Goal: BPEL: 9 inch cemented (going to 9.5 inches BPEL).
PE sessions with 3 days on, and 1 day rest, and repeat until I'm at my final goal. I call this the; 3:1 program structure.
Time: 04:30 AM (GMT +1).
(Or: Another time during the MORNING).
1. Ball & Lig Stretch, 10 minutes, in front of a car interior heater.
2. LENGTHMASTER 3 bundled stretches BTC (Beind The Cheeks) <=> LM b.ASS.
Set 1:
Before starting: Warm up in the chamber (3 minutes), by rotating the LENGTHMASTER 3 back and forth.
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS.
• Rest for 10 minutes (Detach from the chamber and un-wrap).
Set 2:
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS
3. MOS-RED, 15 minutes.
Time: When it fit during the day (plan ahead).
1. Ball & Lig Stretch, 10 minutes, in front of a car interior heater.
2. LENGTHMASTER 3 bundled stretches BTC (Beind The Cheeks) <=> LM b.ASS
Set 1:
Before starting: Warm up in the chamber (3 minutes), by rotating the LENGTHMASTER 3 back and forth.
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS.
• Rest (Detach from the chamber and un-wrap).
Set 2:
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS
3. MOS-RED, 15 minutes.
Stage 2 of the program. This is the girthwork part to get to an EG of 6 inches. I will create this program later when I'm at, BPEL: 9 inches 100 % cemented. I can't wait for starting Stage 2.
Other things that are important for this program:
1. I'm doing Kegels continuously during the day. Also edging from time to time. I also do Kegels with my penis elongation wrap on, and I believe this helps me to cement my gains, since this will allow me to keep my penis elongated more then the flaccid state, and expanded thorough the day. Sometimes my penis are in a semi-erected/expanded state for some hours. But you need to be careful to not overdo it, because if your penis is semi-expanded inside the wrap to much, and for to long, you will experience fluid retention. But with time you will dial this in.

2. When I'm at home I make sure the room is really warm, and I also take off my clothes so my penis will hang free.
I'm thinking about getting a better heater for this reason alone. I'm living in a rental apartment so I can't control the thermostat.
2. I'm keeping my penis in a penis elongation wrap, all the time during the day when I'm not stretching.
I remove it when I go to sleep.

3. MOS-RED is at least as important for this program, as the LENGTHMASTER 3 itself. Without MOS-RED, I would not be able to keep up the intensity of this program. MOS-RED helps me mainly to keep the discoloration at my glans at bay (and the rest of the penis). In fact this was the main reason I felt I needed it badly. It's worth the investment for sure. There are so many benefits with MOS-RED. I sleep better as well. The reduced healing time is insane, when you use MOS-RED.

Here is a video instruction to my penis elongation wrap:
🔗 My penis elongation wrap.
I have used this wrap during my entire length gain journey, and it took some frustrating times to get it right. I love it.
I believe this wrap is one key to gaining fast, since it keeps my penis from time to time semi-erected for a really long time, and the only time my penis are turtling is when it's cold outside. But then I put a warm sock over the wrap to compensate, and re-wrap when I get inside. But the winter is tough for my penis.

I have never done any erect stretches, I believe this penis elongation wrap I'm using is the main reason, I have not needed erected stretches. But we will se what happens when I get longer.

Information about the sets with LENGTHMASTER 3:
One set is 10 minutes long. I do 2 set per session (Total: 20 minutes). I do 5 minute long stretches, and I change the angle in relation to my inner penis continuously during those 5 minutes to really feel the stretch inside my tissue, but I keep the intensity and stretching force hard always. The attachment point is mostly behind my glans, but according to how my penis are feeling, I sometimes attach at the base.

First 5 minutes of the set, I bundle to the right, and the last 5 minutes I bundle to the left (always use a timer). I also try to stretch more to the left in LM b.ASS to correct my right curvature, I believe it's working. Maybe this will slow down the speed of my overall length gains as well we will see. But I believe it's better to correct the curvature now then later. I will keep my banana curvature forever. happy-banana.gif
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Yeah, I know it’s best to keep the dosages low though I need a pretty hefty dosage to get the right effects.
Guess it’s because I was a intravenous Amphetamine junkie, just saying.
Sometimes I have felt that way, but no more. Especially when I took short lasting medication. But that was not fun, it was a hassle to always think about when I need the next dose, and there where more side effects.
Sometimes I have felt that way, but no more. Especially when I took short lasting medication. But that was not fun, it was a hassle to always think about when I need the next dose, and there where more side effects.
I know, that’s why I too prefer long acting ADHD meds like the one I’m on. I’m actually 10mg above what the recommended highest daily dosage of it is.

Not complaining as God and ADHD meds have saved me from being a hardcore junkie, yes, I was bad in periods, though still I managed to keep all my veins intact and healthy. Plus PE, walking my dog, studying languages, reading, meditating, eating healthy and working out also saved my, then, sorry ass of a junkie I was.
I know, that’s why I too prefer long acting ADHD meds like the one I’m on. I’m actually 10mg above what the recommended highest daily dosage of it is.

Not complaining as God and ADHD meds have saved me from being a hardcore junkie, yes, I was bad in periods, though still I managed to keep all my veins intact and healthy. Plus PE, walking my dog, studying languages, reading, meditating, eating healthy and working out also saved my, then, sorry ass of a junkie I was.
We change as we grow. We need to be in the present moment...that's the only real existence. I have grown a lot these past 2 years, and even more these past 6 months. A bigger penis have changed everything for me. Correction: This brotherhood have changed it all for me.

It's somewhat intersting how women behave around you, when they see a big bulge in your pants. They even chase you. I had two women after me at school. It was insane.

Lost over 20 kg of mass joining this brotherhood. Before I joined I was pulling 250 kilogram in deadlift. That was excessive. I think that was an obsession, now it's penis enlargement.

Take care brother...need to get to stretching now.
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We change as we grow. We need to be in the present moment...that's the only real existence. I have grown a lot these past 2 years, and even more these past 6 months. A bigger penis have changed everything for me. Correction: This brotherhood have changed it all for me.

It's somewhat intersting how women behave around you, when they see a big bulge in your pants. They even chase you. I had two women after me at school. It was insane.

Lost over 20 kg of mass joining this brotherhood. Before I joined I was pulling 250 kilogram in deadlift. That was excessive. I think that was an obsession, now it's penis enlargement.

Take care brother...need to get to strecking now.
Yeah, I perfectly understand been addicted to working out all my life though now I find PE is even more addicticting.

Congratz on your weight loss, been chubby myself at times which only made me depressed, it’s no state to be in, being fat and over weight. Not healthy first and foremost.
Yeah, I perfectly understand been addicted to working out all my life though now I find PE is even more addicticting.

Congratz on your weight loss, been chubby myself at times which only made me depressed, it’s no state to be in, being fat and over weight. Not healthy first and foremost.
Trying to get to 15% body fat mass but that's hard. I will get there eventually. I will find a way.

Some chubbiness are ok. You don't want to look like a bodybuilder.
This falls under the catagory of: each person reacts differently

Just a quick synopsis of my journey...
Discovered MOS 10+ years ago and began a Bathmate/LengthMaster routine, starting stats (if I can recall correctly) were 6 3/8" in BPEL and 5 1/2" MSEG. Newby gains reached a plateau of almost 7" BPEL and 6 1/2" MSEG (girth was much easier for me to gain) and I stagnated there until I discovered the VacuVin mod for my Bathmate and I was able to attain pressures within the tube that I never thought possible. Since the BM does not have a pressure gauge, there's no way I could calculate the Hg's but it was easily 3 times what I could impart by hand.

This mod jump-started my gains and over the next few years I was able to reach 8" BPEL and almost 7" MSEG and I was also 'whole-package' pumping (not for everyone, LOL)...but again hit a plateau.

Since I was satisfied w/girth (actually it was a tad too much for symmetry), I purchased the MityVac w/the 2 1/2" cylinder...the thought was to limit any width expansion and impart as much force along the length axis. My current routine consists of about one hour in the cylinder at 90% to 100% max pressure (varying the amount every 15 minutes or so) and the Hg's are around 15. It took me a while to work-up to that amount of pressure, but it allowed me to break-through that dreaded plateau stage.

Current stats: 8 1/4" BPEL 6 3/4" MSEG (for a balanced look, I'd like to get to 8 3/4" in length, but PE is effing hard!)

I wrote this just to say everyone is different and finding your limits are very personal, (trust me, I've had blood in my Bathmate tube more times than I care to admit and the donut-effect is a real bitch to combat, but in the end I find it worth the effort)
Wow! That's seriously Amazing!!! I'm currently at 7.125 in length from 5.25 in and 6.25 in girth from 5.5 in from years of Bathmate and extenders and jelqing off and on.

If I buy the MityVac or replicate your mod what do you think I can top out at theoretically in your opinion?

5.25 >>> 7.125 L
5.5 >>> 6.25 G
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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