I don't know how some guys can handle the max pressure of the Bathmate. I have been using my Bathmate Hydro X30 since MAY of this year and when I go max pressure when I can not pump anymore with the bulb I get swelling/edema real bad. It goes away next day though...I even tried 3-5min sets at max pressure with 2/4 min of massages in between sets and still the same thing. Normally this is my routine. First I go in erect, first 5 mins at my normal bpel and increase pressure after the first 5 min,at the 10 min mark I increase pressure a bit more, then at 15 min I increase it again to max pressure. At this point I am 1.65 inches past my bpel. To no avail if I go to max pressure I get edema. If I stay under max pressure like 1 inch past my bpel edema is hardly noticeable. Even at max pressure the only pain I feel is where the BM is connected to the body, I get a pretty good Gator bite there. Sometimes I get nasty marks there but they go away the next day to. In that spot I rub some vitamin e creme in..Helps to soothe the Gator bite and make it go away faster. Shite, you think my Willie would be good for max pressure by now since I have been pumping since June. He must be a tender fellow..Lol
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