This poem is based on the fact, to not be promiscuous yourself, and be selective with women.
I feel the energy of a promiscuous woman. A promiscuous woman are impulsive, they say things they do not keep their promises on, they do not remember what you said to her, she do not remember what she herself said to you. You get a feeling she has many penises in her life. She is never there emotionally. She is there physically but not really there.
You feel the energy barrier between you two. She keep emotional distance to you. She thinks you are going to fuck her on your first date. You feel she isn't there for you, only what you can get her. She wants new and expensive things. She can't be happy with you driving a "beater car" (old car that works extremely well). You feel suffocated by her. You do things for her, but she isn't appreciative of that. She drains your life energy. She make you feel worthless, and used.
A promiscuous woman can never catch me...but they try to. They try to come close to me (all the time), but I do not let them.
I disappear as the wind before they even know it, and I will never be seen again. If they see me again (at a distance)...they can never catch me... and the cycle repeats itself. If they sleep around, they have no value to me.
I'm waiting for a real woman...a woman that I can build a family with. She can cock food, clean the house, we help each other to make our lives together the best life we can have. Life is not settle for something you do not want. If the woman are bitching around...just leave her in the dust, you are worth better then that. You deserve to be treated with respect and feel loved. Your life should become better with a woman, not more stressful.