Depression sucks! I’ve been feeling a little depressed lately on and off. I keep thinking about women and how life is short. So many missed chances.
Part of me keeps reminding myself I need to go out there and find a wife. I have opportunities but I need to focus on stretching my wee wee

This also could be excuse to. I guess I need to work around it. And stop making excuses. I don’t know how I would do both.
Focus on yourself for now are my suggestion.
One more year (or just 6 months) and you will have a really big penis. After that you can focus on other things in life more. But to chase things, because you think you need that from a place of lacking something (you believe this) is not what I recommend.
For example 1 year of penis enlargement have changed me forever, not just physically, but also in a fundamental way in, who I am as a person. This brotherhood have been so good to me.
We often get trapped in the notion that at this age I need to do this and that, or need to have accomplished that.
You look at people that are "more successful" then you, and then start to compare yourself to them. Not good. For example, he have a wife but I have not.
This is why social media is so dangerous for the mind, without knowing it you are subconsciously comparing your "boring" life to someone else's. But you are only seeing what they want you to see. All this is a mind trap.
Most people are not open books, you only see the surface, or a warped version of who they really are. Remember that you are shaping your own reality.
For example, maybe they (people you are comparing yourself to) have a successful business and earns a lot of money, but their health is not good. So what are you then comparing yourself to? Do you want to sacrifice your health for money (this is only an example). This paradigm are not always true.
I think about it like this. I have my own journey, and to compare myself to other people, or believing that you are missing out on situations are not good for you. What are you even missing out on? You don't really know that. We need to be content in ourselves, to be the best version of ourselves. I believe this is the same as to love ourselves fully, and accept everything we are.
What if this is true? (it's true)
You are already perfect as you are, and you have everything inside of you, to live your best life. Other people should not impact how you feel about yourself and your life.
I always say this: - If you can sit on a rock naked in the forest, and feel content with yourself you have made it, then you are successful.
Let it take time! You will get there in time.
Also how you view yourself is not how others will see you. "
The reality is in the eye of the beholder".
When you are fully you, and you embrace yourself fully as you are...the right people will come into your life.
Also think this: Past nor future do not exist only this present moment. It's called present moment for a reason. Life is the best gift we have. Don't think of what you don't have, think about what you have and progress from there.
Always increase the intensity in a progressive way. Optimally to the max intensity.
But you need to start somewhere, and somewhere is this present moment.
Take care.