best weight gainer?

I remember using one called HeavyWeightGainer 1850....or some ridiculous number... I don't remember the company, but it was a good product. About a 3:1 carb:protein ratio, MCT's, and high quality protein.

Try adding creatine for added weight gain potential.
thanks gold, ive tried a few weight gainers with little success, some make you feel bloated all day so you actually eat less! and some are so expensive e.g. muscletech. i may go on progain again but that is still expensive if you want more than 1 serving a day. will do a search for the one you posted though, thanks
I too have been searching for the perfect weight gainer. I recently went to GNC and searched the store for the cheapest product compared to its quantity and quality. I found a product from Nutrabolics called Isogainer, it set me back $50 for a 5lb tub. For every 3 scoops it contains about 700 calories, 88g carbs, 60g protein, and some glutamine and arginine. It may not be the most advanced product but it does the trick and it tastes amazing, Im using the cinnamon vanilla. Im also using it with the xyience NOX-Cg3 which conatains the nitric oxide, creatine, and glutamine needed for some serious growth. Another great product but a bit on the pricey side. Im still going to experiment with other weight gainers, possibly N-Large, but to date the Nutrabolics is doin it for me.