I've used the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]size genetics[/words] for 1 & a half year during the first year I believe I was using the penis [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] incorrectly so I damaged me penis.
Instead of retracting my foreskin then strapping the noose just below the glans I was strapping the noose between the mid shaft & my glans so my foreskin was above the noose (I didn't retract it all the way).
So instead of stretching my ligaments/tunica ( which is what needs to be done) I was stretching my skin & more worringly my nerves.
Whether I'm at home masturbating or having sex with a girl I can get an erection ( sometimes I can't) but I can never maintain an erection for half an hour let alone 15 minutes.
So because I wasn't using the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] properly I now have permanant Erectile dysfunction & I'm impotent
It's not psychological & I did a full blood test my results came back normal ( sugar levels,testo,cholesterol,bp)
So I'm looking to buy some ED pills that will help me get an erection & maintain an erection. I know lots of pills are scam but out of these pills which one will help me get an harder longer lasting erection based on your expereinces
Thanks for your input
Instead of retracting my foreskin then strapping the noose just below the glans I was strapping the noose between the mid shaft & my glans so my foreskin was above the noose (I didn't retract it all the way).
So instead of stretching my ligaments/tunica ( which is what needs to be done) I was stretching my skin & more worringly my nerves.
Whether I'm at home masturbating or having sex with a girl I can get an erection ( sometimes I can't) but I can never maintain an erection for half an hour let alone 15 minutes.
So because I wasn't using the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] properly I now have permanant Erectile dysfunction & I'm impotent
It's not psychological & I did a full blood test my results came back normal ( sugar levels,testo,cholesterol,bp)
So I'm looking to buy some ED pills that will help me get an erection & maintain an erection. I know lots of pills are scam but out of these pills which one will help me get an harder longer lasting erection based on your expereinces
Thanks for your input
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