Donations, again important!


Double Long Daddy, The Guru
Staff member
Super Moderator
As many have noticed we have not needed or asked for donations over the past 6 months. This is largely due to the merchant account that handles our payments on the members site. The purchase of goods and services keeps our site healthy and allows for us to stay on line.

Currently we aree facing another issue similar to that of last year, if any remember. We have a merchant account that has collected 3 months worth of money and has now gone belly up leaving us, of course, beyond broke. As many know, I hate begging or asking for financial help but if you have wanted to donate to [words=]MOS[/words], this is the time. DO NOT USE THE DONATE NOW BUTTON! The only way your donations will be useful is through PAYPAL. My paypal address is [email protected], any help will be unbelievably appreciated. Our only goal is to stay online and continue our plight to educated and support the men who are in need of our services.

I will give the appropriate status to those that donate. If you can't donate, do not feel bad...this is only for those who can. You know I have never asked unless I needed.

Support [words=]MOS[/words] as it has always supported you.

Mike (DLD)

Payments for donation should be sent to: [email protected]

Yo man. You know I am always around for you. PM/Email me and let me know you got the hit---

Hey guys---we need to continue our support here and keep [words=]MOS[/words] up and running. Let's all do what we can if we can. Even 5-10 here and there goes along way. I know it takes a while to straighten this shit out sometimes.

koooky said:

Yo man. You know I am always around for you. PM/Email me and let me know you got the hit---

Hey guys---we need to continue our support here and keep [words=]MOS[/words] up and running. Let's all do what we can if we can. Even 5-10 here and there goes along way. I know it takes a while to straighten this shit out sometimes.


Thanks Kook, and you know how hard this is for me to do. The internet is so slimy, so fucking scummy....I can't believe that there are companies out there that only care about ripping someone off and moving on....don't they know it will come back to them? This is just another hump in our mission and we will overcome. You have always been there and I hope others will follow your example.

A couple months ago, I donated, but I used the DONATE NOW button...are you saying none of this money went to [words=]MoS[/words]? Cuz that would really piss me off...
Many reputable merchant accounts will deposit the money they collect directly into your bank account as soon as they receive it (minus a service fee). Stay away from the ones that want to hold your money for you.
You guys are awesome! I get so scared when these things happen and the only way I know how to deal with it is asking you for your help! I am not even gonna keep a tally, I know you will support me until this is fixed, you always have. Goldmember, your donation was received and was long before this problem happened.

I live such a minimal life that I could not even understand how I would do it without the support of my friends when this type of sick, money-driven happens, I HATE IT! We are so small, it is not allot of money, just enough to keep things going and to allow me to live comfortable in my next to pathetic life. I wish I could work a normal job but I know I have to be here. I feel so guilty when you guys give me money, like I am a pan handler. I HATE IT! I hate asking, I hate worrying, I hate the the wave of judgement that proceeds this. They love it when I am desperate.

Thank you friends who have helped, it is so touching and I promise it will only be used to keep us going and feed me...I promise.
Python said:
Many reputable merchant accounts will deposit the money they collect directly into your bank account as soon as they receive it (minus a service fee). Stay away from the ones that want to hold your money for you.

As an on-line merchant myself I can tell you that you are 100% wrong and especially when you have a membership site like this one.

I do know that cant permanently hold your money also DLD.. If they are telling you they can send me an email or PM because I had a similar problem and I know the law now.

Don't worry DLD I don't compete with you. LOL I sell goods not memberships. I know many people with on-line business though.
floridabob said:
As an on-line merchant myself I can tell you that you are 100% wrong and especially when you have a membership site like this one.

I do know that cant permanently hold your money also DLD.. If they are telling you they can send me an email or PM because I had a similar problem and I know the law now.

Don't worry DLD I don't compete with you. LOL I sell goods not memberships. I know many people with on-line business though.

It is basic...We have a 3 week delay in pay and our merchant has gone belly up...Are you telling me that this is not the reality?
floridabob said:
As an on-line merchant myself I can tell you that you are 100% wrong and especially when you have a membership site like this one.
The merchant account that I use batches the transactions daily and initiates an EFT deposit the next business day. So these types of accounts do exist if you look for them. The only catch is that they may have higher transaction fees or monthly fees than the accounts that hold on to your money for several weeks.
imma hit u up when i get my paycheck. dld is the only random online dude i'd ever give money to. if u dont understand why then jus read the forums bitches.

also i earn my living online so i understand the hustle and the frustration wit dealing with these companies based out of god knows where that u got no control over when they fuck wit u. it's very real and very shitty for us. motivates me to hustle even harder tho.

fuck the haters
i got nothin but lots of steel love for u :biggun:
Python said:
The merchant account that I use batches the transactions daily and initiates an EFT deposit the next business day. So these types of accounts do exist if you look for them. The only catch is that they may have higher transaction fees or monthly fees than the accounts that hold on to your money for several weeks.

So does mine but I sell goods. Your rates depend on the amount you process. I pay 1.95% and no authorization fees and I get my fees returned for credits. I also only have a $10.00 CB fee. I also process well over 7 figures a year. It's next to imposable to get an account like that for a membership site like this one or any of the many stock trading membership sites.

Your RESELLER went belly up not the bank (Even if the bank went belly up they would be FDIC insured). There are very few banks who can actually process credit cards. Most just resell the accounts to another bank and take a % of the fees for themselves. I deal directly with first data but the other big on-line one is verisigne (SP). You need to find out the actual bank that was handling your account. I promise they still have your money. If they don't have your money your reseller would have committed a crime and would face federal charges.
floridabob said:
So does mine but I sell goods. Your rates depend on the amount you process. I pay 1.95% and no authorization fees and I get my fees returned for credits. I also only have a $10.00 CB fee. I also process well over 7 figures a year. It's next to imposable to get an account like that for a membership site like this one or any of the many stock trading membership sites.

Your RESELLER went belly up not the bank (Even if the bank went belly up they would be FDIC insured). There are very few banks who can actually process credit cards. Most just resell the accounts to another bank and take a % of the fees for themselves. I deal directly with first data but the other big on-line one is verisigne (SP). You need to find out the actual bank that was handling your account. I promise they still have your money. If they don't have your money your reseller would have committed a crime and would face federal charges.

This is the 2nd time this has happened to us. Last time we did eventually get some of the money owed to us but it was a long (8 month) process. During that time the only funds I had coming in was donations and the paypals I received. It was VERY HARD. At this point I am going with one of the commercial places as I can't be fucked up like this anymore. CCBill or the equivalent will have to be our choice. I would love your advice but we are no where near those types of numbers, our sales are modest at best. I am currently broke, aside from the donations recently, and I can't have this be another 8 month process.

When I ran membership sites I also used CCBill. They have great service but they are pricey. It's to damn bad you cant so some kind of run around like all the sites selling OEM software do. Make them buy something tangible that is small like a box of condoms that you mail to them and give them a free membership when they buy the condoms.

You would have to screw around with shipping all the condoms but at least you could say you selling something and you would have a tracking number in-case someone tried to get funny. I have never tried this approach but it may work. At least that way you could get a merchant account through someone like first data or chase at the top level and get your money the next day with no holds and low rates.

I had something just like what happened to you happen to me back in the beginning and it damn near put me out of business so I know exactly what's happening here. It sucks to know the banks have you by the balls the way they do.

I'm sending you a PM as soon as I post this.
floridabob said:

When I ran membership sites I also used CCBill. They have great service but they are pricey. It's to damn bad you cant so some kind of run around like all the sites selling OEM software do. Make them buy something tangible that is small like a box of condoms that you mail to them and give them a free membership when they buy the condoms.

You would have to screw around with shipping all the condoms but at least you could say you selling something and you would have a tracking number in-case someone tried to get funny. I have never tried this approach but it may work. At least that way you could get a merchant account through someone like first data or chase at the top level and get your money the next day with no holds and low rates.

I had something just like what happened to you happen to me back in the beginning and it damn near put me out of business so I know exactly what's happening here. It sucks to know the banks have you by the balls the way they do.

I'm sending you a PM as soon as I post this.

Excellent idea! I will talk to JAZ about this, incredible thinking!
FUCK. I haven't donated in a long ass while. Been taking it all for granted. I think I'll have to give a little something. I ain't got much man, but hey I look back and realize this site has helped me stay motivated.

EDIT: SHIT. Make that donate in about a week when I get some money in my paypal again. lol. I SWEAR I WILL.