Can't maintain an erection have I permanantly damaged my penis?

Can't maintain an erection have I permanantly damaged my penis?


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I've used the [words=]size genetics[/words] for 1 & a half year during the first year I believe I was using the penis [words=]extender[/words] incorrectly so I damaged me penis.
Instead of retracting my foreskin then strapping the noose just below the glans I was strapping the noose between the mid shaft & my glans so my foreskin was above the noose (I didn't retract it all the way).
So instead of stretching my ligaments/tunica ( which is what needs to be done) I was stretching my skin & more worringly my nerves.
Whether I'm at home masturbating or having sex with a girl I can get an erection ( sometimes I can't) but I can never maintain an erection for half an hour let alone 15 minutes.
So because I wasn't using the [words=]extender[/words] properly I now have permanant Erectile dysfunction & I'm impotent
It's not psychological & I did a full blood test my results came back normal ( sugar levels,testo,cholesterol,bp)
So I'm looking to buy some ED pills that will help me get an erection & maintain an erection. I know lots of pills are scam but out of these pills which one will help me get an harder longer lasting erection based on your expereinces
Thanks for your input
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From what I understand, assuming there is actual nerve damage, nerves do heal over time. They heal slowly and I have no exact time frame for you, but they do heal. Try to reduce your stress levels around this issue the best you can and give your penis a break from all PE, if you are still doing any. Have you thought of [words=]Titan[/words] pills through [words=]MOS[/words]?
Nerve damage, as Still has said, is temporary and time is the factor in healing. PE pills will give you help in the sense of easier erections but the brands you have listed are far more expensive than [words=]MOS[/words] [words=]Titan[/words] pills, same ingredients lower price. Also, have you considered Viagra?
It's happend again today I was having sex with a girl but it took me like 20 minutes to get an erection but during sex my dick became soft. I can't maintain an erection this has been happening for a year now with several different partners it's so frustrating. I've tried eating healtheier foods for ED (watermelon,beets,avocados,etc) & I've been doing exercise ( treadmill,jogging,cycling) & I've been taking Viagra alternatives such as V Pro & Maca & Horny goat weed yet I'm impotent. I think I'm screwed
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doublelongdaddy;724771 said:
Nerve damage, as Still has said, is temporary and time is the factor in healing. PE pills will give you help in the sense of easier erections but the brands you have listed are far more expensive than [words=]MOS[/words] [words=]Titan[/words] pills, same ingredients lower price. Also, have you considered Viagra?

I've tried Viagra it was the 1st time & last time I've decided to use it cause when I did I had really bad headache,heart palpitations( my heart was beating so fast I was about to call the ambulance) I thought i was gonna have a heart attack or cardiac arrest. Then I read side effects on the leaflet it states people have experienced hear attacks,cardiac arrest & sudden death! I've never read such dangerous side effects & i've tried lots of meds. Some of those who died didn't have a heart condition & were relativaley young so I don't think I'm gonna risk my life taking Viagra 3 days a week ( since that's the amount of sex I have with my "FWB"). You're probably gonna tell me I won't get an heart attack/cardiac arrest if I take Viagra once or twice but if I'm having sex like every weekend one of these days when I do take Viagra I'm afraid I will get an heart attack or cardiac arrest it's not worth the risk hence why I'm looking for an alternative to Viagra.
Out of those listed I was thinking about buying SINREX cause I wanna buy the X4 labs peyronies [words=]extender[/words] & they provide the Senrix pills with it. Apparently Sinrex is a good alternative to Viagra,Cialis & Levitra I've read it on the X4labs site & other sites too is it true??
Like I said many times here viagra is a drug and drugs aren't the best thing in the world, at least not long-term.

Could it be an intimacy issue for you?
Meaning that you might need to feel comfortable with a girl first and have sex a few times with the same girl and get to know each other better (through having sex)

An erection starts first in the brain!
I don't know the OP personally of course, but this sounds psychological. Sounds like a combination of new girls too frequently who he has no previous experience ....creating an uncomfortable situation.....with and an at least subconscious fear of "oh gawd, please don't happen again".
stillwantmore2;724894 said:
I don't know the OP personally of course, but this sounds psychological. Sounds like a combination of new girls too frequently who he has no previous experience ....creating an uncomfortable situation.....with and an at least subconscious fear of "oh gawd, please don't happen again".

Agree. As I stated, it is very rare, extremely rare that someone would have physical impotence, in 99% of the cases it is purely psychological.
Munto;724884 said:
Like I said many times here viagra is a drug and drugs aren't the best thing in the world, at least not long-term.

Could it be an intimacy issue for you?
Meaning that you might need to feel comfortable with a girl first and have sex a few times with the same girl and get to know each other better (through having sex)

An erection starts first in the brain!

doublelongdaddy;724904 said:
Agree. As I stated, it is very rare, extremely rare that someone would have physical impotence, in 99% of the cases it is purely psychological.

It's not pschological. I've felt calmed & relaxed on many of the occasion I had sex even with the same girl yet I can't maintain an erection especially when we're doing it standing up. I think what you eat can cause impotence & erectile dysfunction. Like if you eat foods high in carbs and/or high in saturated fat it can narrow your arteries so the blood flow doesnt circulate well to your penis. It also raises your blood suger & cholesterol especially trigyclerides( mine were pretty high a year ago during a routine blood test it went down but I think my trgliclyredes are back up again I have either high levels of blood suger or high levels of cholesterol so I don't think it's psychological I've felt relaxed & happy during my sexual encounter yet I couldn't get/maintain an erection mostly maintaing an erection I can't even maintain it hard for more than 5-10 minutes!
I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest a natural, although not widely accepted or legal in some places, remedy.

A small amount of marijuana.

Not saying to sit around smoking bong after bong until you're somewhere around Jupiter, just enough to get a buzz going.

I've had a few nights where I knew I was exhausted and was probably going to have issues performing because of it. Once you have that thought in your head that you might possibly have an issue your subconscious will turn it into a problem. I've had it happen and it's horrible.

With just a little buzz going as soon as the intimacy begins my penis feels like a teenager again. I've had to be careful on the handful of occasions I've done this that it also doesn't react like a teenager and I finish too quick.

Again, not the most conventional remedy but it does work.

If this suggestion isn't allowed I apologize.
cladre60;728710 said:
I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest a natural, although not widely accepted or legal in some places, remedy.

A small amount of marijuana.

Not saying to sit around smoking bong after bong until you're somewhere around Jupiter, just enough to get a buzz going.

I've had a few nights where I knew I was exhausted and was probably going to have issues performing because of it. Once you have that thought in your head that you might possibly have an issue your subconscious will turn it into a problem. I've had it happen and it's horrible.

With just a little buzz going as soon as the intimacy begins my penis feels like a teenager again. I've had to be careful on the handful of occasions I've done this that it also doesn't react like a teenager and I finish too quick.

Again, not the most conventional remedy but it does work.

If this suggestion isn't allowed I apologize.

Allowed? It is encouraged! The healing herb that GOD gave us is to be appreciated, loved and used to enhance the Spirit! Jesus Christ used Cannabis! The Jews used Cannabis in many of their practices. The bible gives us very specific truths on this. Here are a few verses:

Then the angel showed me a river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb, down the middle of the main street of the city. On either side of the river stood a tree of life, producing twelve kinds of fruit and yielding a fresh crop for each month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations."

What other planet yields fruit monthly with healing leaves?

"Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."

Very obvious here.

"Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit"

Hmmmm, this is rather obvious too.

READ THIS: Cannabis and the Anointing Oil

doublelongdaddy;728825 said:
Allowed? It is encouraged! The healing herb that GOD gave us is to be appreciated, loved and used to enhance the Spirit! Jesus Christ used Cannabis! The Jews used Cannabis in many of their practices. The bible gives us very specific truths on this. Here are a few verses:

Then the angel showed me a river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb, down the middle of the main street of the city. On either side of the river stood a tree of life, producing twelve kinds of fruit and yielding a fresh crop for each month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations."

What other planet yields fruit monthly with healing leaves?

"Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."

Very obvious here.

"Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit"

Hmmmm, this is rather obvious too.

READ THIS: Cannabis and the Anointing Oil


Well I wasn't 100% sure if it was okay or not but now I know.

A few weeks ago I took a few puffs of wax and, well, it rocked my world. Gently and lovingly woke my wife up in the middle of the night with a throbbing erection. The sex was incredibly intense and I felt like I could see exactly what spots I was hitting inside her while aiming for the "G Spot." It helped mentally as just 2 nights before I was having performance issues due to sheer exhaustion (I had about 8 hours of sleep in 3 days). Performance anxiety be dammed! I was ready to go without hesitation!

She'll try it here and there but we haven't been able to both do it and then have sex. You don't need much and it locks your mind into exactly what you're doing at that point in time. When your whole body already feels good adding sexual pleasure with someone you love on top of it is amazing.

Some of these different wax strains my friend has been giving me to try target different things just like different strains of flower would. I prefer the ones that hit the body more than the head. I don't like the "lazy sitting on the couch doing nothing but eating junk food" feeling. I prefer stuff that almost lubricates all my joints and makes my body feel 20 years younger. I really wish my state would legalize it already. I'd rather puff a little and mellow out than drink and deal with feeling like crap the next day.
cladre60;728868 said:
Well I wasn't 100% sure if it was okay or not but now I know.

Very sad situation to say the least. Jesus gave us this healing herb and the Catholic Church outlawed it!
Please don't get me started on the Catholic church. 10th grade history and learning about the things the Catholic church did after the Roman Empire fell turned me off to religion for over 20 years. Just happy I now see things differently.
cladre60;728899 said:
Please don't get me started on the Catholic church. 10th grade history and learning about the things the Catholic church did after the Roman Empire fell turned me off to religion for over 20 years. Just happy I now see things differently.

You don't need to go to church to get to know your God! Jesus is definitely weeping when looking down upon the Catholic Doctrine of Man! Please, I beg all of you, find Jesus and allow Him to guide and teach you. Read the Gospels and Scriptures. Read good religious text. Pray and give thanks to the Good God and your life will change to become better than you could ever imagine. God's Word is ineffable, it is truth and goodness. When we excite our zeal for the Kingdom of Heaven the Holy Spirit will bring knowledge and understanding beyond anything possible by any church or religion. For me there is one Pope, Jesus Christ, there is one church, my Family and Brotherhood. The Holy Spirit will strip you of worldly, useless ignorance and fill you with wisdom. All you need to do is approach Jesus and ask Him to teach you. I pray everyday that every religion forgets all they have been taught and Jesus fills them with the truth....I do not think this will happen but I do know we are close to the season of the Kingdom so Jesus will soon teach us here on earth.
What was the dose of viagra used? Did you jump right in with 50, or 100mg? Less is always more until you know your potential reaction to a drug. You would not be the first guy I have seen claim viagra caused some sort of problem, or did not work. Only to later find out that the dose was either too large, or the expectation was too high....IE: a guy expected to become a walking erection with no effort.
stillwantmore2;729018 said:
What was the dose of viagra used? Did you jump right in with 50, or 100mg? Less is always more until you know your potential reaction to a drug. You would not be the first guy I have seen claim viagra caused some sort of problem, or did not work. Only to later find out that the dose was either too large, or the expectation was too high....IE: a guy expected to become a walking erection with no effort.

Without libido Viagra is useless.
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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