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Hello im new here and been watching DLD for years. My question that no one has been able to answer including another site I will not name is. I have the bathmate and done it for about a year and a half than it broke and I stopped. I got good gains but its been a whole year and a half without and bought a new one and now back at it. Whats the best routine to get back gians and achieve even more? Please and thanks
With Bathmate the 5x5x3 routine is mostly used routine for great gains. (As in 5 minutes of Bathmate, 5 minutes of Slow Squash Jelqs, repeated three times.)
Then you can the Bathmate strecthes as well.

This program could also work very well!
Bathmate and Newbies, How to Make Huge Gains Fast!
Yes, I read that you've done PE before, but if there's been a longer pause, it's a good thing to start with basic stuff.

Also noteworthy, many exercises are now accessible for free!
MoS videos and audio files, learn and gain!
You can find the video for Slow Squash Jelqs if you haven't done those before.

Now it's your time to make it work and I know you can!
Best of gains to you, don't be a stranger, make a progress log to keep track of your workouts!
Remember to do measuring as well, why not take a video of it as well!
I found taking video is a lot easier than taking a picture, as measuring can be a stressful event.
Yea I have the bathmate extream and I love it so tha ks I will start with the basics again. I have already with goodlooking losers newbie workout routine, but I like DLDs one more so I will use this. Another question which penis stretching device would be good? Sizegenetics or the phallasaphon? Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated ?
Best bet for stretching device (and suitable for other uses as well, with Game Changer :) ) would be Size Doctor.
Lightning has put a lot of work into it! You can get more tension out of it (as you might want when you progress) and it comes with the sleeves and cap.

I'm glad you're liking the DLD's routine. There are many pioneers here and many great workouts and routines available. In my experience the 5x5x3 or certain kind of variation has helped me with my gains a lot.

Looking forward to your progress log, happy gaining! ;)
Got great advice here, all I can add is if your wanting an extender then the SizeDoctor is the beast for you.

Not only is it an extender, but an EXCELLENTLY built one, with all the mods to match!

Lightning, our man around here, has made it his mission to get the best products, and MOS has this device now.

We've modded it, so not only does it perform as the extender, but you can use it as a vacuum hanger with weights, with the Silicap worn while hanging via a vacuum you wont get the blisters those who used to hang with very poorly made vacuum hangers in the past used to suffer from!

Also, it can be transformed into an ADS, like the Phallosan forte which costs allot of money for not allot of action, but SizeDoctor Gamechanger has the lot! did I mention we have lifetime guarantee, free updates and mods sent to you when they are released, and support here on the forums!!!!!!

Excellence is something we live with here, not merely needing to act, with over 15 years in the genre!

If you have any questions please ask away.
Hello im new here and been watching DLD for years. My question that no one has been able to answer including another site I will not name is. I have the bathmate and done it for about a year and a half than it broke and I stopped. I got good gains but its been a whole year and a half without and bought a new one and now back at it. Whats the best routine to get back gians and achieve even more? Please and thanks
You’ve already got the best advice possible and I will add that I give my complete approval to what they have said. The bathmate used with SRT in the 5×5×3 work out your penis has no choice but to grow and grow! Thanks for coming here as we are the best brotherhood online but I think you’ll enjoy your time here. God bless you my brother
Yea I have the bathmate extream and I love it so tha ks I will start with the basics again. I have already with goodlooking losers newbie workout routine, but I like DLDs one more so I will use this. Another question which penis stretching device would be good? Sizegenetics or the phallasaphon? Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated ?

If you were going to choose between SizeGenetics and Phallosaphon I would advise the SG.
I agree with Red the best device is the size doctor game changer. This is so much more than a extender have a look at all the different ways you can use it and it cost less than the Phallosan and it does everything the Phallosan does. It also does everything the SG, LG vacuum hanger, and many other devices. We make it ourselves so any types of updates you would get immediately as they come out. And we put this together as a brotherhood so man wouldn’t have to buy multiple devices, so they can get everything done with one stretching tool. At this point in the SRT you can do the whole routine using our tools. If you get the SizeDoctor, the Lengthmaster and the Mityvac you will be using all equipment developed by the brotherhood!
Hey can anyone help me with ED issues. I dont know but I'm 37 and have been getting up now all of a sudden I cant stay up once I get up. Its frustrating and I shouldn't suffer from ed but not sure what's going on? Doesn't bathmate help with that and what routines or is cialis good or to early for me to use. I need to stay up. Thanks please help.
Hey can anyone help me with ED issues. I dont know but I'm 37 and have been getting up now all of a sudden I cant stay up once I get up. Its frustrating and I shouldn't suffer from ed but not sure what's going on? Doesn't bathmate help with that and what routines or is cialis good or to early for me to use. I need to stay up. Thanks please help.

Can be down to a number of things, weight, diet, or just your head. I found Bathmate made mine worse but some say opposite.

Do you exercise, smoke or overweight?
Hey thanks, no I dont smoke or drink only on occasions and I'm not overweight at all. But yes I notice quite kind of the same thing if I pumped I seem to cant get it up the next day but now as of late I seem to not be in the mood either could be my head I guess as in stress maybe but not sure. I was taking cialis and it helped but stopped due to I'm young and dont want to get my body used to it. True a lot says that it helps ED with pumping???
I'm same, wasn't overweight,I exercise and I was struggling, bathmate made it worse for me, I'm trying allsorts to try and boost it at the moment, sometimes I think it's all mind games that affects me
Ah yes same here bro. I think it's a mental thing. I mean my doctor told me last year that my testosterone level was good 1006 I think you have to be 700 or lower to have low testosterone level and she said I should not have ED. But i will do good looking losers bathmate newbie flaccid and see if that helps or works. Thanks for responding mate.
Hey can anyone help me with ED issues. I dont know but I'm 37 and have been getting up now all of a sudden I cant stay up once I get up. Its frustrating and I shouldn't suffer from ed but not sure what's going on? Doesn't bathmate help with that and what routines or is cialis good or to early for me to use. I need to stay up. Thanks please help.

It sounds like you are suffering from poor EQ. Men with poor EQ I always give a list of things that will help. The most important thing you should be doing is the Kegel workout in the newbie routine. This exercise will quickly build strength and stamina giving you incredible EQ.

What are you doing for a workout right now? Are you in a sexual relationship and if so how often are you having sex? How is masturbation, can you get fully erect in this scenario?
Oh yea for sure I can get hard and fully erect and yes im in a sexual relationship right now. I do kegel but forget so I do it for about 3 days and stop but stated doing it again recently. Normally sex almost 4 times a week if not 5 but as of recently I would not get up on her and it got weird no matter what I did or tried and I knew it was an issues it happens twice in 1 week so I had to ask. I do t masterbate at all but should I cause I dont like doing it. I heard it also takes away from being hard or effecting in other ways but if its healthy than I will try.
What is a good kegel excercise or what excercise should I do to enhance it? Im only 37 and should not be suffering from ED but dont know it could be mental. Does pumping effect you to where you dont get up much?
Oh as of in size no problem there I'm 7inch in length and 6 in girth and trying to work on getting bigger and a bit longer as well. That's why I have the bathmate
Personally wouldn't recommend masterbation esp with adult entertainment as this will likely make it worse.
Ah yes I thought so. Thanks I figured not to and dint like doing it anyway. Have stopped a while back now.
Good man, I'm trying all sorts of supplements which suppose to help but not finding a magic one yet
Yea thanks me to and right now my doc said I can go and get my cialis fir now until I see the urologist and get a blood work to check my testosterone levels. But yup I'm also working on it. Started kegeling again.
Cool let me know how u get on, kegals ain't done nothing for me as of yet unless I'm doing them wrong
What is a good kegel excercise or what excercise should I do to enhance it? Im only 37 and should not be suffering from ED but dont know it could be mental. Does pumping effect you to where you dont get up much?

If you can get hard as a rock when watching adult entertainment then you have no ED whatsoever, it is purely Psychological. A pump will always help with the EQ because you are pulling more and more blood into your penis, this enhances EQ. And regardless of your age everyone should be doing a serious Kegel routine daily. This will strengthen your pelvic floor muscles giving you incredible EQ while at the same time giving you serious endurance.
Hey thanks DLD. Much appreciated sir. Will do on the kegels as much as I can. Do you know a good bathmate workout to help with it or routine with the bathmate? Well with that being said about adult entertainment. Well I watched it the last few days off and on and I cant seem get up just have no clue why maybe not in the mood or yes it sure much be a Psychological thing. Thanks for your response. I also see you have this red light that also helps with ED to right?
Hey thanks DLD. Much appreciated sir. Will do on the kegels as much as I can. Do you know a good bathmate workout to help with it or routine with the bathmate? Well with that being said about adult entertainment. Well I watched it the last few days off and on and I cant seem get up just have no clue why maybe not in the mood or yes it sure much be a Psychological thing. Thanks for your response. I also see you have this red light that also helps with ED to right?

I have a great Bathmate routine which I’ll lay out below. No more adult entertainment! Masturbation should not be necessary if you have a wife.

The MOSRed will definitely help heal and many other things. it will bring more Collagen to the surface adding to your girth overall. It will also keep discoloration away and other skin issues. But the main reason men use it is for its healing nature. It is used during the session also to keep your penis warm and pliable when stretching. Overall, you’ll love it.

This is the bathmate routine I suggest you do that will help with erection quality while building great girth.

five minutes pumped
five minutes SSJ

five minutes pumped
five minutes SSJ

five minutes pumped
five minutes SSJ

Lastly, for confidence when you start to feel these issues as far as EQ goes you might want to keep a supply of Viagra on hand. A generic Viagra cost about two dollars a pill and that comes out to be about .75 cents a workout!
Hahaha hey thanks DLD ok that will work. Will do this as instructed. I already have cialis. Is viagra better than cialis or the same? Also do I take rest days from bathmate workout or everyday routine?
Hahaha hey thanks DLD ok that will work. Will do this as instructed. I already have cialis. Is viagra better than cialis or the same? Also do I take rest days from bathmate workout or everyday routine?

Viagra is best for me because it’s very quick acting end it allows for a few hours of training without having to try very hard to get erect. Cialis did not work for me, it actually had the opposite effect but that’s my own experience. I would give the Viagra a shot first.

The frequency of your training is best once per day but some men need breaks so they may go for a two day on one day off routine. It really depends on how you feel the next day. If you’re able to get erect and there’s no fatigue then there’s no reason you should not be training every day.
Hey DLD thanks a lot will try viagra and right now im staring with training every other day than increase to everyday. How and where can I get viagra? So I can try. Where do I look or what site? I will.try the viagra first said since my system has been clean. I've had Poseidon and that's was awesome but seem not to work anymore after 3 months use.
Hey DLD thanks a lot will try viagra and right now im staring with training every other day than increase to everyday. How and where can I get viagra? So I can try. Where do I look or what site? I will.try the viagra first said since my system has been clean. I've had Poseidon and that's was awesome but seem not to work anymore after 3 months use.

If USA try all day chemist, get cheaper variant
Anything with sildenafil in, same ingrediant across them all. Testosterone booster it's a bit of a mixed review of what works if anything etc. I take some supplements to help me but I'd prob have doctor check your levels first
Ah yes this is true. Thanks will wait to see the urologist to help with that. In the meantime will use cialis sense doc already gave prescription for them and waiting on the pharmacy. Wont take no booster till urologist.
Ok thanks. Will do. They gave me 25mg of cialis but only 6 pills with a refill

You should take advantage of the specials they have. They usually have by 50 get 50 free.
Really ok thanks DLD will do. I've been taking testosterone booster for about 2 days and it helps a bit. Plus tribulus terrestris so after a few days will see what the result will look like after a week of trying them out until I see the urologist.
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Really ok thanks DLD will do. I've been taking testosterone booster for about 2 days and it helps a bit. Plus tribulus terrestris so after a few days will see what the result will look like after a week of trying them out until I see the urologist.

No problem my brother let me know how things are going.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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