Damaged kegel muscles


New member
I somehow damaged my penis and need help fixing it.
My penis mind conection was always top notch and I had perfect erection quality, while having sex I had no problem ejaculate and just keep going immediatly. Normally I could just start doing kegels and I would make myself erect in a minute.
Nowadays I cant really squeeze kegels as I used to and I dont feel it all the way to glans, Its better when Im erect. Whole erection quality decreased and it influence my sexual life. I cant control myself as I used zo, cant keep going and orgasm strenght is much weaker.

How I injured myself? I dont know certainly but will tell my story
I was doing PE for over 5 years but kind of unconsistent. I manly used bathmate as I wanted girth, also manual exercises jelqing stretching clamping. I went pretty hard at times. At start of 2023 I bought phallosan and I went very aggresive as I was experienced, after few overnight usage i started hanging weights(cca 3-5kg) and grabing it with full force etc, theres one incident which maybe could be the culprit of the problem. I used to clip the phallo to wall and just walk backwards and keep it at max stretch for few minutes. One time the bell fall out(pretty usual with phallo, thats why you must use extra elastic bands to keep it tight) and it slipped out. I didnt feel some extra pain but maybe this constant pressure suddenly interrupted could do something? So after cca 5 months(I could do like 30-50 sessions?) the symptoms i described just came. I stopped all PE and just thought I need rest but after more than year the kegels and everything just different and weaker.

Does anybody know what I did to myself? And how I can cure it and get back to normal.

Thank you very much for every response
if you find out let me know. i also cannot kegel anymore for 15 months. only time i can is if it is already hard from sleeping. i cant even really feel anything during the day, let alone get a kegel to do anything period. what other symptoms do you have?do you ever feel pain inside while kegeling? i do
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Welcome to the brotherhood brother. Sorry to hear tragedy befell upon you.

As a disclaimer, we are not paid professionals in medical fields. We leave the best professional judgements and excecutions to them. However, we are here to provide you sound advices and consultation to the best that we can without judgment. We are here to help one another.

I somehow damaged my penis and need help fixing it.
My penis mind conection was always top notch and I had perfect erection quality, while having sex I had no problem ejaculate and just keep going immediatly. Normally I could just start doing kegels and I would make myself erect in a minute.
Nowadays I cant really squeeze kegels as I used to and I dont feel it all the way to glans, Its better when Im erect. Whole erection quality decreased and it influence my sexual life. I cant control myself as I used zo, cant keep going and orgasm strenght is much weaker.

How I injured myself? I dont know certainly but will tell my story
I was doing PE for over 5 years but kind of unconsistent. I manly used bathmate as I wanted girth, also manual exercises jelqing stretching clamping.
Okay, let's break things down at this point. Why, we need more info.

When you use the Bathmate, which model? At the same time, how hard did you pump? Be detail as much as possible. It can be that you pump with just the baffle gaiter unit and pushing and letting the water out until it can't be pumped any more around 10 times, or you use a hand pump or an aftermarket pump designed for the unit and pump until you can't pump any further due to the pain.

On top of that, how long of a pump session under pressure? Time is essential on top of the negative pressure.

Clamping: what clamping device are you using? How long each clamp How hard each clamping session? With or without full blood volume in the penis?

I went pretty hard at times. At start of 2023 I bought phallosan and I went very aggresive as I was experienced, after few overnight usage i started hanging weights(cca 3-5kg) and grabing it with full force etc, theres one incident which maybe could be the culprit of the problem. I used to clip the phallo to wall and just walk backwards and keep it at max stretch for few minutes. One time the bell fall out(pretty usual with phallo, thats why you must use extra elastic bands to keep it tight) and it slipped out.
Just for info to our brothers, this already exceed 40lbs (~19kg) of pure traction force. Way above the safety level at any given point even for veteran hangers.

I didnt feel some extra pain but maybe this constant pressure suddenly interrupted could do something?
No. It's not due to the interrupted pressure but because of the constant traction force exceeding the micro traumas and entering into major traumas. Imagine if you will, your arm is being pulled by 2 kids and suddenly swapped out by two massive bodybuilders.

So after cca 5 months(I could do like 30-50 sessions?) the symptoms i described just came.
This is long term acute major traumas for that many sessions.

I stopped all PE and just thought I need rest but after more than year the kegels and everything just different and weaker.

Does anybody know what I did to myself? And how I can cure it and get back to normal.
Yes. This is a common case of over exertions on multiple areas, including blood vessels, nerves, penile tissues, ligamental tears, muscle damages, venous leakage, pelvic floor overstressing due too many kegels, and I pray that you don't have deep vein thrombosis and blood vessel scarring below the penile ligaments.

This is the, "Allow rest, proper maintenance, and allow time for things to heal." I'll break it down.

Rest allows the ligaments and supporting muscle tissues to reset. This normally takes between 2 to 3 months, and worst case scenario, 12 months. This is the least of your worries.

For nerves and blood vessels (the dorsal branches), they commonly rebounce back very quickly, anywhere betwen a few days for micro traumas, and average around 12 weeks for major traumas. This include surgeries. However, constant major traumas is a different story. It's like tearing the nerves and tissues into shreaded cheeses every day, and expect them to heal back properly. This is the unpredictable factor. This is where warm oil massages play a very critical role in getting the blood flowing into the penis constantly to promote healing. Forget kegel. Perform reverse kegel to promote blood flow. Reverse kegel does not strain the penis but it helps to collect the blood at the pelvic region to push for better blood flow. If you have not use red light therapy, but invest in a good unit, such as MOS Red or something of equivalent or better to push for deep tissue cellular support. Research on this.

Venous leakage is caused by clamping, or too high of a pressure buildup in the penis for too long of a period. It causes the blood vessels' nodes that keep the blood flowing one way and pried it wide open to allow blood to flow both direction. Essentially, you have no stopping valves to prevent the blood from staying in the penis. This is where the massages play the game. Massage is not jelqing, but it helps to restructure the valves reset to the proper direction again as the blood vessels shrink back over time.

Until we get more info, I'll stop here for now.
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Welcome to the brotherhood brother. Sorry to hear tragedy befell upon you.

As a disclaimer, we are not paid professionals in medical fields. We leave the best professional judgements and excecutions to them. However, we are here to provide you sound advices and consultation to the best that we can without judgment. We are here to help one another.

Okay, let's break things down at this point. Why, we need more info.

When you use the Bathmate, which model? At the same time, how hard did you pump? Be detail as much as possible. It can be that you pump with just the baffle gaiter unit and pushing and letting the water out until it can't be pumped any more around 10 times, or you use a hand pump or an aftermarket pump designed for the unit and pump until you can't pump any further due to the pain.

On top of that, how long of a pump session under pressure? Time is essential on top of the negative pressure.

Clamping: what clamping device are you using? How long each clamp How hard each clamping session? With or without full blood volume in the penis?

Just for info to our brothers, this already exceed 40lbs (~19kg) of pure traction force. Way above the safety level at any given point even for veteran hangers.

No. It's not due to the interrupted pressure but because of the constant traction force exceeding the micro traumas and entering into major traumas. Imagine if you will, your arm is being pulled by 2 kids and suddenly swapped out by two massive bodybuilders.

This is long term acute major traumas for that many sessions.

Yes. This is a common case of over exertions on multiple areas, including blood vessels, nerves, penile tissues, ligamental tears, muscle damages, venous leakage, pelvic floor overstressing due too many kegels, and I pray that you don't have deep vein thrombosis and blood vessel scarring below the penile ligaments.

This is the, "Allow rest, proper maintenance, and allow time for things to heal." I'll break it down.

Rest allows the ligaments and supporting muscle tissues to reset. This normally takes between 2 to 3 months, and worst case scenario, 12 months. This is the least of your worries.

For nerves and blood vessels (the dorsal branches), they commonly rebounce back very quickly, anywhere betwen a few days for micro traumas, and average around 12 weeks for major traumas. This include surgeries. However, constant major traumas is a different story. It's like tearing the nerves and tissues into shreaded cheeses every day, and expect them to heal back properly. This is the unpredictable factor. This is where warm oil massages play a very critical role in getting the blood flowing into the penis constantly to promote healing. Forget kegel. Perform reverse kegel to promote blood flow. Reverse kegel does not strain the penis but it helps to collect the blood at the pelvic region to push for better blood flow. If you have not use red light therapy, but invest in a good unit, such as MOS Red or something of equivalent or better to push for deep tissue cellular support. Research on this.

Venous leakage is caused by clamping, or too high of a pressure buildup in the penis for too long of a period. It causes the blood vessels' nodes that keep the blood flowing one way and pried it wide open to allow blood to flow both direction. Essentially, you have no stopping valves to prevent the blood from staying in the penis. This is where the massages play the game. Massage is not jelqing, but it helps to restructure the valves reset to the proper direction again as the blood vessels shrink back over time.

Until we get more info, I'll stop here for now.
Thank you for detailed response I will answer as I can remember
Okay, let's break things down at this point. Why, we need more info.

When you use the Bathmate, which model? At the same time, how hard did you pump? Be detail as much as possible. It can be that you pump with just the baffle gaiter unit and pushing and letting the water out until it can't be pumped any more around 10 times, or you use a hand pump or an aftermarket pump designed for the unit and pump until you can't pump any further due to the pain.

On top of that, how long of a pump session under pressure? Time is essential on top of the negative pressure.
I bought original Bathmate x30 at 2015, started using it and slowly build up, to max pressure i could pump with my hands while fully erect, 2016 i was abroad and didnt do any PE, 2017 I started again and get to max pressure again, I also always use the band from condoms to trap glans for extra pressure while in bathmate, normally I would start with little bit stretching(I was never big on stretching as I was after girth and also I would get hard quick so for full stretch session I would had to be fatigued) than put in Bathmate for about 8-12m(most of time watching pr or stimulating myself for max erection) than jelq little bit, massage, clamp with hand etc 2020 I bought Bathmate x40 extreme as I outgrown x30 and could use more pressure, with it over time I went pretty aggro as well to almost max pressure. I must had to do hunderds of sessions like 300-500.
Clamping: what clamping device are you using? How long each clamp How hard each clamping session? With or without full blood volume in the penis?
I used the top of condoms for everything, usually i used it for few minutes while edging, but I even did few sessions when I put it on and went outside for few hours.
Just for info to our brothers, this already exceed 40lbs (~19kg) of pure traction force. Way above the safety level at any given point even for veteran hangers.
Yeah, as I said few times I went very aggro a lot of times, because of how strong errection and the mind penis connection was. I was even lifting the weights with kegels and never thought something could go south without me recognizing(stupid:( ).
I did get few scratches, sometimes little pink spots and some discoloration, I took breaks when this happend and used hydrocortison and apple vinegar to help it. I also did get discoloration in glans which I found strange, it would get little bit whiter from downside. But after years of abuse I didnt notice any problems till the phallosan.
No. It's not due to the interrupted pressure but because of the constant traction force exceeding the micro traumas and entering into major traumas. Imagine if you will, your arm is being pulled by 2 kids and suddenly swapped out by two massive bodybuilders.

This is long term acute major traumas for that many sessions.

Yes. This is a common case of over exertions on multiple areas, including blood vessels, nerves, penile tissues, ligamental tears, muscle damages, venous leakage, pelvic floor overstressing due too many kegels, and I pray that you don't have deep vein thrombosis and blood vessel scarring below the penile ligaments.
Yes, it caught up to me :( I think I was too arogant and went to phallo without proper humility. Maybe the overnight session could do some damage as I slept a lot, close to 10 hours and I get hard in night often. Normal session I would hang and pull for around 30m and than leave it on for hour in cruise mode.

This is the, "Allow rest, proper maintenance, and allow time for things to heal." I'll break it down.

Rest allows the ligaments and supporting muscle tissues to reset. This normally takes between 2 to 3 months, and worst case scenario, 12 months. This is the least of your worries.

For nerves and blood vessels (the dorsal branches), they commonly rebounce back very quickly, anywhere betwen a few days for micro traumas, and average around 12 weeks for major traumas. This include surgeries. However, constant major traumas is a different story. It's like tearing the nerves and tissues into shreaded cheeses every day, and expect them to heal back properly. This is the unpredictable factor. This is where warm oil massages play a very critical role in getting the blood flowing into the penis constantly to promote healing. Forget kegel. Perform reverse kegel to promote blood flow. Reverse kegel does not strain the penis but it helps to collect the blood at the pelvic region to push for better blood flow. If you have not use red light therapy, but invest in a good unit, such as MOS Red or something of equivalent or better to push for deep tissue cellular support. Research on this.

Venous leakage is caused by clamping, or too high of a pressure buildup in the penis for too long of a period. It causes the blood vessels' nodes that keep the blood flowing one way and pried it wide open to allow blood to flow both direction. Essentially, you have no stopping valves to prevent the blood from staying in the penis. This is where the massages play the game. Massage is not jelqing, but it helps to restructure the valves reset to the proper direction again as the blood vessels shrink back over time.

Until we get more info, I'll stop here for now.
As I said I took break from everything except kegels reverse kegels, If am not mistaken if i push blood into penis(I used to be able to sqeuzee so much that glans would go bigger) that its kegel? I took break for over year but it didnt improve, I just think bit of the gains went away.
I use red light most of the mornings to face to wakeup better and than put it on penis for a minute.
Please help, what should I do and how I perform the massage correctly?
if you find out let me know. i also cannot kegel anymore for 15 months. only time i can is if it is already hard from sleeping. i cant even really feel anything during the day, let alone get a kegel to do anything period. what other symptoms do you have?do you ever feel pain inside while kegeling? i do
I donť fell any pain at all, I can kegel ok but it just doest do much, I can get erect pretty easy with stimulation still and while I am the kegels works much better(I can even expand the glans with it)but the quality and duration just isnt there.
I donť fell any pain at all, I can kegel ok but it just doest do much, I can get erect pretty easy with stimulation still and while I am the kegels works much better(I can even expand the glans with it)but the quality and duration just isnt there.
youre lucky. i aint. i have nerve pain and shrinkage. lost feeling. zero erections unless asleep or waking. my kegels also work if im already erect. otherwise. nope
I donť fell any pain at all, I can kegel ok but it just doest do much, I can get erect pretty easy with stimulation still and while I am the kegels works much better(I can even expand the glans with it)but the quality and duration just isnt there.
What do you mean "duration just isn't there"
Got it. Let's break things down further with the added info.

Thank you for detailed response I will answer as I can remember

I bought original Bathmate x30 at 2015, started using it and slowly build up, to max pressure i could pump with my hands while fully erect, 2016 i was abroad and didnt do any PE, 2017 I started again and get to max pressure again, I also always use the band from condoms to trap glans for extra pressure while in bathmate, normally I would start with little bit stretching(I was never big on stretching as I was after girth and also I would get hard quick so for full stretch session I would had to be fatigued) than put in Bathmate for about 8-12m(most of time watching pr or stimulating myself for max erection) than jelq little bit, massage, clamp with hand etc 2020 I bought Bathmate x40 extreme as I outgrown x30 and could use more pressure, with it over time I went pretty aggro as well to almost max pressure. I must had to do hunderds of sessions like 300-500.
These are typical light sesssions. X30 and X40 max negative pressure is around 6inHg. Highest is 7inHg. With that many session, it's still within reason of safety.

I used the top of condoms for everything, usually i used it for few minutes while edging, but I even did few sessions when I put it on and went outside for few hours.
This is one of the culprits. If you're talking about the top of the condom, such as the elastic band to hold onto the base of the penis, this could cause more harm than any cock ring. I'll explain why. A cock ring, well, most cock ring designed with safety in mind, have wide width to cushion and spread the pressure across a larger area. It has good elasticity to expand as needed to allow blood to flow in, and at the same time, blood to flow out over a certain pressurized condition. The thickness to hold the blood in place to ensure good solid erection to help with the venous constriction, the natural blood trapping in your penis. However, the condom is thin, it digs into skin, cutting off the nerve branches and blood vessels, and worst off, if you double up the wrap, it cuts into your skin further like a blunt razor blade under expansion internal pressure. This is how people loses their fingers when wearing jeweleries as their digits swell up. Fortunately for you, you didn't lose your penis. Unfortunately for you, it's a silent slow destoyer.

Yeah, as I said few times I went very aggro a lot of times, because of how strong errection and the mind penis connection was. I was even lifting the weights with kegels and never thought something could go south without me recognizing(stupid:( ).
Yep. This is a great way to kill your penis due to extreme aggro sessions. I'm a bastard of a sounding board, but I act as a safety switch for the brotherhood. DLD came up with the 0.5lb of weight incremental load per every 2 weeks, or even 3 and 4 weeks out, and he's very right on the money.What you did was pushing 10lbs to 20lbs of pure traction force instantly and for who knows how long. That's a recipe for instant penile destruction. A few times, the penile tissues, nerves, and blood vessels recover. Over and over and over again, there's a limit on how much the tissues can handle. Nerve can be shredded without us knowing. Blood vessels are awesome in adaptation, but they also have a limitation too.

I did get few scratches, sometimes little pink spots and some discoloration, I took breaks when this happend and used hydrocortison and apple vinegar to help it. I also did get discoloration in glans which I found strange, it would get little bit whiter from downside. But after years of abuse I didnt notice any problems till the phallosan.
Scratches on the shaft is common. Rubbing on the skin too harshly and you'll get it. When you have extreme weight being pressured against the terminal point (your glans) for too long, your glans becomes discolored. It's an indicator that the oxygen got spent, and you had the blood pooling in the penis way too long. If the discoloration doesn't go away in a few hours, or even within the hour, the blood actually escaped the cavernosa and made its way into the upper skin layer (fascias).
Yes, it caught up to me :( I think I was too arogant and went to phallo without proper humility. Maybe the overnight session could do some damage as I slept a lot, close to 10 hours and I get hard in night often. Normal session I would hang and pull for around 30m and than leave it on for hour in cruise mode.
Yep. This is another penis killer. We need to let our penis rest, and we have to monitor the penile conditions while working out. We don't strap plates of heavy weights onto our arms and legs while sleeping or on cruise control. This is pure recipe for disaster. This is the prolong acute major traumas. Arrgg..

As I said I took break from everything except kegels reverse kegels, If am not mistaken if i push blood into penis(I used to be able to sqeuzee so much that glans would go bigger) that its kegel?
Say away from kegel for now. Reverse kegel is what you should aim for. Bearing down on the pelvic floor to get the blood pooling for optimal delivery when your body does indeed perform the kegels on its own. Allow your body to rest from kegeling. Your body does that naturally.

I took break for over year but it didnt improve, I just think bit of the gains went away.
Yep. It sounds like you didn't get the chance to cement the gains. Your body actually fought back through the tug back effects to preserve itself.

I use red light most of the mornings to face to wakeup better and than put it on penis for a minute.
Depening on what unit you have. Most of the time, we want 25 J/cm^2 of energy to be distributed from the tip to the base of the penis. If you can provide the red light unit, I can get some more info on it and provide you additional needs on how to use it effectively. However with the intense injury, even though you can still get it up, venous leak is occuring. You might want to bump the exposure to 30 J/cm^2 per day, 3 days on, 1 day off.

Please help, what should I do and how I perform the massage correctly?
As I point out earlier, look up for deep tissue shiatsu massage videos. They are everywhere. You will mainly use your four fingers on both hands, and not your thumbs. Why not? We want to massage with equal pressures across all the blood vessels and not your thumbs that can induce too high of a stress.

Warm up a towel, a rice sock, or even a warm water bottle used as warm compress. Keep it on your groin to warm up your tissues.

While your tissues are being warmed up, place a metal bow or something conduct heat. Use either hot water or something to conduct just enough heat to pass to the oil. Add a few drops of oil for now. Castor oil is great for it. Going one extra step, research on DMSO and combo with specific healing ingredients. Now, I have to involve brother @Haursen on this as he uses it more than I do. I can back him up on the usage. However, to massage, spread the warm oil over the entire length of your penis. Use the entire length of the fingers to cover both the uppper and lower portions of the penis as you stroke it downwards to restore the arteries. Holding below the glans and use all your fingers, without the thumbs, to glide downwards nice and tightly to the base of the penis to help the veins and the drainage system. If the fingers are too rough, you can use the palms of the hands to do it. It's a large surface deep tissue massage method and not focused pressure point deep tissue massage.

Total time is around 15 minutes.

Keep a log in the Routine and Progress forum and keep us updated. We'll continue to assist while you report in on your conditions and progression. We'll walk with you side by side to the road of recovery.
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What do you mean "duration just isn't there"
Duration of erection, for sex, I just didnt had to think about it and would be rock hard even for few hours through multiple orgasms. Now I dont have problem to get erection but hardness go away after first ejaculation.
Just out of curiosity, what's your age? We want to correlate the past and present potential for your sexual health optimization.
This is one of the culprits. If you're talking about the top of the condom, such as the elastic band to hold onto the base of the penis, this could cause more harm than any cock ring. I'll explain why. A cock ring, well, most cock ring designed with safety in mind, have wide width to cushion and spread the pressure across a larger area. It has good elasticity to expand as needed to allow blood to flow in, and at the same time, blood to flow out over a certain pressurized condition. The thickness to hold the blood in place to ensure good solid erection to help with the venous constriction, the natural blood trapping in your penis. However, the condom is thin, it digs into skin, cutting off the nerve branches and blood vessels, and worst off, if you double up the wrap, it cuts into your skin further like a blunt razor blade under expansion internal pressure. This is how people loses their fingers when wearing jeweleries as their digits swell up. Fortunately for you, you didn't lose your penis. Unfortunately for you, it's a silent slow destoyer.
Yes I used it agressively as other things, double up even triple up sometimes.
Depening on what unit you have. Most of the time, we want 25 J/cm^2 of energy to be distributed from the tip to the base of the penis. If you can provide the red light unit, I can get some more info on it and provide you additional needs on how to use it effectively. However with the intense injury, even though you can still get it up, venous leak is occuring. You might want to bump the exposure to 30 J/cm^2 per day, 3 days on, 1 day off.
I have this bulb, just earlier version 2.0. How long a day would you recommend to use it?
As I point out earlier, look up for deep tissue shiatsu massage videos. They are everywhere. You will mainly use your four fingers on both hands, and not your thumbs. Why not? We want to massage with equal pressures across all the blood vessels and not your thumbs that can induce too high of a stress.

Warm up a towel, a rice sock, or even a warm water bottle used as warm compress. Keep it on your groin to warm up your tissues.

While your tissues are being warmed up, place a metal bow or something conduct heat. Use either hot water or something to conduct just enough heat to pass to the oil. Add a few drops of oil for now. Castor oil is great for it. Going one extra step, research on DMSO and combo with specific healing ingredients. Now, I have to involve brother @Haursen on this as he uses it more than I do. I can back him up on the usage. However, to massage, spread the warm oil over the entire length of your penis. Use the entire length of the fingers to cover both the uppper and lower portions of the penis as you stroke it downwards to restore the arteries. Holding below the glans and use all your fingers, without the thumbs, to glide downwards nice and tightly to the base of the penis to help the veins and the drainage system. If the fingers are too rough, you can use the palms of the hands to do it. It's a large surface deep tissue massage method and not focused pressure point deep tissue massage.

Total time is around 15 minutes.

Keep a log in the Routine and Progress forum and keep us updated. We'll continue to assist while you report in on your conditions and progression. We'll walk with you side by side to the road of recovery.
Ok, I will buy DMSO and research the massage.

My age is 31.

Thank you
My age is 31.
Got it. We'll log you into the upper prime age grouping that span between 30 to 35. You're still very young.

Yes I used it agressively as other things, double up even triple up sometimes.
Yep, overstressing. Now, you need to destress and heal brother.

I have this bulb, just earlier version 2.0. How long a day would you recommend to use it?
Mito. Nice. My brother has the panel. This one has 3 LED of each spectrum. It doesn't cover the 890 nm end but that's still good enough. The main focus is around 660 to 680 and 840 to 860 range. Based on the measured parameters, it's actually overstated and overemphasized. If you do research, people that use true spectrometers designed for red light will tell you that the parameters are about 30% reduced. So, with that in mind, let's redo the calculation to get you to 25 or 30 J/cm^2 at 15cm away.

Based on the calcuation, and it may go against the manual of the device, but your exposure rate to reach 25 J/cm^2 at 81mW/cm^2 of irradiance is around 5.5 minutes. at 30 J/cm^2 at 81mW of irradiance, that's around 6 minutes. If you believe it's too hot to be at 15cm away, you can pull to 20cm or even 25cm away. However, each time you pull 5cm away from your body, the time of exposure increase. Since my brother has the Mito's LED specs, every 5cm distance away from your body will need another 5 minutes of exposure due to the lack of deliverable irradiance. So, to reach 25 J/cm^2 at 20cm away from your body, you have to sit around for 10 minutes, and 30 J/cm^2, you have to sit for 12 minutes. The good thing is, you can get more exposed area for your lower body. However, the problem is, the LED angle is not focused onto the penis like you want. This is why they recommend at 15cm away from your body so the angle of the light will hit the spot property.

Ok, I will buy DMSO and research the massage.
When you use the DMSO, be very careful not to get it onto your fingers and hands as it will absorb and transfer the materials directly into your fingers and hands. An applicator is needed. I normally use a glass type spatula. Weird, I know, but that's what we were taught in medical field for specific ointments and chemicals.
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This year not a lot. I think 7 times. I masturbate 2-3 times a month.
I have not had sex for like 18 years. I have made a commitment to Jesus to not watch adult entertainment or masturbation. I am doing pretty good, I fuck up maybe once a month but I have learned to pray to keep me away from these temptations.
I have not had sex for like 18 years. I have made a commitment to Jesus to not watch adult entertainment or masturbation. I am doing pretty good, I fuck up maybe once a month but I have learned to pray to keep me away from these temptations.
That's respectable way of life, but now I have no desire to go for it too.
So I bought the DMSO 99,9% pharma quality. I use it with magnesium oil. I spray the oil and than put 2 drops by pippete and spread it. What's strange when the DMSO gets on ballsack it burns and turn red skin little bit white. On any other part of body I don't get this reaction, anybody know why is it?
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So I bought the DMSO 99,9% pharma quality. I use it with magnesium oil. I spray the oil and than put 2 drops by pippete and spread it. What's strange when the DMSO gets on ballsack it burns and turn red skin little bit white. On any other part of body I don't get this reaction, anybody know why is it?
Scrotum sac is more sensitive due to the natural flexibility of the membrane. Other skin layers are thicker and not as flexible. You think the penis migh have the same skin thinness but it's actually thicker scrotum sac is much thinner to prevent accumulative of high temp, causing the sperms to die off.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
  • Quote
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    McDong is our newest member. Welcome!
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    gabrieljones is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    thescholarjt is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    mos is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: mos is our newest member. Welcome!