Progress thread F26 - Grower to a Shower - create a flaccid Monster & Journey to 10 x 6.5 ?


Well-known member
Hey my brothers,

first of all: This forum and the members are more than amazing!
I’m thankful that I’ve found you and got already in contact with some of you cool guys.
On the other side, the amount of knowledge here is unbelievable. Thanks to the founders who made this possible and to each of the members who are ramping up the knowledge-library and theories based on their own experiences and results every single day. I’ve read as much as I could so far over the past few days and was mostly bookmarking the most relevant things for me at the moment and also taking lots of notes in a separate word file.
I really got the idea now why @DLD is calling it a brotherhood instead of just a forum!

Currently doing a change to get my body to the best and most healthy shape of my life and so I've also decided to do the same with my dick!
Getting rid of the bad habits and starting positive and healthy habits to improve my life day by day, slowly but steady.
In life we often tell us we want to start this or that, maybe we even start it and a few days or weeks later we've stopped again due to some stupid excuses. You can very much see this every New Years Eve, people telling each other about how much they want to change something and want to start getting a great life now. Guess what? Some of them will start, most of them will fail after a few days or weeks. So it mostly stays a dream or imagination due to lack of consistency and determination to put the steady and consistent work into it. Best example I can give you: Sports and weightloss ? For most people it will always just stay a dream and imagination because they are not seeing the benefits for their own - health, clear mind and a nice shape. Very often people just want to do it for the others or to better say that the others don't think bad of them. Mostly it's about the looks, not about the actual health. And as they are not making that decision for themselves - they will most likely fail longterm.
I think everybody knows about this, everybody had been at some points in life like that and that was me too! Now I'm ramping up my life since a few weeks and feeling awesome. Now is the time to also start getting my dick in the best and most healthy shape of his life (fire)

As for nearly exactly one week now, I've read as much as I could in this forum. Hundreds of threads, theories, experiences and tricks how to fix things. Bookmarked lots of threads, took down a few sites of notes and feeling ready to start now.
I want to make it a habit as PE takes a lot of consistent work. So I'm aiming for slowly and consistent, trying to improve every day or week a little bit.
I'm not a fan of "off" days, because once I'm off for 1,2,3 or more days, it's difficult for me to get back into action and most likely I would stop, so I'm aiming for 7 days a week. Longterm consistency always beats short term intensity when it comes to habits and making changes. On the other side: Smart work beats hard work. So that's also a reason why I've read so much and thought about lots of theories and routines and deciding which one would fit me the most. Also, that's a reason why I got some PE tools. I really want to make it work and if they can support me, I'm happy with it. Also, there are some 'passive devices', that's how I call them, which can support me in my off times, beside manual training. Extenders/Wraps and things like that. So my idea is to heal my dick in the 'off-time' during the day in the extender, which has a slight stretch. I'm really not talking about intensive stretching here, just a slight little stretch that my dick will heal in that slight extended state and stops turtling back, as mine always does while being flaccid. Cold water and sports are my biggest enemies here, it always turtles back and looks like an USB Stick then...

On top of that my flaccid dick doesn't even hang down like a normal flaccid dick, the angle is more like 110°-130° degrees, instead of 170° - 180° angle hanging down.
Another thing is, I'm having a turkey neck (Penoscrotal Webbing), which I want to get rid off over the next couple months. This also makes my dick, in flaccid and erect state look smaller significantly and just doesn't look. On top of that it's even annoying me very much more during this week since I've started PE exercises as the skin always get's pulled even more. So I want to get rid of it as soon as possible.
Additional to that, it seems like I have much skin on my fatpad and base, I don't know if it's because of my balls, turkey neck or whatsoever.
So you see, I've a lot of things I want to work on, beside all of the things listed above I won't mind getting a bigger dick in length and girth while working on solving those.
At last I will maybe also try to make my balls hang lower when I'm stretching my ballsack with some silicone cock-/ballrings, which I'll place between cock and balls.

My routine will be the SRT Routine of @DLD
But I will make it more individual as I'm testing a theory about length before girth (theory is also believed by @Jackxxx & @REDZULU2003).
Additionally to that I will also test an own theory in which I will use my Extender after a girth session. Not intense, just a slight stretch.
For Length sessions:
Manual training, Lengthmaster, hanging, Penimaster Pro, ACE Wrap/Mummy.
For Girth sessions:
Manual training, Bathmate, Air-Pump, Silicone Cable Clamp.
Getting rid of Turkey Neck:
Testicle Health Massage by @DLD & Reverse Erect Skin Stretch by @kong1971 .
Trying to lose skin and fat on fatpad:
Cold 'therapy' by myself + weightloss. Will try some methods out, but in the beginning I'll use ice cubes and place it on my fatpad.

My individual routine and idea:
I won't do intense Girth sessions. I want to increase BPFSL as much as I can. The only reason I'll do girth exercises right now is to make my BPEL grow to the increasing BPFSL from stretching.

Stretching sessions:
Manual Stretching, then using the lengthmaster for more intense stretches and after that I will do some hanging with the bundle chamber of my Lengthmaster. The second way of hanging will be 'upwards hanging' by a construction where you attach a carabiner on your ceiling and put a rope through it. Then you do 2 figure of eight knots at the start and the end. Place carabiners on both sides, through the figure of eight knots. Connect one side to your Lengthmaster and use the other side as place where you can hook in your weights. Credits belong to @TuffDong who's the inventor of that construction.
Girth sessions:
I will directly jelq a little bit and try to get into the bathmate or air-pump to push my BPEL to the increasing BPFSL. Also I will do lots of erect stretches to push and increase my BPEL as the skin and dick is already a little bit more stretched than usually after a stretching session. To maximize my erection during edging and trying to push the BPEL to more than normally I will use a silicone cable clamp with which I can control the pressure on my dick. In my opinion it's better than a regular clamp/cock ring because you can control the pressure and open and close it in seconds. Has the same effect like Ulis.

After manual work I will try to wear my extender or my ace wrap/mummy as much as I can during the day.
So mostly I will do all the training in the morning, afterwards put on my extender and all the time outside mostly going to wear ace wrap/mummy. Maybe I'll do another manual session in the evening but mostly trying to get used to the habit so the morning session is duty, the evening session is optional. My goal is to do 30min of manual training each day for the first 30 days and build a permanent habit out of it. Optionally I will do as much as I can, but 30min manual training a day is a must! Additionally to that wearing my extender or ace wrap/mummy as much as I can throughout the day.

Skincare for maximum healing:
I'm going to use multiple different oils as I'm testing which are the best ones for increased healing. On top of that for sure I got the advice of @DLD and will use: Hydrocortisone and Bacitracin. Myself I also got zinc cream as it also has some kind of healing effect for the skin. Last but not least I will also try and experiment with sports thermo oil, which is normally used for muscle relaxion as it has a warming effect, should be perfect for getting a great blood flow in my dick LOL
  • Hydrocortison cream 0,5%
  • Bacitracin cream
  • Zinc cream
  • Shea Butter Raw
  • argan oil, almond oil, apricot kernel oil, arnica oil, avocado oil, calendula oil, castor oil, coconut oil, grape seed oil, hemp seed oil, macadamia oil
  • Vitamin E oil
  • sports thermo oil
My Newbie Q&A in which I'm often asking questions about exercises, theories and some ideas:
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Summary - 1 month of PE (Original Link)

Penimaster extender time:
Belt system: 370 hours
Rod system: 70 hours
Total: 440 hours

Manual stretching time:
Total: 360min - 6 hours

LM stretching time:
Total: 250min - 4.16 hours

Testicle Health Massage:
Total: 3000 reps

Erect Stretches:
Total: 95min - 1.58 hours

Clamping while edging:
Total: 150min - 2.5 hours

Total: 150min - 2.5 hours

This should sum it up pretty good.
I haven't calculated jelqing , hanging , penimaster weight system and pumping as I've just shortly looked into it in my first few days while testing the devices and testing the exercises.
If I compare my penimaster extender time with my manual time it makes me feel sad and makes me think I'm not doing enough LOL
Like what is around 18-20 hours of manual work in a month? Nearly nothing, less than 1h a day.

But I have to say that I've learned so much, especially in my first 2-3 weeks I was reading 2-4 hours every single day in the forum, reading theories, progress threads, checked exercise videos and had been a lot in contact with pe-vets who gave me a ton of knowledge based on their personal experience.

So this was my first month and I can say that I'm proud of my progress so far.
I haven't measured and won't measure until the end of my 3rd month!
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Wow! Amazing opening post, my brother!! You have come to motivate and inspire men from all walks of life. I commend you!

Bless'ed Love
  • Fire
Reactions: F26
You gonna beat out Jermaine on the greasy scale with that arsenal of oils!

  • Haha
Reactions: F26
Day 1:
  • 20min manual stretching
  • 10min stretching with Lengthmaster
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 10min hanging 2.5lbs, 5min hanging 5lbs
  • 10min jelqing
  • 5min pumping on 2.5hg
  • 5min low clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • 5min Bathmate (40% pressure)
  • 1h wearing Mummy
  • 2h wearing Penimaster belt system
During manual stretching my glans gets swollen and builds some water/lymph at the very top. Goes away after some heli-shakes LOL Is it normal in the beginning? If I wouldn't grip as hard as I do I won't be able to do intense stretching. Also I still have to fight with some sudden erections during stretching.
Doing Jelqing on around 30-50% EQ right now.
Can't go to maximum pressure in Bathmate, 50-60% right now I guess. Could have lasted longer than 5min in Bathmate but slowly want to increase to not get injured.
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I wouldn't do any intense manual work just yet. Intense work should only be used to SHOCK. You don't want to toughen up the tissue this early in your PE journey. Picture the stalk of a plant under stress (high, steady wind, etc). You want to keep everything loose and pliable.
Day 2:
  • 20min manual stretching
  • 10min stretching with Lengthmaster
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 10min hanging 2.5lbs, 10min hanging 5lbs
  • 5x5x2 Jelqing/Pumping (2.5hg) - 5min jelqs, 5min pumping, 5min jelqs, 5min pumping
  • 5min clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • 5min Bathmate (60% pressure)
  • 2h wearing Mummy
  • 2h wearing Penimaster belt system
  • 1h wearing Penimaster rod system

More intensity on the Testicle Health Massage today, it still hurts a little bit as my skin isn't used to be stretched down there but I can see what the exercise should cause longterm. Thanks to @DLD, really hope my stupid turkey neck goes away in a few months when I'm doing this daily.
Raw Shea Butter makes your dick skin smooth like baby skin, but be prepared, this cream smells like... find it out yourself!
Added: As @REDZULU2003 recommends, warming up before hanging (of course), but now also 'cooling down' afterwards.

Found a great video thread of @Lightning in how to wrap with the Lengthmaster, here are so many hidden videos/instructions, you really have to dig deep to find them LOL ? Length Master User Instructions and Support Thread… - Matters of Size | Penis Enlargement, Body Modifications & Peyronies Forums ?

As there are so many exercises in DLDs video library ? Audio / Video Page ? I'm still learning some new stretching exercises daily, it's like learning some vocabulary in a new language.
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Day 3: (huge success)
  • 20min manual stretching
  • 10min stretching with Lengthmaster
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 15min hanging 2.5lbs, 10min hanging 5lbs
  • 5x5x2 Jelqing/Pumping (2.5hg) - 5min jelqs, 5min pumping, 5min jelqs, 5min pumping
  • 5min clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • 2x5min Bathmate (40% pressure - more time, less pressure)
  • 14h wearing Penimaster belt system
  • 2h wearing Penimaster rod system

Guys, today I did 16h in the extender!
I've made a decision to not care what others think about it anymore and wear it out in public
, even thought it creates a little bulge to the side you wear it, but you can hide it a little bit when you wear more loose clothes.

I'm so freaking happy right now, I hope that I can very soon accustom myself in any way to also wear it during sleeping, but it will be difficult because of the erections we get during sleep and that I will pull it off during sleep (happened before during naps when I tested it).
Actually there is a trick with the Penimaster to safe lots of time, you don't need to take off the belt system during going to toilet, you can attach the 'hook' which you normally connect to your glans chamber, to one of the mounts of the belt system (ring mounts). So you don't need to take it off and on again :)
For the most and easy way wearing it during public: Instead of using the pump ball to create a vacuum everytime to put on your glans chamber after going to toilet, you will use the hosepipe system. It takes some skill and learning to use it, but it is much more portable and easier to hide in your pockets. So for wearing it in public you willst just need 2 things to take with you: 1) Hosepipe system 2) PM Comfort & Care Gel (or something similar).

My glans still gets swollen and filled up with lymp/water after using it. Not a big problem as it's not too bad, it's just at the very top. Feels a little hard then and kind of filled with water, is that bad? Or is it even a benefit and is training my glans to gain more girth?
Doing always some heli-shakes on the toilet to get rid of it a little and at home massaging it, disappears easily then.
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Day 4: (first little injury)
  • 20min manual stretching
  • 10min stretching with Lengthmaster
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 20min hanging 2.5lbs, 10min hanging 5lbs, 5min hanging 7.5lbs
  • 5min jelqing
  • 5min clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • 5min bathmate (was just testing wine vacuum mod, works great)
  • 4h wearing Mummy
  • 8h wearing Penimaster belt system

Oh damn, it happened...
I got my first little injury after hanging that's why I needed to go slow for the rest of the day with Jelqing, Pumping, Bathmate and wearing my Extender.

Injury: Swollen glans, swollen a lot around the pee-hole and red-ish.
Solution: Massaging a little bit, warming it, hydrocortisone, bacitractin and some rest. Heli-shakes and Firestarter exercise of @TuffDong
Why did it occur? Talked to some experienced people in hanging weights, lots of them said it's normal in the beginning and that it can happen as it's new for the dick and it needs to adapt to it.

I'll keep on track exactly what happens the next days, also I'll learn more about the best methods or wrapping the dick before hanging as I've found out personally that a good wrap is making a huge difference while hanging weights. Need to be more skilled in it and test a lot.
Great thing what I'm testing: As the injury still isn't healed 100% I'm wearing a Mummy instead of the Extender. In that why my glans don't get affected (like)
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Sounds like you're doing too much work. There is no rush, your penis can only grow so fast, scale back your routine when you come back after healing.


Just like us men who have the habit of wanting to go ALL IN...


Curb your enthusiasm for a bit and remember this is a journey (marathon)...not a sprint.

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It's really tricky scaling back at first once you tasted it, so just enjoy the whole experience, and gain your own first hand accounts from doing the methods.

I'm time however, you will scale back, change things, and take extended rests for growth.
Your enthusiasm is incredible and if your caution is paired with your enthusiasm you should be safe. Some men can put in a lot of time and work and others need less, it’s a very personal thing. So in all things you do take your time and be sure that you’re safe but if you’re able to put in more work put in more work.
Sounds like you're doing too much work. There is no rush, your penis can only grow so fast, scale back your routine when you come back after healing.

You're right, health and preventing injuries is always priority number 1 brother ?
It wasn't too bad. If I ever have 'bad' injuries you can be sure I'm 100% taking a break for a few days and focusing on healing.
But to make always sure I'm on the safe site I'll always contact our pe vets here in the forum and ask them about it :) and they especially said it's normal that it can occur in the beginning of hanging. As I'm not pushing through the limits and have a good feeling of my body due to pain or other things my priority 1 is always to be safe and I would recommend that to everybody else too.

What I maybe forgot to write is that I didn't had any pain and it was just visual, red-ish at the very top and a little swollen around the pee-hole, the swelling often also happened in the beginning with the Penimaster after a few hours of when I did some intense stretching. It goes away in 30-60min after it occurs, normally it just is lymph water or how it is called.
Also I put in around 60-90min to massage my dick & glans, put creams on it 3-5 times over the day and warmed it up several time, I'm also using some thermo sports oil which is increasing the blood flow to a good level for maximum healing.
On top of that I did some edging to get a great bloodflow in my dick/glans which was able to reduce the visual apperance of the injury from 100% down to around 10-20% in a very short amount of time. Then I did some heli-shakes and firestarts spread over the day and it was nearly gone. Before sleeping I put on some hydrocortisone and bacitracin and as I woke up today it was gone :)

@REDZULU2003 @DLD @Haursen
As I've written here before or in my Newbie Q&A, right now I'm checking out a little bit which works the best for me and also testing a lot of exercises.
However I've set myself a duty of 30min of training per day, this is duty. If I have some more time - I will do more. If I don't have time, I still do my 30min LOL
I'm all about being productive and saving time, as time is the only thing we can't get back in life if we waste it. Here I wrote something how I'm actually doing it:
As I don't know about the results, I will try to wear my extender (Penimaster) for as long as I can. So even if I 'just' have 30min of training, I will still have an extender time of at least 10-12h a day.
The most time right now takes 'hanging' + the wrapping with goes in with it too, but I'm figuring out some stuff to improve that and will let you know then!

as @REDZULU2003 said, there is no way I can do this forever and as time comes, I will most likely scale back. That's the truth! But then I still want to use my 'passive gadgets' like Penimaster and wear it as long as I can. Also using the Bathmate during showering and will do some stretching before sleep/after waking up when I'm in the bed. Maybe one day I'll be even succesful wearing the extender at night, would love that!
But currently I'm trying to get the best newbie gains, so it's a day to day hustle. If I ever feal exhausted in the beginning right now - I will still wear my extender and using the Bathmate a few mins in the Shower. That's why I actually got the devices, because I know that nature made us somekind of lazy and tries to bang in all kind of excuses if we're not feeling in the mood, so at least I can use those devices and have done something (monkey)
Day 5: (injury gone, adapting to a long extender time)
  • 20min manual stretching
  • 10min stretching with Lengthmaster
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 20min hanging 2.5lbs, 15min hanging 5lbs, 5min hanging 7.5lbs
  • 5x5x2 Jelqing/Pumping (2.5hg) - 5min jelqs, 5min pumping, 5min jelqs, 5min pumping
  • 5min clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • 2x5min Bathmate (around 60-70% pressure at the end)
  • 1h wearing mummy
  • 14h wearing Penimaster belt system
  • 2h wearing Penimaster rod system
As I've forgot about this, tomorrow is time to learn and start training kegels... :confused:
Shall I directly go for both sort of kegels - normal kegels and reverse kegels or should I just learn the normal kegels in the beginning and also only train them?
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Omg @TuffDong you just gave me the idea to actually put a towel on my erect dick and then do kegels because the erect dick is bouncing then!
Has anybody tried it? Slowly we can increase the weight from 1 to 2 towels and so on haha!
The 'coat hook exercise' (cwl) seriously, could this benefit maybe in erection quality or something?
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Day 6: (red glans again after LM stretching and hanging)
  • 20min manual stretching
  • 10min stretching with Lengthmaster
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 20min hanging 2.5lbs, 15min hanging 5lbs, 5min hanging 7.5lbs
  • 5x5x2 Jelqing/Pumping (2.5hg) - 5min jelqs, 5min pumping, 5min jelqs, 5min pumping
  • 5min clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • 2x5min Bathmate (around 60-70% pressure at the end)
  • 14h wearing Penimaster belt system
  • 3h wearing Penimaster rod system

Three important news today:
Good news:
I found out how to correctly use the Penimaster glans chamber. (like)
As I've also written some days here before or in my Newbie Q&A that I'm getting some lymph from the vacuum inside the chamber, nothing bad, just normal lymph like after too much pumping because of the vacuum, I've completely solved this problem now and I think lots of people are doing the same mistake.
With the pump-ball or Hose application, we create a vacuum, but to create a 100% sealed vacuum, we have to make sure that there is no air in! As soon as there is some air in we will get lymph in our glans and with that we also can't get the best tension and on top of that we can't wear it as long as with a 100% sealed vacuum + it's not as comfortable as with a sealed vacuum!
So how can we make sure that absolutely no air comes in when we're pulling it on?`
Pump ball: Instead of pressing the pump-ball 100% down, only press it down around 80%, so that there is still some air inside the pump. Screw it over the valve of the chamber as usual and then press the other 20% down, the adhesion diaphragm pops out of the chamber into the sluice and now you directly put it on the top of the glans and slowly release the grip from the pump. If it won't go 100% over your glans, close the valve, remove the pump, press the pump down 100% this time and screw it on the valve again + release it again as much as you need to get the chamber over your glans, close the valce and take the pump off.
There you go, a 100% sealed vacuum and it's much much more comfortable than without it. On top it holds much stronger on your glans so you get the best tension out of your Penimaster while having the most comfort and not irritating your glans with lymph!
Hose tie system: Same as with the pump ball, before sucking in the air, push some air into the chamber and then start pulling the air in!

Bad news:
This annoys me a lot, but I had to made a smart decision in order to stay safe and thinking longterm.
As I'm still new to PE, my dick is not familiar with all the training, especially as I wanted to have a high intensity for the best newbie gains. But when it comes to injuries and injury prevention, this is the most important priority for me. Don't get me wrong, I didn't had any pain, but after using the Lengthmaster in the beginning for stretching and hanging my glans always gets red at the 1/2 top of it and around the pee-hole. It definitely is not lymph as it doesn't go away as fast as lymph and even after multiple hours of using creams and oils it's still red at the very top, dark red.
I've talked to some of the PE Vets and all say it's not a big deal, it happens in the beginning as my dick isn't used to the intensity.

I tried all kinds of wrapping and as I've written, it didn't hurt at all, even with 7.5lbs, it was even comfortable due to my wrapping. Ace + theraband, sometimes only theraband, it was comfortable. Put it on different places on my dick, right before the glans, 1/2 inch behind my glans, mid of my dick or at the base of my dick - my glans always becomes red after it. Sadly I couldn't make a great picture of it due to light and everything it's not much noticeable on the pictures and looks normal. But it's in a dark red and when hanging/stretching even some veins start to show up at the very top of my glans around the pee-hole, so it's a little blue too during exercise but the veins direclty disappear after taking the LM off.
So in my opinion it can really only be the pressure on the glans as everything else is 100% comfortable! I could even go up to 10lbs or hang 20min of 7.5lbs, but I just raised the time and weight slow, in order of injury prevention. I screw the LM very tight together, so that it doesn't slip out, that builds up the pressure. But if I do a less tight grip, it slips out of the bandage.
I'm only talking about the LM bundle chamber here, I will still use the LM as Power Assist for stretching (flex)

But as PE is a marathon and not a sprint, it won't be a problem. At first I was very annoyed but it's okay.I will give my dick the time to slowly accustom to the intensity and won't do any LM hanging or stretching (with bundle chamber) anymore for the time my dick needs to accustom to more and more intensity, approximately a few weeks and then my dick won't have problems anymore, but we'll see!

General News:
As I've told you now that I will stop using the LM for a few weeks, I will do some more manual stretching.
Maybe I will even stop using the air-pump in the beginning, but I'll have to see over the next few days how it goes.
Anyways, I'm more happy than I'm sad because of the Penimaster trick, this should really bump me up for a wearing time of 12-16h a day and I'm completely excited. On top of that, I even should be able to create a more intense stretch due to the 100% sealed vacuum.

Also I'm thinking about getting the weight hanging system of the LM today, so instead of LM hanging, I could use the Penimaster for some hanging throughout the day.
But I've changed my plan now from short & intense hanging to long and slight hanging :) btw. even the weight hanging system of PMP is 100% stealth, so I could use it all the time at home and I even think this will benefit my flaccid size more than the rod or belt system of them as the dick is hanging down due to the weight which is fixed to the chamber!

I can always increase the intensity, so there really is no rush, also preventing injuries and the best penile health is my priority number one as I keep planning PE for the longterm run ?
To all those people who helped me with that decision and told me their experiences and ideas via personal message, thanks a lot, I really appreciate it :)
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Day 7: (increasing extender time)
  • 10min manual stretching
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 5x5x2 Jelqing/Pumping (2.5hg) - 5min jelqs, 5min pumping, 5min jelqs, 5min pumping
  • 5min clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • 2x5min Bathmate (around 60-70% pressure at the end)
  • 14h wearing Penimaster belt system
  • 4h wearing Penimaster rod system

No LM stretching anymore for some time as I've written in my last post, only using it as Rope Assist.
No LM hanging more, but wait for tomorrow, I have some suprise to tell you about ?
I'm still not going 20min in Bathmate and still not max pressure as I've seen 2 days before that a little bit more pressure and some more time can already cause red dots on my dick.
Increasing the Extender time, now I've managed to do 18h in total. Maybe I can't do it everyday that long, but if I manage to be > 12-14h a day I would be very happy. I already try to wear it during sleep but after around 1-2h I always take if off during sleep LOL
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Day 8: (first day no extender)
  • 10min manual stretching
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 5x5x2 Jelqing/Pumping (2.5hg) - 5min jelqs, 5min pumping, 5min jelqs, 5min pumping
  • 5min clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • 2x5min Bathmate (around 60-70% pressure at the end)
  • no extender today

Alright, so I've done my manual training in the morning but then I was away the whole day and helped some friends moving from 7am on until now.
I've really thought about wearing my extender or a mummy but was happy that I haven't made this decision in the end (cwl)
I'm already feeling bad about it, but during high physical activity I really wouldn't recommend wearing any devices. Mummy also wouldn't have worked because of re-wrapping for which there just wouldn't have been any time.
Burnt more than 6.500kcal, walked more than 15miles (just in the house, stairs up, stairs down, load transporters, unload, stairs up, stairs down) and carried big heavy cartons and furniture without breaks (except driving from house 1 to house 2).
The very best was that both houses have multiple floors, so FML, I'm completely done for the day, can't even feel my body anymore except complete muscle soreness and will need a very good deep sleep later after using all kind of heating/cold gels & oils for my muscles now (xd)

But I have a great update in my next post which could change my 'passive' training by a lot (fire) I was already excited about it the whole week and maybe it's even 'MoS First' reporting on it.
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Update/Upgrade - First extender for all time hanging at home?

I told you about a cool update and upgrade I was really excited of, now it is here. It arrived today ?
As you all know I stopped hanging due to the LM bundle chamber creating to much pressure on my glans as my glans isn't accustomed to that intensity right now as a Newbie. Also I stopped usting the bundle chamber of the LM in general and I'm just using the LM as Rope Assist right now.

But as my thread title says and as I've stated in my first post in here, I really would love to increase my flaccid size. In my opinion 'hanging' plays a big role in that, because it pulls the flaccid dick down and stretches it downwards, exactly like a normal flaccid dick should be hanging.

And as I've mastered now to finally wear my Penimaster perfectly covered in a vacuum without any lymph after a few hours wearing it, I thought about getting their weight hanging system. Why? Simply because they have extremely small weights which made me curious if I could wear them in stealth mode always at home and maybe low weights also in public.

Some more reasons:
1) Now I'm owning their belt system, rod system and weight hanging system. Guess how long it takes to switch the systems once you have their glans chamber on? Only the time you need to put the glans chamber into the system :O That means I can switch from any system I'm wearing, to another one within seconds.

2) As I've stated here each different system has another big benefit.
Belt system: light stretching in multiple different directions, up, down, left side, right side and on on...
Rod system: stretching the outer penis
Hanging/Weight system: pulling out the inner penis and stretching the outer penis + most easy to get a stretch downwards + should be most comfortable because the weight is directly attached to the glans chamber, nothing else will have body contact with you (own modification)

3) As I'm often behind my desk during studying, I could wear it for a long time throughout the day.
a) The belt system is great, but doesn't allow very intense stretching, because it is attached to your body which is controlling the force of intensity. So if you're moving a little, the stretch intensity can lower and so on. So it's not accurate enough for me. It's great for walking around and having a light stretch for multiple hours while being 100% stealth.
b) The rod system is great for an accurate stretch as it's not able to change the intensity, but it's not possible wearing it during walking and in my opinion it's also not the best solution while sitting. I mean it works, but it's not 100% comfortable and also not great wearing it under the pants.
So in my opinion it's the best solution for laying on the couch/bed!
c) The weight hanging system has due to my modification no contact with my body and is only attached to the glans chamber of the Penimaster.
As their weights are very small, it can bear worn under the pants in stealthmode (without moving). So it will be perfect for wearing it behind a desk.
Accuracity is 100% and controllable as we exactly know how much weight we're having attached to the system.
It's the most easy system to increase/decrease the stretch intensity.
With the belt system you need to pull on the belt and glans chamber and position it again to increase/decrease the stretch during wearing it, but very often you need to take it off and put it on again.
With the rod expander it's accurate in terms of intensity, but we don't exactly know how much force we're using, only the length of the rod system. To increase/decrease you need to take it off and either increase/decrease the length of it.
Weight hanging system? Increase/decrease the stretch intensity while having it on - you just need to attach/detach the different weights which you can screw into another, takes only a few seconds. Accuracity is 100% and you exactly know the force you use, because it works with weights :)

So that is a little summary but if it really is that great I'll maybe start a seperate thread about it, explaining detailed about it all.

I first had been feared that the white rope cord is fixed to the top weight of the system, but they had been so smart to make the fixation of the first weight screwable! Heck yeah, so I don't have to cut the cord LOL Mount/unmount takes around 5-10 seconds!
As I'll just using it at home and don't wanna wear a shoulder belt, unmounted it and now it only is attached to my glans chamber.
In my opinion the cord doesn't help anyways for more stealth, because if you're in public and the weight falls down and the cord still holds it, how does it look having a swinging bulge around your knee and people see it in public? (cwl) Also looks fcking akward right? Maybe even more than if some weights falling out of your pants and you could easily say that your inner pocket must have a hole and that are some weights you're doing 'finger training' with (for example for climbing, grip strength or whatever).
For understanding what I mean: Like a biceps curl, but with every single finger, just google it. That will also sound strange to the most people who don't have any knowledge of fitness but way way less akwader than a swinging bulge from one to the other second appearing on your inner side of one legt around your knee region or even lower!

As I wanted to replace my hanging system with this one and they only have 2.75lbs (1.25kg) in their standart package, I've also ordered 4 times 1.1lbs (0.5kg) so my possible max weight is 7.15lbs (3.25kg).
Still doesn't sound much but my goal are long moderate hanging sessions instead of short and intense ones right now.
I'll also write a post about that in my Newbie Q&A today.

F26 bonus trick 1: wrap a sock around the cold weights, so if they come in contact with your leg, it's not a problem as you won't feel the cold weights anymore :)
F26 bonus trick 2: You don't need to wear the Coupling retainer when at home and sitting. If you're not moving fast, nothing will fall off. However, if you're having a very expensive marble floor... better use it.
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"Damn finger weights keep falling out of my pant leg. I suddenly must use the restroom. Excuse me, coworker..." ???

Don't forget to add that the already was a small hole in the pant pocket before, so this really makes sense (cwl) they still would look like 'W-T-F' but they will be quiet.
But if it makes *blop* and something starts swinging around your knee zone... (xd) that would be fcking awkward haha. What would be the excuse? Like 'oh sorry, I made a knot in my dick but it just opened itself. Alright see you, byebye' (cwl)
I'd be like, "I was in a very unfortunate accident, and my dick head was severed. I had state funded insurance, and so all they could do was attach a string to either end. Picture a cork gun."

Bro, you would get all the sympathy..
  • Haha
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Day 9: (first day Penimaster hanging)
  • 10min manual stretching
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 5x5x2 Jelqing/Pumping (2.5hg) - 5min jelqs, 5min pumping, 5min jelqs, 5min pumping
  • 5min clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • 3x3min Bathmate (around 70% pressure at the end)
  • Extender Hanging Sets: 30min 1.1lbs (500g), 30min 1.65lbs (750g), 30min 2.2lbs (1kg), 30min 2.75lbs (1.25kg), 30min 3.3lbs (1.5kg), 30min 3.85lbs (1.75kg), 15min 4.4lbs (2kg), 15min 4.96lbs (2.25kg), 15min 5.5lbs (2.5kg), 15min 6lbs (2.75kg), 15min 6.6lbs (3kg), 15min 7.16lbs (3.25kg)
  • 10h wearing Penimaster belt system
  • 2h wearing Penimaster rod system

First day with testing the new extender weight system I've posted yesterday about and well - I love it so far!
Goal for me currently is to keep my penis as long as I can in an extended hang/stretch. Today I've tested all weight levels I'm able to go with my pmp weight setup for 30min and guess what? Not a red glans! I'm really curious up to which weight I'll be able to hang with the pmp glans chamber without problems and I'm also excited for how long I'll be able to hang with the light weights.
My current plan is to try wearing the weight hanging system at home for as long as I can, especially behind my desk.
In the Bathmate I'm slowly increasing the pressure, but I've now switched to 3x3min instead of 2x5min intervals that I can check 1 time more if I'm getting red dots. Between the intervals I'm always massaging my penis for around 30 seconds and do some heli-shakes and all.
Beside that everything is working out great so far (like)
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Day 9: (first day Penimaster hanging)
  • 10min manual stretching
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 5x5x2 Jelqing/Pumping (2.5hg) - 5min jelqs, 5min pumping, 5min jelqs, 5min pumping
  • 5min clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • 3x3min Bathmate (around 70% pressure at the end)
  • Extender Hanging Sets: 30min 1.1lbs (500g), 30min 1.65lbs (750g), 30min 2.2lbs (1kg), 30min 2.75lbs (1.25kg), 30min 3.3lbs (1.5kg), 30min 3.85lbs (1.75kg), 15min 4.4lbs (2kg), 15min 4.96lbs (2.25kg), 15min 5.5lbs (2.5kg), 15min 6lbs (2.75kg), 15min 6.6lbs (3kg), 15min 7.16lbs (3.25kg)
  • 10h wearing Penimaster belt system
  • 2h wearing Penimaster rod system

First day with testing the new extender weight system I've posted yesterday about and well - I love it so far!
Goal for me currently is to keep my penis as long as I can in an extended hang/stretch. Today I've tested all weight levels I'm able to go with my pmp weight setup for 30min and guess what? Not a red glans! I'm really curious up to which weight I'll be able to hang with the pmp glans chamber without problems and I'm also excited for how long I'll be able to hang with the light weights.
My current plan is to try wearing the weight hanging system at home for as long as I can, especially behind my desk.
In the Bathmate I'm slowly increasing the pressure, but I've now switched to 3x3min instead of 2x5min intervals that I can check 1 time more if I'm getting red dots. Between the intervals I'm always massaging my penis for around 30 seconds and do some heli-shakes and all.
Beside that everything is working out great so far (like)

Awesome update my brother, thank you!
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Day 10:
  • 10min manual stretching
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 3x3x3 Jelqing/Pumping (2.5hg) - 3min jelqs, 3min pumping, 3min jelqs, 3min pumping, 3min jelqs, 3min pumping
  • 5min clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • 3x3min Bathmate (around 70% pressure at the end)
  • Penimaster weight system: 60min 1.1lbs (500g), 60min 1.65lbs (750g), 60min 2.2lbs (1kg), 60min 2.75lbs (1.25kg)
  • 12h wearing Penimaster belt system
  • 3h wearing Penimaster rod system
I've changed from 5x5x2 Jelqing/Pumping to 3x3x3. In that way I have more control preventing red dots on my dick and also I can make sure that I'm focusing more on keeping up my 'EQ' than on actual girth work, which I don't want currently. As I've said multiple times before, there's always time to increase intensity and time, so I'm starting slowly with less intensity and can work my way up over time.

I'm still adapting to the penimaster weight system and working my way slowly up with time and intensity but I really love it so far. To increase the intensity I just need to screw another weight plate on the weights which are hanging on the glans chamber, takes around 5 seconds ?
I'm still figuring around with which weight I should start wearing multiple hours later. Right now I'm testing how my glans is reacting to the Penimaster vacuum while hanging weights, but so far it's perfect. No injuries, no swelling & no lymph.
Also I'm thinking of a mixed workout routine, so maybe i'll do some days with a constant hanging weight and others I'll increase the weight every 30-60min or every 2 hours to get the maximum tissue stretch.
After using the weight system I'm directly using the belt system to keep my tissue in a slight stretch.

Another big happy moment was that I had been wearing the Penimaster rod system 3h during sleep. I haven't detached it while sleeping and woke up because I got an erection and then detached it while being awake LOL If that would happen constantly I could do 2-3h sleep, wake up, re-configure the rod system and go back to sleep for another 2-3h. But that are some goals for the future, right now I'm mostly focusing on getting my daily extender time and manual training.

To keep myself in a balanced life I try to use the passive tools as much as I can to be the most productive I can. So while wearing the Penimaster I can do my everyday things. Bathmate beside showering and brushing my teeth. If I can push in 30min of daily manual work then, I'd be more than happy. But if I won't be able, hey, I still would have 12-16h in the extender and a few mins of Bathmate. I think that also should give some little gains, so at least I won't do nothing and if the extender alone could push my BPFSL around 0.5" (1.27cm) in 1 month, I could do 2-3 months wearing the extender only and then 2-3 months pumping/girth work to bring my BPEL level to the BPFSL 8-)
But as often said, I don't know the possible results with wearing an extender around 12-16h a day and sadly haven't found any threads from people about it, so we have to see what future brings. Anyways if something like that would work, it would be sick and make me happy by a lot!
Because before I'd throw in 1-3h of manual stretching I always prefer to wear something passive for multiple hours, but I still would be able to execute my everyday tasks.
Extra incredible update! There’s so many threads going on right now that you bring so much knowledge to the brotherhood. You guys are making me very very proud! But proud for myself the proud for the brotherhood that we all belong to.
  • Love
Reactions: F26
Day 11:
  • 10min manual stretching
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 3x3x3 Jelqing/Pumping (2.5hg) - 3min jelqs, 3min pumping, 3min jelqs, 3min pumping, 3min jelqs, 3min pumping
  • 5min clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • 3x3min Bathmate (around 70% pressure at the end)
  • Penimaster weight system: 120min 0.55lbs (250g), 120min 1.1lbs (500g), 120min 1.65lbs (750g)
  • 8h wearing Penimaster belt system
  • 3h wearing Penimaster rod system
Got some little red dots using the Bathmate. I'm just doing 3x3min with slow increasing pressure and doing it since around 2 weeks and got red dots! So again to all newbies: Keep care with the Bathmate as you can't see how much pressure you're actually using.
With air-pumps you can control it, you see the pressure and you can directly see your dick inside the cylinder. With the BM it's different, you don't see the pressure and if you're having a colored bathmate you don't see the skin so good. Maybe better go for a crystal clear color but even then as it's filled with water and does appear different in the BM, better check more often, low pressure, slowly increasing and short time intervals in the beginning.
Loving this routine and I can’t help to notice that you’ve implemented so much methodology from SRT. I might even consider putting this routine into the SRT routine section. Very impressive.
Day 12: (changes to focus on BPFSL)
  • 10min manual stretching
  • 10min LM (as Rope Assist)
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 5min clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • Erect Stretches
  • Penimaster weight system: 120min 1.1lbs (500g), 120min 1.65lbs (750g), 120min 2.2lbs (1kg)
  • 10h wearing Penimaster belt system
  • 2h wearing Penimaster rod system

As I've stated here I'll do one thing after another now as I'm feeling much more 'free' with doing it in that way. I've read about the TGC theory and my main focus is currently gaining BPFSL.
The only 2 things which I'm doing beside flaccid stretching is some clamping during edging and erect stretches, in that way I should 'convert' BPFSL gains to BPEL gains.
I've done it again and slept around 3h with the Penimaster, this time with the belt system. I'm also in the opinion that sleeping with the belt system is easier compared to the rod system as it's more comfortable if you're turning during sleep. The only problem with the belt system is, that it could decrease the intensity a lot or even put it to zero stretching if you're turning your body. But still, it's more comfortable than the rod system because you don't have somethingin contact at your base and it doesn't 'hurt' if you get an erection. As the goal is to keep my dick only in a slight stretch over night, it seems to be the best system for me, if the intensity goes to zero because of me turning during sleep - man, I can't control everything, it is what it is.

Some other big news are that after my first few months I'll switch over to the routine of @kyrpa and @longstretch as it fully makes sense to me based on logical thinking and also my past written 'theories' & thoughts. Also the past results of @kyrpa and others exactly using this 'system' are extraordinary. Maybe I will mix it up a little bit, but US device + BPFSL system + phases will definitely be in there.
I can't tell you exactly how I will proceed my training but as more as I'm reading, the more everything makes sense to me and the more knowledge and understand I have, the more I can find my own workout routine which fits me the best.
And right now everything starts to make more and more sense, so I've changed my training based of my current knowledge in order to gain maximum BPFSL. I won't have a particular workout routine, I will more have different phases.
1) Focus on BPFSL until stagnation
2) Girth work to 'convert' BPFSL -> BPEL
3) Decond. Break and then 1) or directly 1)
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Day 13: (be lazy - maybe easier and more total gains over time)
  • 10min manual stretching
  • 10min LM (as Rope Assist)
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 5min clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • Erect Stretches
  • 14h wearing Penimaster belt system
  • 2h wearing Penimaster rod system
As I've stated yesterday, my new goal is to gain the most while doing the least. Also I don't want to go 'all-in' directly as it can build up a resistance and I'd get good newbie gains but then mostly would be trapped in a plateau and would need a decondition break or even more intensity.
So I'm starting with less intensity in my first 3 months now and later I'll always be able to increase it easily.
The only exercise I'm using some force is th when I use the LM as Rope Assist.

  • wake up
  • manual stretching
  • LM Rope Assist stretching
  • Testicle Health Massage
  • directly in the Penimaster belt system until evening (light intensity)
  • 1-3h Penimaster rod system (moderate intensity)
  • clamping, edging, erect stretches
  • if I'm in the mood, I'll be wearing the Penimaster belt system at night until I wake up the first time (usually around 2h after falling asleep)
While I call it 'lazy' you always have to think of that my dick is around 14-18h in a passive light stretch in my extender.
With lazy I mean more that with this way I'm in the opinion that I can gain something without putting lots of time into PE and without using much intensity. I'll only change the intensity when I won't see any gains.

Honestly this wasn't an easy decision for me as you can see from the days before.
I'd love to use all my devices and do more intense work, but it seems logically to me that it's better to just increase the intensity when the current workout routine and it's itensity doesn't bring gains anymore.
It's not a competition who can hang the most, who can work his dick with the most jelqing intensity or who can pump his dick with the most pressure, it's a journey in which we should be smart and listen to our body and it's reaction.
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Day 14:
  • 10min manual stretching
  • 10min LM (as Rope Assist)
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 5min clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • Erect Stretches
  • 11h wearing Penimaster belt system
  • 3h wearing Penimaster rod system
Day 15:
  • 10min manual stretching
  • 10min LM (as Rope Assist)
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 5min clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • Erect Stretches
  • started learning kegels and reverse kegels
  • 14h wearing Penimaster belt system
  • 2h wearing Penimaster rod system

Today was a busy day, learning a lot about the anatomy of penis muscles and started a thread about it:
Now from day to day I'll try to improve my muscle feelings in the pelvic floor and will try to isolate the 3 different muscles while also learning kegels and reverse kegels.
Beside that I did my normal training routine.
What rope assist exercises are you doing my brother?
What rope assist exercises are you doing my brother?

My routine:
manual stretching:
  • half-bundled / bundled 3-5min slowly increasing intensity
  • up
  • left
  • right
  • down
  • behind the cheeks
LM Rope Assist stretching:
  • half-bundled / bundled A-Stretches (started to implement them 2 days ago)
  • A-Stretches in all directions, starting with less intensity and increasing over time
  • tunica fulcrum stretches

Then I'm doing testicle health massage in combination with tunica blasters and directly go in the extender afterwards.
Clamping, edging and erect stretches happen in the late evening before sleep. If I can, I'll also go back in the extender after it.
Kegels and reverse Kegels I'm learning throughout the day.

I really try to keep it simple as I'm planning to do it for 2-3 years and my goal is to increase intensity every few months, but especially if I don't see gains.
I've come to a thinking like that because I imagine it like a race, where the #1st place with least fuel waste wins.
Why should I blow-out more than needed in the beginning if I'm already at #1st place? #1st place for me is gains.
I compare a plateau with somebody passing me, because I got no gains, then it's time for more speed (intensity).

I hope it makes a little bit sense to you all, but once I had this in imagination it really clicked. There's really no need for me to invest 2-3h a day and stressing myself out if I'm doing it for the 2-3 years run. There's always room for more intensity and time-investment but there's actually no need to throw that out in the beginning if I could benefit of 'Newbie-Gains'.
Right now I actually have a good feeling, my flaccid dick seems to be a very little bit longer, but I 100% know it's from temp gains. 12-16h wearing penimaster extender a day is a lot.

I don't do breaks. That's the great thing. The only break my dick has is during sleep. With that I want to keep it as long as I can in an extended state. My goal is to do that 24h/day but that's right now still impossible as I can't wear it through my whole sleep. I'm happy where I am know, wearing it around 1-3h during my first sleep cycle until I take it off. Maybe I can condition myself to put my alarm every 2-3h during sleep, take it off, massaging it, putting it back into the extender.

I also know why I wake up, it's because I'm getting erections during sleep. Penimaster belt extender works here much better than the rod extender.
I'll looking forward that I can condition myself in the next 1-3 months wearing that thing around 20-22h a day.
2h-4h less than 24h because of sports, showering, manual training and things like that.

My goal would be to gain 1" BPFSL in my first 3 months. I don't really care about BPEL anymore, as BPFSL gains show me that I gained and I just need to 'convert' it to BPEL with more focus on girth work (Jelqing, erect stretches, pumping, BM, clamping,...).
So my only current focus is BPFSL gains.
As soon as I'll see my BPFSL gains stagnating I'll focus on girth work (while still wearing extender for as long as I can), but here my BPFSL should be around 1"-1.5" longer than BPEL.
As soon as my BPFSL is only around 0.5" longer than my BPEL, I'll switch back to 100% length work.
If I don't gain BPFSL anymore before my BPFSL is around 1"+ than my BPEL, I'll start increasing the intensity.

The first stage is 3 months. I don't measure anything here, just to don't stress me out and I'll need to push BPFSL as right now in my starting measurement BPFSL and BPEL was equal. From there on I never want that BPFSL and BPEL are never equal again and BPFSL > BPEL always..

In my future I'll build me an own stretching mod. and would love to measure BPFSL before and after each training session, note that down in my own excel sheet and then build an individual BPFSL routine.
Goal will be to push each session BPFSL to the maximum, then keeping it extended in my ADS.
Next session would be to have my post-workout BPFSL longer than the session before. Here I really would need to dig into some stuff to get always an accurate measurement, but would love to do so.
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Day 16:
  • 10min manual stretching
  • 10min LM (as Rope Assist)
  • Testicle Health Massage (2x 50 reps)
  • 5min clamping with silicone cable tie and edging
  • Erect Stretches
  • learning kegels and reverse kegels throughout the day
  • 16h wearing Penimaster belt system
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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