hey guys whats the importance f bone pressed measuring i feel like it has almost no value you want the penis thats out to be bigger right?
The most important and biggest motivator is to hide the ruler & focus on training for a couple of months. BPEL is very important because that's basically where your future gains will lie.
good points gents good points
I switch from Come to Coke Zero, I was drinking a 12 pack every day. I can already see my fat pad going downNot a big fatpad but have to get rid of that fat for good
Mike Isn't that diet coke dangerous?
Actually I want one now
It’s not diet Coke it is Coke zero. The diet is disgusting and taste nothing like Coke. The Coke zero taste very close to Coke original
I agree and I LOVE the cherry coke zero.
Diet is a whole different animal. In fact theres people who like diet coke but hate regular coke. Because theyre so different.