Progress thread SIM's penis enlargement journey

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@MosMaster - What do think about if I would change my stretching sessions to 20 minutes x (times) 3 times + 10 minutes Expressive Stretching + 10 minutes Ball stretch per day. But that's 40 minutes less then I have today. I think 20 minutes at the time would be easier to fit into my day. And maybe I also can pull harder constantly during those 20 minutes.

Would this be enough for optimal growth, hard question to answer I know, but what do you think about that?
@MosMaster - What do think about if I would change my stretching sessions to 20 minutes x (times) 3 times + 10 minutes Expressive Stretching + 10 minutes Ball stretch per day. But that's 40 minutes less then I have today. I think 20 minutes at the time would be easier to fit into my day. And maybe I also can pull harder constantly during those 20 minutes.

Would this be enough for optimal growth, hard question to answer I know, but what do you think about that?
So 80 minutes in total? It definitely sounds enough to cause growth. Do you also have a ADS to keep you stretched?
So 80 minutes in total? It definitely sounds enough to cause growth. Do you also have a ADS to keep you stretched?
I'm doing right now 1 hour and 40 minutes. One session in the morning and one in the evning (according to: Program 1). But I'm thinking of changing it to fit in my life better.

I'm not using any ADS. I have the Phallosan forte but that didn't worked, thinking of getting the SiliStretcher.

I'm keeping my penis longated as much as possible with a bandage.
@MosMaster - What do think about if I would change my stretching sessions to 20 minutes x (times) 3 times + 10 minutes Expressive Stretching + 10 minutes Ball stretch per day. But that's 40 minutes less then I have today. I think 20 minutes at the time would be easier to fit into my day. And maybe I also can pull harder constantly during those 20 minutes.

Would this be enough for optimal growth, hard question to answer I know, but what do you think about that?

If you can do three 20 mins sessions daily when you receive your length master, it would be great. Expressive stretching should be done daily.
If you can do three 20 mins sessions daily when you receive your length master, it would be great. Expressive stretching should be done daily.
Okey. Thanks @hugh-girth yeah, I have learned so much from you. Forever thankful.
I think when I get the length master, everything should feel more solid and effective.

Just trying to make it more effective during the time I do not have the length master.
I think I can pull harder and more consistent, if I split up my length stretching routines. My hands gets tired after the 30 minute mark.
Never skip a day is my rule.
Wow, don't know how you guys find the time to do so much stretching. Between work and home/wife I'm lucky I can get 20 mins total. That is one of the reasons I use my Silistretcher while I sleep.
I gave up my strength training (for 17 years), for PE and I live single. I'm a disciplined monk right now, prescribed by the orders from MOS.

I have studies to attend to as well. That's it. I'm losing muscle mass as well, I'm going to make this work. I want a big penis.
I gave up my strength training (for 17 years), for PE and I live single. I'm a disciplined monk right now, prescribed by the orders from MOS.

I have studies to attend to as well. That's it. I'm losing muscle mass as well, I'm going to make this work. I want a big penis.
PLEASE don't sacrifice health for PE. There is nothing in this world worth sacrificing health for. Trust me, listen to this one while stretching and everything you think you know about strength training will change:

Waiting for your comments about this bro.
PLEASE don't sacrifice health for PE. There is nothing in this world worth sacrificing health for. Trust me, listen to this one while stretching and everything you think you know about strength training will change:

Waiting for your comments about this bro.
I need to listen to this later.

Yeah! I'm feeling like I'm sacrificing something big here. Really depressing haven't been to the gym for 26 days. I think I need to re-evaluate my strategy in this.
Find time to do both.. I'm in my late 50s now.. I ride my ifit bike 4 to 6 times per week and weights 3 days week. Work an hour from home so it's tough finding time since I leave at 7am. I guess I'm lucky that my PE goal isn't a big one. I first started this to get back what I lost with age and now that I'm past that I want slightly more. I will be satisfied with the 8x6 and stop there and just maintain.
Find time to do both.. I'm in my late 50s now.. I ride my ifit bike 4 to 6 times per week and weights 3 days week. Work an hour from home so it's tough finding time since I leave at 7am. I guess I'm lucky that my PE goal isn't a big one. I first started this to get back what I lost with age and now that I'm past that I want slightly more. I will be satisfied with the 8x6 and stop there and just maintain.
I like what you are doing.
How big was your penis, and how big is it now? How long did it take? What are you doing in your routine?

I will also stop at 8x6 but haven't seen any length gains jet (not measured jet but I see it getting longer). I think I did it the wrong way. You should incorporate PE into your life, not the other way around, that is: life into PE. Life and health is more important.

Yeah! I have always been an active person all my life, I need to start move again. I'm always active when I'm not sick (not so luch). But now for 26 days I have just been passive, not like me to be that.

Maybe combine LengthMaster/stretches with the SiliStretcher? So I can live my life as well.
Til mid 40s I had been tad over 7 length and noticed it decreasing. Not sure about girth as never checked back then. Now I'm appx 7.25 by ruler and 7.75 by Zen Pump scale, and nearly 8" on flaccid stretch. Think girth between 5.25 and 5.5 right now.

Like I mentioned before I enjoy the silistretcher while I sleep. I don't attach it to my leg, I have it attached with a strap between the box spring and mattress. Works well and doesn't limit my sleeping movements. One thing I strongly recommend is using bell that is a size larger in case u get night erections it won't hurt.
Okey so you where on the bigger side before doing PE?

I don't attach it to my leg, I have it attached with a strap between the box spring and mattress.
I don't understand exactly. Do you have a strap that goes from under your mattress, and then goes up (past your feet) with an optimal length to where you are sleeping, so you can attach the SiliStretcher? Maybe a stupid question? Do not the stretch change when you sleep?

What happens if you turn from your back to your stomach while you sleep?
Just asking questions so I can understand, if I want to do something similar.

I wish I lived in a warm country, then I would buy the SiliStretcher, and wear it practically 24 hours per day (if you can do that?).
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Okey so you where on the bigger side before doing PE?

I don't understand exactly. Do you have a strap that goes from under your mattress, and then goes up (past your feet) with an optimal length to where you are sleeping, so you can attach the SiliStretcher? Maybe a stupid question? Do not the stretch change when you sleep?

What happens if you turn from your back to your stomach while you sleep?
Just asking questions so I can understand, if I want to do something similar.

I wish I lived in a warm country, then I would buy the SiliStretcher, and wear it practically 24 hours per day (if you can do that?).
Yes, tad over 7 prior to any PE.

When u buy the silistretcher it comes with velcro straps and a neck stretchy strap. So, is what I did was take 1 section of the longer velcro straps and slipped it between the box spring and mattress. Then I took the stretchy neck strap which comes with 2 hooks. I did one end to that velcro strap and the other end to the Silistretcher bell. That strap is adjustable to find what length works for u to give adequate tension.
Also the hooks are on a swivel which helps as u roll during the night.
Hope that makes sense
Yes, tad over 7 prior to any PE.

When u buy the silistretcher it comes with velcro straps and a neck stretchy strap. So, is what I did was take 1 section of the longer velcro straps and slipped it between the box spring and mattress. Then I took the stretchy neck strap which comes with 2 hooks. I did one end to that velcro strap and the other end to the Silistretcher bell. That strap is adjustable to find what length works for u to give adequate tension.
Also the hooks are on a swivel which helps as u roll during the night.
Hope that makes sense
Very smart solution I must say.
Do you get any water retention with the SiliStretcher? How long can you wear it
(if you wear it during the day)?
I've worn it up to 8 hours at a time minus bathroom breaks. I've noticed sometimes I get the donut. A lot seems to depend on how well I got myself inside the bell.

I also would say that the Silisleev5 is a good option for day wearing but recommended the silisleev 2 for night. It will be more forgiving. I have mixed feelings about the silicap2 and silicap. I find they cause me more discomfort then they do good. I believe it's due to the smaller size of them even though they stretch a lot.
silicap2 and silicap protection cap for the glands? So you didn't use them at all? Phallosan forte have also small caps for the glans. They say they fit all sizes, but I do not believe them.

Asking to figure out my PE plan.
Thinking that the,

I have the Phallosan forte, but either the condom was to big (Large), so the bell/suction disappeared suddenly. Or the condoms where to small (Medium). I even tried the XL (couldn't use the L bell) bell with the medium condom but that created a to big pressure over my penis shaft so I got bad water retention in my glans.

Couldn't use their cap for the glans either. So I'm very worried if the SiliStretcher will fit me due to the water retention that can happen. But maybe not a big problem in SiliStretcher, I'm judging the SiliStretcher of the Phallosan forte which isn't fair.
Some people the Phallosan forte works great for, I'm not one of them. I think I'm between sizes.

Thinking of combining the SIZEGENETICS, LengthMaster, hand stretches, dependent on how much time I have that day.
Can use the SIZEGENETICS when sitting around and studying at home. And I don't going to feel I sacrifice so much of my life in doing PE. But the LengthMaster will be a game changer.
I even tried enlarging the silicap and silicap2.. I find them irritating cause of their small size. Even the silisleev I modify by enlarging them slightly. If I wear a ss5 I can not pee with it on using the 1 inch size. I really wish they offered at least 1 1/8 or 1 1/4 sizes so I don't have to modify them.
I even tried enlarging the silicap and silicap2.. I find them irritating cause of their small size. Even the silisleev I modify by enlarging them slightly. If I wear a ss5 I can not pee with it on using the 1 inch size. I really wish they offered at least 1 1/8 or 1 1/4 sizes so I don't have to modify them.
Yeah! It's not easy to have a thick penis, you don't fit anywhere.

I'm using a special wrap technique with a soft bandage to stay longated (ball-sack penis longation support wrap). I can even sleep with it, if I'm not wind it to hard. I wrap the bandage behind my balls to keep it in place. Works great. Some will say not to sleep with a wrap, but I have no problems with it. When peeing I remove it. And then re-wrap it immediately.

Very interesting talk, have got another perspective of PE now. You should incorporate it in life. That should work better. Take care.
I've been wanting to start going to the gym, but it's very intimidating to me. I've always been relatively fit, but never got into the whole "gym culture" and all the equipment/techniques are overwhelming imo
I'm not an regular gym rat. I just lift for myself. I have been doing that since I was 15 years old, I'm 32 now...soon 33 years old.
I have never had a trainer, just trying out stuff for myself and to improve on it. i did watch many youtube videos in the beginning. If you are wondering about something maybe there is a forum here at MOS you can ask questions?
Okey. Thanks @hugh-girth yeah, I have learned so much from you. Forever thankful.
I think when I get the length master, everything should feel more solid and effective.

Just trying to make it more effective during the time I do not have the length master.
I think I can pull harder and more consistent, if I split up my length stretching routines. My hands gets tired after the 30 minute mark.
Never skip a day is my rule.

Yes, never skip a day. I won't be taking any off day from pumping neither. I'm training length and girth daily, no off days unless there is an emergency.
@kommando focus on the basics. Dumbells and barbells. Basic movements. Natural movements. You don't need 1000 different exercises to become strong.

I've been wanting to start going to the gym, but it's very intimidating to me. I've always been relatively fit, but never got into the whole "gym culture" and all the equipment/techniques are overwhelming imo

Everybody can get in your best shape of your life with 4 exercises. Dips and Chin-Ups (start with assisted if you cannot handle your own body weight) and Deadlifts and Squats. You can in fact ONLY work these exercises for the rest of your life if you want to keep it simple.

If you focus on perfecting these exercises and slowly and progressively get stronger at them you’ll get in exceptionally great shape. It's impossible not to.
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I gave up my strength training (for 17 years), for PE and I live single. I'm a disciplined monk right now, prescribed by the orders from MOS.

I have studies to attend to as well. That's it. I'm losing muscle mass as well, I'm going to make this work. I want a big penis.

I'm on a 18 months journey to max out the 2.5 mityvac pump.
I'm getting bigger I know it.
(not measuring)
I'm doing 20 min bundle broomstick stretches 3 times per day now. Keeping my penis in a bandage wrap as much as possible.
You will make it happen in record time I Can see you putting in all the effort necessary To make the growth you want
The last stretch of the day is always the best, I can really pull hard, och I feel my penis really stretch. I wish I had an even better grip, and I would be able to pull even harder.

I'm using an old hairdryer to get a constant flow of heat into my penis during the entirety of the stretching routine/session.

This new method of splitting up the sessions in smaller time frames, seems to work wonderfully. I'm keeping my penis longated as much as possible between my three sessions/routines.

I will compile my second program, that I'm doing now, in this thread.
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Here is what the forward stretch looks like right now. I sit on the stick to get a really good intense stretch.
I use my body position to regulate the intensity of the stretch. If I put my fots out to the sides, the stretch becomes more intense. I'm also trying to hold the penis in the glans for it to be more comfortable. If my penis was longer, this stretch would be even more intense.

IMG_20230212_194016_(1)[1].jpg IMG_20230216_223948_(1)[1].jpg
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New messurment on, BPEL: 5,4".
My plan was to not messure in 8 months.
I think it was good I did messure.
Since I now see, that my stretching sessions are indeed working.
New messurment on, BPEL: 5,4".
My plan was to not messure in 8 months.
I think it was good I did messure.
Since I now see, that my stretching sessions are indeed working.

Even if you didn't measure, you already saw the difference in size with your eyes and you felt it with your hands. Since I started doing the expressive stretching with the length master, I've noticed the difference but I'm not measuring.

Just make sure you are changing your routine every 90 days. You either change it or modify it.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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